Stone: A Love without Boundaries (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3)

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Stone: A Love without Boundaries (The Forbidden Love Series Book 3) Page 5

by Angel Rose

  “Hey handsome,” Joanna said to one of the doctors.

  “Hey. Who do you have for me today?” he asked, eyeing her up and down.

  “This is Stone Shelton. Formerly known as Joseph Shelton.”

  “Oh…Stone, Ruthy and Darwin’s friend. Great. Nice to meet you.” He extended his hand for a handshake. I kept my hands in my pockets leaning against the nurse’s station.

  “He’s having a hard day.” Joanna winked at him.

  “I see. Well, Stone. My name is Dr. Kesslar, but you can call me Kevin.” He smiled, and I said nothing. I wanted to get the fuck out of there, get high, and jump off the tallest building I could find, so when I landed my body would break into a million tiny pieces.

  “Kevin, I’m going to leave Stone with you so you two can get acquainted. I’ll expect a full report in the morning. He needs a checkup from head to toe.” Kevin smiled at her pleasing and seductive voice. She wasn’t fooling anyone. These two were a pair. “Please, when you’re done, ask Ruthy and Darwin to escort him to his room. It’s room 418 in the west wing.”

  “Where are you going?” I asked hesitantly.

  “I’m going home, Stone. I need to rest. This was too much excitement for one day. I’m on call. Feel free to call me anytime.” She stared at Kevin. “I’ll see you in the morning.” She pointed at him, then smiled, turned on her heel, and walked away from us. His eyes were glued to the swaying of her hips as she strolled down the corridor confidently.

  “Damn…” he whispered to himself.

  “She’s yours…isn’t she?” I said with a smirk.

  “Not yet, but she will be someday soon…someday soon,” he said, nodding his head. “Step into my office Stone.” He motioned for me to go into his office.

  I walked into the room and sat on the couch near the window. The color of his walls was neutral, and he had photos of all the places he had traveled. There was one photo on his desk of him and Joanna. She was sitting on his lap.

  “So, where do we start?” He motioned for me to sit on the examining bed. He did the regular vital signs, then checked my chest and stomach and went for the balls. I was hesitant.

  “I need to check everything Stone. You’re a man, not a kid.” His eyebrows furrowed. I finished the uncomfortable examination and sat on the couch again.

  “I’d like to ask you some family history questions. Is that okay?”


  Kevin asked me a million and one questions. From the time that I was born to the present. His facial expression changed as the conversation went on. My answers to his questions were nothing but disappointment and heartache.

  “Is there anything you haven’t been through? Damn…I’m sorry.” Kevin shook his head. “It’s just that you’ve been through so much.” He held his hands together as he sat behind his desk, leaning back in his black leather chair.

  “I’m sure these weren’t routine questions,” I said as I chuckled.

  “Believe it or not. They are. I Just haven’t had a story like this come through these doors in years.” He sat up in his chair. “Look, we’re here to help and Joanna is top notch. She’s caring, intelligent and she knows what she’s doing.” He vouched for her.

  “I need help. I know that, but I need more help finding Maddie and my kids,” I said.

  “Listen, after everything you’ve told me, this could be a dangerous situation for you.” He looked at me with panic in his eyes.

  “I need someone to help me find Maddie. Don’t you understand? I don’t have the strength to recover without her. She’s what I need. She’s my drug,” I said as I leaned forward towards his desk.

  “She’s…your sister,” he asked confused.

  “I know. But, I have to know that they’re okay. I’ll leave her alone. But, I need to know.” I folded my hands on my lap, the tension building with each word I said.

  “If you promise to fulfill your time here and get clean. I’ll start looking as soon as you sign these release forms. But, you can’t back out. Deal?” he asked convincingly.

  “Deal.” I nodded.

  I signed the release forms and completed my physical. Kevin actually kept his word and made a couple of phone calls while I went to the bathroom and peed in a cup.

