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by Anthony Adolph

  ——— Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 1641-1660, Oxford, The Theatre, 1703, 2 vols.

  ——— Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, The Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon… written by himself. Oxford, Clarendon Printing House, 1756 1 vol., written c. 1668-9.

  ——— Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Brief View and Survey of the Dangerous and Pernicious Errors to Church and State in Mr Hobbes’s Book Entitled ‘Leviathan’ 1676.

  ——— Jermyn, Rev. George Bitton, ‘Pedigree of the Family of Jermyn’, The Herald and Genealogist, 5 (1870).

  ——— Jesse, John Heneage; Memorials of the Court of England during the reign of the Stuarts including the Protectorate; Bentley, London, 1840.

  ——— Journals of the House of Lords (1660-1684).

  ——— Jusserand, J.J.(ed.), Recueil des instructions donnees aux ambassadeurs et ministres de France depuis les traites Westphalie jusqu’a la Revolution francaise, vol. 25, Angleterre, tome 2: 1660-1690, Paris, E. Boccard. 1929

  ——— Jusserand, J.J., French Ambassador at the Court of Charles the Second – Le Comte de Cominges from his unpublished correspondence. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1892.

  ——— Kaufman, H.A.; Conscientious Cavalier. Col. Bullen Reymes M.P., F.R.S., 1613-1672, The Man and His Times. Jonathan Cape, London, 1962.

  ——— Kennett, White, History of the Life and Reign of King Charles I.

  ——— Kenyon, J.P. Robert Spencer Earl of Sunderland 1641-1702, Longmans Greek & Co. London 1958.

  ——— Kingston, Alfred, East Anglia and the Civil War, Elliot Stock, London, 1897.

  ——— Knachel, Philip A.; England and the Fronde; The impact of the English Civil War and Revolution on France. Cornel University Press for the Folger Shakespeare Library.

  ——— Knoop, D, and Jones, A.P.G., The London Mason in the Seventeenth Century, Mancester University Press and the Quator Coronati Lodge, 1935.

  ——— La Fayette, Madame, Histoire de Madame Henriette.

  ——— Lescure, de (ed.), Memoires of the Abbé Choisy, Paris, 1888.

  ——— Lambert, J., Guide to St James’s Church; Piccadilly, 1958.

  ——— ‘Letters of King Charles II’, Ann. Bull. Soc. Jersiaise, vol.11, 1929.

  ——— Life and Death of Henrietta Maria de Bourbon, Queen to That Blessed King and Martyr Charles I, The, London, 1685.

  ——— Lindsay, Lord, Lives of the Lindsays, or, a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres. London, John Murray,1849.

  ——— Lister, T.H.; Life and Administration of Edward Earl of Clarendon with original correspondence and authentic papers never before published, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 3 vols, London, 1837.

  ——— Lockyer, Roger; Buckingham, The Life and Political Career of George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham 1592-1628. Longman, London and New York

  ——— Loftis, John (ed.) The Memoirs of Anne, Lady Halkett and Ann, Lady Fanshawe. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979.

  ——— Logan, W.H. & Maidment J.(eds.); The Dramatic Works of Sir William D’Avenant. William Paterson, Edinburgh and H. Southeran & Co., London, 1872.

  ——— Long, Charles Edward, M.A.(ed.); Diary of the Marches of the Royal Army During the Great Civil War; kept by Richard Symonds. Camden Society 1859.

  ——— Loomie S.J., Albert J. (ed.); Ceremonies of Charles I; the note-books of John Finet 1628-1641. New York, Fordham University Press, 1987.

  ——— Manley, Delarivierre, The New Atlantis, 1709.

  ——— Marshall, Rosalind K.; Henrietta Maria The Intrepid Queen. London, H.M.S.O., 1990.

  ——— Martin, D.C., ‘Sir Robert Moray F.R.S. (1608?-1673)’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, vol. 15, 1960.

  ——— Martin, L.C.; Abraham Cowley Poetry & Prose with Sprat’s Life and Observations by Dryden, Addison, Johnson and others. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

  ——— Megalotti, Count Lorenzo, Travels of Cosmo the Third Grand Duke of Tuscany through England 1669, London, 1821.

  ——— Mercurius Aulicus, 19 September 1644 et seq., B.L.Pamphlets.

  ——— Mercurius Britannicus, 15-22 July 1644, 19-26 September 1644 et seq., B.L. Pamphlets.

  ——— Messervy, Rev. J.A.; ‘Liste des Gouveneurs, Lieut.-Gouveneurs et Deputes Gouveneurs de L’isle de Jersey 1461-1749’. Ann. Bull. Soc. Jersiaise, vol. 4, 1901. Miller. John, James II: A study in Kingship, Watland, 1977.

