Their Own Time: A Trio of Time Travel Romance Novelette's

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Their Own Time: A Trio of Time Travel Romance Novelette's Page 3

by Jessica McCrory

  A knock at the door had her heart pounding. Could he have followed them there as well? How would he have gotten here?


  At the sound of Garrett’s voice, Carissa breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Come in.” She said loud enough for him to hear.

  Garrett’s breath caught in his chest at the sight of her. The dirt had been washed away from her skin, and she wore only a thin nightgown. She was so beautiful that it nearly made him want to turn away for fear he would pull her to him. He knew she had been through much recently, although she hadn’t shared it all with him, and he wanted to run his sword through the man who had bruised her.

  “I wanted to be sure you were comfortable.” He said, taking a step into the room.

  “I am, thank you.” She smiled and walked towards him.

  Garrett noticed Gabby sleeping in the crib next to the bed, and his heart leapt. It made him happy to see a child using it. It had sat useless in the nursery since Eleonora had died during childbirth.

  “She fell asleep fairly quickly.”

  “It has been a long few days for her I imagine.”

  “Yes, it has.”

  “For you as well.” He said pulled her attention back to him.

  Carissa nodded, tears threatening her eyes again.

  He closed the distance between them, and she placed his hand gently on his chest over his heart. The beat was strong and brought her some peace.

  “Carissa, I vow to protect you and Gabby. As long as you are here, and there is breath in my chest I will protect you. No harm will ever come to you two again.” He gently touched her face and lifted it, so she looked in his eyes.

  She couldn’t make out the emotion behind his eyes. She could see anger for her injuries, sadness for her pain and could that be lust she wondered?

  Her heart beat faster in her chest, and she leaned into him, desperate for the touch of someone who wasn’t going to hurt her.

  “Thank you, Garrett.” She stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek gently and then let herself lean against his strong chest.

  Garrett was afraid to move. This strange woman had awakened a part of him that he hadn’t known still existed. How was it possible that in the short time he had known her he had begun to feel as if he needed her.

  Although he hadn’t loved her when they had gotten married, when Eleonora had died he had felt as if a part of his own self had died as well. It had been beyond painful to lose the daughter he had yet to meet but to lose the one he had been expected to spend his life with had hurt as well.

  When Carissa didn’t pull away, he wrapped his arms around her. He stood for a moment and then realized that she had fallen asleep. He smiled and lifted her into his arms. He laid her gently down and then turned to leave.

  “Wait.” Carissa gripped his arm her eyes darting around the room in fear.

  “What is it?” He asked while he held his breath.

  She blushed and looked away. “Could you stay? Even if it’s just until I fall back asleep, please? I’m afraid to be alone.” She admitted, ashamed. The last time she had been alone, Parker had found her. She knew it was probably impossible for him to find them now, But she still worried.

  “Of course. He removed his boots and his sword, hanging it high on the bedpost opposite of the crib so that if Gabby somehow got out without them knowing, she wouldn’t be able to reach it. He climbed into the bed next to her, and she scooted back into his arms.

  Garrett did his best to think of anything but the beautiful woman currently pressed against him, but It did him little good. If she noticed it, then she chose to keep it to herself, and he was grateful for that.

  He laid next to her until he was sure she was asleep, and then stood cautiously. He looked down at her and sighed. She was even more beautiful when she slept, once no worries plagued her mind. He gently brushed a blonde curl from her face, and she smiled softly in her sleep.

  Garrett walked to the small crib and looked down at the sleeping child. How could any man not wish to be a part of his child’s life? He wondered. No man at all, he supposed thinking back to the bruises on Carissa’s angelic face. He had no tolerance for men who harmed women, and if he had the chance, he would run the man through with his sword forever daring to put his hands on her.

  Gabby smiled in her sleep just as her mother had and Garrett grinned slightly.

  His heart hurt for the child he had lost. How he would have loved to have been a father. Garrett looked around the room. This had been his room, but he hadn’t stepped foot in here since the night Eleanora had died. Even now it hurt him to look upon it.

  “No.” Carissa stirred in her sleep, and Garrett turned to her.

  “Please, Parker, no don’t.” She cried.

  “Shh, Carissa.” Garrett sat gently on the edge of the bed and tried to wake her.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll get her to stop, please just hang on a second.”

  “Carissa, he is not here.” Garrett rolled her over and pulled her into his lap.

  “I’m sorry Parker.” She cried and pushed away from Garrett, but he held on, knowing she was still trapped in her nightmare.

  “Carissa.” He ran his hand over her hair and pressed a kiss to her head.

  “Garrett?” The sleep still in her voice, she clutched to him like a lifeline.

  “Aye, tis me Carissa.”

  “I’m sorry if I woke you.”

  “You don’t need to apologize to me. You don’t need to apologize to anyone, Carissa.”

  Tears still streamed down her face as she pressed tighter against him.

  “I didn’t know what else to do, I had to run.”

  He let her continue talking to him, knowing she needed to release some of the strain on her heart.

  “If I hadn’t, he would have eventually hurt Gabby, and he would have had to kill me to get to her. I think he would have.”

