Wings of Love

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Wings of Love Page 10

by Jeanette Skutinik

  “Well, daylight is burning,” said Mr. LaPointe as he rose from the chair, put his John Deere hat on and headed out the back door.

  Adam was already out in the field on the old Oliver tractor when he saw Amy walking with his mother and sisters. They each carried a bucket and were heading down the lane to the back forty where the blackberries bushes were ripe for the picking. He smiled to himself glad Amy seemed to enjoy being with his family and their traditions. He almost tasted the blackberry jam and pies he knew his mother would be making soon.

  Adam finished up the fertilizing and was pulling the tractor back into the tool shed. He just shut it off as his dad rolled in behind him with his John Deere.

  “Well, that’s done.” Mr. LaPointe climbed down slowly from the tractor looking up at his son. “Thanks Adam.”

  Adam jumped down off his tractor, knocking the dust off his jeans then followed his father back to the house. They stopped by the water pump and each took a long refreshing drink. He smelled the aroma of dinner as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. His stomach growled as his mother popped her head out the door to ring the bell announcing it was time to eat.

  Adam and his father entered the kitchen after taking off their work boots. Adam watched Amy place the roasted potatoes and carrots on the table as he washed his hands for supper. His mother set the baked chickens and gravy on the table to complete the meal.

  They sat down to dinner, saying grace before they passed the food around and filled their plates. Adam noticed his sisters’ chairs were empty.

  “Where did Michelle and Laurel go?” he asked as he popped a carrot into his mouth.

  “There’s a barbeque and bon fire tonight over at Shoemakers.” Mrs. LaPointe explained as she passed the rolls and butter around the table.

  “I remember hanging out at Shoemakers place when we were their age.” Amy added some gravy to the potatoes she had mashed with her fork.

  “Hell, I remember going over there when we were young,” he winked at his wife of over 30 years with a twinkle in his eye.

  After the meal Adam sat on the front porch with his dad talking about politics and the latest news in the county. His mother came out with her crocheting to sit in the rocker next to his dad while Amy stood next to Adam.

  “Why don’t you take Amy for a ride in the back and show her the lovely wildflowers,” his mother suggested as she worked on her afghan. “When you get back we can have some blackberry cobbler.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Adam took her hand as they walked toward the garage. He climbed onto the four wheeler starting it up as Amy stepped up and slung her leg over to get on. He could feel her chin rest upon his shoulder as she held him tightly around the waist with her arms.

  Adam sped off waving at his mom and dad then followed the trails where he had taken Amy last winter. He passed the trail by the secret spot continuing further and beyond a hill. At the bottom of the hill was a large pond surrounded by pine trees and a tall black walnut tree. Adam brought the four wheeler to a halt underneath the old tree. He sat there for a few minutes leaning back into her arms taking in the beauty of the crystal blue pond underneath the orange and pink sunset. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his face and the warmth of Amy’s cheek on his neck.

  Adam felt Amy lift herself off the seat. He leaped off to stand beside her in the field of wildflowers. He bent over and picked her a black-eyed Susan placing it in her hair behind her ear. He tickled her waist and took off running to the pond, removing his clothes along the way before he dove into the water head first.

  “Come on in,” he shouted at her as she stood there watching him in bewilderment.

  Adam watched as she slowly discarded her clothes in the field walking towards him. He enjoyed the beauty of her body which was all tanned and brown on this summer evening. She waded in to him, her breasts skimming the water as she approached him with nothing on but a smile. The sunlight dance through her hair and reflected off the open heart pendant she wore around her neck. She dove under the water disappearing from his sight.

  Amy emerged in front of him and held onto his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around him. Her hair left droplets of water on his chest as she kissed him deeply. Adam held onto her backside as she made love to him, slow and natural. He felt the breeze on his back and the water lapping around them. He kissed her smooth, wet stomach continuing up to her breasts watching her writhe with pleasure. She leaned back, her hair floating in the water around them closing her eyes as she murmured his name. The black-eyed Susan drifted past as they reached this moment of paradise together with random splashes of oranges, pinks and reds just like the sunset behind them.