  ——— Miscellanea Aulica: or, a Collection of State-Treatises, Never before published. Ed. T Brown. London, Hartley, Gibson and Hodgson, 1702.

  ——— Montagu-Smith, Patrick and Montgommery-Massingberd, Hugh, The Country Life Book of Royal Palaces Castles & Homes, Country Life Books, 1981.

  ——— Montpensier, Mademoiselle de., Memoirs, edited from the French, Henry Colburn, London, 1848.

  ——— Morel, Bernard, The French Crown Jewels, Fonds Mercator, Antwerp, 1989.

  ——— Morrah, Patrick. Prince Rupert of the Rhine. London, Constable, 1976.

  ——— Motteville; Memoires de Mme de Motteville, Pour servir a l’histoire d’Anne d’Austriche. Nouvelle edition, Paris, 1822.

  ——— Mountain, Fiona, Cavalier Queen, Preface, 2011.

  ——— A Narrative by John Ashburnham of his Attendance on King Charles the First from Oxford to the Scottish Army and from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight; never before printed. To which is prefixed a Vindication of his character and conduct, from the misrepresentations of Lord Clarendon, by his lineal descendant and representative. London, Payne and Foss, Pall Mall; Baldwin and Cradock, Paternoster-Row. 1830.

  ——— Nethercot, Arthur H; Abraham Cowley, The Muse’s Hannibal, New York, Russell & Russell.

  ——— Nethercot, Arthur H.; Sir William D’Avenant. New York, Russell and Russell, 1938.

  ——— New Discoverie of Mr Jermyns Conspiracy Being the coppie of a letter sent from France from the said Mr Jermyn, to a Nobleman in the North, with Divers other passages from Yorke. Published by a true copie, A, London, by T.F. for D.C. July 21 1642; B.L. Thomason Tracts E 107 (35).

  ——— Newman, Royalist Officers in England and Wales, 1642-1660, Garland reference library of social science, v. 72, 1981.

  ——— Nichol Smith, David, Characters from the Histories & Memoirs of the Seventeenth Century, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1918 (1953).

  ——— Nicholas, Nicholas Harris, History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire &c, London, John Hunter, 1842.

  ——— Notes and Queries, 11th ser. 9, 14 February 1914, p. 126.

  ——— ‘Notes of Proceedings in the Long Parliament by Sir Ralph Verney’, Camden Society, 1845.

  ——— Oakeshott, Michael (ed.); Leviathan or the Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil, by Thomas Hobbes, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1946.

  ——— Ollard, Richard, Clarendon’s Four Portraits, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1989.

  ——— Oman, Carola; Henrietta Maria. Hodder and Stoughton, St Paul’s House, London.

  ——— Platts, Beryl; A History of Greenwich. 2nd edn; Procter Press, London, 1986.

  ——— Prinsterer, G.G. van, Archives de la Maison d’Orange-Nassau, 2nd series 1584-1688, 5 vols, Leyden and Utrecht, 1857-1861.

  ——— Richards, Sheila R.; Secret Writing in the Public Records Henry VIII-George II. Public Record Office, H.M.S.O., London, 1974.

  ——— Robertson, Alexander. The Life of Sir Robert Moray, Soldier, Statesman and Man of Science. Longmans, Green And Co. London 1922.

  ——— Robinson, Henry W., and Adams, W, (eds.), The Diary of Robert Hooke M.A., M.D., F.R.S., 1672-1680; London, Taylor & Francis, 1935

  ——— Rupert’s Sumper, And Private Cabinet Rifled, And a Discovery of A Pack of his Jewels by way of a Dialogue between Mercurius Britannicus and Mercurius Aulicus, 20 July 1644, B.L. Pamphlets.

  ——— Roots, I., The Great Rebellion 1642-1660, Batsford, L
ondon, 1966.

  ——— Russell, C., The Causes of the English Civil War, O.U.P., Oxford, 1990.

  ——— Russell, C., ‘The First Army Plot of 1641’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, 38, Londopn, 1988, pp. 85-106.

  ——— Marquess de Ruvigny, The Jacobite Peerage, 1904, repr. Charles Skelton, 1974.

  ——— Scott, Sir W., Personal History of Charles II, compiled ‘from various authentic sources’, printed in the appendix to Bohn’s 1859 edition of Sir Walter Scott’s edition of Gramont’s Memoirs, Henry G. Bohn, London, 1859.

  ——— Secret History of the Reigns of Charles II and James II with a True Portraiture of William Henry of Nassau, The, 1690.

  ——— Sells, A. Lytton (trans.); The Memoirs of James II His Campaigns as Duke of York 1652-1660, Chatto & Windus, London, 1962.

  -Shaw, William A. (ed.), ‘Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization, for Aliens in England and Ireland, 1603-1700’, Huguenot Society, 1911.

