Claiming Jade

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Claiming Jade Page 7

by Teresa Gabelman

  His eyes went to her lips, and he stared like an idiot.

  “What’s your last name?” Her words broke him out of his daze.

  “I don’t have a last name,” Drake replied, then pointed to her plate. “Now eat before I feed it to you.” Or bend you over this couch again, he added to himself.

  Drake didn’t have a last name. How sad was that? Maybe it was weird, and he didn’t like it. For some reason, she wanted to know why he didn’t have one. Everyone had a last name. “Why? Don’t you like your last name? I knew a boy once I went to school with, his name was Dickey Butock. Pronounced buttock, but spelled with one T.”

  He chuckled. “That’s a lie.”

  “No, I swear it.” Jade turned toward him on the couch. “His name was Dickey Butock. Everyone made fun of him, but me. We were friends. He lived two houses down from me. He didn’t care, because he said it was pretty cool to be so unique.”

  “I’d say Dickey Butock is pretty unique, and what in the hell were his parents thinking?” Drake shook his head. “I bet the kid got his ass kicked a lot.”

  “Actually, he didn’t.” Jade laughed. “His parents put him in Taekwondo classes at a young age. He ended up being a world champ by the time we were freshmen in high school. No one bullied Dickey once word got around that he was a badass. So see, there’s no reason to be ashamed of a weird last name.”

  “I agree.” Drake nodded. “Though Dickey Butock is pretty out there. But I don’t have a last name, weird or normal. Dark Elves just don’t have surnames.”

  Jade thought long and hard; it really was a shame. Everyone deserved a last name. She didn’t really understand why it bothered her so much that he didn’t, but it did. “You can have mine.”

  “You would give me your last name?” His voice was low and rough, his eyes searching hers.

  “Of course,” Jade replied, then wondered if she shouldn’t have offered. It was kind of silly. He was a grown man, who probably didn’t care if he had a last name or not. “Unless you prefer Butock.”

  He didn’t smile at her joke. Instead, he leaned toward her, his mouth slowly touching hers in a gentle kiss. “You honor me.” His voice tickled her lips.

  Her eyes closed as she started to go in for more of a kiss, but then his phone rang. He cursed as he pulled away, tugging the phone out of his pocket. She had a sudden urge to grab it and toss it outside.

  “Drake,” he said into the phone, his eyes still on hers. “Yes, I know the plan.”

  He stood and walked away, his voice all business as he stalked around her small house. She could sit all day and night just watching him move. Yeah, she obviously needed to get a life. But holy hell, he was handsome, virile, and had the nicest ass she’d ever seen on a man, both clothed and unclothed.

  “No, I won’t kill the king.” He snorted, but his expression clearly indicated he just might. He looked angry. “No, my fucking fingers aren’t crossed, Max.”

  Jade chuckled when he said that, then looked at his fingers to see if he was lying.

  “I’m hanging up the damn phone. Is there anything else?” Drake growled into the phone, but then his expression changed as he looked at her. “No harm will come to her because if that happens, I’ll be the one starting the war with the pixie bastards.”

  Drake hung up the phone. He’d turned his back on her and stood there motionless. “I will do whatever I have to do to keep my brother safe.”

  His shoulders visibly tensed at her words. He slowly turned toward her, his silver eyes flaring to life. “No harm will come to you.”

  “If I have to sacrifice myself for my brother, I will, and you can’t stop me.” She slowly stood. “I swore on my father’s, our father’s deathbed that I would take care of Clyde. I won’t go back on that promise.”

  Drake moved toward her, taking her chin in his hand. “And I’m swearing to you, that no one will dare touch you.” His words were blunt and to the point. “I will not go back on that promise.”

  “Then I guess we’ll have to see what tomorrow brings,” she whispered, savoring the feel of his touch. “This is who I am, Drake. I won’t apologize for putting others first.”

  “That’s fine, Jade.” His thumb caressed her bottom lip. “You may not be putting yourself first, but I am.”

