Royals: For Their Royal Heir: An Heir Fit for a King / The Pregnant Princess / The Prince's Secret Baby (Mills & Boon M&B)

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Royals: For Their Royal Heir: An Heir Fit for a King / The Pregnant Princess / The Prince's Secret Baby (Mills & Boon M&B) Page 41

by Abby Green

  Love. Was it possible? She knew that he thought it was.

  And yet, still. Even given the possibility that it really was love at first sight between the two of them, well, she’d thought she would have a little more time than this before he asked her to commit to forever …

  She pulled away, enough that she could meet his eyes. “It’s so fast, Rule. I mean, so soon to jump into marriage. It’s just … really, really fast.”

  “I know. I don’t care.” His gaze was steady on hers. He spoke with absolute certainty. “I know what I want now. At last. I told you, I’ve waited my whole life for this, for you.”

  “Yes. I know. We’ve … spoken of that. But still. Marriage. That’s a lot more than talk as far as I’m concerned. For me, marriage would be a lifetime thing.”

  “Yes. I know. We agree on that, on what it is to be married, that it’s forever.”

  She searched his face. “It’s the marriage law, right? You have to choose a wife and you have to do it soon.”

  “I do, yes.”

  “But not until June. You have until then. We could … have more time together, a few weeks, anyway. We could get to know each other better.”

  “I don’t need more time, Sydney. You’re the one. I know it. More time isn’t going to change that—except to make me even more certain that you are the woman for me. I don’t need to be more certain. I need … you. With me. I need at last to begin the life I’ve always wanted. The life my parents have. The life Max had with Sophia before he lost her. I want you to be mine. I want to be yours. I want every moment that God will grant us, together. Because fate can be cruel. Look what happened to Max. He thought he had a whole life ahead of him with Sophia. And now he’s alone. Every day they did have is precious to him. I don’t want to waste a day, an hour, a moment now, Sydney. I want us to begin our lives together today.”

  “Oh, Rule …”

  “Say yes. Just say yes.”

  She wanted to. So much. But her inner skeptic just had to ask, “But … for a lifetime? I mean, come on. I looked you up on Google. You’re the sexy bachelor prince. I’m pretty certain you’ve never dated a woman like me before. A really smart, really capable, average-looking, success-driven career woman.”

  His eyes flashed fire. “You are not average-looking.”

  “Oh, fine. I’m not average. I’m attractive enough. But I’m no international beauty.”

  “You are to me. And that’s all that matters. Plus, you’re brilliant. You’re charming. People notice you, they want to … follow you. I don’t think you realize your own power. I don’t think you truly see yourself as you appear to others. I don’t think you understand that strength and determination and focus in a woman—in the right woman—can be everything to a man. You’re not the only one who knows how to use a search engine, Sydney. I looked you up. I read of how you graduated college at twenty. I read about the cases you’ve won for your law firm. And with all that ambition and drive, you have a good heart. And a deep, honest, ingrained sensuality. And last but in no way least, you’re a wonderful mother—and you chose motherhood. Even with all your accomplishments, you also wanted a family. And when the men around you refused to be worthy of you, you found a way to be a mother, to make your own family. Of course I want you for my wife. You’re everything I’ve been looking for.” He brushed a hand, so lightly, along the curve of her cheek and he whispered, “Marry me, Sydney.”

  “I …” Her throat felt tight. She had to gulp to relax it. “You make me sound so amazing.”

  “Because you are amazing.” He pulled her into his arms again.

  She went without resisting. “Oh, Rule …”

  “Say yes.”

  She tried to order her thoughts. “Can you move here, to Texas?”

  His lips touched her hair. “That, I can’t do. I have obligations to my country, obligations I couldn’t bring myself to set aside.”

  She puffed out her cheeks with another big breath. “Just like a man. I knew you were going to say that.”

  “We can return often. My business dealings bring me to the States several times a year. Would it be so terrible, to live in Montedoro?”

  “No. Not terrible. Just … huge. I would have to leave Teale, Gayle and Prosser …”

  He rubbed her arm, a soothing, gentle caress. “I seem to recall that you said you were ready for a change in your work, that you would like a chance to help people who really needed your help.”