  ——— Sharpe, K., The Personal Rule of Charles I, Yale U.P., New Haven and London, 1992.

  ——— Sheppard, F. (ed.), Survey of London, vol. 29 pt 1, ‘The Parish of St James’s, Westminster’, London County Council, 1960.

  ——— Spalding, Ruth (ed.); Diary of Bulstrode Whitlocke, 1605-1675. (British Academy, 1990).

  ——— Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Lee, Sir Sidney (eds.), Dictionary of National Biography.

  ——— Stimson, Dorothy, Scientists and Amateurs; A History of the Royal Society, Henry Schuman, New York, 1948.

  ——— Strachey, Lytton, Elizabeth and Essex, Chatto & Windus, 1928.

  ——— Strickland, Agnes.; Lives of the Queens of England. London 1865, vol. 4, pp.136-350, ‘Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort of Charles the First, King of Great Britain and Ireland’.

  ——— Stuart, Andrew, Genealogical History of the Stuarts &c, Strahan, Cadell and Davies, London, 1798.

  ——— Suffolk Hearth Tax Returns, 1674, (Suffolk Green Books 11, vol. 13)

  ——— Temple, Sir William, Of the Cure of Gout by Moxa, 18 June 1677; Works, vol 3.

  ——— Thomason Tracts 86 (12) (British Library), letter purportedly from Jermyn ‘now resident in Paris’ dated 19 January ‘1642/3’.

  ——— Three Letters of dangerous Consequence; Read at a Conference of Both Houses of Parliament, In which appears a desperate designe of the L. Digby, Cap. Hide, Sir Lewis Dives, M. Jermin, M. Percy, and divers Cavileeres, against the Parliament of England. With the names of Ships, number of Men and Ammunition now in readinesse to be transported into the North; H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com., London, E.G. for E. Husbands, and J. Francke, 1642 (at Harvard Library; Gay 642.1710).

  ——— Townsend, Dorothy. George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol. T. Fisher, Unwin Ltd, London.

  ——— Traite entre Louys XIV Roy de France et Charles I Roy de la Grande Bretagne fait a Ruel l’annee 1644 in Precedent Book of John Nicholas.

  ——— Travels of Marco Polo, The, Wordsworth Classics of Old Literature, Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1997.

  ——— Tregellas, Walter H. Some Cornish Worthies, Elliot Stock, London, 1884.

  ——— True and Impartiall Relaton of the Battalie…. neare Newbery, A (anon., attributed to Lord Digby).

  ——— Underdown, David; Royalist Conspiracy in England 1649-1660. Yale University Press, New Haven, 1960.

  ——— Veevers, Erica, Images of Love and Religion; Queen Henrietta Maria and Court Entertainments. Cambridge University Press, 1989.

  ——— Veith, David M. (ed.), The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1968.

  ——— Virgil, The Eclogues. The Georgics, translated by C. Day Lewis, Oxford University Press, (1966, 2009).

  ——— Williamson, Hugh Ross; Four Stuart Portraits. Evans Brothers Ltd, London, 1949.

  ——— Warburton, Bartholemew E.G., Memoirs of Prince Rupert & the Cavaliers, with their Private Correspondence, 1851.

  ——— Warner, George F. (ed.); ‘The Nicholas Papers; Correspondence of Sir Edward Nicholas Secretary of State’, vol. 1 1641-1652. Camden Society 1886; vol. 2 January 1653 – June 1655. Camden Society 1892; vol. 3 July 1655 – December 1656. Camden Society 1897; vol. 4 1657-1660, Camden Society 3rd Series vol. 31, 1920.

  ——— Warrant to Jermyn of January 1675, S.P.Dom., Channel Islands 9, no. 27, draft, printed in Ann. Bull. Soc. Jersiaise, vol. 6, 1909.

  ——— Wedgewood, C.V., The King’s War 1641-1647, Classic Penguin, 2001.

  ——— Wezel, G.W.C. van, Het paleis van Hendrik III graaf van Nassau te Breda, Rijksdienst voor de Monumentenzorg, Zeit, 1999.

  ——— Wheatley, Henry B.; The Diary of Samuel Pepys M.A., F.R.S.. London, G. Bell & Sons, 1918.

  ——— Works of Sir William Temple, bart, The; 4 vols, printed in Weybridge, S. Hamilton for F.C. and J. Rivington et al., London, 1814.

  ——— Wren, Christopher, junior, Parentalia, or Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens… Chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, Late Surveyor General of the Royal Buildings, President of the Royal Society. London, for T. Osborn, Grey’s Inn & R. Dodsey, Pall Mall, 1750.

  ——— Wright, Dudley, England’s Masonic Pioneers, George Kening & Co., London, 1925.



  ‘a soul composed of the eagle and the dove…’ Abraham Cowley, The Civil War (1643).