  His words hit a place in her soul she didn’t know existed. One thing that was not promised to anyone was tomorrow. But tonight, she was going to make sure this man with no last name knew exactly how she felt about the words he just spoke. Stepping back, she lifted her sweatshirt over her head and dropped it on the floor. Beneath lowered lashes, she looked up at him. No words needed to be spoken as he drew her to him. They had tonight. Only tonight was promised. It would have to be enough.

  Chapter 10

  Drake paced, ready to get this shit over with. Jade was getting ready so they could meet the team to go over the plan one more time before meeting with the pixie king. After last night, he knew for a fact—actually he’d known before, but last night sealed the deal—that he may be working as Jade’s very own protector, but it was much more than that. The stakes that were always high with cases and clients had tripled. Taking her into a dangerous situation was not sitting well with him, and if he could find a way out of that happening, he was going to do it.

  “I’m ready.” Jade walked out, and his whole thought process went to hell. They’d not only made love every way known to man and elf last night, but they’d also talked. If either one of them got a half-an-hour sleep, he’d be surprised. He loved this woman more than his own life, and that was a very scary thought. His life, his work was not cut out for a human woman, but he would make it work. They would make it work. There was no alternative.

  He just gave her a nod as he let her pass to the door. Reaching around her, he opened the door, and they stepped outside. He went into protector mode searching the area for danger, using his heightened senses. Anyone who trusted a pixie was a fool. Even though the king had set up the meeting, it didn’t mean he had called off his army.

  He opened the passenger door for Jade, his eyes still scanning. Once she was safely in, he hurried to the driver side and got in. After he started the car, he backed out of her driveway. Drake was so intent on what he was doing he was surprised when she reached over and took his hand in hers. Their eyes met briefly, but the ride was silent.

  He pulled into the parking lot of Elite Crime Unit and parked. “Stay here.”

  Drake got out of the car, frowning. “Where is everyone?”

  “This is it,” Jack announced, as he fitted his gun strap under his jacket. “I promised I would only bring four agents and that’s what we’re going to do.” Jack snapped his jacket in place. “He promised the same.”

  “And you trusted a fucking pixie?” Drake rubbed his hand up and down his face in frustration.

  “Don’t piss me off,” Jack hissed, then looked toward the car. “She will be well protected.”

  “She fucking better be,” Drake cursed, then glanced around. “Who’s the fourth?”

  Max came out of the building just at that moment eating a donut. “These are fucking amazing.” He plopped the rest in his mouth, then noticed Drake glaring at him. “What? There’s more. I didn’t eat them all.”

  “We are fucked.” Drake rolled his eyes. “This is crazy. You know the fucking pixie king is not going to show up with just four.”

  Jack walked up to Drake and got in his face. “Do not second-guess me, Drake. If you don’t watch it, I will take the girl and keep you here. Is that understood?”

  Over his dead fucking body, but he remained silent just staring at him. Hearing the car door open, he finally backed down and looked to see Jade getting out of the car. “I told you to stay.”

  “I’m not a dog.” Jade slammed the door, then stepped toward them. “And I have a brain that functions quite well.”

  Max chuckled, then shut it when Drake sneered at him.

  “I heard everything, and maybe he’s right.” J
ade stood beside Jack. “Maybe I should be the one going. It’s my brother he wants and if—”

  “No!” four male voices growled, making Jade jump.

  “Yeah, ah, good try.” Jack gave her a pat on the shoulder. “We’re alpha and very protective.”

  “Have you heard anything about Clyde?” Jade asked, then glanced at Drake. “Anything at all?”

  “No, but we will. I’ve got the best on it,” Jack assured her. “Okay, let’s get this done. I’ll be the one talking, and you’ll all be doing what you’re good at… watching my back. If we can all do that, then this should go down with no problems. It’s kind of hard to plan shit out since we’re heading into the unknown, but when I talked to King Valor, he seemed to feel true concern for his daughter.”

  Everyone snorted in disbelief, but Jade and Jack.

  “Tarron, you, and Max go with Drake.” Jack headed toward his car. “Follow me.”

