COUGAR ROMANCE: Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance)

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COUGAR ROMANCE: Secret Shades of the Alpha Blood Series: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Paranormal BBW Menage Romance) Page 12

by Paula Knight

  His laughed disturbed the birds, causing them to fly out in every direction. “Not quite but maybe later.” He found the door covered by ivy and overgrown grass. “Here we go,” he opened the door and Brooke gasped.

  “A wild English garden! It’s gorgeous!” She ran past him through the doors and soaked up every detail. The rainbow of purples, reds, greens, yellows and oranges were a sight to behold as the sun’s angle cast them in perfect light. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered reverently.

  “No you’re beautiful Brooke,” he whispered in her ear and wrapped his arms around her body from behind. “So fucking beautiful. I ache for you,” his hands roamed up her hips and over her waist, not stopping until they were cupping her perfect breasts.

  “Chase,” she moaned. “Yes.” Brooke knew she should be saying no to him. There was a very good reason to say no. But she couldn’t remember the reason at the moment, could barely remember to breathe as his hands found her nipples and his tongue played that sensitive spot behind her ear. She felt his hardness pressing against her ass and she wished they were somewhere, anywhere else naked so she could bend over feel him thrust into her from behind over and over and over again.

  He twirled her around, his mouth eager for another taste of her. “Come here Brooke. Let me taste you.” He pushed her shirt up and her bra cups down and wrapped his tongue around the perfect pink tip of her breast. Her swift intake of air went straight to his cock and he ground against her.


  “I’ve got you sweetheart.”

  His whisper caressed the skin between her breasts, torturing her as he switched to the other. “No. Chase,” she patted his shoulders. “I heard something.”

  He chuckled. “Of course you did, this garden is practically a forest.”

  “No, dammit. Someone is over there,” she pushed him away from her and pointed to the trees beyond the garden. “I saw the glint of a camera or a gun.”

  “A gun Brooke? You watch too many movies.”

  She tucked her shirt back in, glaring at him. “The guy who says that usually ends up shot first.”

  He groaned at the flirty smirk on her kissable mouth and looked closer. He did hear rustling that was too careful to be wildlife and then he saw it. The glare Brooke saw was a camera lens. “Sonofabitch!” He grabbed her arm a little roughly and practically dragged her all the way to the house.


  “It could have been paparazzi.”

  Ethan shot Jackson a look that said are you kidding me. “If it was a tabloid photog they wouldn’t let something as insignificant as being caught stop them. Hell that would just encourage them.” He turned his gaze from the rolling grey clouds falling over Silver House and looked to his brothers. “This is personal.”

  “Overreact much?” Jackson finished off his drink and stood. “People are always trying to get pictures of us, of Vance and of Silver House so what’s the big deal?”

  They both took in the look on Chase’s face. “Shit Chase, you’re doing Brooke?” Ethan shook his head, disbelief evident.

  He shook his head. “No but we were having a conversation that was…personal in nature. On film it could easily be misconstrued.” Both brothers nodded knowingly. “Besides they were on our property and it could have been Brooke out there alone,” he turned to Jackson, “or Galina. Look this could be some overzealous photographer or it could be a crazed stalker.”

  The tense silence hung in the room as they thought about the stalker who broke into the house when they were children. They had come home from school one day and a wild eyed woman was cooking in the kitchen and telling them ‘mother made cookies’. When they politely reminded her their mothers were dead, she pulled a large kitchen knife and wouldn’t leave until the police showed up.

  “I’ll get Cade on it.” Ethan said, referring to the private investigator retained by SE. He was the best and he would get to the bottom of this soon. Ethan said nothing else and abruptly left the room.

  Chapter Four

  Two days later Brooke and Chase had finished looking over the contract changes recommended by the lawyers. Well she had finished looking them over and Chase was still nibbling her ear, his arms a muscled rope around her middle. She’d tried—in vain—for the last few days to keep her distance. She knew that getting involved with him was bad for her heart and her future, and she tried, she really did, to stay away from him. But Chase was like his billionaire brothers and their billionaire friends. He didn’t just walk away when there was someone or something he wanted. He fought and he was relentless until the easiest course of action was surrender.

