Damien's Promise: A Dark Romantic Suspense (VENGEANCE Book 1)

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Damien's Promise: A Dark Romantic Suspense (VENGEANCE Book 1) Page 34

by Vic Tyler

  Kaden jerks the steering wheel over and stops the car. He lifts my ankle, spreading my legs open.

  Hastily, I curl my other leg in, but he grabs it and forces it away.

  My heart kicks up a storm when his gaze falls hungrily on my crotch, my dress bunched up around my waist because of my kicking commotion.

  I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have encouraged him.

  His fingers claw into my flesh as his hand travels up my thigh. “You know what I’m going to do next.” He suggestively traces the crease where my thigh meets the rest of my body. “I’m going to fuck this dirty, used pussy until it’s bleeding raw and do the same to your ass.”

  He tugs the waistband to my panties down, and I scream through the tape as I squirm and thrash, trying to stop him.

  Right when I feel his hand on my head, a cold, hard surface slams into the other side. It feels like my skull shattered and stabbed my brain with the fragments, and I whimper and groan, immobilized by the pain.

  The fabric of my underwear digs into my skin before I hear it rip and feel it fall away.

  Tears stream down my face when I see Kaden’s eyes flare with undisguised lust as he looks at my bare mound.

  He trails his fingers over the sensitive flesh, watching me hungrily as I squirm and sob.

  I should act strong. I shouldn’t feed into his sadism. But I can’t help myself. I’m so scared.

  “All primed and ready, aren’t you?” he husks. “By the time me and the rest of the deviants are done with you, you’ll just be a bag of stretched holes ripped wide open.”

  He groans lustfully as he pinches my groin and a hard cry escapes me.

  “Normally, playing with a woman before we sell her decreases her value, but I’m sure there are a number of people who’d pay the big bucks to fuck Adriana Wintrehall.”

  Even though the car’s felt a little too warm this entire time, my entire body goes cold as the blood drains from it.

  How does he know my name?

  It gives me a new surge of energy to scream and thrash, but he simply laughs as he forcefully positions me with my legs spread wide open.

  No, please. No.

  “That’s right,” he says gleefully, smiling widely. “Imagine my surprise when I saw Adriana Wintrehall standing in the middle of Westlake mansion, looking deliciously plump and healthy.” He shifts, and I can’t mistake the bulge in his pants for anything else. “Everyone thought you were going to kill yourself after we found out the Stepanovs were disposed of.”

  What is he talking about? How does he know that?

  “We were going to do it ourselves when we found out they let you escape, but finding out you turned out to be such a budding little whore was too good. You should be thanking us for sending you so many lucrative clients.”

  Bile burns my esophagus, and I stifle my gagging.

  “But everything turned out better than any of us could’ve imagined. it’s going to be so much more fun to break you when you’ve recovered so magnificently.”

  I thought that living on the streets and pimping myself out to old men was the worst thing that could happen to me.

  I thought being sent to live with an unassuming civilian couple was a fate worse than death.

  I thought I had already lived through my all–time low.

  But I was wrong.

  This is worse than anything I could’ve imagined.

  Adrenaline floods my veins even though hopelessness seizes my chest and agony mutes all my senses.

  Save me.

  Please. Someone, save me.

  Kaden’s fingers trail along my folds, teasingly nudging along the slit, and I can see his excitement grow as he watches me cry and bawl and jerk away from his touch.

  Not again. I can’t do it this again.

  My body suddenly lurches towards the dashboard, and the metal cuffs bite into my flesh before yanking me back to the seat.

  My head spins from being tossed forward and backward, and my shoulders feel like they’re going to pop out. Blood flows down from my wrists, which feel like they’ve been slashed and gouged.

  “What the fuck?” Kaden snarls, spinning around to look out the back. His eyes narrow. “That fucker. I’m going to kill him.”

  He shoves his door open and leaves without bothering to close it, and I try to orient myself through the tears and the pain. My heart seizes with every gunshot I hear.

