Convergence: Remington Carter Series Book One

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Convergence: Remington Carter Series Book One Page 10

by M. E. Coleman

  “I love you Remi.” I freeze. Can I do it? Sure as shit can girlfriend. Buck up and tell him.

  “I love you too, Eli.” I whisper it. Almost afraid to hear it aloud, as if he’ll reject it, even if he did tell me first. His smile is brilliant. He swoops in for a kiss and we don’t come up for air for several minutes. By now he’s gone mostly flaccid and slipped out of me along with a bit of a mess.

  He gives me a few pecks on the lips. “Hold on,” he says as he gets up. “Let me get cleaned up,” he walks into his bathroom and I hear water running. After a minute he comes back with a washcloth. I reach to take it, but he shakes his head. “I made the mess I’ll clean it up.” I blush bright red as he looks down directly at me splayed legs and all even though we just made love. He leans over and kisses near my belly button then takes the warm cloth to gently clean me. When he pulls back it’s slightly tinted pink. “I’m sorry baby. I don’t think you’re bleeding, maybe just bumped your cervix a little much.” I look at him curiously, why would a guy know so much about the female anatomy. He must have seen the question on my face. “Not to sound conceited, but I’ve always had a hard time being so big. I took a couple womens studies classes. I wasn’t pushing into you to hurt you I was trying to see if you stretch you and get you tented.” Tented, what the fuck is he talking about this for? “Tenting, it’s why I got you off first, you know, so you could accommodate better?”

  “Oh my god Eli, I know what tenting is. Thank you for all the consideration. I really appreciated it. Please can we stop talking about my vagina tenting!” I’m freaking mortified. I hop up and go to the toilet, leaving the door partially ajar. I mean really, we did just have sex. A little tinkle noises shouldn’t offend Dr. Vagina out there.

  “You know, it’s good to know your body. We’re both adults and should be able to discuss our mutual sexual heath.” He sounds a little put out.

  “I’m embarrassed Eli. Most guys, hell even most girls I know, don’t just sit around and discuss this. I’m glad you’re good with it. Just, lets discuss it a little less okay? It was awesome. I trusted you. I was a little nervous I’ll admit, but it got good quickly. Now that you’ve cleaned us both up can we please cuddle like normal people?” Eli tosses the rag into the empty clothes basket and hops in under the blanket with me.

  “Say it again.” It’s not a request, it’s a demand.

  “I love you Eli.” I snuggle into him my head on his chest with his arm behind me and mine around him. He kisses the top of my head resting his chin there. I could stay here forever. I want to stay awake longer and bask in this, but I’m so sleepy. It’s been a long night. He whispers against me, I love you Remi.” That’s the last thing I hear as I drift off after the best orgasms ever.

  A door slams waking me up. I instantly tense worried about someone getting in here. I shake Eli awake.

  “Do you hear that? Someone’s in here.” I can hear the panic in my voice. Eli is alert in seconds.

  “Stay here I’ll go look.” I can hear more moving around. More than one person. Someone in the main hall, then I hear the apartment door open. I quickly wrap the sheet around me. Eli has pulled on a pair of boxers.

  “Hola bitches!” This comes in an English accent. Odd sounding doesn’t begin to cover it. Eli visibly relaxes.

  “Brother will you shut the bloody hell up? I’m too tired for this shit.” Another of the same voice and accent.”

  “Will you two idiots move? I’d like to put my stuff down eventually. It is almost five. In the morning. I would like to get to bed.” Yet another voice. Also with an accent, but a different one. Australian if my ears don’t deceive me. I stiffen in Eli’s embrace. I cannot believe I’m hearing that voice. Not now. Eli groans and gets up going out the bedroom door.

  I jump up and walk out of Eli’s bedroom not even caring that I’m in only a sheet. I know I must be as pale as it as well. I’m standing behind Eli and can’t quite see more than three human shaped shadows in the dark room.