  “Yes. I said that. And I meant it.”

  “As my wife, there would be any number of important causes you might tackle. You would have many opportunities to make a difference.”

  “But what causes? What opportunities?”

  He tipped up her chin, kissed the tip of her nose. “My darling, I think that would be for you to discover.” She knew he was right on that score. And she was strong and smart and she learned fast. There wasn’t a lot she couldn’t do, once she set her mind and heart to doing it.

  What about Trevor? He was young enough that the move probably wouldn’t be as big a deal for him as it might have been—if he were already in school, if he had to leave close friends behind.

  She thought of Lani then. “My God. Lani …”

  “What about your friend?”

  “I would lose Lani.”

  “You wouldn’t lose her. A friend is a friend, no matter the miles between you—and who knows? If you asked her to come with us, she might say yes.”

  “So, Lani could come, too? If that worked for her. You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course not. What I know of her, I like very much. And I want you to be happy. I want you to have your dear friend with you.”

  “She might find it interesting. She writes, did I tell you?”

  “No, I don’t believe you did.”

  “She does. Right now she’s working on a novel. She might find lots to write about in Montedoro. She might enjoy the experience of living somewhere she’s never been before. Maybe she will want to come….”

  “So, then. You will ask her.” He kissed her again, on the cheek.

  And she wanted more than that. So she turned her head enough that their lips met.

  Heaven. Just heaven, kissing Rule. He guided her back onto the pillows and kissed her some more. She could have gone on like that indefinitely. But it was after three in the morning—on what she was actually starting to let herself think of as her wedding day.

  She had a thousand things to do before they left for Las Vegas. She pushed at his chest.

  He leaned back then, enough to capture her gaze. “What is it?”

  “You really want to fly to Vegas today?”

  “Yes. That’s exactly what I want. Be my wife, Sydney. Make me the happiest man in the world. Bring your beautiful child and your excellent friend and we’ll be married today. And after that, come live with me in Montedoro.”

  She reached up, touched that soft mouth of his. Oh, she did love touching him. Lightly, she smoothed the dark hair at his temples. She loved everything about him. And she was ready, to make a change.

  To take a chance on love.

  He spoke again, those black eyes shining. “I think Trevor would thrive if we married. I know you already have so much to offer him, that you’re giving him an excellent start in life. But if we’re together, he can have even more. For one thing, you would be able to spend more time with him. You could plan the work you choose to do specifically around him, during these years when he needs his mother most of all. And I would hope that, in time, we can speak of my adopting him.”

  Was there a more fabulous man in the whole world? She doubted it. “You would want to adopt him?”

  “I would. So much. And I would hope that we also might have more children—I know, I know. I promise not to expect eight more. But maybe one or two …?”

  “Oh, Rule …”

  “Say yes.”

  She still had her hand on his chest, where she could feel the sure, steady beat of his heart. “I
would need more time, here, in Dallas, before I could move to Montedoro. I have to give my partners reasonable notice. I can’t leave them scrambling when I go. I may be ready to move on, but it would be wrong to leave them high and dry.”

  “Is it possible that you could be ready to go in two weeks?”

  She gasped. “No way. Cases have to be shuffled, clients reassigned. I was thinking three months, if I really pushed it.”

  “What if you brought them more clients, big clients, as a … compensation for making a quick exit?” He named a couple of big oil companies, a major health food and vitamin distributor and a European bank that had branches in the U.S.

  Sydney realized her mouth was hanging open. She shut it—and then she asked, “You’re serious? You can deliver those?”

  “Yes. I have a number of excellent connections worldwide. And if it doesn’t work out with one or two of those particular companies, I’m sure I can offer others just as good.”

  “Well, I could possibly get away in a month or so, if my partners were grateful enough for what I brought them before I left.”

  “I’ll get to work on that potential client list in the next few days. And I’ll arrange the introductions, of course. I think you might be surprised at how quickly you can wrap things up with Teale, Gayle and Prosser, once they know exactly how much business you’ll be bringing in before you go.”