  Brooke would not surrender to him. She’d lusted and longed for him for five long, painful, heartbreaking years and nothing. Not one heated glance or sexually tense moment, not even a little light flirtation with Jeanne the seventy year old receptionist even got. So she knew this was convenience. None of his socialites, models or actresses was available while he was at Silver House. She was. That thought made it easier to steel herself against his advances, his sweet masculine scent and that magic mouth. “This isn’t going to work Chase. You’re my boss.”

  “I was your boss yesterday in the pantry. I was your boss last night in your bed, your shower. I was your boss this morning when you let your honey drip over my face and into my mouth.”

  She flushed feverishly at his words. Damn that was hot! “That may be true,” she began.

  “It is,” he cut her off. His voice less playful than it was a moment ago.

  “Okay so I’m attracted you and my body doesn’t know any better. But Chase my mind does. So does my heart.”

  “Since your body is already convinced, let me convince the rest of you. Let’s date and see how it goes.”

  She crossed her arms and turned to face him. “And if it doesn’t go well, then what? Am I out of a job?”

  His expression turned cloudy. “Is that what you’re worried about? You must think I’m some kind of ass if you think I’d fire you for breaking up with me.” Chase cupped her cheeks gently, eyes focused completely on her own. “If it doesn’t work out we obviously can’t work together. But I’ll move you to another department so you can keep your job.”

  Brooke was seething. So he thought he could just displace her like a piece of inconvenient furniture. Of course he did, he barely thinks about you beyond fetching his coffee and making his dates. “So I’ll get demoted which means I’ll never move up in SE and no place will ever hire me. That’s your solution? I have to say Chase none of that is all that enticing.”

  “So you’d be okay working for me even if we don’t work out?”

  She nodded slowly. Would she be okay with that? “Yes.” I think. “But I think it’d be callous to have me make reservations for your dates and buy break up gifts for your girlfriends.”

  Chase nodded. He could agree with that, even if it did make his life a bit more difficult. But he didn’t care, dammit. Everything he wanted at the moment was sitting a foot away from him with fiery green eyes, flushed cheeks and eyes glazed over with desire. For him. “Deal.” He smiled and leaned his weight onto her until he was cradled between her sweet spot, his lips on hers. After he kissed her silly he pulled back and looked at her gorgeous heart shaped face. “I’ll pick you up for our first date at eight.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He smiled at her breathless voice, pleased that he was the one to make her feel that way. “It’s a surprise. Wear a skirt.”


  The past few days with Chase had been unforgettable for Brooke. She knew that no matter what happened between them she would cherish this time they had together. They worked hard on the Steele Tech acquisition, they laughed together, they made the best love she’d ever experienced and he made her feel like the most beautiful creature in existence. It had been the most exciting days of her life and as stupid and ill-advised as it was, Brooke was starting to get long term, forever, happy ever after feelings.

  She was screwed. S
he was so screwed.

  And that was exactly why she was out again, this time in the chilly afternoon, using the concealed sunshine and crisp breeze to clear her mind. Shortly after lunch all four men locked themselves away in Vance’s office for some super-secret meeting that she wasn’t needed for so she headed outside. Away from Chase and the feelings he evoked in her, away from his scent, his easy smile and away from that sparkling stare that always pierced her right in the heart. Dammit.

  She turned left at the greenhouse and lumbered through the rose garden. It really was a work of art decorated with tea roses, heirloom roses and a rainbow of roses she’d never seen. There were yellow, white, peach, pink, spotted and even a beautiful purple rose that smelled like a mix between a rose and lavender. It took her breath away so she lingered, closing her eyes and inhaling the unique scent each rose carried.