  “What the fuck Eli. You have a girl over the minute we’re gone? You know the hook ups don’t come here, we’ve discussed this and you’re not one to bring them here anyway. You go to their place or the back of a car or wherever. Not here.” He turns to speak to me peering around Eli. “I don’t know who you are, but it’s time to go. I’m not in the mood so hurry up. Eli get your booty call out of here.” Eli is about to blow. Hell, I’m about to blow. That stick up his ass hasn’t moved a bit. I’d know that voice and attitude anywhere. It didn’t usually used to be directed at me though. I think I’m in shock, both with who is here and what he said.

  “Don’t talk to her like-“ Eli stops when I say one word.

  “Ethan?” I say it softly, but all three turn to look at me. I see them trying to make out who I am in the dark room behind Eli. Then I realize I know the others as well. “Oh my god, Beckett? Dylan? What the hell are you doing here?” My voice is as outraged as my thoughts. Variations of puzzlement flash across their faces. Ethan’s clears first.

  “Reese cup? Oh, fuck me.” With that he darts across the room dropping everything he had in his hands. Grabbing me and roughly pulling me to him. He crushes his mouth down on mine. I don’t even think. This isn’t possible. How did this happen. Before I can do anything at all I hear Eli.

  “What the hell Ethan? Get off my girlfriend.” Eli grabs me and forcibly pulls me behind him.

  “Your girlfriend?” Ethan looks stricken.

  I’m just staring my gaze goes from one to the two others. All of sudden you can see it dawn on them who exactly I am. “Remi?” “Duckie?” They both start forward. Mirror images of each other. They’ve grown quite a bit since I last saw them when they were sixteen, but it’s still their beautiful faces. Black as a ravens wing hair, crystal blue eyes, sharp angular features. Taller than both the others in the room. I see they’ve quite grown in to the gangly forms they used to have. Trim and ripped, not as bulked up as Eli, but streamlined. They’re both so beautiful. Not that they weren’t years ago, but maturity has put the icing on these cupcakes. I see that Beck has three studs in his left ear and a small hoop on his lip. Other than clothing that’s the only difference I see. As they reach the two guys in front of me I come around to them. They sweep me up in hug simultaneously. I’m so shocked and happy too that I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. When I say as much they just hold me tighter. It’s been so long since I was wrapped between these two like this. I finally pull away when I hear Eli and Ethan arguing. It’s then that I realize what a mess this is about to be. Both twins drop kisses on my lips as I back up. Neither Eli nor Ethan miss the move. Shit’s about to get interesting.

  “Remi, how do you know the guys. Is that why you kept asking about who lived here?” This from Eli, who’s now sounding suspicious and not just a little hurt.

  “I didn’t know they lived here, or even that there was a possibility. I really was just curious about the owners. I do know Ethan from a few years ago though. Right before my dad..Well you know. Things didn’t really end well did they Ethan?” I say coldly as I turn to him. Now I’m getting mad remembering exactly why we broke up. “You took off after your dad took me home and never spoke to me again. I called you and your dad told me you were busy. When I came by the next day when you didn’t answer your cell I was told by the housekeeper that you and your parents had left that morning and that she was to close up the house indefinitely.” I’m almost yelling at the end. All the anger and hurt has come back. I calm myself and turn to the twins. “Now these two I can’t be mad at. Their dad sent them off to military school after getting into trouble with me. Then I thought it was in England..” I’m beginning to put all this together now. I didn’t know why it wasn’t obvious before. The motorcycle, the scents. The meeting at school before being roommates, the coin I found in Eli’s room that I was going to ask him about… “You all went to the same military school didn’t you?” I look directly at Eli. There’s no way he didn’t know. Is this all a sick game? “Ethan,
I though you went back to Australia, but you were in the U.S. the whole time weren’t you? And Beck? Dylan? You were here too? You never tried to call or write or send up a smoke signal?” I’m so mad I feel angry tears coming on. Everything was so great a few minutes ago. Now my life has come crashing down again as par for the course. I need to get out of here, I refuse to cry in front of them all. “I think I need to go take a shower now. Eli? I’ll see you in the morning. Or later in the morning I guess. Guys, it was nice to see you I’ll be out of your hair as soon as possible.” My words are stiff and my spine more so as I turn and hurry to my room. Eli starts to come after me calling my name, I hold up my hand to stop him. He can get his sheet later, I doubt he’s hopping back into bed right now anyway.