  He was right. It would make all the difference, if she brought in some big clients. “I can’t do it in two weeks. But if you bring the right clients, I’ll give it my best shot. I could manage it in a month. Maybe.”

  His whole fabulous face seemed to light up from within. “I believe that you just said yes.”

  “Yes.” She said the beautiful word out loud. “I did. Yes, Rule. Yes.” And she threw her arms around his neck and let her kisses say the rest.

  “Wow, Syd. When you finally go for it with a guy, you really go for it.” Lani, in her pj’s, still groggy from sleep, was shaking her head as she reached for her glasses. But at least she was smiling.

  It was ten of five on Sunday morning. Sydney had headed for Lani’s room the moment she walked in the front door and they were sitting on Lani’s bed. Rule had said he would return at eight and Sydney had promised to be ready to go. He’d told her that he would have a private jet waiting at the airport. It helped to be a rich prince when you wanted to elope to Vegas at a moment’s notice.

  “So … you don’t think I’m crazy?” Sydney asked, apprehensions rising.

  “No way. I knew he was the one for you the moment I saw him.”

  “Uh, you did?”

  “Oh, yeah. I mean seriously, Syd. The guy is your type.”

  “Well, yeah. In my wildest fantasies.”

  “Which have now become reality. He’s intelligent, smooth and sophisticated. He’s tall, dark, killer handsome—and I really think he’s a good man. It’s quite the major bonus that he happens to be a prince. And seeing him with Trevor, well, he’s terrific with Trev. And have you noticed they look enough alike to be father and son?”

  Sydney chuckled. “I have, actually.”

  “I go a lot on instinct,” Lani said. “You know that. And my instinct with Rule is you’ve made the right choice.”

  Sydney beamed. “You are the best friend any woman ever had.”


  “Say you’ll come to Vegas with us.” Sydney put on her most pitiful, pleading expression.

  “Are you kidding? Like I would miss that? No way. I’m going.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad!” Sydney grabbed her friend and hugged her hard.

  “How long am I packing for?” Lani asked when Sydney released her.

  “Just overnight. I’ll take tomorrow off. But Tuesday, I’ve got to get back to the office and start wrapping things up for the move to Montedoro.”

  “Oh. My. God. You’re marrying a prince and moving to Europe. I don’t believe it—or, I do believe it. But still. It’s beyond wild.”

  “Yep. I think I need to pinch myself.” Sydney let out a joyous laugh. “Is this really real?”

  “Oh, yes, it is!” Lani replied. “Let me see the ring again.” She grabbed Sydney’s hand. “Just gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.” And then she stuck out her lower lip and made out a small, sad puppy-dog sound. “But you know I will be sulking. I’ll miss you way too much. And Trev, oh, how will I get along without him?” She put her hand on her chest and pantomimed a heartbeat.

  Sydney had the answer to that one ready. “You don’t have to miss us, not if you come with us.”

  “Come with you? You mean, permanently?”

  “Oh, yeah. I would love that.”

  Lani blinked. “You’re serious.”

  “You bet I am. I’ve already discussed it with Rule. He’s good with it. More than good. And I would love it if you were there—I mean, if that could work for you.”

  “Me. Living in Montedoro with my best friend, the prince’s bride. Interesting.”

  “I was hoping you might think that. But don’t decide now. Take your time. No pressure. I mean that.”

  Lani bumped her shoulder affectionately. “I’ll give it serious consideration—and thank you.”

  “Hey. Don’t thank me. I’ll miss you like crazy if you decide you don’t want to do it. If you come, I’ll be the grateful one.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Lani promised. “And we’d better get cracking if we’re going to be ready to head for Vegas at eight.”

  As it turned out, Rule had Bravo relatives in Las Vegas. Aaron and Fletcher Bravo ran a pair of Las Vegas casino/hotels. Rule was a second cousin to both men. His grandfather James and their grandfather Jonas had been brothers.

  “Fletcher and Aaron are half brothers,” Rule told Sydney during the flight to Nevada. “They have different mothers, but both are sons of Blake Bravo.”