  Adam decided to go watch the Tigers game at Doogles with Joey and Bob tonight, with a little persuasion from Amy. The game could barely be heard over the juke box blaring Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet.

  “Three rum and cokes,” Joey ordered from the bartender as he snacked on some beer nuts from a bowl on the bar.

  “Check that out,” Bob glanced over at a group of woman sitting around a table by the juke box.

  “Not interested,” mumble Joey as he sipped his rum and coke. “I am in enough trouble already.”

  “Yeah, I came to watch the game.” Adam was clear what his intentions were for the evening. He remembered that night when they had been here last. What a difference a good loving woman can make in your life. He leaned over towards Joey. “You think they’ll make the play offs this year?”

  “No, they’re not even a five hundred club.” Joey took a drag of his cigarette.

  “Come on Tigers,” Adam said in disgust as they had three strikeouts in a row.

  Adam watched as Bob strutted over to the group of woman. He pulled up a chair as he flirting with them. He waved his arm towards the bartender ordering a round of drinks. Bob walked over to the juke box and inserted some quarters into it. He stood over it, the glow from the lights upon his face, as he punched out his choice of music. Fooled Around and Fell in Love came on by Alvin Bishop as Bob took one of the ladies onto the dance floor.

  “You know Angie broke up with me,” Joey revealed to Adam.

  “Yeah, Amy mentioned it to me. I’m sorry,” Adam offered his condolences as he took a sip of his drink. “That sucks.”

  “You know what really sucks?” Joey waved the bartender for another drink. “Loving someone who doesn’t love you.”

  “So you really do love her, huh?” Adam looked up, surprised that Joey was so heartbroken. This was a side of him he had never seen before.

  “I’ve never been as sure about something in my life.” Joey looked around to make sure no one was listening. “I even bought her an engagement ring and was going to ask her to marry me.”

  “Wow, you are serious.” Adam said as he thought about whether he should tell Joey who was at his house right now.

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t matter too much if she isn’t.” Joey nodded for yet another drink.

  “She’s with Amy right now at the house.” Adam muttered not wanting to see his buddy suffer anymore than he had already.

  “What?” Joey looked up not believing what he had just heard. He crushed his cigarette out in the ash tray.

  “Don’t you ever hurt her again or you’ll have to answer to me,” Adam repeated the exact words Joey had told him not so long ago. “Now get the hell out of here.”

  Joey jumped up from the bar stool, throwing a fifty dollar bill on the bar for his tab.

  “Good luck,” Adam slapped Joey on the back before he literally ran out of the bar.


  Amy went to the hall closet as she reached up to the top shelf to get the Yahtzee game down. “I’m glad you decided to come over.” She closed the door and went back into the kitchen placing it on the kitchen table.

  “Thanks for inviting me over,” said Angie as she dipped a potato chip in some French onion dip.

  Amy took the dice out of the box and placed them in the cup, giv
ing each of them a score sheet. She searched the kitchen drawer for a couple pens tossing them on the table as she opened the refrigerator.

  “Would you like something to drink? I could make us a screwdriver.”

  “Sure,” said Angie as she rolled the dice setting three sixes aside. “Come on sixes.” She rolled again with no luck.

  Amy placed a drink in front of Angie and sat down at the table. The back door opened, and Joey’s disheveled body stepped inside rushing over by Angie as soon as he laid eyes on her.

  “Joey,” Angie gasped her eyes wide with surprise.

  “Please Angie don’t go,” Joey pleaded with her. “I can’t live without you.”

  “But…,” Angie tried to speak.

  “I’m so sorry Angie for all the pain I have caused you. I was wrong.” Joey sat down as he reached for her hand then decided against it. “I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

  “Joey…,” Angie tried again to speak.