  “Anyone else have a real bad feeling about this?” Tarron whispered as they headed toward Drake’s car.

  “Yeah.” Drake opened the door once again for Jade, his eyes going to Tarron after he shut her in. “The main goal… keep her safe.”

  “Always,” Tarron vowed before getting in the back seat.

  Drake stepped around the car meeting Max’s gaze, waiting for his agreement.

  “Wish I would have snatched another donut,” Max grumbled, but his eyes were narrowed as he looked at Drake. “On my life.” He made his own vow before also disappearing into the car.

  On the ride, Jade couldn’t help but feel a little angry with her brother. She loved him dearly, but he was the total opposite of her. He thought of himself first and always. She just hoped no one got hurt because of them.

  Her eyes widened when they followed Jack’s car into a long drive lined with beautiful trees that opened up to the most magnificent house she’d ever seen. It was a mansion with tall white pillars adorning the front porch they pulled up to.

  As they piled out of the car, Jade searched the grounds. It was truly beautiful. Who knew pixies lived like this. Well, maybe not all pixies, but the pixie king surely did. As they made their way to the front door, with Jack and Tarron leading the way, she noticed a lot of activity.

  “Looks like more than four to me,” Max noted as they stopped. “And I didn’t know we were showing up at his house. Puts us at a bad disadvantage.”

  “Agreed,” Drake growled, his eyes also searching.

  Jade felt their tension, as well as her own. Her only saving grace was her hand being held in Drake’s. She wasn’t alone in this.

  Jack pushed the doorbell button, and the sounds of twinkly bells sounded throughout the inside of the house. The door opened, and there stood a man with half his hair pink and half black. His eyes were emotionless as he stared at each and every one of them.

  “No hair jokes,” Drake warned her in a whisper.

  Max leaned over toward her. “I thought it was funny shit.”

  Max seemed to be able to make her smile when all she wanted to do was cry. Right now though, she was so nervous she had to pee. Why did she always have to pee when she was nervous?

  “King Valor is expecting us,” Jack said, his tone full of authority.

  “He is.” The man’s voice also held no emotion as he turned away from them. “Follow me.”

  Jade’s eyes didn’t know where to go to first. If she thought the outside of the mansion was impressive, the inside made her gasp. Everything was white, the floors, the corner tables, the curtains, walls and, holy crap… the staircase was huge and took up most of the foyer.

  “I was promised only four pixies would be in attendance.” Jack’s voice snapped her out of her impressed daze.

  The man stopped, turned slowly as his eyes ran up and down Jack in disgust. She felt Drake and Max tense beside her as Tarron stepped closer to Jack. “He lied.” His voice was as full of revulsion as his glare. “Why would he be honest with a human?”

  Okay, that was a shocker. Jack was a human? “He’s human?” She whispered, but no one was paying her any attention.

  “Son of a bitch!” Drake took a step toward the man, but a voice from the top of the staircase stopped him.

  “He did not lie.” A woman’s voice floated down to them. It had a musical tone which Jade found soothing. “Hello, Jack. Please come. He is waiting for you.”

  “Luna,” Jack said, as he passed the man and headed to the staircase. “How are you?”

  “Worried sick about Ariella.” The woman sniffed, shaking her head. “We’ve searched and searched, but nothing.”

  Oh crap, this must be Ariella’s mother. Jade was suddenly very uncomfortable. As they reached the top of the massive staircase, her eyes met that of the woman, and she felt instantly terrible. Her brother had a lot to answer for.

  “You must be the sister of the boy who took her away. Please tell me you’ve heard from them?” The woman, who Jade could now see clearly, was absolutely beautiful. Her pink curly hair clung to her head like a halo. She didn’t try to hide it with dye but wore it proudly.

  “No, I’m sorry.” Jade shook her head. “But I won’t stop looking until I find them.”

  The woman sniffed again but nodded. “Come.” She turned and led them down a long hallway. “Declan gets grumpy when he has to wait.”

  They followed her to a set of double doors. The woman opened them up and walked inside. Behind the desk sat a handsome man who stood immediately. The woman, Luna, hurried toward his opened arm where she stood against his side.