  “Mike, just call me back. Yes. Madison Stone Shelton. Yeah, I gave Rich the birthdate. Alright, thanks man,” I heard him say.

  “I’m done.” I handed him the cup.

  “Good. Let’s get you settled in. It’s dinnertime anyway. I’ll walk you to the cafeteria,” he said as he grabbed the urine and my chart and placed it on top of the cabinet.

  We walked towards the elevator and he pressed the down button. While standing there waiting, I felt the warm liquid flow from my nostril down to my lip. Kevin gave me a napkin he had in his pocket.

  “Here. Pinch it,” he said. I grabbed the napkin and pinched my nose.

  “Thanks.” My voice sounding congested as I pinched my nose with my fingers.

  The elevator doors opened, and we stepped in. Ruthy and Darwin were standing in the elevator.

  “We were coming to get you.”

  “Here I am,” I said, pinching my nose.

  “We’re leaving, Stone. We hope you stay and get the help you need.”

  “Thanks, I am.”

  We reached the lobby and the elevator doors opened. Ruthy and Darwin smiled and waved. Darwin stopped abruptly and walked towards me.

  “Remember what I said, kid. You chose to change your life. Go for it,” he said as he shook my hand.

  “I will,” I responded.

  Kevin waved at them, then patted me on the back.

  “I’m glad they left. They both have such big hearts. They would have broken down if they would have escorted you to your room,” Kevin said shaking his head.

  “Really? Why?” I asked.

  “They had a son who overdosed on Ruthy’s heroin. He would’ve been your age.” He lowered his head.

  “What?” I was shocked.

  “Yeah…it was bad. Really bad. Ruthy tried to kill herself…five times,” he sighed.

  “I didn’t know they were a couple.”

  I tried to understand what he was saying, but his mouth was moving a mile a minute and I just couldn’t keep up.

  “Been together forever…as junkies; had Stephan who was addicted to heroin. Then, when he was ten, she left her needle filled with heroin on the counter and then…well, you know the rest. After he died, they decided to get clean.” My whole body trembled. I thought of Bryan immediately. I knew what that felt like. I knew what losing someone you loved felt like. The worst feeling in the world.

  “There you are. I was looking for you,” Joanna said, standing in front of us.

  “Hey. I was just taking Stone to get some dinner. Want to join us?” Kevin asked.

  “I thought you left,” I said.

  “I did. But Ruthy and Darwin sent me a text and said they couldn’t stay. They said it hurt too much, So I came back.”

  “Looks like they got a little attached, Stone,” Kevin said smiling.

  “For all of the wrong reasons,” I whispered,

  “Look, I…I’m sorry if I upset you earlier. I promise to be careful about the things we speak about. Anything that you are uncomfortable with…please let me know.” Joanna said.

  “I’m sorry about what I did,” I shook my head.

  “Well, since we’re all sorry. Can we eat now?” Kevin asked abruptly.

  “Sure.” Joanna replied.

  We walked to the cafeteria together.

  “Stone, grab something to eat,” Kevin said as he stared at.

  We grabbed our food and sat at the table, eating and talking. I listened to their voices but didn’t hear a damn word they were saying. My thoughts were with Maddie and the kids, especially Bryan. How could I let this happen? I was determined to do the right thing. I needed to get clean. I stared at the soup in my bowl, then I looked up suddenly and stared at Kevin as he lifted his ring
ing phone to his ear.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” He glanced up at me, giving me direct eye contact. “What did Rich find out?” He looked away from me. “Where?” He glanced back at me again. “I see. And the kids?” he shook his head and would not make eye contact with me and this time I sat up straight in my chair. “Good. I’ll call you back. Thanks for the information.” He hung up and stared at for a moment. I swallowed hard.

  “Well, I have to go. Stone, Dr. Kesslar will escort you to your room. I’ll see you in the morning. Okay?”

  “Sure…and thanks.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, I haven’t done much,” she said as she stood up and pushed her chair in and walked away.