  Garrett tightened his grip on her. “He will not get you now Carissa, you and Gabby are safe here.”

  “I know.” She whispered and pulled in closer. She knew it was true, but the fear from the nightmare still ate at her.

  Chapter Six

  Carissa watched as Gabby chased Garrett around a field that was covered in the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen. Carissa knew she and Gabby had both needed the fresh air, and what better way to spend an afternoon then watching her baby run giggling through the bright blooms.

  “You are fast for a wee one!” He laughed as he let her catch him.

  Gabby had become almost immediately attached to Garrett since the day they had arrived, and it made her heart happy to know that the toddler knew not all men were like Parker.

  It had been nearly a month since she had suffered through her nightmare and woken up in Garrett’s arms. Her dreams now consisted of only one man, and they certainly weren’t nightmares.

  She looked up at him and saw he was watching her. She smiled slightly and went back to repairing a hole in one of Gabby’s dresses.

  Edith had brought her a trunk full of clothing for them both, and she had insisted on repairing them all herself although Edith had offered to do it for her.

  She felt as if she were taking advantage of them all since she had still not told anyone about where she was from. Garrett hadn’t asked her again, and she certainly wasn’t going to offer that kind of information.

  “Master McKinley!” Sean ran for them, clearly out of breath.

  Garrett turned to him, and Gabby reached for him to pick her up. He lifted her with ease and then walked toward Sean.

  “What is it, Sean?”

  “Your mother is here.”

  “My mother?”


  “She isn’t supposed to be returning for another fortnight.”

  “She has returned early.”

  Garrett swallowed. He hadn’t had the chance to apprise his mother of their guests. He turned to smile at Carissa. “Looks as though you will be meeting my mother.”

  Carissa bit back her fear, and Garrett must have seen it written on her face.

  “Twill be alright, Carissa. My mother is going to lose her head over this wee one, she will probably pay you little notice if any at all.” He grinned, and she knew he was joking with her to try and make her feel better.

  “Garrett!” He heard his mother’s voice off in the distance, and he started towards her, Gabby now on his shoulders.

  Carissa followed behind them, smoothing out the wrinkles in her skirt.

  “Tis lovely to see you mother.” He smiled and lowered Gabby down so he could hug his mother. He lifted her and turned her in a circle. Carissa smiled at the love he showed her.

  “Tis even lovelier to see you, my son.” She patted his cheek and then knelt to Gabby. “Who is this lovely wee one? Did you have a child without me knowing?” She eyed him amused, and he blushed.

  “This is one of our guests, young Gabby.”

  “Well, tis an honor to meet you young Gabby.”

  “Dank you,” Gabby replied shyly, hiding behind Garrett’s leg.

  “This is her mother, Carissa,” Garrett said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Carissa this is my mother, Kettie McKinley.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” She reached her hand out, and Kettie took it gently.

  “It’s wonderful to meet you as well, Carissa. I trust my son has been caring for you both?”

  “He definitely has.” Carissa smiled up at Garrett and then looked back at Kettie.

  The woman was beautiful in an effortless sort of way. Her face was lightly wrinkled, but her skin was bright. She was slender and wore a gown in a deep red.

  “Shall we see what Edith has cooked up tonight? Carissa, will you and Gabby be joining us?” Kettie wondered.

  “She will.” Garrett smiled.

  “Wonderful!” Kettie clapped her hands together and looped her arm through Garrett’s while Gaby grabbed his free hand. Carissa smiled and followed them.

  It struck her just then that from the outside looking in, Garrett and Gaby looked like father and daughter. How had he managed to nestle his way into her daughter’s heart so quickly? What happened if they had to leave?

  “Gaby, let’s go and get cleaned up.” Carissa reached for her, but she clung to Garrett’s hand.

  “No momma. Stay dada.”

  Carissa’s face flushed as she looked at Garrett. The look on his face stunned her, where she would think there would be irritation or even confusion there was instead pure, unfiltered love as he looked down at the little girl. His smile spread across his face, and he knelt to her.

  “Go with Mommy now wee girl. I will be here when you come down.” He kissed her forehead, and she giggled.

  “Okay, Dada.” She turned and headed for the stairs.

  “Sorry,” Carissa mumbled and turned to follow her. She walked quickly past Garrett and Kettie, careful to not look at their faces.

  “Dada?” Kettie asked eying him.

  “Tis a new one for me.” He laughed and ran his hand over the stubble on his chin. “Truth be told, I like the sound of it.”

  “Have you and Carissa-?”

  “We have not, she is my guest.” But the look on his face must have shown something else because Kettie laughed.

  “Oh son, if only you knew.”

  “Knew what?”

  “The look you wear plainly upon your face.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  She touched his arm gently and looked into a face she loved more than any other. “Your heart does not believe her to only be a guest my son. Tis time you began listening to it. It’s been a long while since Eleanora, Garrett. Tis time to move forward.”

  “She has had a rough life.” He motioned for the stairs where Carissa and Gaby had disappeared.

  “So have you.”

  “I believe she was harmed by the man she was with before.” His jaw tightened at even the minor mention of whomever had hurt her.