  I go to my room. As I close the door I hear the conversation start back up. I know they’re talking about me. I can’t believe the way Ethan spoke to me, even if he didn’t know who I was. I don’t really know any of them anymore. I shouldn’t have let any of them touch me either. I don’t know how this is going to turn out with Eli now. I can’t be over here with them here. I throw my dirty clothes in the hamper and adjust the water. As it heats up the first of the tears start. I feel like I’m losing them all at once all over again and now Eli’s added in with that. I stay in for a long time then finally get out and dry off. I get dressed in some sweats and a t shirt. Putting on fuzzy socks and pulling my hair up complete the outfit and I begin packing. I have my two suitcases and the two plastic totes in the closet so thankfully I don’t have to go out and see anyone. I know I told Eli I would see him later, but right now it’s going to be much later. I put my laptop and school work in my backpack first along with my purse. I pack all my clothes into the suitcases and gather my toiletries out of the bathroom. I strip the bed and put the bedding by the door. I find some cleaner under the cupboard in the bathroom and quickly clean it. I hear a knock on the door.

  “Remi?” It’s Eli. “Can I come in?” I keep my voice steady. Enough with the crying.

  “I don’t think so Eli. Can you just please go? I’ll see you in the morning or I guess it’s morning already, later today anyway. I don’t want to talk right now.” I hear him move away from the door. It hurts. I know I won’t see him like this again. I can’t. Not as long as he’s here. As long as they’re here. My plans with Alex seem impossible again. Just like when my life got postponed. I don’t want to think about seeing any of the three in public. I’m frantic and numb at the same time. I think maybe I’m in a bit of shock.

  I go over the room and check that I didn’t leave anything. The only other places would be the living room or kitchen. After I hear it get quiet and several doors close I make my way out with the dirty bedding. I get to the laundry room and put it in to wash. I decide to leave the soap I bought. I can get more. The less to carry out of here the better. I want to be gone before anyone comes out of their rooms. I check the dryer and see I have clothes in there I grab them and make my way back to my room. I dump them in the open suitcase and quietly go back out. Grabbing the few things I see of mine I go back in my room to put them in the totes. I decide to leave the clothes I took off in Eli’s room, no way am I going to get them. I can’t talk to him right now. I get the suitcases down to my car. It’s just getting light outside. I go back for a tote, I’ll have to make another trip for the last one. I write a quick note to Eli that I’m sorry, but I have to go and that I left the bedding in the wash. I slide the note under his door on my way to get the last tote. There’s a package wrapped in bright purple paper on my bed. The tag says Love, Eli. He must not have been sleeping. I appreciate him giving me my space right now. I put the package in my backpack so I can open it later. He knows I’m leaving and being the sweetheart he is he’s going to let me have my space. I don’t doubt for a minute that he won’t track me down soon, or maybe not depending on what the guys told him. I don’t know how this mess happened. There is no way this is complete coincidence.

  As I get in my car I turn to look up at the brownstone. I don’t know how, but I’m going to have to avoid them as much as possible. I just need a few days to get over the shock. I’ve gone without seeing them for years, it shouldn’t matter anymore. I feel my bare neck. I haven’t taken that locket off except to swim or shower since the twins gave it to me. I left it laying open on the nightstand in the room I stayed in. On one side a picture of the twins on the other a picture of Ethan….



  She’s gone. I know it as soon as I get to her door. It’s slightly ajar and I can see the bed has been stripped and the desk is bare. I don’t go further in, I don’t need to. I walk into the living area and see the note on the island. It’s about fucking laundry and that she needs to go. That’s it. No mention of anything else. I don’t understand. I mean I get that something is up with the other guys and that’s just surreal, but she could have stayed with me. I hear a noise behind me.

  “She left?” I turn to see it’s Ethan. His hair is standing on end, probably a lot like mine and probably from the same reason of running his hands through it in irritation.

