Stealing Beauty (Fairy Tales After Dark Book 1)

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Stealing Beauty (Fairy Tales After Dark Book 1) Page 19

by Jessica Collins

  “Belle, I’m going to come,” he warned.

  She increased her tempo, as did he. He shifted his focus to her warmth, thrusting into the softer spot inside. Using his thumb to circle her clit, he pushed against her inside, causing her to cry in delight around him as she came around his fingers. He felt the familiar tingle at the base of his cock. He couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “Fuck! Belle!” Aleks shouted, as the pressure erupted from the base of his cock, sending stream after stream of cum through his shaft and into her mouth. His back bowed as he pulsed with each jet. He felt her throat constrict as she swallowed him completely.

  He waited until the tremors around his fingers ended before removing them, falling back against the tree. They sat together for a while, her head on his thigh, both catching their breath.

  Belle laid in his lap, relishing in his hands running through her hair, rubbing her back. She never let a man near her behind before, let alone put anything in it. She wanted to see what it would possibly be like, and realized she kind of enjoyed it. Who would have thought?

  She thought about the book, comparing her “imprisonment” to the alluring idea of being held captive; not having control. Thinking of Aleks keeping her as his personal sex slave wasn’t something she totally opposed. She smiled at the thought.

  “What’s funny?” he asked, voice still husky.

  “Oh, nothing. Just thinking.” She tried to come up with a lie, yet couldn’t — still foggy from her orgasm.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  “Not a chance in hell. I’m embarrassed enough as it is with you knowing what I read about.”

  “Belle, reading that to you was one of the best moments of my life.”

  Belle sat up with a grin. “It’s still embarrassing.”

  He took her face in hands and looked into her eyes for a moment before bending forward and kissing her. His lips worked like magic, smoothly pressing into her, sending her stomach fluttering. As he worked his tongue into her mouth and circled her with his, Belle lost all train-of-thought. His hands brushed through her hair, holding her close to him, until he finally broke away, kissing her lips sweetly before retreating.

  “Trust me, there is nothing in that book — in any book — that can hold a candle to what I’ve imagined doing to you.” He looked at her brazenly.

  “Come on, let’s head back to the house. I have some work to do before dinner.” She nodded, her lusty gaze fixed on him as he stood and redressed himself. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the way his comments made her stomach flutter.

  Picking up her belongings, they walked closely together back towards the house, arms brushing against each other. As they discussed dinner for the evening, his hand snaked down her arm, interlacing his fingers with hers.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Wednesday morning, she woke to pouring rain, yet her mood was anything but sour. The last few days had been nothing short of wonderful. They’d had dinners together, talking about everything and nothing, spent time watching silly movies while they made fun of the premises until they gave in and kissed — and kissed, and kissed, and kissed. She couldn’t remember the last time she enjoyed just making out with someone. Oddly, neither made a move for any more. They were content just being.

  She finished her breakfast, humming to herself before calling her father and filling him in on her internship.

  “Hey, princess. Good to hear from you. How’s your work going?” he answered, jovial as usual.

  Belle hated lying to him, yet knew he wouldn’t take kindly to Aleks imprisoning her. And I don’t want to admit I allow it to continue. “Great. I took the day off; it’s been really busy and I need to catch up on my schoolwork.”

  “Well you take care of yourself. Make sure that ‘asshole’ landlord isn’t working you too hard.”

  She flushed at the wording. “No, dad. He treats me very fairly.” She changed the subject.

  “How are things there? Is Lily’s okay without me?” She realized how much she missed the bar — her co-workers, the atmosphere, even the patrons.

  “Lily’s is just great. I’m breaking out the Halloween decorations as we speak.”

  Belle smiled. Each year, Lily’s staged an elaborate Halloween party — the highlight of her year. They had been putting on this “Halloween Bash” since Belle turned twenty-one. As it was her favorite holiday, she requested to decorate the bar and have friends invited for a small party. Somehow, it seemed the entire town showed up, dressed in costume. Since then, the event had gotten bigger and better each year; so much so that they needed to hire security as well as extra staff just for the night.

  The holiday was just about three weeks away, more than enough time to get the bar prepared. “Do you need me to come home and help?” she asked before wincing, realizing she didn’t exactly have permission to return home. The thought annoyed her. She reminded herself she needed to have a discussion with Aleks regarding her “imprisonment” now they had made up.

  “No. Cynthia and some of the other girls are helping. You know how much everyone loves to pitch in around here.” He wasn’t being facetious. All of the employees loved their jobs, and Belle’s father, almost as much as she did. Regardless of the petty fights they sometimes had, they always helped with anything Pierre needed.

  “Besides, you have more important things to do than to come home and help.”

  His tone indicated he was smiling. Belle picked up on the teasing immediately, unsure of what he meant. “What’s more important than helping you?”

  “You know, finishing school, starting a career, meeting a good man who will love and take care of you, all of that good stuff.”