  “Gaby’s father then?”

  Garrett nodded.

  “That’s a shame.” Kettie clicked her tongue and shook her head.

  Garrett nodded again.

  “I suppose it’s even more important that you show her how a proper man treats a woman.”

  “Mother.” Garrett shook his head, but he smiled at her. She knew him better than anyone.

  “Just my belief son. Take it as it is or just as a crazy old woman, no matter either way.” She winked and turned for the kitchen.

  Garrett stood staring in the direction Carissa had walked. Truth be told, he didn’t think of her as a guest anymore. She had become a part of his family, and he thought of Gaby as he would a daughter.

  He watched Carissa as she moved throughout the castle and the grounds every day and found himself longing for her. When he dreamt, it was her he held throughout the night, and although she was in a different room, when he woke up he swore he could smell her.

  As they sat around the dinner table that evening, all was right in Garrett’s world. His mother and Carissa spoke easily as if they had known each other for years rather than merely hours. Gabby giggled as she ate her dinner on his lap and when she fell soundly asleep, he snuggled her closer to his chest.

  Feeling her breathing against him caused his heart to soar in ways he had never thought possible.

  “Carissa,” Kettie whispered loudly to her.

  “Yes?” She looked away from Garrett who was infatuated with staring down at the sleeping Gabby and turned to face her.

  “You can trust him.”


  “Who else would I be speaking of?”

  Carissa laughed softly. “I know I can.”

  “I know of you.”

  Carissa’s heart sunk. How much did she know?

  “Not everything lass. Only what I dreamt.”

  “I don’t understand. Dreamt?”

  “I know that you are not from this time. I also know that you were in grave danger before, but you must know you are safe here.” She looked back at her son who still was focused solely on the little girl in his arms.

  “How did you know?” Fear gripped her heart. She didn’t know where she and Gabby could go where they would be safe. Would they condemn her? Call her a witch?

  “Relax, dear. I have gifts of my own. My son will not put you out simply because you are different. You must trust him, let him in.”

  Carissa looked over at Garrett and the sight of him holding her daughter. He was so strong, and yet still managed to be so gentle with her.

  “Twas a terrible time for him when Eleanora and his babe died.”

  “I couldn’t even imagine.”

  “I wasn’t sure he would ever recover. Spent many nights at the bottom of a whiskey bottle.”

  “He’s a great man.”

  “He certainly is. Just as his father was.” Kettie’s eyes saddened.

  “What happened to him?”

  “He got sick. Never could figure out what was wrong. He died shortly after he fell ill.”

  “I’m sorry, Kettie.” She reached across the table and touched her hand gently.

  Kettie nodded, wiping tears from her face and smiled at her son. “I am so proud of him.”

  “What are the two of you whispering over there?” Garrett asked amused when he saw them talking.

  “None of your business, that’s what.” Kettie laughed and stood. “I am going to retire to my room, it has been a long day.”

  “Love you mother. I am so glad you came home.”

  “I am as well.”

  “It was nice to meet you,” Carissa said hugging Kettie.

  “It was lovely to meet you, Carissa. I look forward to spending more time together.” Kettie said to Carissa and then headed up the stairs.

  “Shall we put this one to bed?” Garrett asked her, and she nodded.

  What had Kettie meant when she said she had dreamt of her? How did she know what Carissa had never spoken out loud?
Was it possible that she somehow knew the woman who had sent her back?

  One thing was sure, as she looked at Garrett putting Gabby to bed, she felt her heart become whole again. He turned to look at her and her breath caught in her chest.

  “Can I talk to you?” She whispered and moved back into the main room. Since there was no other entrance into the nursery except through her door, she had asked him to move the crib back into the nursery after they had been there for three weeks. Gabby kept being woken up whenever Carissa had a nightmare, and she was glad the distance had helped with that.

  “Is everything alright?” He asked touching her arm gently.

  “Yes, it’s all perfect.” She sat on the edge of the bed, and he sat next to her.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m afraid.”

  “Of me?” He started to stand, and she gripped his arm.

  “No, of what you will think of me. I’m afraid that you might become afraid of me.”

  Garrett laughed lightly. “Carissa I could never think badly of you and would never be afraid of you. What is it?”

  “I haven’t been completely honest with you.” She watched his jaw harden and beat back the irrational fear she carried with her ever since Parker. She knew he would never hurt her, but it still frightened her.

  “You have a husband.” He said it simply and when she realized that was what he was afraid of she couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I’m not married, Garrett. I haven’t been with a man since Gabby was born.” She looked down at her hands, embarrassed and unwilling to tell him why.

  Relief filled his eyes. “Then what is it?”

  “I’m not from here.”

  “I know that.”

  “No, I mean not just Ireland. I’m from a different-” She hesitated and covered her face. She was so afraid of the look that would surely be on his face. Of the heartbreak, her daughter would feel once he kicked them out. Of the heartbreak, she would feel.

  “What is it, love.” He lifted her face gently and her eyes filled at his endearment.

  “I’m from a different time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I’m from the year two thousand and sixteen.”


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