Loving Ashley

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Loving Ashley Page 8

by Lauren Nicole

  “Can I come in for a little bit?”

  “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” What the fuck am I doing? He looks pissed.

  “Why?” he asks in a harsh tone.

  “Because I don’t feel good.”

  “That is a bullshit answer and you know it. You were fine until she showed up at the table.”

  “You can believe me or not. Good night, Taylor.”

  He doesn’t say anything as he stalks off toward his car. I close the door and head straight for the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. I try to push down the tears I feel coming on. I know I just made a stupid mistake, but I have to guard my heart. I will not be hurt again. In all honesty, he did nothing wrong, he is the one that told me to take a chance on us. He is the one proving to me that he can be with just me. I am just letting my insecurities get the best of me. I should call him, tell him I’m sorry, and make him come back, but it’s too late for that. I go to my room to change out of my dress, throwing on a tank top and panties, then make my way back to the living room and finish drinking my wine. A lone tear escapes down my face. As I wipe it away, I hear a pounding on my door. Who the hell could that be at this hour? I place my wine on the bar top.

  “Open up, Ashley.”

  Oh fuck, it’s Taylor. I glance down at my attire and decide this is as good as it’s going to get.

  I slowly open the door but before I can get a word out he seals his lips over mine. I grab a fistful of his shirt tightly. He backs us into the house and kicks the door closed. Spinning me around, he crushes me against the door. His hands graze my skin down to my thighs, lifting me in one swift move. He pulls his mouth inches from mine and we lock eyes.

  “This is how the night was supposed to end, and if you ever lie to me again, I will take you over my knee and spank the shit of you.” I whimper at his words, not trusting myself to talk. I grind my hips into his erection, needing to feel more.

  “Is that what you want, baby, my dick?”

  “Yes,” I moan out.

  “Where do you want it?” I normally love his small talk, but right now I’m drunk and horny.

  “Just shut up and fuck me already.” Not sure where this mouth of mine is coming from. He takes hold of my panties and with one quick yank, rips them away from my body. He unbuckles his pants, pushing his boxers down with them to the floor.

  “Your wish is my command, baby.” With one quick thrust, he is buried in me.

  “Oh fuck,” I scream out.

  He begins thrusting in and out. There is nothing slow or sweet about this. This is us working our frustrations out on each other. Every movement is more powerful than the first, I almost worry we are going to break the door down. At this point, I can’t tell you where I start and he ends.

  “Shit, baby, you feel so good. Don’t you ever doubt this, or us, again,” he says in my ear. I begin to feel the tingling in my belly, and I know this orgasm will rip me apart.

  “I can feel it. Come for me, Ash.” He leans his head down, tugging my nipple through my tank top with his teeth. That does it—sending me into a blissful spiral downwards. Throwing my head back, I scream out the release that is making me see stars. I feel him stiffen and his warm release fill me up from the inside. “Fuck,” he whispers in my ear. We rest against the door, trying to catch our breaths.

  “Don’t ever do that again. You got a problem, you talk to me about it. Don’t kick me out.”

  “Okay,” is all I can manage to say at this point.

  He pulls us off of the door and carries me to the bathroom. My head is resting on his shoulders the whole time; I am exhausted. He starts the shower and takes his time washing my body. His wet hands glide across my skin, leaving a tingling feeling in their wake. The more he washes me, the more I want him, he is awakening my desire for him. After he rinses himself off, he leads me out of the shower and dries my body off. When we crawl into bed, he worships my body with one kiss, one touch at a time. By the end, I have no doubt that I have fallen head over heels in love with him.

  The morning sun shines through my bedroom window, making me squint and roll away from the sun. Opening my eyes, I am met with the most delicious sight ever. He lies on his back with the sheet bunched around his waist. One arm is draped over his head and the other resting on his chest. I place my hand on his chest and feel the soft rise and fall. I begin to trace his abs one by one; he doesn’t flinch so I assume he’s still sleeping. When my finger meets the sheet, I slowly trace below it to just above his pubic hair.

  “What are you doing, baby?” I yank my hand back in surprise that I woke him. Looking up, I meet his eyes. God, he looks sexy with his hair sticking up in all directions.

  “Just exploring.”

  He laces his hands together behind his head.

  “Explore away, baby.” He smirks at me.

  I glance at the clock and see it’s almost nine. I am supposed to be meeting Nancy in thirty minutes for our spa day.

  “As much as I would love to, I need to get up and get ready. Nancy and I have a day at the spa planned.” I roll over to get out of bed but am yanked back before I can even get out. He rolls me over to my back and pins me down.

  “We okay after last night?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  He seems satisfied with my answer, so after a quick kiss he follows me into the shower and begins to rub me down with the soap from his hands. The movement from his hands begins to turn me on. I let out a soft moan and tilt my head back onto his shoulder.

  “You like that baby?”

  I nod my head yes as he travels his fingers down my stomach and begins to rub my pussy.