  “Dad, I’m still just working on school. The career won’t be until I graduate, and a guy is … is way … off my mind.”

  “Sure, princess.”

  Cynthia. She knew by his tone, and knowing her best friend as well as she did, there was gossip among her friend and her father; gossip surrounding her and Aleks.

  “Whatever Cyn is saying to you, I can guarantee is completely embellished and more than likely utterly false.”

  Her father laughed. “Well, whatever is happening out there, Belle, be smart and be safe. I love you.”

  “Love you too, dad.”

  She hung up with her father and digested what he had said to her. It probably wasn’t safe or smart to get involved with Aleks. Considering his history with other women, and their hate/lust relationship thus far, it was, in all likelihood, a recipe for disaster. What she did trust, was her instinct. And as of late, her instinct was screaming, all in.

  Belle curled up on her bed to finish reading, a distraction from her thoughts. A knock at her door around noon interrupted her just a few pages from the end. The door opened and Aleks stood in the open doorway, a smile on his face.

  “I have a surprise for you; if I can tear you away from your book.”

  She caught the look on his face, inspecting to see if it was another steamy erotica. “This one’s more of an ‘old faithful’ than a ‘must-read’,” she explained as she put her book down and moved off of her bed. “Do I need shoes?”

  “Nope. Just me. Come, I’ll lead the way.” He held his hand out for her and she placed hers in his, smiling at the new intimacy. He pulled her close as they walked out of the hallway, holding her hand in his. He led her toward the opposite side of the house, down the main stairs and to the left, through an entrance tucked in the shadow of the curtains.

  “Where are we going?” Belle asked, excitedly.

  “If I tell you, I’ll ruin the surprise.” He smiled down at her as he squeezed her hand.

  She had never been down this corridor before; they hadn’t continued the tour of his home after their argument, and the memory of the last time she explored on her own had tampered her desire for discovery. They stopped in front of a set of large, wooden double doors, similar to old Cathedral doorways she’d seen in some of the more gothic architecture downto

  “Close your eyes,” he commanded gently.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I asked you to,” Aleks responded, moving in front of her, his back to the door.

  She sighed, suddenly unsure if she should be excited or scared. He took both of her hands in his and waited until she complied.

  Eyes closed, he pulled her forward. She heard the hinges of the massive doors sigh as he pushed them open. The floor beneath her feet transitioned from warm hardwood to cool tile.

  As he led her further into the room, he moved to stand behind her, his hands on her hips. He whispered into her ear, “Ready?” His breath on her face caused her skin to prickle.

  “Absolutely,” she smiled.

  “Open your eyes.”

  She found herself inside the largest home library she had ever seen. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the room around them.

  Two floors high, the room contained a large double staircase to the far right with access to the balcony above, which held a reading corner in front of a window. A catwalk circled the entire top floor, with multiple ladders on the bookshelves to access all of the rows of shelves. There were more books than she could read in two lifetimes.

  Beneath the balcony was a second reading nook, decorated with multiple love seats. A large window gave view to the wooded area behind the house, illuminated by the western sun.

  She couldn’t contain her excitement as she dashed around to inspect the books. She climbed the staircase to the open second story, trailing her fingers along the long row of books as she walked the length of the room. There were markings on the shelves denoting different genres; fiction, autobiography, law, the list went on and on. There are more books in here than in the bookstore at home!

  She glanced back at Aleks. He stood watching her, hands in his pockets, a smile etched on his face. “How have you kept this room a secret from me?” she asked, eyes still taking in the sights. “And why?”

  “It was unintentional,” he shrugged, as if this room was just another bedroom. “Come, I have one more surprise. Let me show you.”

  She returned to his side and he led her to a section of books under the balcony. A gentle archway framed a cozy reading cove, complete with an overstuffed couch and beautiful, carved shelves, full of books. Above the entrance was an engraved wooden sign: Belle’s Corner.

  She looked up at him. “Aleks, what is this?”

  “Just go look.” He gently pushed her forward.

  Unsure of what she would find, she moved to one of the shelves. She couldn’t contain her laughter when she realized that every shelf was filled with erotic books, many of her favorite authors as well as ones she never heard of before.

  “I had no idea when you first arrived that you had such a … fondness for reading.” The tone in his voice left little doubt that he was recalling the last book they’d shared together. “I’ve updated my library to accommodate your predilections.”

  She turned to see the lecherous smile on his face. “You did all of this for me?”

  He shook his head, “No, I did it for us.” He stalked closer to her as he spoke. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about reading to you. I would repeat it every day, multiple times a day, if you’d like.”

  She swallowed as he neared. “You got all of these books in four days?”

  “Not the entire library. Just your section.”

  “How did you get all of these books so quickly? That’s impossible.”

  “Nothing stops me from getting something I want.”

  Her heart danced in her chest at his heated look. She swallowed hard as she took a step back, but his long strides soon closed the distance between them. Her breathing quickened as she recalled his fingers and tongue inside her, bringing her to orgasm.

