Delayed Call

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Delayed Call Page 26

by Toni Aleo

  And then he was gone.

  Looking around as the sweet aroma of all the flowers hit her, she was stunned in place.

  What in the hell was going on?

  Who were they from?

  Vaughn came to mind, but she almost didn’t believe that.

  Walking toward the counter, she reached for the card that read: Read me first.

  Her movements were jerky, and she found that she was shaking as she opened the letter, her heart jumping into her throat when she saw the messy handwriting.

  So, I had to go into the flower store because they wouldn’t write what I wanted. Bear with me, I have horrible handwriting. I’m a lefty, but:

  I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Brianna Soledad. From the bottom of my fucked-up soul, I’m sorry. If you give me the chance I so greatly need, I will spend the rest of my days apologizing to you. You said you want someone to fight for you. Well, here I am. Let’s do this. You know I love a challenge.

  Covering her mouth, she let out a sob as she shook her head. This wasn’t happening. No. She couldn’t believe it. He let her walk away. He didn’t want more than sex; this wasn’t him. But yet, the proof was in the writing. “What are you doing, Vaughn?”

  Blinking past her tears, she read on:

  I picked cream peonies because they reminded me of your skin. The skin I love to kiss…and touch.

  Go to the next card.

  She shook her head, and her face broke into a grin as she reached for the next card that sat in an even larger bouquet of pink peonies.

  I picked pink because they reminded me of your lips, the way your skin blushed when I told you that I thought you were gorgeous that one time on New Year’s. I meant it.

  They also remind me of your extremely hot pussy. (That’s the part they wouldn’t write and also all the cuss words. Did you know I have a foul mouth? That’s what the old lady at the shop keeps saying. She’s watching me right now, probably thinking I’m a thug.)

  Go to the next card.

  Laughing through her tears, she held her gut as she laid the card down, tearing open the next one on some bright white daisies.

  I got the white because you have strands of bright white in your hair. When I lay down with you back in San Jose, I found them all, running my hands along them. I thought how interesting they were and how soft they were. From that moment, I always seek them out when you have your hair in that crazy bun of yours. Your hair isn’t even long enough, but I love it. It’s adorable on you.

  Go to the next card.

  As she reached the end of the card, away were her nerves, replaced by excitement. Reaching for the next card that was in a bouquet of light green roses, she tore it open.

  Just to let you know, the color of the roses is mint green, and I picked them out because the first time I saw you across the hall, moving in your stuff, you were wearing a mint green sweater.

  Next card.

  Moving to the bouquet of orange carnations, she laughed as she read the card.

  These are for the Cheetos that were in your hair. Yes, I remember them.

  Next card.

  Excited to reach the end, she picked up the much larger card from the gold-dusted white roses interspersed with a few purples ones, which threw her off a bit, but she tore the envelope open anyway.

  To the end, we are, but I hope it doesn’t mean THE END for us. I don’t like the sound of that. Plus, I don’t accept defeat well. We both know I tend to get a little irate.

  But I picked gold because of the color of your dress at the New Year’s party. I remember you blew my fucking mind, Brie. I mean, my jaw dropped, I was so blown away by your beauty. I remember that I just wanted to get you naked. But then I did, and I didn’t want you to leave. I think that’s when I started to get scared. And when Jensen got on to me, I left my apartment. Seeing you in the hall, I had to have you because you made me feel right. Normal. I didn’t have to deal with my feelings, I could just have you. Everything I said, I meant with all the parts of my soul.

  You asked me if I looked at you and saw all that you said. Kids, dogs, and all that. Well, the purple roses are for the jersey Quinn Adler wore when I went to lunch over at the Adlers. I thought that day that maybe I wanted kids, and as soon as I thought it, I thought of you.

  But I fucked up.

  And I own that, completely.

  But, Brie, I can’t stop thinking about you.

  I bet you’re wondering why there are so many flowers in the room. I might have overexaggerated (Yes, I had to ask how to spell that, and the old lady just shook her head at me), but each one represents the minutes I’ve spent thinking of you since San Jose.

  I miss you.

  I think you’re beautiful.

  I want you. More than you’ll even know. Not just in a sexual way because that’s a given, but in the sense that I want to make you happy.

  And I hope that throughout the day today, you’re home…

  Because I’m nowhere near done fighting for that chance.

  Covering her mouth, she closed her eyes as she fell into the chair behind her. Opening her eyes after a moment, she gazed around the room at all the flowers, and her heart, it swelled to the point it hurt in her chest. Then she found herself laughing.

  She was in so much trouble.

  “Do you think the pizza got delivered?”

  Jensen looked up from his computer and nodded. “It just said delivered.”

  “And they put the message in sausage?”

  “Yes, I made sure to draw out how to do it. If they want the tip, it will say, ‘Brie, nothing says I want another chance like pizza.’”

  Vaughn grinned as he cracked his knuckles before hitting reserve on the computer for Etch restaurant. “Reservation made.”

  “Maybe you should wait. If she doesn’t want to go, you’ll be out some cash.”