  Oh, god.

  Something flashes in the corner of my eye, and hope desperately bursts through me when I realize it’s a pair of tiny keys.

  Keys that look like they’d unlock these cuffs.

  Kicking my shoes off, I stretch my leg and reach for the little metal ring with my toes.

  I almost lose contact with it a few times, but it finally hooks onto my big toe, and I carefully balance it back to me.

  It’s a struggle trying to bend in a way that my hands can reach my feet, but after a few too–long seconds, I manage, triumphantly grabbing my freedom.

  My fingers shake violently as I struggle to free myself, and I nearly drop it when the grunts and roars of people fighting outside draw closer.

  I fear the silence because it means that Kaden might come back.

  When the cuffs clink loose, I tear the tape from my lips, halting to gasp and groan at the pain of ripping the skin off my lips and the sting around my mouth.

  Thankfully, Kaden didn’t expect I’d get loose, so he didn’t put a child lock on the passenger door.

  Opening the door, I stumble onto the pavement, and the flurry of movements out of the corner of my eye catches my attention.

  I stare in horror as Kaden and Jura grapple on the ground, both bleeding and struggling.

  When Jura spots me, he screams at me to run before he lurches onto Kaden, pinning him on the ground.

  If I stay, I’m only going to be a burden to Jura.

  So I run.

  I sprint as fast as I can — indescribably thankful that I’m the fastest person in my school — and turn onto random streets in the neighborhood.

  I have no idea where I’m going, but as long as Kaden or any of the other deviants can’t find me, that’s fine.

  A familiar dome shape in the distance makes me pause momentarily as I stop to catch my breath.

  I’ve seen that building before.

  It’s the place where I first met West, Damien, and everybody.

  The Windrose.

  My throat constricts.

  West and Damien.

  Oh, no.

  Without another thought, I run, my bare feet slapping the hard, gravely sidewalk as I head to the Windrose.

  I have to make sure they’re okay.

  If something happened to them, I don’t know what I can do, but maybe I can round back and call for reinforcements.

  Please, God. If you exist, don’t let the people I love die.

  chapter thirty-nine

  Even with blood oozing out of his torso and leg while he’s on his knees in front of East, West looks calm and collected.

  South sighs, stretching his neck and rolling his shoulders.

  Striding past East, he doesn’t look at the other man as he says, “I expect the shipment to be delivered on time. You could do with throwing in an extra fifteen percent for my troubles.”

  East scoffs. “Stop being a bitch because you got your pants a little dirty.”

  “I want it on the dot, East.”

  A skittering of footsteps grows louder as South exits, and my pulse races when I see the deviant assigned to stand guard outside freeze in the doorway, studying the bloodshed.


  Before I can tell him to get out, he blurts, “Kaden said he lost the package. He got caught in a scuffle with The Spider.”

  Sighing, East mutters, “Fucking useless,” before Luciano shifts and shoots the deviant in one clean shot.

  The body crumples to the ground, and Luciano tucks his guns away. “I’ll go check up on him.”

  I snarl
, “Get back here, Luciano.”

  Without looking back, he drones boredly, “Get on with the program, so we can get out of here.”


  This is not what we agreed to.

  Watching West, East shakes his head sympathetically. “Don’t worry, old friend. I’m cleaning out your trash. Even I was surprised by how many lowlives Kaden found that were willing to turn on you for a little extra cash.”

  He chuckles as he puts his gun away, continuing like they’re having a friendly chat, “These scumbags only get greedier once they start accepting blood money. So unreliable. Too expensive for a talentless worm. Everyone loves a good traitor, but it’s the ones that believe they’re doing it for a greater purpose that are the most useful. Isn’t that right, Dog?”

  “This wasn’t the plan,” I snarl. “What the fuck is this, East?”

  Yeah, East and I talked about alliances after West was dead, but that was supposed to be after the fucking Assassination. After I killed him.