  “And what is it you want?” she asked, knowing full well how he would answer.


  Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as she pulled the bottom one back between her teeth.

  He groaned. “The way you play with your lips, you have no idea what it does to me.” His voice deepened as he spoke.

  Knowing how turned on she made him aroused her further. The thought of this virile, dominant male taking the time to buy her a present in the sole hopes of replaying an erotic moment, coupled with the heated look and his brazen words, her heart raced.

  She dared to flirt with him. “Oh? And exactly what does it do?” She raised an eyebrow in a challenge for him to answer.

  “It makes me want to bite and lick those luscious lips myself. Taste how sweet you are.” He leaned forward into her, his hands finding her hips. “Again.”

  Fully enamored with his desire for her, she was released from her inhibition. Two can play this game. She leaned in and placed her hands on his shoulders, as she spoke into his ear the way he had done numerous times in the past. “I’m sure I could find a few places for my mouth as well.”

  He grasped her hips harder at her words; her face only centimeters away from his. He pressed his lips against hers. Her body molded into his embrace, the strain against his pants evident.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he deepened his kiss, tongues dancing. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his hips. He moved to the couch and sat down with her still straddled across him. He grabbed the bulk of her hair in one hand, wrapping it around his wrist. He pulled her back by her hair, breaking the kiss, as he sucked the hollow in her neck.

  “Now, what were you were saying?” he teased against her.

  Belle swallowed, trying to come up with a witty reply but finding it difficult to think as his mouth continue to move on her. It took all of her strength not to move against his hardness underneath her.

  When she didn’t respond, he laughed in her ear. “Cat has your tongue? Pity, you were just about to tell me all of the places you would use it.” He pulled his head back to look at her, eyes a combination of lust and mischief.

  You can tease him just as much! Heat emanated from between her legs. “I couldn’t possibly tell you everything I’ve thought about doing to you. We would be here all night.”

  “Show me.” He smirked.

  She tsked, “Always trying to get into my pants.”

  At this he laughed. “Last I checked, you’re on top of me.”

  Belle’s mouth dropped open in mock anger. “You put me on top of you.”

  She began to wiggle herself backwards to get off of him which increased the friction between her legs as she rubbed against his shaft. He groaned and pulled her back to him for another kiss.

  Wrapping one arm around her back, the other in her hair, he pulled her down hard against his shaft, urging her to continue the motions.

  “I always want you on top of me,” he spoke into her mouth.

  He played with her, deftly using his tongue to mimic other motions, knowing when to add and remove pressure from her lips. He licked her bottom lip before sucking it in and biting at it. “Always want to bite this lip.”

  She pulled his tongue in as she began to suck on it. His moan urged her on; soon he rocked her over his erection in time with her sucking.

  He bucked his hips, the hardness of him sending pleasure through her. The zipper of her jeans lined up perfectly with her clit. She closed her eyes tighter as she leaned into him; she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Right there,” she breathed as she began to kiss his neck.

  “You like this, hmm?” He punctuated the question with another upward thrust, forcing another moan from her lips.

  She shivered when his cool hand firmly grasped her breast. He bent his head forward to kiss between her breasts, moving the opening of her shirt aside with his face. His rough stubble against her sensitive skin added to the rush of sensations. As he kneaded one breast, his mouth continued to move on the other, tongue darting out and flicking underneath the top of her bra. Her hands wrapped in his hair as she pulled against him, wanting more of the friction against her dampeni
ng core.

  She loved his large hands on her. They were strong yet soft, and the way he continued to move against her nipple sent waves of pleasure straight through her body. Primed and needing release, she reached to grasp the back of the couch, pulling herself forward to exert control of her movements. As he continued to buck upwards, he expelled a moan when she circled her hips on him. The sound of his voice and the vibrations in his chest urged her on, and she kissed him passionately as she rode on top.

  Her movements quickened as the pressure built. His mouth on hers, his hand fondling her chest, the hardness between her legs; she felt both encompassed and empowered by him — and she loved it. Aleks kissed the side of her mouth, and over towards her ear. He bit her lobe as he commanded, “Spread your legs wider for me.”

  Her compliance with his demand allowed him to thrust harder into her and the friction overwhelmed her. Heat increased at the base of her stomach and she tilted her head back, his mouth on her neck causing her to cry out.

  He lifted up and turned, dropping her to on the couch. She let out a sound of protest as he spoke into her mouth.

  “I need to taste you again.” He knelt in front of her as he unzipped her jeans and pulled them down along with her panties.

  He took her wrists in his hands and placed them to either side of her head on the back of the couch. Looking up with a devilish glint in his eyes, he spoke as he kissed down her navel.

  “Keep your hands there. I want to watch as you come undone from my mouth.” Belle thought she might climax from the dominance in his voice alone.

  He pulled her feet up and on the couch in front of her. “Spread your knees wide for me.”

  She complied, allowing her knees to fall to her sides, opening herself up for him. The heat in his eyes as he looked into her core caused a moan to escape her lips.


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