  It felt good to be out of the house and away from Chase. Into the fresh air instead of the stifling house where emotions were tense, secrets ran rampant and her heart was becoming more and more involved. She knew it was a mistake to fall for Chase. Again. She knew she would get hurt but she couldn’t seem to say no to him. Luckily they would be going back home soon. She hoped. And home meant she could reschedule her date and forget about Chase Silver.

  Her musings were interrupted by a familiar sound. The whir of a camera sounded again, this time louder and more noticeable. She kept her eyes closed and pretended to sniff the red tipped yellow rose before her so she could hear where the stealth photographer was shooting. There it was again, the click and the whir. It came from just behind her and to the left. Brooke stood slowly and turned keeping her eyes on the flowers instead of the wild brush beyond. She turned and turned and turned and stopped. Her eyes caught on a slight figure in a black hoodie, an expensive looking camera protruding from their face. The hooded figure looked around the camera and held the gaze for a moment but his eyes were covered by large aviator sunglasses perched on his face, at least she assumed it was a he. He took a few more pictures and casually walked away.

  Brooke wasn’t so casual, she hauled ass through the rose garden and back around the greenhouse and down the long stretch of grass that lead to Silver House. She barreled into the kitchen past Galina and down the hall to where the men were and stopped in front of the large dark wooden door. She heard voices but they were muffled by the door so she did what any good assistant would do, she placed her ear right against the door.

  “I don’t see why you boys have your panties in such a twist. Settle down with a nice young woman and you can retain control of the company. Don’t and you’ll lose everything.”

  She heard the deep baritone of Jackson’s voice. “This is ridiculous dad. You can’t trust a relationship built on the fear of losing our life’s work.”

  “Maybe,” Vance began. He looked at each of his sons thoughtfully. “But some of you can’t even see what’s right in front of you.” He sent Chase a pointed look.

  “Don’t look at me Dad. I’m single and I plan to stay that way for a long while.”

  Of course he does, she berated herself. She felt like an idiot. While she was having visions of happily ever after swirling in her head, he was seducing her for Silver Enterprises. He didn’t have to seduce you since you threw yourself at him, her inner voice taunted. The voice was right, she had pretty much thrown herself at him and Chase was only guilty of taking what she offered.

  “You’re lying to yourself son. Brooke is the perfect woman. She’s beautiful, intelligent and capable. She’ll make sure your home and work life runs like a well-oiled machine.”

  Brooke had heard enough. With all the anger that had built up in the last few minutes she ripped the doors open and stared at the two men responsible for the pain in her chest and the stinging behind her eyes. “I can’t believe you. Either of you!” She looked to Vance, disgust written on her face. “You think you can manipulate your sons to make up for your mistakes.” She turned her attention to Chase. “And you! I made it really easy for you didn’t I? Fell into your bed so quickly you must’ve felt like it was Christmas morning. I’m sure the fact that I was in love with you for the past five years just helped make sure you kept your precious Silver Enterprises. Thank goodness you cured me of those affections.”

  Brooke turned to leave but stopped and turned, unwilling to let him see how close she was to tears. “You’ll have to find another love struck idiot Chase because I’m done. With you and with SE.” She shook her head at her own foolishness. “The reason I came in here was to tell you that some guy in a hoodie was taking pictures of me in the rose garden.” She turned and walked away. She had bags to pack.

  Chapter Five

  The sound of her footsteps walking away from him grew quieter and quieter and Chase was sure that sound was a metaphor or something for his relationship with Brooke. “Dammit!”

  “Are you just going to stand her and curse a blue streak or are you going after her?” Vance’s eyes narrowed at his son, that shrewd look that intimidated competitors hung on his face like a work of art. “I didn’t take you for a coward, boy.”

  “I am not a coward.” His father said nothing, just raised one eyebrow in challenge. “I’m not!”

  His brothers tried and failed to stifle their laughter.

  “Screw you guys.” He finished his drink and left the room in a hurry, thundering up the stairs as if he was being chased. He wasn’t about to let Brooke run away from him, from them and what they could have. Damn Vance and his meddling. But he knew he couldn’t blame Vance entirely. He did have feelings for Brooke, had for at least the last year, but he should have told her about Vance’s newest plan.