  East looks pitying at me before he lowers his voice to West. “He really does like following the rules, doesn’t he? A well–trained pup, but I don’t know how useful he’ll be in the long–run.” He turns to me and sighs, exasperated. “Hard to imagine you’re The Tyrant’s son, kid.”

  I sneer, “What do you know about my father?”

  Ignoring me, East strolls casually as he stares at the ceiling with appreciative curiosity like he’s in the Sistine Chapel.

  “How did you keep your deviants in line?” East calls out. “Were you shorting their paychecks? Or did your hold on them simply slacken so much they started looking elsewhere for a firm hand?”

  West sits still, watching the man in front of him with a cool expression.

  “You know, I’ve been keeping an eye on you,” East continues, tapping his temple. “Ever since that pretty little thing caught wind of you and tried to take you down. What was her name?”

  A menacing smirk slides onto his lips.

  “District Attorney Liana Sudario, wasn’t it?”

  My body stiffens at the name, and my jaw clenches tight.

  The dossier never mentioned anything about DA Sudario filing a suit against West.

  Of course, he’d make it disappear, but she doesn’t seem like the type to make it go away that easily.

  There should’ve been the slightest hint of it somewhere. Anywhere. And as long as there was, Jura, Richter, or Kitty would’ve picked it up.

  “It was odd that you didn’t take care of her quickly and quietly,” East ponders. “And yet, all those charges were dropped, and your records disappeared. How convenient. What did it cost you? A fortune? A favor?”

  His face distorts with mocking glee as a knowing laugh rumbles out of him.

  “A baby?”

  Stunned, I turn to West, who remains unmoving and impassive.


  No fucking way.

  “Imagine my surprise when I heard you adopted a little girl. Remarkable how she looks exactly like her mother. But she’s got your eyes, daddy–o.” East laughs. “Those black, soulless eyes.”

  He shakes his head. “How stupid of you to keep her near you. Was it because she looks like her mother? Couldn’t bear losing her twice?” His lips curl into a sneer. “She would’ve always been a liability. You should thank me for getting rid of her.”

  My body goes cold. “What do you mean?”

  East slides his gaze to me. “I dropped into town to take care of some business, and I figured I’d help my friend clean up some loose ends.” He grins widely. “He never was good about tidying up after himself. Even when it came to the greater cause.” He turns to West, cocking his head. “You should’ve known better than to let defectors run around. Gives us a bad image and gives the deviants ideas, you know?”

  The suggestive tone in his voice makes my heart sink through the pit of my stomach.

  “What?” My tone falters, and for once, I don’t care about looking or sounding weak.

  East chuckles, smirking. “Liana Sudario was just the cherry on the sundae. Which is why I left the little one to the Stepanovs.”

  Without another thought, I raise my gun, aiming it at him. “And what was your original goal?”

  The metal wrenches from my hand suddenly as a thunderous crack fills the room, and I grit through the thrumming pain shivering up my arm.

  I glare at West as he lowers his gun, but he stares coolly at the other Cardinal. “What do you want, East?”

  “What do I want?” East cocks his head. “Nothing.” He motions around the room. “I told you I’m here to clean up your mess. And it’s about time you retired. You’ve been getting more sentimental and docile every single year, and I’m tired of seeing you bring the rest of us down.”

  West chuckles. “Always sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong and lying about it. Some things never change.”

  Annoyance flashes across the other Cardinal’s face.

  “Everything I do is for Venti,” he snarls, bristling. “It doesn’t belong in the hands of weak, old–fashioned fools like you and North. I’m taking back what’s rightfully ours. I’ll be the one to make it right.”

  “You always were a petty little man who talks too much.” West’s gaze bores into him. “Your insecurity is stifling.”

  East’s face reddens.

  “Weak,” he spits. “Pathetic. You don’t deserve your title. Your position.”

  “Perhaps not. But that means neither do you.”