  “I love you Angie.” Joey looked into her sad eyes. “I can’t get you out of my mind.”

  Angie looked into his dark brown eyes as her own filled up with tears. “You hurt me so badly Joey. I loved you and you ripped my heart right out of me.”

  “I promise Angie I will never hurt you ever again.” Joey took her hand in his rubbing it with his thumb gently. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  Angie nodded her head as tears rolled down her face. “I think I can in time.”

  He knelt by her side and took her into his arms. “Now you’re breaking my heart,” Joey wiped the tears from her face with his fingertips. “Please don’t cry anymore. I promise you things will get better.”

  Amy quietly slipped out of the kitchen and tiptoed up the stairs to her bedroom. It would take plenty of time and effort on Joey’s part but she believed in her heart they would be okay. Angie was just the woman Joey needed in his life to keep him grounded and he was the man who could make her soar.

  Chapter 12

  Adam and Amy lay upon the cool grass shaded by the pine tree which hid them from the rest of the world. They gazed up at the clouds in the blue summer sky dreaming about their future together.

  “I want to marry you Amy,” Adam squeezed her hand watching the clouds dance away as the wind blew past. “I can’t wait until we can spend every moment together.”

  “We will, as soon as you graduate.” Amy rolled over on her elbows looking at his suntanned face. She tickled it with the blade of wheat grass she had been chewing on.

  “Do you want a family?” Adam turned on his side facing Amy running his hand up and down her arm.

  “Of course I do,” Amy answered realizing they had never had this discussion before. “What about you?”

  “Yeah, I could see us with about twelve kids,” he teased her reaching over and tickling her under the arms.

  “Stop it,” she laughed hysterically as she tried to wiggle away from his hands.

  Adam stood up extending his hands as he pulled her up towards him in a warm embrace. As he kissed her on the forehead he noticed the pine tree with their initials carved in it.

  “I love you more than anything.” Amy held him close clinging on to this moment.

  “I love you too, Amy.” He took her by the hand as he silently said goodbye to his secret spot not knowing when he might be back.

  Adam walked with her by his side as they followed the trails that wove around his families’ property. He was going to miss the fields filled with all the wildflowers and trees that were home to all the surrounding wildlife.

  “Look,” Adam whispered softly into Amy’s ear as he pointed straight ahead of them.

  A large ten point buck and a couple does with their young ones stood still, their ears perked up in the air listening. As Adam took a step forward a twig snapped under his foot sending them to take cover in the woods. He looked at Amy both sharing the moment without saying a word. As they headed back towards the farmhouse a pheasant flew up in front of them taking off for cover in some nearby pines.

  He watched as she ran ahead of him towards the tire swing hanging in the old oak tree. He stopped along the way to sit upon a wooden fence admiring her. She pumped her legs forward holding onto the rope as she leaned her head back, her hair flowing behind in the breeze. Adam took snapshots in his mind to take along with him. He felt a lump in his throat then took a deep breath pushing aside his sadness as he jumped off the fence. He ran behind her and gave Amy a sturdy push. The sound of her laughter as she swung back and forth filled his heart with the joy he would also take with him.


  “This was a good idea to go to Doogles tonight,” Adam opened the door for Amy as they entered the favorite hangout.

  “SURPRISE!” The room was full of familiar faces smiling ear to ear at Adam as he stood in shock. He broke out in a smile realizing they had pulled one over on him.

  “Gotcha.” Amy smiled up at Adam as he still looked at everyone in amazement. “You didn’t think I’d let you slip out of town unnoticed?”

  Gathered throughout the bar were all the important people in his life. Mr. and Mrs. LaPointe stood over playing darts in the corner of the bar with his sisters. His current hockey team and significant others visited at a long table that Amy decorated with streamers and balloons. Mr. Harper and his wife sat beneath the banner which read, “Congratulations”. Mrs. Makowski and Mrs. Prusinski were behind the tables waiting to serve the pizzas, submarines, salads, chips and a decorated cake to the crowd of friends and family. And of course there was Joey, Angie and Bob who already sat at the bar celebrating.