  “Jenkins told them you lied, that there were more than four as you promised Jack.” She looked up at the man, whose hair was dyed, but expertly so. No hint of any other color than black showed through.

  “I’ll deal with him. As you can see, there are four, not including my wife.” His voice was gruff, his eyes moved from Luna to Jade. “So, you are the sister?”

  “Yes.” Jade was so damn proud of herself. Her voice didn’t crack with nerves. She may want to throw up at that very moment and had to pee like a racehorse, but no one would know just how nervous she really was.

  “Then I will take her!” A man stepped up, and that’s when all hell broke loose.

  Chapter 11

  Drake immediately counted the people in the room as soon as the doors opened. He had hoped the king would keep his word, but he had learned the hard way to never trust a pixie. His eyes scanned, then landed on a man who was staring at Jade. Drake actually edged her closer to him.

  Suddenly the man pointed toward Jade. “Then I will take her!”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Max stepped between the man and Drake. “Step down, killer. It’s just words, just words.”

  “Her brother took what was promised to me,” the man shouted, his eyes shooting to the king. “And I expect you to make it right. She will bow to me for her brother’s deceit. I want her!”

  “Okay, fighting words, but still words all the same.” Max nodded, still holding Drake back. “Let’s see what kingy over there has to say so hopefully we get out of this alive.”

  “What you want and what you’re going to get are two very different things,” Drake warned, his voice harsh with rage.

  “Devin is right,” the king sneered, his eyes glowing angrily, but the anger was directed toward Devin. “As much as I hate to admit, I have promised my darling only daughter to this piece of gargoyle shit… sorry, no offense,” he said to Jack since a few of his agents were gargoyles.

  “None taken,” Jack replied, his eyes straightforward. “But I do take offense to you putting hits on humans.”

  “I did not put any hit on a human.” The king huffed in outrage. “I have very well-trained men looking for my daughter, that is all.”

  “I put a hit on the bastard,” Devin sneered. “He dared steal what is mine. What was promised to me!”

  “Gargoyle’s shit?” Max’s eyes opened wide. “Hmmm, guess they do.”

  “Will you shut the fuck up?” Tarron hisse
d at him, his eyes going from Drake to Devin.

  “You, in turn, put another innocent human in harm’s way,” Jack stated, this time pointing at Devin. “And that, sir, is a heavy penalty.”

  “She was promised to me!” Devin shouted like a crazed lunatic. “That gives me the right to do whatever is in my power to get her back.”

  “Which seems now to have been a grave mistake.” King Valor moved his wife carefully out of the way.

  “What?” Devin seemed to wake up, realizing he had made a major mistake. “Ariella is my heart.”

  King Valor glared at the man. “Yet you are quick to toss her away for another.”

  “Never!” Devin’s shoulders straightened as he bowed to the king. “I only ask to hold on to the sister of the man who took my love. A trade so to speak.”

  “Bullshit!” Drake shouted, his body shaking with rage.

  “I’ll second that,” Max piped up.

  “So will I.” Tarron took a step forward. “This man has no good intentions toward the sister.”

  “You calling me a liar?” Devin also took a step forward.

  “A very bad one,” Tarron countered.

  “Wait!” Jade pushed her way forward, slipping past both Drake and Max.

  “I talked to your daughter. I met Ariella.” Jade looked first at Luna and then the king. “And honestly, you must be very proud. She was lovely, but also very much in love with my brother.”

  “A human?” The king snorted, shaking his head in denial. “Impossible.”

  “No, not impossible,” Jade countered. “Listen, I’m sorry my brother has brought you both pain, but I saw her, and if she was in love with this man, she wouldn’t have been with my brother. You have a very smart daughter who knows her own mind.”

  “Of course she is going to say this.” Devin threw up his hands. “She’s sticking up for him.”

  “She didn’t love Devin, Declan.” Luna’s voice floated through the silence of the room. “I know this and so did you, but your pride and wanting to make deals made you blind to the fact. And because of this, we’ve lost her.”


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