  West doesn’t make a sound even as the heavy boot slams into his face.

  East gets in a few kicks before I get to him and shove him back.

  “He’s mine, East,” I snarl, glaring at him. “We had an agreement.”

  “You can do the honors,” he sneers, staring daggers at the fallen man. “He doesn’t deserve to die by my hand.”

  East seethes when West spits out some blood and a tooth but doesn’t say anything — just groaning as he adjusts his position like his age is simply catching up to him.

  But from the blood pooling out of West’s wounds, it doesn’t look good. He’s not going to make it if he doesn’t get medical attention soon.

  Turning swiftly on his heels, East stalks towards the door. “I’m going to go procure my package. I’ll have to make sure I take good care of her for you.”

  He stops when the front door splinters from my bullet.

  “Her?” My chest seizes from my painfully fast heartbeat.

  He glances over his shoulder, smirking.

  “Oh, right. You’re soft for her too.” East scratches his chin. “Never thought you’d have a thing for little girls, but everyone has their vices.” He shoots me a condescending smile.

  “Don’t fucking touch her.” My voice lowers harshly. “I’ll kill you if anything happens to her.”

  He laughs aloud. “You’ll wish we killed her if you so much as touch me. My deviants have orders that they’ll be much too glad to carry out.” His gaze pierces into me. “Especially when available little girls are in such low supply.”

  A chill runs down my spine.

  “Let’s play a game, Dog. Sniff her out first, and I’ll let you both have a head’s start. But if I find her first —” He grins wickedly. Turning swiftly on his heels, he saunters away. “Try shooting me, and when my deviants find her, they’ll tie you up and make you watch everything they do to her.”

  My throat clenches.



  I need to go find her. I need to find her now.

  Now that East has disappeared out of sight, West doesn’t try as hard to hide the pain he’s in.

  “Go.” His breathing is labored, and he’s sweating like the devil vacationing amid hellfire. “Find her.”

  I clench my jaw, pulling out my phone. I need to call someone to pick him up —


  “You’re going to die if I leave you here,” I snap.

  “Just like you wanted.”

  My veins boil with anger and loss.

  I’ve wanted to kill West for so long and avenge my family. But learning that might not be true — that everything I believed up until now was wrong…

  My life’s purpose is getting wrenched into some fucking plot twist.

  “You didn’t do it, did you?” My words feel heavy in my mouth.

  I want it to be true that West killed my family in cold–blooded murder.

  Because if he didn’t, then why have I been angry for so long? What was the point of all this?

  Fuck, I want to hear the whole goddamn story now, but Adriana’s in danger.

  If I want to kill West after this, I will, but until then, he’s not going to die. I won’t let him.

  He coughs, and blood dribbles down his chin.

  “I did.”

  A sharp pain shoots through my head as I try to process his words.

  God–fucking–dammit, I hate being yanked around like this.

  West chuckles. “That’s right. I hunted your family down. Wily of your father to escape me for years, but when I finally caught onto him, I went to go do the job myself. Made sure he was cornered before I shot his legs out and made him watch me fuck your whore mother as I popped a bullet into her head.”

  I still.

  The coroner reports stated my mother died from a single gunshot wound to the head. There was evidence of sexual assault, although they couldn’t tell whether it was before or after she died, especially considering how her body was burned.

  And my father was found with multiple broken bones and gunshot wounds. Likely to have been bruised and cut, but you know — body burned and all.

  I read them so many times, I can still recall the autopsy reports word for word.

  “And you remember the rest,” West says dismissively. “My men took you and your pretty little sister. I didn’t want you, but I figured you’d be useful to sell or to recruit.”

  He grunts as he shifts against the table, watching me as I pick up my gun.

  “Your sister would’ve fetched a pretty penny. Long, dark hair and charming looks that she got from your mother, thank god. Decided to give her a test run myself. Tightest cunt I’ve ever fucked but too fragile.”


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