  “Wow.” Adam scanned the room touched by all the people who were there for him. “We’re going to party tonight!”

  “You know it!” Bob came over and slapped his buddy on the back, handing him a shot. They raised their glasses and downed it. “I’ll get some jams on the jukebox going.”

  “I’m going to help serve the food,” Amy said as she heard You’re In My Heart by Rod Stewart playing on the juke box. “You just mingle and have a good time.” She kissed him then proceeded over to the food.

  “Do you want to dance, mom?” Bob came up to Mrs. Prusinski who was helping Amy serve the food.

  “Go ahead.” Amy smiled as Bob took his mother by the hand and led her onto the dance floor. They boogied as Two Tickets to Paradise by Eddie Money played on the juke box. She saw Joey join in with their mom who was having the time of her life dancing.

  Amy snapped some pictures with her Polaroid camera not wanting to forget this moment. “This is priceless.” When the song ended she gathered everyone together managing to squeeze them all into one picture. “Say cheese,” Amy took the picture. “Now everyone make a funny face.”

  She placed the camera in its bag and sat it back on the bar observing everyone having a good time.

  “Hey beautiful, you come here often.” Adam stood behind her wrapping his arms around her.

  “Only when my jealous boyfriend let’s me out of the house.” Amy glanced back at him her eyes sparkling as she laughed.

  “Want to dance?” Adam kept his arms around her walking behind her to the dance floor. He twirled her around and pulled her close to him. (Slow Dancing) Swaying To The Music by Johnny Rivers filled the room. They danced in-sync enjoying the night and all the happiness surrounding them.


  Adam took an unoccupied seat in the large waiting area by his designated gate. He didn’t feel like roaming around the terminal this morning due to the massive hangover he had. His mom and dad sat to the left of him and Amy was to his right.

  “That was fun last night at Doogles,” said Adam as he gently squeezed her leg. You really surprised me. I honestly had no idea.” He felt Amy placed her small hand on his lacing her fingers between his.

  “I’m glad you had a good time,” she looked up him and smiled.

  “I think everyone had a great time,” said Mrs. LaPointe.

  “If you didn’t it was your own fault.” M
r. LaPointe joked. “It was real nice.”

  “American Airlines Flight 249 to New York is now boarding at Gate 8,” the intercom echoed throughout the terminal.

  They all stood up realizing that was Adam’s flight and the good-byes could no longer be avoided.

  Amy stood aside a moment so Adam could say his farewells to his mom and dad. She waited nervously as she realized he would soon be gone.

  “I’m very proud of you son,” Mr. Lapointe hugged Adam then patted him on the back. “You are the first LaPointe to go to college.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you and mom,” he told his father then extended his arms to his mom.

  “I baked you some chocolate chip cookies,” she handed him the tin that had traveled with her the whole trip.

  “Thank you mom,” Adam planted a kiss on her cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she pinched his cheeks. “Be safe.”

  Amy saw Adam set the tin of cookies down reaching his loving arms out towards her. She rushed into them immediately holding him tighter than she ever had before. She felt the tears she had held inside for so long falling.

  “Oh Adam,” she stared up at him noticing he had a few tears of his own to shed. She reached up touching his face lightly. “I am going to miss you so much.”

  “I’ll be back before you know it.” He tried to comfort her with his words. “I’ll call you and I’ll write every day.”

  “You better,” Amy looked up at him and tried to smile.

  “Our love is strong enough to last,” Adam took a tissue out of his pocket drying her tears. “Remember that when things seem tough.”

  “Goodbye Adam,” She hugged him one last time then handed him a card. “I love you.”

  “And I’m not lion.” He smiled as he placed the card in his coat pocket. “I’ll call you tonight. I love you.” He picked up his bag and tin of cookies, rushing through the door of the attachable jet way without looking back.


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