  “Fuck baby, you are soaked. You have had me worked up ever since the bed.” He removes his hand and turns me quickly pushing me up against the wall. The cold tile makes me shiver. He grabs me by the thighs and lifts me like I weigh nothing. My legs automatically go around his waist. In one quick thrust, he is balls deep in me, and I’m screaming out his name. My back slides against the wet tile as he moves in and out. I know my orgasm is near, I can feel it. I squeeze around his dick, making it tighter for him.

  “Fuck, baby, that feels good. Come for me.” He bites on my neck and I let go. Closing my eyes, I throw my head back and moan his name. Just as I am coming down from my high, he pulls out and comes all over my stomach.


  “That was incredible, baby. Now I know what all the hype is for.”

  He sets me down and we finish washing our bodies off. Before he heads out we agree to meet up later at the bar, before I start my shift. I am in need of a girls’ day with Nancy, so maybe she can help me figure out these emotions I have, and to tell me I’m not crazy for being in love with a man I met just a month and a half ago.

  Chapter Sixteen


  After our date a couple of weeks ago, things have been back to normal. When I dropped her off that night, I knew she was lying to me. She let that bitch get to her, it still bothers me somewhat. I thought I was doing a good job of showing her that she is what I want, but when I stalked off that night all I did was go sit in my car. I knew I couldn’t let her go that easy, so I went back to her. Thank God she opened her door. I couldn’t help but attack her like an animal. I chuckle at the memory; it was some good sex.

  I’m in the kitchen eating breakfast when Thomas walks in.


  “What’s up?” I mutter with a mouthful of food.

  “Just got off the phone with Mom. She and Dad are coming down next week.”

  “Awesome, we haven’t seen them since Christmas. I’ll get the guestroom ready this week.”

  I’m excited to see my parents, we are a very close family and I miss them. I wish they would just move down here, I know they would love it. I take my bowl to the sink, rinsing it out before placing it in the dishwasher. Thankfully, it’s Monday and the bar is closed, this is the one day where we don’t have to be there. Normally, this is my lazy day, but with the news o
f them coming I need to go out and get stuff for their room. That should keep me busy until Ashley gets off. Today is her first day back to work, and I must say, I kind of miss spending the day with her.

  Thomas and I head out to our local Bed, Bath & Beyond to get some new sheets and towels for them to use. Since sometimes friends sleep in that bed, I don’t want to use the same sheets. Lord knows what has happened on them. After spending the next two hours there, only getting what is best for our parents, we stop at a sports bar for a late lunch and a beer. We grab a high top table by the bar that is surrounded by multiple TVs that are broadcasting various sports. I order us a pitcher of Bud Light.

  “So, how are things with Ashley going?”

  “Pretty damn good. Never thought I would be happy with just one woman, but I am.”

  “She seems like a great girl. Good for you.”

  “So, when are you going to confess about the girl you are secretly seeing?”

  “I’m just feeling things out right now. Trying to see if things are going to go anywhere. She seems interested but you can never be too sure.”

  “Come on, bro, just tell me her name.” He looks nervously around the bar before he decides to answer.


  “As in Ashley’s best friend, Nancy?” Damn.


  Well fuck, I have to say, I never expected that one. She seems to be the total opposite of him. He’s so calm and collected and she’s very energetic. But hey, they always say opposites attract.

  “Well, I wish you the best.”

  We move onto lighter conversation while we enjoy our food and beer. By the time we leave it’s around four in the afternoon and Ashley should be getting off soon. When we arrive home, I get a text from Ashley letting me know she is home. So I grab my bag and head over to her house for a night in, since we both have to work tomorrow.

  She answers the door looking fine as hell; I can’t even keep my hands to myself. My hands automatically go to frame her face as I pull her lips to mine. I never knew a kiss from one person could knock the wind out of you. If I died today, I would die a happy man.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” I say, pulling my lips away.


  Fuck, that out-of-breath voice is sexy.

  “How was your first day back?”

  “Not bad, now ask me that when the kids return.” She laughs.

  I follow her into the kitchen as she grabs me a beer and pours herself a glass of wine. She’s got on tiny spandex shorts that frame her ass perfectly and a tight tank. Leaving nothing to the imagination. I have to talk myself out of going and ripping her clothes off. We make our way to the living room and she sits down next to me, curling her body into mine. I can’t help but think how right this feels. If I had to describe it, I would say it feels like home.

  We order pizza for dinner since we don’t want to go out and it’s raining, so it ends up being perfect.

  “What did you do today?”

  “I went to lunch with Thomas and found out my parents are coming next week.”

  “I bet you’re excited. I already miss my parents, and I just saw them.”

  “Yes, hopefully I can convince them to finally move down here so they’re closer to us.”

  The food arrives not long into our conversation about my parents. I hope that she will want to meet them. I can tell she is going to be an important part of my life, and I need to know that she gets along with them. I’m certain my mom will love her but one can never be too sure. My mother is the best judge of character, like when I was going to ask my girlfriend to marry me, she tried so hard to talk me out of it, but I thought she had no clue what she was talking about. Looking back at it now, she was right in just how wrong we were for each other. I was young and in love and thought I knew everything there was to know, but the feelings I have for Ashley outweigh any feelings I have ever had for any female.

