Unfinished Business

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Unfinished Business Page 21

by Savannah Maris

  He swallowed hard before he continued, “See, over the last few weeks, I’ve really been missing my dad’s advice. Ginger, I don’t wanna fail you as a husband or this little one as a father. The only example I have is no longer on this Earth. I remember him with my mom and try to make sure I’m following his example, but I’m not sure I’m doing a good enough job.” A tear fell on Ginger’s head. “If we clear out that wing it’ll be like we don’t need them anymore, and I need them now more than ever because relationships, marriage, kids – they don’t come with instruction manuals.” He squeezed her when he said, “You’ve been hurt before, and I can’t stand the thought of that nor of me ever doing it. I know I’m dominant and can make you fly, but you’ve gotta tell me if I go too far.” He pulled her tighter as if she’d disappear if he let go.

  Ginger wiped her eyes before she spoke. “Babe, I’m not going anywhere.” She wrapped her arm around him to give him strength. “As far as your parents’ wing, you and Mitchell have to decide that. I’ll be right beside you if that’s what you want. Maybe there are things in there we can incorporate into the rest of the house or the nursery.” She wiggled so he loosened his hold and she straddled him. His hands rested on her hips as he looked her in ther eyes. With her hands cupping his face so he could see the sincerity in her eyes, she said, “I don’t want you to lose your heritage just because you found me. I want our baby to know the bloodline he or she comes from because you’re good stock, Evan Riverton, and I want to know all about your family so I can tell our children. I want you to pass on your family’s traditions just as I pass on mine. You’re right, there are no manuals but that’s why there’s communication.” With a smile on her face, she opened her arms wide. “I love what you do to me, inside and outside the bedroom. I always felt there was something missing in sex, but with you I’ve found that missing piece. Every day you prove to me there’s no other man for me. You’re it.” She poked him in the chest to drive home her point. “I’ve never felt more complete so as long as we stay open and honest with each other, this marriage thing will work. I love you.” She hugged him with everything in her.

  With his arms wrapped around her he asked again, “You’re sure about the job?”

  “I have to admit I’m nervous about it. I never imagined being a police officer’s wife. I saw what my mom went through, but I think I’m strong enough to handle it as long as you keep your promise.”

  She moved beside him as they lay there in silence just touching each other – him stroking her arm and her stroking his abs. It felt like only minutes when they heard car doors slamming and knew who it was. “They’re here. Are you ready for this?” Ginger asked.

  “Yes, I am now.” He kissed her nose. “Let’s go meet my in-laws.”

  With a laugh and flurry of activity, they quickly dressed to greet her parents.


  When they turned the corner, there was a mountain of a man hugging Kayla so Evan assumed that was Mr. Monroe. The look on Mitchell’s face said he wouldn’t stop this man if he wanted to hug someone, not even Kayla. The tiny woman behind him must be where Ginger got her looks and stature because she wasn’t much taller than her mom. As soon as she saw Ginger, she wrapped her in a hug and squealed.

  Apparently, girls didn’t really grow out of that.

  While she and Ginger rocked back and forth as they hugged, Mr. Monroe let go of Kayla and then shook Mitchell’s hand and greeted him with a smile; however, when he turned to Evan that smile disappeared instantly. “You the young man that took advantage of my daughter?”

  “No, sir. I’m the man who fell in love with your daughter,” Evan replied. He held his hand out to shake Mr. Monroe’s and realized he needed to let her father know he was the man to take care of her so he gripped just as hard. He didn’t back down until Mr. Monroe loosened his grip and nodded. When they released hands, Evan knew he’d passed the first test.

  Ginger and her mother separated so she could introduce Evan. Her mother was as sweet as pie. She had to be, to counter Mr. Monroe. Evan stretched his hand out to greet her as well, but she hugged him instead. “I’m a hugger. You need to get used to it if you’re going to be in this family. Families hug, they don’t shake hands.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said with a smile. His mom was a hugger too, so when Evan looked at Mitchell he saw the same thought cross his face before Mitchell nodded his approval.