  “Are you surprised? Should I be? Maybe you could tell me. You and the others seem to know her better than I do.” I’m bitter and I think I have every right to be. I knew there was a girl in all their pasts. I just didn’t know it was the same one and that it was going to totally screw me over. I run my hands through my hair again.

  “Well this is a fine situation we’re finding ourselves in. Can’t ever say I expected to finally hook back up with Reese by finding her in my friends’ bed. I think we all owe each other an explanation. Let’s wait on the twins to get up. And to answer your question, no I’m not too surprised she took off, but you’ll understand better once we tell you our stories. Not sure how I didn’t piece together what I know of the twin’s story with mine either. Some security agent I am.” Ethan links his fingers behind his neck and blows out a breath. I haven’t even asked how the assignment went. It can wait for now. I hear an exclamation from Remi’s room.

  “Beck! She’s gone!” Dylan sounds upset. Usually the quieter and more steady of the two I’m surprised at the volume and panic in his tone. Beck is the one prone to dramatics.

  I follow Ethan to Remi’s room to find Beckett and Dylan standing next to the night stand. “Dylan, she still had it.” He looks up at his brother with sad eyes. “Was she wearing this before?” The question is directed at me.

  “Yeah, I never saw her without it. I asked her once about it and she said she’d tell me sometime. Really hadn’t gotten around to it I guess. What’s in it? I’ve never seen it open.” I peer over and see the twins and Ethan. Ethan must be looking as well as I hear him inhale sharply.

  “She didn’t forget us brother. We shouldn’t have left her alone for so long.” Beck’s voice cracks on the end of the sentence. Barely a whisper to begin with.

  “Hey, Dylan? Hand me that book please.” I notice the Alice book that used to sit on the desk as Ethan asks for it in the partially open nightstand drawer. When he gets it he opens it to the cover and runs his finger across something written there. Over his shoulder I see it’s an inscription addressed to Reece to always remember reading the stories together and taking the leap down the rabbit hole with him. It’s signed E-

  “You’re the friend that gave her the book. I was worried she had been in your room when I first saw it. Explains a lot about yours though.” I think maybe I should have kept my mouth shut as Ethan throws me a look, but I can’t seem to stop it. “You’re also the one of the one’s she told me about.” I think about my next words carefully, these are my friends here. “Straight up I’ll do whatever I can to get her back. She only left because you all showed up. You’re my best friends, but I love her and I’m not sharing.” They all look at me, but no one comments on the sharing thing, like I didn’t even mention it.

  “We’ll get her back. We need to have a discussion and we need to share our stories. Eli, how did you end up with her?” Etha
n looks at me. I sit down on the corner of her bed.

  “Remember the girl I told you I was seeing before you left? That was Remi.” I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with whatever the guys want from her, but I know I refuse to give her up. I finally just found my one person to be with and I loved her, she was mine. Then a thought occurs to me confusing me further. “How did you not know she was around? Her best friend has been a student here for two years and I’ve never heard you mention her before..”

  “We never met a friend and didn’t bother to look for one here. I guess we should start at the beginning. Beck, Dylan? You guys met her first apparently. You want to start?” Beck takes the locket and closes it. Dragging the chain through his fingers he starts.

  “Remi was fifteen, we were sixteen….”


  I ring the buzzer downstairs to see Remi. Her and Eli took off from the party last night and we didn’t get to hang out like I had hoped. I’m not sure if I have a chance with Eli in the picture. She seems really into him. The door opens and instead of me going up a man is standing there.

  “Can I help you?” He has an Australian accent and doesn’t look very happy to see me.

  “Is Remi home?” I’m hoping this is a roommate and not a new friend.

  “She’s not here.” I frown. I was sure she had planned to stay in today.

  “Do you know where she went?” I had already tried to call her and hadn’t gotten an answer.

  “No, I have to go. When I see her I’ll let her know you stopped by.” He closes the door without even asking my name. Something’s off. I’ll send her a text and then get ahold of her friend Alex later if she doesn’t answer.

  I pull out my phone to report in.


  I let myself into Alex’s apartment. I didn’t see her roommate’s car outside so I’m hoping she’s not here and that Alex is. Alone.


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