  “Taylor.” She snaps her fingers in my face, I shake my head and lose my train of thought.

  “What’s up, baby?”

  “I said, Nancy and Thomas are coming over.”

  “Nice, let’s clean this up. You have a deck of cards?”

  “Um yes, this is America.”

  “Okay smart-ass.”

  I grab the pizza box and take it into the kitchen, I’m sure someone will eat it later. Knowing my brother, he’s bringing alcohol. Turning around, I find her bent over, taking out another beer and the wine from the fridge. I walk behind her and place my hands on her hips, bringing her lush ass against my crotch. She inhales a deep breath, so I know I effect her just as much as she does me.

  “Bend over like this again, baby, and I won’t be held accountable for my actions.” I smack her ass and walk away to answer the door. Before I can answer, I have to count down from ten. I open the door to Thomas, Nancy, Kaylee, and Nick, who also work at the bar with us. Kaylee is the head bartender and Nick is one of our bouncers.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I went to the spare bedroom to get the cards when he got the door. When I come back I see that two other people from the bar are there. I guess it’s party night at my place. Normally, during the work week, I wouldn’t be doing this, but since my kids aren’t back yet I’ll be fine.

  “There’s my sexy bitch,” Nancy says, giving me a hug.

  I make my way around, giving hugs to them and taking my seat next to Taylor at the table. Thomas is shuffling the deck and there are six shots of tequila sitting in the middle.

  “So, what do you guys say we play? Strip poker?” Thomas asks.

  “Fuck no, you are not seeing my girl naked,” Taylor growls out.

  “I agree,” Nick says.

  Nancy looks at me with her eyebrow raised, I shrug my shoulders. I mean, what can I really say.

  “Chill, guys, it was a joke. Let’s just play regular poker. Everyone grab a shot and let’s get this night started.”

  We raise our glasses and clink them together, I swallow the shot in one gulp and a shiver runs down my spine, causing me to squirm in my seat.

  “Do you need me to warm you up, baby?” Taylor says, nipping at my ear.

  I pretend to ignore him and go back to watching Nick hand out the poker chips that I’m assuming he brought. Because I don’t own any. Nancy brings Kaylee and I a beer that she brought over for us girls. I take a long chug and let the cold liquid run down my throat. The first couple of hands I don’t do so well, although Taylor seems to be winning all the hands so far.

  During a small break I make my way over to the kitchen and grab another round of drinks. I’m already feeling the beer I downed, so I grab the bottle of tequila and limes, bringing them to the table.

  “Whoa, someone wants to get drunk tonight,” Thomas exclaims.

  “Hey, we all need a night to let our hair down,” Kaylee chimes in.

  “Thank you. Now, bitches, bottoms up,” Nancy says.

  We down the shots and go back to playing the game. In-between hands, we all are bullshitting with each other.

  “Oh, Ash, before I forget to tell you, some guy was looking for you Saturday night after you left.” Kaylee tries to whisper it just to me but it comes out slightly too loud.

  Who the hell could be looking for me? I can see the tick in Taylor’s jaw next to me, but at this point, his guess is as good as mine.

  “Did you get a name?” Taylor asks harshly.

  “No. I have seen him in there a couple of times but don’t know who he is,” Kaylee answers.

  “Well, next time you see him, you better fucking find me immediately.” Taylor is pissed.

  I take that as the cue to drop that subject. I won’t worry too much about it because the only ex I have lives in Tennessee. He’s probably just some admirer from the bar. Thankfully, we move onto lighter subjects and continue to play and drink. By one a.m. we are all pretty toasted. When Kaylee and Nick leave, I make my way to my bathroom and fumble with the doorknob. Shit, I must have drank mor
e than I thought. When I walk into my room, Taylor is sitting on my bed, shirtless and looking absolutely gorgeous.

  “Where did everyone go?”

  “Nancy and Thomas are sleeping, Nick and Kaylee left. They said bye.”

  “In the same room?” That’s news to me.

  “I don’t know. Now, enough with the questions. Get over here. I have been wanting to peel those shorts off you since I got here.”

  And now I’m wet. I love it when he talks like that to me. I slowly make my way to him and when I reach him, his hands grip my waist and throw me on the bed. Showing me just how much my body turns him on. That night, he leaves nothing untouched or unkissed. Just when I think it can’t get better it always does. I fall asleep hot, sweaty, and with a smile on my face.

  When I awake the next morning, the other side of my bed is cold, making me wonder what happened to Taylor. I slowly sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. Looking at the clock, I see it’s nine. Good thing I can show up when I want to work. I hear voices coming from my kitchen when I exit my room.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Taylor says while boxing me in with his arms.

  “Hi. Hey, Thomas,” I say, turning around.


  “Where is Nancy?”

  “She went to work already, she said she had an early morning appointment.”

  I glance over his shoulder and see no blankets on the couch; I wonder where they slept last night. I know Taylor said they were sleeping but didn’t say if they were together. I bring my eyes back to him, I question him.

  “Where did you guys sleep last night?”


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