  Looking to his best friend, he grinned. “One thing you need to learn, my friend, is confidence. I am pulling out every stop I can even think of. First, the flowers. Second, an email with a gift card to her favorite witty shirt shop to buy whatever she wants. Then, a badass stick with a note that says, ‘You might win with it in the rematch I know you want.’ The pizza, and then the best outfit Wren could ever pick with jewelry and really fucking expensive shoes, along with a note that says ‘I want more than sex,’ and with the time the car will be there to get her. If she doesn’t show up to the restaurant, then—” He paused, shaking his head. “She’ll show.”

  “Or you’ll call me to eat and drink the pain away?”

  “Yup, so be on standby.” He threw his best friend a weak smile, and Jensen grinned.

  “She’ll show.”

  “I hope so.”

  “She will. You’re really trying here.”

  “I want her.”

  “I know, man. I’m happy for you.”

  Still, he felt like he would fail. “I fucked up, though.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think she’s the type to hold a grudge, and you’re being honest.” Vaughn sucked in a breath as he nodded. “Plus, if she doesn’t show, I’ll go talk to her.”

  Vaughn laughed. “No, this is my doing. I’ll clean up my mess and make it up to her.”

  When he glanced over to Jensen, he was smiling like a proud father. “I’m really excited for you, dude.”

  “Me too, but please don’t get sappy on me.”

  Jensen grinned as he stood, slapping him on the back. “Fine, but know it’s in me to do so.”

  “Oh, I know,” he teased as Jensen headed to the back while Vaughn looked down at his to-do list. He’d wanted to stop her yesterday, but he was glad she had taken the car home that he had called to get her. He knew she needed the space, the time to think, and he wanted to give that to her. And while she was gone, he was thinking of some big things. She was right; she deserved the world. And he wasn’t sure if he could give it to her, but he was going to fucking try. He had to.

  He had a reason.
r />   Brie.

  Only her, and damn it, he was going to do right by her. He wanted to be a man Nathan would be proud of it. The more he thought about it, the more he knew Nathan would want him to be happy. And he was happy when he was with her. Unless she shot him down—and she had every right to. He was going to do his best to get her to give him the chance he was begging for. The chance he needed. More than his next breath. He just hoped everything he had done would work. He wasn’t sure if she was one to take to the showering of the gifts, but he hoped they would bring more meaning to his words, his promises. He would never break a promise to her again. He just needed a chance.

  He prayed that he wasn’t too late, and that by the end of the night, his lips would be on hers.

  Where they belonged.

  Vaughn hadn’t realized how nervous he was until the host brought him to the table he had requested, in the very back of the ritzy Etch restaurant. They had set it up to perfection, the way he had asked, with two candles in the middle of the table and the lights a little low. Hell, throw some money and his name around, and he pretty much got everything he wanted. Now he just hoped Brie would show. Unbuttoning his jacket, he sat down before ordering a Jack and Coke, needing something to take the edge off.

  Sitting down, he looked at the door and then glanced at his watch. He was early, like ten minutes, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to handle waiting. He wanted to see her so fucking bad. He prayed she showed. As he sat there, he went over everything he had planned to say throughout the dinner. He wanted to woo her, make her feel important, special. He felt he already did that when he was with her, but just in case, he wanted to make a note to do it. More. Man, he just wanted this to work.

  She was the first girl he had done anything like this for since Hazel. He almost hadn’t recognized himself the night before. Rushing around, making plans, and putting Jensen and Wren to work to make his goal a reality. He even called Wells for advice, which he never had done before. He just wanted to make sure everything was perfect. He wanted to take her out on their first date and make it fucking memorable. He wasn’t sure what would happen or if they would even work, but inside, deep inside, he felt like it would.

  He prayed it would.

  As he took a long pull of his Jack and Coke, he looked up, just in time to see her enter.

  And then he couldn’t breathe.

  The first thing he saw was her eyes. They were so bright, so damn blue as she looked around. For him. When she turned to the host, her back to him, he had to control himself from getting up and going to her to carry her out of there. Man, Wren hadn’t held back picking out the perfect dress either. It was black, tight, with a slit up the back and completely backless. He had asked for a backless dress, and Wren came through. The gold heels she wore gave her a few inches and matched the thick gold necklace that was around her neck. Her hair was done, a little wave to it, and when she turned, her eyes meeting his, he exhaled hard.

  She had come.

  Standing, he buttoned his jacket as she made her way to him, a little smile on her face as her eyes stayed locked with his. “I swear, even over a sea of people, I would only see your eyes.”

  Her cheeks filled with color as he reached for her, but she stopped him. “Just because I’m here doesn’t mean anything.”

  He was surprised by that. “It doesn’t?”

  “No. I’m here because you wanted a chance, but I don’t know if I can. So I’m giving you a chance to convince me to give you the chance you say you want.”

  His lips curved. “So all my special gifts didn’t work?”

  “Oh, they worked. They got me here. But we both know I’m a hard sell.”

  “And stubborn.”