  “I’ll call you,” Kevin said. Joanna turned around, smiled, then waved at him.

  My hands were clammy and my heart was racing. The anticipation was too much. I couldn’t hold any longer.

  “Was that phone call about Maddie?”



  “My friend Rich found her.”


  “Yes…She’s under another name though. Madison Turner. Does that ring a bell?” My heart stopped. Turner? Turner? Andrew Turner. It can’t be. He’s in jail, right?

  “What?” I said angrily.

  “What is it Stone?” he asked concerned.

  “Where is she?” I ran my fingers through my hair.

  “She’s in Maryland,” he replied.

  “No…it can’t be.” I placed my hands-on top of my head.

  “Yes…she is,” he said worried.

  “She married him?” I shook my head.

  “I don’t understand…who?” he asked confused.

  “Do you have time to talk?” I asked.

  “Well, I have two more patients to see after I escort you to your room. Why?” he questioned.

  “I need to tell you the whole story,” I said.

  “I’ll come back tonight,” he said suspiciously. “You can’t tell anyone I’m doing this for you.”

  “I’m won’t.” I shook my head.

  “Let’s go. The sooner I escort you. The sooner we can talk.” He stood up, and I followed.

  My room was on the fourth floor. The walls and the floor were covered in positive quotes as well. But the walls were all one color…blue. Maybe it meant something. Maybe it didn’t. Kevin approached the door to my room and as he slipped the card into the electronic slot, the light turned green near the handle and the door opened.

  The room was huge. A queen size bed stood in the middle of the room, with end tables on either side. One held a small lamp, the other a computer desk with a laptop. The walls were also blue with some quotes written on each wall, of course. It was not at all what I expected. It looked more like a hotel room than anything. It felt warm and cozy in a weird kind of way. As comfortable as it might have felt, I reminded myself that I didn’t have a home unless it was with Maddie and the kids…no matter where I lived.

  I glanced around the room and noticed there was a photo of Ruthy and Darwin hung up over the computer. I walked over and looked at it before feeling completely and utterly weird about having a photo of complete strangers hanging on my wall. I stepped in close to read what was written across the picture. It read, “The only thing more tragic than choosing to let go of life is to have had your life taken away from you. Good Luck, Stone. We’re praying for you.” I thought of Bryan immediately. I thought of the day I pushed the doctor up against the wall and told him to fix Bryan or he would pay for it. I lowered my head in shame.

  “Hey, I have to go. We’ll talk tonight.” Kevin turned and started to walk away.

  “Why are you helping me Dr. Kesslar?” I asked. He stopped at the door and turned around.

  “Because you look like one of the good guys, who made a mistake, and you’re willing to admit it.” He smiled.

  “What if I’m not?” I asked firmly.

  “That’ll be totally up to you. See you later,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  I sat on the edge of the bed and placed my head between my hands. “Madison Turner. No…No,” I whispered. “No Maddie. Why? Why did you betray me?” I asked the empty room. The blood trickled out of my nose down to my upper lip. I didn’t wipe it. Instead, I stood up and walked towards the mirror and stared into it.

  “I’m coming for you Maddie,” I whispered. “I’m coming for you.”

  Chapter 6


  We drove to Angela’s house. The kids fell asleep in the back of the car.

  “He’s coming for me you know,” I whispered.

  “He’s not. He’s been arrested,” she said reassuringly, staring at the road in front of her.

  “You don’t understand. His brother’s an FBI agent. He got Andrew off for killing my best friend Clarissa.” She glanced over at me for a second then looked straight ahead.

  “You’re in danger Angela. I don’t think it’s fair that you get yourself mixed up in all of this.”

  “That piece of shit is not going to fuck with me,” she whispered through gritted teeth.

  “Please, just drop us off at a hotel. Don’t do this. You don’t know him. Please.”

  “I’ve got this, Madison. Those kids are not going to suffer anymore.” We pulled up to her driveway. I felt a pang in my stomach, almost like a stomachache. My hands were clammy.