  “I have to ask. You don’t mean the Blake Bravo?”

  “Ah. You’ve heard of the infamous Blake?”

  She nodded. “He died in Oklahoma about a decade ago, and at the time, the story made the front page of every paper in Texas. He was pretty notorious.”

  Rule nodded. “Yes, he was. Kidnapping his own brother’s son for a fortune in diamonds, marrying all those women …” Beyond the whole kidnapping thing, Blake Bravo had been a world-class polygamist. He’d married any number of women all over the country and he’d never divorced a single one of them. Each woman had believed she was the only one.

  Sydney said, “A very busy man, that Blake.”

  “Busy is not the word I would have chosen,” Rule said dryly. “But yes, both Aaron and Fletcher are his sons.”

  The flight took a little under three hours, but they gained two hours because of changing time zones, so they touched down at McCarran International Airport at ten after ten in the morning.

  There was a limo waiting. The driver loaded the trunk with their luggage, the security guy who had flown from Dallas with them got in front on the passenger side and off they went to High Sierra Resort and Casino.

  Aaron Bravo was CEO of High Sierra. The resort was directly across Las Vegas Boulevard from Impresario Resort and Casino, which Fletcher ran. The two giant complexes were joined by a glass breezeway five stories up, above the Strip.

  Aaron greeted them at the entrance to his resort. Tall and lean with brown hair, Aaron wasn’t classically handsome. But he was attractive, very much so, with a strong nose, sharp cheekbones and a square jaw. He said how pleased he was to meet Sydney and Lani—and Trevor, too. Then he introduced them to his wife, Celia, who was cute and friendly, a redhead with big hazel eyes.

  Celia led the way to their suite, which had its own kitchen, a large living area and four bedrooms branching off of it. The security guy, whose name was Joseph, had the room next door.

  The first order of business was to get the marriage license. Lani stayed behind with Trevor. Sydney, Rule and Joseph headed for the Las Vegas Marriage Bureau. An hour later, they were back in the suite
, where Trev was playing with his trucks and Lani was stretched out on the sofa with her laptop.

  “Ready for pampering?” she asked. “Celia says the spa is called Touch of Gold and it’s full service….”

  “Go,” said Rule. “Both of you. The wedding’s not until four.” The short ceremony would be held in the wedding chapel right there at High Sierra. “I’ll watch Trevor.”

  Sydney hesitated to let him do that. How strange. Here she was about to marry this wonderful man, and she felt reluctant to leave him alone with her son.

  But no. Her reaction was only natural. It was one thing to trust her own heart. Another to leave her child alone with someone for the first time—even someone like Rule, who was so good with Trevor.

  Lani spoke up. “Uh-uh. I’m onto something with this chapter and I’m not giving it up now. You go, Syd. I’m staying.”

  “Roo!” called Trev from under the table. “Come. We play trucks!”

  So Rule and Lani both stayed in the suite with Trevor. Sydney went by herself to the spa. On the way, she stopped in at the resort’s florist and ordered a bouquet of yellow roses, which she told them she would pick up personally in a few hours. She also asked to have a yellow rose boutonniere sent up to the suite for Rule.

  At Touch of Gold, she decided to start with a hot rock massage. After the massage, she had it all, mani-pedi, haircut and blow dry and the expert attention of the spa’s cosmetician, too.

  And then, when she was perfectly manicured, with her hair smooth and shiny and softly curling to her shoulders and her makeup just right, Celia appeared with a tall, stunning brunette, Cleo, who was Fletcher’s wife. The two women took Sydney to the bridal boutique not far from the spa.

  Sydney chose a simple sleeveless fitted sheath dress of white silk and a short veil. Her shoes were ivory satin platform high heels, with side bows and peep toes. Celia had Sydney’s street clothes sent back to the suite and Sidney left the boutique dressed for her wedding. After that, they stopped off at the florist to pick up her bouquet.

  And then the two women led her straight to the High Sierra wedding chapel. Sydney waited in the chapel’s vestibule for the “Wedding March” to begin. Staying to the side, out of sight, she peeked around the open door.


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