  “That too,” she agreed as she scooted into the booth. Of course, she wouldn’t make this easy. That was her, but he knew that and he was ready. “But I am always hungry.”

  “I know.” They shared a smile before he scooted in beside her, undoing the button of his jacket before he looked over at her, their eyes meeting in a hot connection. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thanks, you did well.”

  “Wren picked it out for me.”

  “I figured, since it was the right size and all.”

  The waitress came up then, and after ordering a highly recommended Merlot, they put in for an appetizer before a silence fell over them. “I haven’t been here before.”

  “I haven’t either, but Jensen says it good,” he said, pressing his thumbs together. He was still nervous.


  “Yeah.” Letting out a breath, he smiled before he met her gaze. She looked so amazing. Perfect, even. “I’m nervous.”

  Her face broke into a bright grin. “Really? I didn’t think you got nervous.”

  “I didn’t either until I met you.”

  The smile stayed in place as she brushed her hair behind her ear. “Flirting ruthlessly, I see?”

  He scoffed. “Oh, baby, I haven’t even started.”

  She chuckled softly. “I guess I should be scared then because I already can’t catch my breath. It’s probably this fancy suit, and, look, you have your hair all in your eyes. The way I love.”

  His face flushed with color as she reached up, moving his hair along his forehead, the movement setting everything on fire. Pointing to his face, he grinned. “And I didn’t shave.”

  “Wow, pulling out all the stops.”

  “I am. Are they working?”

  “Maybe.” She flashed him a sneaky little grin, and his heart, it almost couldn’t take it.

  “So you liked everything?”

  “I love it all. I was blown away, really.”

  “Awesome,” he said, a grin pulling at his lips. “What was your favorite?”

  “The flowers. I probably would have come to dinner just from those.”

  He snapped his fingers playfully. “Man, I could have saved some money.”

  She leaned into him as they both laughed softly. “Yeah, but I have to say, the pizza was magical. I’ve never seen sausage so perfectly placed.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, Jensen did a lot for the pizza and threw a lot of money at it.”

  “Crap, I’ll have to actually eat it, then.”

  He smiled. “You didn’t eat it?”

  “No! It was too pretty!”

  That had them both laughing as the waitress came back with the appetizer and the bottle of wine. After pouring them each a glass and getting their order, she left them as they both dug in. “I told you, you can’t buy me.”

  “I wasn’t trying to.”

  “You weren’t?”

  “No, I wanted to…I guess, woo you? I don’t know, I’m a little rusty.”

  Her face broke into a grin. “Well, you brushed that rust off quick because I was surprised, to say the least.”


  “Yeah, I’ve never been given flowers before.”

  His brows drew in. “Really? A pretty girl like you?”

  “Really. It was special, and I didn’t know you had that in you.”

  “Cool, that’s what I wanted. Honestly, I was just thinking that I didn’t even recognize myself as I rushed around getting everything done.”

  “What made you do it all?”

  He didn’t hesitate. “You.”

  “Me?” she asked, surprised. “Just me? Not the mind-blowing sex?”

  He laughed. “That too, but mostly you. I didn’t think twice; I just did. Because I have to have you.”

  As her eyes burned into his, they held everything he had hoped for. Promise, lust, and something else he didn’t want to name at that moment, but he felt it. The shift. And if he’d had hesitations about what he was doing, they were gone.

  All because of her eyes.

  “I thought you were letting me walk away.”

  He shook his head. “If I know anything about you, I know when you need your space. And I needed the time to figure out how to make you mine.”

nd you think you’ve succeeded?”

  He shrugged, his lips quirked up at one side. “You tell me.”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I want to believe everything you have said, but are you sure you want me—for more than just sex? A relationship?”

  He didn’t even falter. “Yes.”

  She looked breathless as she stared into his eyes. “But how do I know?”

  As his gaze burned into hers, he remembered that she had said his words weren’t enough, and that his actions didn’t line up. He had spent more time thinking out something special for her than he had for anyone else in his whole life. He had gone out of his way to give her a reason to come to dinner, to give him a chance. And as she sat there asking how she could know, all he could think was—why were they talking?

  They were way better at doing.

  Taking her face in his hands, he pulled her to him as she gasped, their lips meeting. Just like that, everything went still. The world tilted. Firecrackers, bombs, World War 100 was going off around them, but all he wanted was to kiss her as his stomach went nuts with butterflies. She did this to him. She drove him silly, and he’d never wanted anyone the way he wanted her.


  Not even Hazel had made him feel this way.

  When he pulled back, he didn’t go far, his lips still clinging to hers as his eyes stayed closed. “You just know.”

  She drew in a breath, melting against him as her hands covered his, her eyes closing softly. “I do.”

  “Because I do. I know that this…this is real.”

  “I think I knew the moment I walked in here.”

  “You did.”



  “Kiss me again.”

  His lips pressed to hers, drinking in the sweetness that was her. When her fingers laced with his, she brought them down from his face to her lap before she pulled back, her eyes so full of emotion they took his breath away. “Vaughn.”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I’m not wearing panties.”

  His eyes shot open. “Are you wet?”


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