  He threw open her door and took in the scene. Her long waves were tossed in a haphazard bun at the top of her head, eyes suspiciously glassy and a vacant expression on her face. His mind registered the clothes in her hand and the open suitcase on her bed. She was leaving. “Going somewhere?”

  She didn’t spare him a glance as she worked. “I would think the answer to that is obvious.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, one foot over the other ankle in a relaxed pose that betrayed the mess going on inside of him. “I didn’t take you for a coward Brooke.”

  “No you just took me for a fool and I played right into it.”

  Chase was getting more upset by the second. She wouldn’t look at him and although her words cut deep, her voice was blank, cold as if she couldn’t muster up enough effort to even care. “I didn’t Brooke, really. I have never taken you for a fool.”

  She sighed heavily and slammed her suitcase shut. “Look Chase its fine, really. You only took what I offered so don’t worry about it.” She shook her head, still upset she’d been a fool after she’d already resolved to forget Chase Silver.

  “Is that what you think? That you were just a convenience, a warm body?”

  The distraught look on his face tugged at her heart but she wouldn’t let it matter. Couldn’t let it matter. “What else should I believe? You never gave me the time of day since I started working for you and the week you decide to pay me a little attention happens to be the same week your father tells you to find a woman to settle down with or lose your company? Excuse me if I find the timing a tad suspicious.”

  “You work for me! How could I have hit on you as your boss?”

  “I am still your employee. Aren’t I?”

  Damn that ice queen act was pissing him off. He wanted his sweet, warm Brooke back who welcomed him into her heart and her body. “Why are you being this way Brooke?”

  “I have to Chase because I need to protect myself.”

  He stepped closer until her scent wrapped around him and pulled him closer. “From me?” His heart ached when her shoulders slumped.

  “Yes Chase. From you. I’ve been in love with you for years and I’d finally decided to move on. Then you go and make me fall for you all over again and I find out it wasn’t real. So yes, I need to protect myself, my heart. From you Chase.” />
  “So that’s it? I’ve already been tried and convicted?”

  She shrugged dismissively. It would be great to believe that the past week was real, that his feelings were real. But they weren’t and she’d always question it. Brooke sat her suitcase by the door and turned back to Chase, her nipples pressed against his chest and she cursed her instant reaction to his nearness. “I’ll never forget the time we had together,” she gifted him a sad smile, her fingers curling into his hair. “It was wonderful, the best week I’ve ever had. But I’m in love with you and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. So this has to be goodbye.” She tightened her grip on the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss that was sad, passionate, intense and like every other kiss between then, it quickly turned to something more.

  Chase’s hands rubbed their way down her back and wrapped around her ass, pulling her closer to him. He groaned when she sucked his tongue and nipped his bottom lip. “Don’t do this Brooke. Please.”

  She pulled out of his grasp. “I have to Chase. I-I’m sorry.”

  He pulled her back to him, his forehead pressed close to hers. “Okay fine, here it is. The reason I never…pursued anything with you is because I like you. Too much. I would rather have you in my life as my assistant than fuck things up with you and lose you forever.” He looked on in horror as a single tear streamed down her face and disappeared at the shy smile that spread across her face. “Don’t cry baby. Please,” he urged.

  “I just, I don’t’ know. I mean.” She laughed nervously at her failed attempt to formulate a sentence. “Okay let’s try this again. I never thought I’d hear you say words like that to me.” The toothy grin that split his face somehow brightened hers as well and more nervous laughter followed. “Chase I really don’t want you to break my heart.”

  He pulled her closer, his hands never leaving the warmth of her ass. “Never. I couldn’t, wouldn’t ever do anything that would make this gorgeous face crumple with tears or sadness. I love you. A little more each day.” He captured her mouth in a kiss that quickly went from sweet and nice to hot and flammable within seconds.


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