  ‘his agents were his own servants…’, John Cooper, The Queen’s Agent, p. 163.

  PRELUDE – THE GREAT COACH Thursday, 12 September 1678

  Thursday, 12 September 1678. The gates of Windsor Castle are thrown wide open…’ The Prelude is a fictionalised account of his visit to the French Ambassador. The visit really took place that day. The ongoing negotiations for the French subsidy were discussed and the ambassador did, when reporting the meeting back to Paris, express his surprise that someone who held no ministerial office should have been so closely involved with such sensitive negotiations. Jermyn’s world-view is extrapolated from his Freemasonry and a careful study of how 17th Century Britons saw their past, and his views on international politics are extrapolated from letters he wrote from the Restoration onwards. The purported savagery shown by the Spanish to the Incas was much reported. Jermyn’s appearance is taken from the portrait painted of him by Lely some six years earlier and knowledge of his health extracted from his and other people’s letters.

  ‘recalling prolific tales’ Nathaniel Angelo of Eton, a friend of Milton’s, raged that all of Henrietta Maria’s children ‘were Jermyn’s bastards’, 13 August 1660, Captain Francis Robinson to Nicholas, S.P.Dom., 10.

  ‘had entrusted these incredibly sensitive negotiations…’ The letter in which Barillon described Jermyn’s visit to his lodgings in Windsor on 12 September 1678 is in Correspondence politique, sous-serie Angleterre, vol.130, f. 281-282v, including his comment ‘qu’un homme si esloigne du ministere ne devroit estre’.


  ‘he has long used it and finds no hurt…’ quoted without source in the History of Parliament’s article on Sir Thomas Jermyn.

  ‘They found her sweating and shivering violently…’ Elizabeth Jermyn’s death is described in a letter of J. Packer to Winwood dated 31 January 1604/5, which related that Lady Jermyn ‘has forsaken Hanworth till time efface the memory of the lamentable accident to Sir Thomas Germayne’s only daughter (a child), who was poisoned by eating a piece of bread and butter spread with rat’s bane. One of Sir Maurice Berkley’s sons was also in danger from the same cause’ (Buccleugh MSS at Montagu House, quoted in Hervey, Rushbrook p. 344). The opening of this chapter is an imaginative reconstruction of the events that surrounded this event. The precise time that Jermyn was taken to Rushbrook is not recorded.

  ‘Brutus’s temple of Apollo, where Brutus’s body lay…’. John Hardynge’s Chronicle, ch. xvi.

  ‘too short to read all sorts of books…’ Gramont’s Memo
irs, 1859 edition, p. 353.


  ‘On Friday, 7 March 1623, there was a sharp knock…’ This story is told in Lockyer, Roger; Buckingham, The Life and Political Career of George Villiers, First Duke of Buckingham 1592-1628. Longman, London and New York, citing the Denmilne Mss; Harl. Ms 1581.352 and Harl. Ms 3638 f. 125; HMC 8 Pt 1 Appendix, Digby Mss.


  ‘Little Madame…’ Cabala.

  ‘a soul composed of the eagle and the dove…’ Abraham Cowley, The Civil War (1643).

  ‘saw him gladly…’ Paris, 5 August 1627, Venetian Ambassador to Doge and Senate, S.P. Ven.

  ‘to set Buckingham’s party by the ears…’ August 1627, Venetian Ambassador, S.P. Ven.


  Tom Killigrew was performing this task…’ The story of Tom Killigrew is in Cunningham, P., Letters of Horace Walpole, London, 1857-9.

  ‘There are several other stories of similar incidents…’ Other stories referred to here are one recorded by Sir John Percival and heard by him from George Clarke, who became a Page to the King on 20 March 1627/8 (H.M.C. vol. 7 p. 244, Earl of Egremont’s Mss); by Lord Dartmouth (in a footnote to Burnett), who had it in turn from Sir Francis Compton, whose mother heard it from Mrs Seymour who claimed to have witnessed the event; and one by Peyton, quoted in Jesse.

  ‘as to faith, or sin of the flesh…’ 25 August 1636, Gregory Panzani to Rome, repeating the words of her confessor, Fr Phillip’s words, in Vatican Papers vol. 39 p. 96 qu. Green, Letters.

  ‘he is so dark that I am ashamed of him…’ Henrietta Maria to Mme de St George, Bethune MS 9293 f. 5, Bib. Du Roi, quoted in Strickland, p. 187.

  ‘His size and fatness supply the want of beauty…’ 1630, Henrietta Maria to Mme de St George, Imperial Library, St Petersburg quoted in Strickland, p. 187.

  ‘he is so fat and so tall…’ 1630, Henrietta Maria to Mme de St George, Bethune MS 9293 f. 5, Bib. Du Roi, quoted in Strickland, p. 187.


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