  “Would y’all like to move to the living room? I think Kayla’s family is coming later, but we can have a drink before they get here,” Evan suggested.

  “Are you offering my daughter alcohol while she’s pregnant with my grandchild?” Ginger’s father asked with furrowed brows.

  “No, sir. Ginger has sparkling grape juice if she wants it, but after she got sick this morning I’m sure she’ll have ginger ale.”

  “So you’re one of those types? You think you’re going to tell her what she can and can’t do? My girl’s a thinker. She doesn’t need you telling her what to do.”

  “Daddy…” Ginger’s voice shook.

  “Darlin’, your dad’s just trying to see if I can handle you. It’s okay,” Evan said as he took her hand. Then he looked Mr. Monroe straight in the eyes so he knew Evan wasn’t scared of him or wouldn’t cower. “Mr. Monroe, I love your daughter. I loved her before we knew about the baby and have been by her since. I’ve watched what she’s eaten and drank, and ginger ale settles her stomach when she doesn’t feel well. We found out just this morning the smell of sausage cooking makes her sick. I pay attention to everything that involves her and our child. If she wants to venture out to something new, she’ll tell me and I’ll provide it.”

  “How, since you quit your job?”

  Evan knew her father would grill him, so he mentally counted to ten before he replied, “This ranch, I’m part owner of it with Mitchell, in addition to being the new Chief of Police for Riverton Crossing officially Monday. Ginger agreed to me taking the job because I’m good at protecting what I care about, especially your daughter and our unborn child.”

  Ginger’s eyes bounced between Evan and her father. She looked uncomfortable with this situation, so Evan moved to where he blocked everyone else out in the room. She was his focus, his priority. As he stood in front of her, he ran his finger down her check then cupped her face with both hands, and she closed her eyes relaxing with his touch. “I’ve got this,” he whispered before he gave her a peck on the lips. Evan pulled her closer so his mouth was beside her ear. “He’s just trying to bust my balls for taking his baby girl. That’s all.”

  “You really love him, Ginger?”

  “With all my heart, Daddy.”

  “Then let me talk to that boy alone for a few minutes.”

  Evan released her and watched everyone leave the room as he took a seat on one of the sofas. How much does he need to know? How much would Ginger want him to know? Mr. Monroe sat across from him. He leaned back with a knowing posture before he asked, “What has Ginger told you about us?”

  Evan thought he’d start with what most people wouldn’t want anyone to know so he told her father that he knew about Grayson, how she missed him, and would like him to be at the wedding but they didn’t want to wait. He also told him that their opinions were important to her and how guilty she felt about getting pregnant before she was married, but that she already loved the baby. Finally, he told her father that Ginger loved them very much and ended with, “That’s all I need to know. If you’re important to her, you’re important to me.”

  Mr. Monroe’s posture changed with how much Evan knew. “If she’s told you about her brother, then she must trust you a lot because she doesn’t talk about Grayson. The day she moved to Tennessee about killed me. Then that singer boy screwed her up something bad, causing her not to trust easily, so for her to trust you with something she’s ashamed of speaks volumes. I never thought she’d find a fella that could calm her insecurities, but I just watched you with her and couldn’t miss the way she changed when you
touched her.” He blinked a few times before he said, “I wouldn’t want to be the one keeping my daughter from experiencing that kind of love.” He pointed his finger at Evan. “Don’t get me wrong, Evan. If you hurt her, they won’t ever find your body. Do I make myself clear, son?”

  “Crystal. Thank you for seeing, because most people wouldn’t take the time to look once they’d made up their minds.”

  For the first time Mr. Monroe smiled at Evan. With a chuckle in his voice he said, “That’s just it. I promised Doris I’d keep an open mind. From the moment I saw Ginger, I knew you were the man for her. I just needed to make sure you’re man enough for the long haul, not just the here and now.” He leveled his stare at Evan. “Once that baby comes, things’ll be different. Are you prepared for that?”