  “I don’t feel right, Angela.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I don’t know…”

  “Come on, let’s get the kids.” She opened the passenger door and my pain worsened. I grabbed my stomach. “Madison?”

  I looked at Angela, then picked Alyssa up. She grabbed Daniel and carried him to the house. She opened the door and we placed the kids on the couch.

  “Do you want something to drink?” she asked, looking back at me as she walked towards the kitchen.

  My heart stopped beating. As she turned around, the cold, dark figure that stood before her placed a gun to her forehead.

  “Well, Mrs. Austin. We meet again.” Andrew chuckled.

  “No!” I shouted.

  “Shut up, bitch or I’ll put a bullet in her head,” Andrew barked.

  “You don’t have to do this Mr. Turner. You can walk out of here.”

  “Oh, I am walking out of here. With my wife…you can keep those orphans.”

  “Don’t do this, Andrew. I’m not leaving without the kids.”

  “Madison, I think you forgot who’s in charge here. The man with the gun or you? Besides, Jackson is down the block waiting to retrieve you.” He smiled.

  “Mrs. Austin, turn around and close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you so. You know how to play this game, don’t you?

  “You’re not going to get away with this you bastard,” Angela said. Andrew stared directly into her eyes.

  “It’s a shame you’re not taking me seriously.” He lowered the gun to his side. Raised his free hand clenching it into a fist and punched her in the face, knocking her down on to the hard wood floor. Angela lay on the floor whimpering.

  “No!” I yelled running towards Angela.

  “Oh, please. Come on let’s go.” He grabbed me by the arm.

  “No! Goddamnit! Andrew, you have to stop this shit!” I shouted.

  “No! You have to stop this. Don’t you understand the only way you’re leaving me is in a body bag? Get it through your thick, trailer trash skull!” He shook me until I heard the kids scream.

  “No! No!” I shouted.

  He pointed the gun at Daniel and Alyssa. They were standing in the living room, their faces drenched in tears.

  “Momma?” Alyssa whispered. She grabbed Daniel’s hand.

  “Stay here. With Angela. Momma will come and get you. I promise.” I cried as Andrew grabbed me by my hair and dragged me across the foyer.

  “Momma! No!” Daniel shouted.

  “I’ll kill him. I swear to God Madison. I’ll kill him,” Andrew whispered in my h

  “Don’t move Daniel. Stay with Angela. Don’t move,” I whispered as I shook my head. Daniel’s eyes opened wide, and he grabbed Alyssa and placed her face against his stomach. “Good boy…wait for mommy to leave.” Andrew opened the door, and I followed.

  The black Lincoln was waiting for me. Jackson got out of the car and opened the door to the back seat.

  “We meet again. This little game is getting boring. Let’s just kill her Andrew. Do you really need this headache?” Jackson asked calmly.

  “Just get in the fucking car. This time, you need to go away Jackson. I don’t want to have to kill you,” He said with no remorse.

  “Get in.” Jackson ordered.

  “Just kill me already. I don’t want to live anymore.” My heart was literally pounding so hard against my chest you could see it through my blouse.

  “Stop being so dramatic and get in the fucking car!” Andrew pushed me in and I slid to the other side.

  We drove away from the house. I knew Daniel was holding Alyssa and sitting by Angela’s side.

  What could be worse than knowing your children are helpless?

  That they needed you.

  That you’re all they had in the world.

  This nightmare needed to end, and I needed to figure out a way that it would.

  We continued to drive. The distance longer than usual and not the direct route to the house.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as I watched him flip through his messages.

  “Don’t ask any questions. Looks like lover boy found you.” My heart stopped beating.

  “Stone?” I whispered. The smack to my mouth that followed shook my insides.

  “Don’t you ever mention that hillbilly’s name in my presence,” Andrew barked.

  I sat silently, grabbing the side of my mouth where he had smacked me. My heart fluttered with excitement knowing that a year had passed and Stone had found me. I knew he would come for me. I just knew it.


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