  Evan ran his hand down his face before he held Mr. Monroe’s stare. “Every day I get a little more prepared. I don’t have my father’s advice to rely on so I may need yours. I could turn to Kayla’s dad, but I hope I can turn to Ginger’s as well. If that’s all right?”

  Tears welled up in the man’s eyes, and Evan didn’t think Mr. Monroe expected that, but saw how much he appreciated it. Mr. Monroe cleared his throat. “That’d be nice.” He nodded at Evan to let him know they were good. When Mr. Monroe stood, Evan followed suit. He gave Evan a bear hug to end all bear hugs, and Evan knew Mrs. Monroe wasn’t the only hugger in the family.

  They walked out of the living room to find everyone gathered out back by the pool. Evan immediately went to Ginger and lightly pressed his lips to hers. “We’re good,” he whispered and the smile that spread across her face took his breath. He leaned in for another quick kiss. “I didn’t tell him about your stalker.”

  Her eyes widened. “Thank you. I don’t want them to worry,” she whispered.

  While the women went inside, the men sat outside. A couple of hours later, they heard happy women voices coming through the door as Mr. Gregory shook his head and Thomas followed him. “Nothin’ louder than a bunch of women talkin’ about weddin’s and babies. Evan, you always tried to be the over achiever. Boy, couldn’t you’ve waited to get one done before the other?”

  Evan chuckled. “I know, Mr. Gregory. We didn’t plan it, but we’re glad it happened.” Evan introduced Mr. Monroe to Mr. Gregory and Thomas. The men greeted one another and started with stories about married life. Even though some of the advice was given in jest, Evan knew deep down it had a little truth wrapped in it. As he listened to these men talk, he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of stories his own father would’ve told. He listened for a while and knew it was rude, but he walked away because it was all he could do. As he headed toward the corral, he talked to his dad. He was leaning against the fence when he a hand grabbed his shoulder.

  “Hey, man. You okay?” Mitchell asked.

  Evan casually wiped his hand down his face. “Ever since I found out about the possibly of the baby, I’ve been missing Dad more than I have in years. Mitchell, I can’t screw this up.”

  “You won’t. I won’t let you.”

  “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  “What are brothers for if not to tell each other when they’re being stupid?” They stared across the corral for several minutes before Mitchell asked, “Did you know Deputy Frank and Curtis were cousins?”

  “Not until the meeting in the office. Frank didn’t move here until high school. I remember him being around occasionally when we were kids. He didn’t play sports in school, barely passed if rumor’s correct. He left for a while, military service I think. I would’ve thought he’d be in the jail, not putting other people in.”

  “Do you think he’s coming back?”

  “One way or another. Ben issued an APB on him. We know we have him on the assault charges because there was a witness who saw him hit Harley in his cell. He said Frank came in after midnight when Harley was asleep and didn’t realize what was happening. He put his hands up, and that’s when Frank punched him in the gut. While he was bent over, Frank cold cocked him. The two officers that worked in the jail said that’s when Frank called for help to move Harley, and he was barely conscious. No one saw him give Harley the drugs, though.”

  “Any idea where he went?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Don’t get pissed, but do you think he visits Ruby as often as Curtis?”

  “I have no idea. Why would I get pissed? Look, I’ve explained that whole situation to you and Ginger. Ruby’s just another person in this town. Now that I know what love is, I realize I never loved her. It was just teenage infatuation.”

  “Just checking. Is Ginger really good with this whole Chief of Police thing?”

  “She’s wrapping her head around it.”

  “We better head back up before they send a search party for us. You know we’re on the grill.”


  The rest of the weekend flew by. Ginger’s parents had left knowing they’d be back in a few weeks for a wedding. Her wedding. Even though a wedding in the town square sounded fun, she wanted something more intimate. Maybe they could have a compromise. She needed to talk to Evan.

  It was Monday morning, and while Evan dressed for his meeting with the Mayor, Ginger cooked breakfast. She greeted him with a smile as he opened his arms for her, and she gladly walked into them at the same time his face went straight for his favorite spot. They hugged for several minutes before he broke away and kissed her neck. “Last chance, are you sure?” The concern in his voice made her heart hurt.

  “Do you want this job?”

  “You’ll be just as much a part of it as me. In this town, everyone’ll know who you are. You’ll lose your anonymity. Are you ready for that? Our child will grow up in a fish bowl.”

  She smiled, “Oh, Evan,” then kissed his chest. “Your last name is Riverton. I’ve already lost my anonymity and it was already a given our child would grow up in a fish bowl.” Pulling back to look him in the eyes she said, “Babe, your family was one of the founding families. They own most of the land the town was built on. Hell, your granddad was even the first mayor.” She entwined their fingers. “When our children study town history, your name is all through it. It won’t be a secret who they are, but I just don’t want them thinking it’s important.” She shrugged her shoulders as she walked back to the stove. “The only way to guarantee that doesn’t happen is to move away from here, and neither of us wants to do that. So if those are the only fears you have regarding us, then it’s an easy decision. Take the job.”

  When she turned her head, Evan’s eyebrows were furrowed. “Those aren’t my only fears.” She knew what he was referring to, but nothing had happened since they’d been back. “They’re just the ones you’ll have to live with every day, the ones that’ll impact your life first. Before the end of the day, the whole town will know I’m Chief even before anything hits the newspaper. So, if y’all need to go anywhere, go before noon. The grapevine travels fast around here, and it isn’t always accurate,” he said before he kissed her goodbye and walked out the door.

  By the time Evan arrived at the Mayor’s office, he was confident this was the right thing to do. He hadn’t looked for this job, but he was glad he found it. The outer office was empty so he tapped lightly on the Mayor’s opened door. Mayor Sinclair turned from his computer. “I was hoping I’d see you this morning. Do you have an answer I want to hear?”

  “If I want the job is what you wanna hear then I’d say, yessir.”

  “Excellent. Have you signed the paperwork?”

  “Yessir. I think everything is in order.

  The Mayor stood as he said, “Let’s go meet with the Town Council. They’re expecting us this morning.” He chuckled. “I took the liberty of arranging the meeting before I had your answer. The newspaper will be here for pictures of the swearing-in and an interview. Would you like to call your fiancée?”

  “Very much,” he said as he pulled out his phone. Evan called Ginger as they walked then said, “They’ll be here in half an

  “Good that gives us time to meet with the council.”

  Evan followed the Mayor into the conference room to face several people he knew growing up, some of which he may have upset in his younger days.

  After all of the pleasantries, the real questions began. Evan listened intently to all of them. Most were simple questions that were answered in a word or two. A couple questions were more thought provoking. Evan clenched his hands tightly under the table when someone questioned how he’d be different from Curtis Taylor. When he stopped speaking, he watched heads turn to the left and right and heard the whispers even though he couldn’t make out the words. He caught the Mayor’s broad smile and knowing look in the corner of his eye. When everyone had time to voice their opinions, the Mayor asked for a vote.

  “We’ll vote with a show of hands. All in favor of naming Evan Riverton our next Chief of Police raise your hand.” Every member except old lady Perkins voted for him. She had been on Town Council for as long as Evan could remember. She caught him stealing apples from her tree when he was ten, and his parents made him apologize and cut her grass for a month. Maybe his penance wasn’t enough for her so he made a mental note to speak with her later. The Mayor took a deep breath and continued, “Evan, with a vote of six to one it’s my pleasure to name you the Chief of Police of Riverton Crossing.”

  Evan stood and thanked the council as the Mayor motioned toward the back of the room. When Evan turned around, he saw Ginger, Mitchell, and Kayla standing there so he excused himself to get Ginger. When he returned, he introduced her to all the council members.

  A few minutes later, the photographer and journalist arrived. The photographer snapped a few pictures of the swearing-in ceremony which was short and sweet, then Evan answered questions and posed for more pictures. All the members of council came by to congratulate him and welcome Ginger before they dispersed. Since the Mayor had a luncheon, they agreed to meet at the police station afterward.


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