Tease Me: The Macintyre Brothers Book Two

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Tease Me: The Macintyre Brothers Book Two Page 1

by S. E. Lund

  Tease Me

  The Macintyre Brothers Book Two

  S. E. Lund

  Acadian Publishing Limited

  Copyright © 2018 by S. E. Lund

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  1. Ella

  2. Josh

  3. Ella

  4. Josh

  5. Ella

  6. Josh

  7. Ella

  8. Josh

  9. Ella

  10. Josh

  11. Ella

  12. Josh

  13. Ella

  14. Josh

  15. Ella

  16. Josh

  17. Ella

  18. Josh

  19. Ella

  20. Josh

  Excerpt From Endless

  About the Author

  Also by S. E. Lund



  I passed the spot where Josh and I first met, and a surge of happiness filled me.

  Who would have thought that the first man I literally ran into in Manhattan would be the man I would fall for and would spend my days and nights with? I sure didn't expect it, but as I walked along the sidewalk towards the Macintyre building, I smiled to myself remembering our first encounter. This time, I crossed the street at the crosswalk and went to my favorite coffee shop for my morning cup of java, and when I came back, sure enough, Josh was on his bike, riding up the street -- in the bike lane.

  I stopped and waited for him on the sidewalk.

  "Fancy meeting you here," I said when he arrived at my side. "Even snow won't stop you from riding that thing."

  "I laugh at snow," he said and removed his helmet for a kiss. "We're going to have to stop meeting like this."

  I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, smiling the whole time while a zing of desire for him flashed through my body.

  "You're the boss," I replied.

  "Don't say that," he said and shook his head. "I've recused myself from all matters on the book publishing side of the business now that Rob Kennedy has finally taken over. I'm totally focused on The Chronicle and keeping MBS afloat. You won't see me around except maybe once a year when I come by for a board meeting."

  I pouted. "No more copier room smooches?"

  He laughed. "Well, I can't promise that. I might be tempted to come down for more smooches for you in the copier room or hallways when people are busy. And," he said and slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. "If you accept my invitation to stay with me now and then at my apartment, there will be much much more. Like tonight, for example."

  “I’ll be happy to accept your invitation.”

  "You have a standing invitation,” he said. “Any night you feel like sleeping in my huge bed, you're welcome."

  He kissed me, and this time, it was more passionate. For a moment, I lost myself in him, in the sensation of his lips on mine, his tongue touching mine.

  We pulled back and stared into each other's eyes.

  "Damn, woman," he said under his breath. "We just got finished less than an hour ago and I already want more."

  I smiled coyly. "Sorry, Mr. Macintyre, Sir. I have a job to do."

  "You do love to tease me," he said as I deliberately flounced off with a flick of my hair and walked towards the building entrance. I arrived at the front doors with him in tow, his bike at his side.

  "I do," I said and blew him a very tiny kiss, just in case any of his other staff or business associates were around. I didn't want to embarrass him. We took the elevator up to Macintyre Publishing's offices and he kissed me once more when the doors opened, and we saw we were alone.

  The kiss went on and on, and we got away with no one else riding on the elevator with us until my floor.

  "Later," he said and pointed to me. "I need my fix."

  "Don't worry," I replied and smiled as the elevator doors closed. "You'll get yours."

  I popped my head in to see Sharon on my way to my office. We had a meeting in a half hour and I wanted to make sure it was going forward.

  "Good morning," I said. "Are we on for eight thirty?"

  She glanced up from her desk and gave me a smile. "We are. Bring your best choices and we'll go over them."

  "See you at eight thirty."

  I went to my office, which was now starting to look like a person worked there and not a makeshift room with a desk and plastic sheeting. I had a different desk now, with a hutch and ergonomic chair, plus my own filing cabinet and a chair for any visitors. The office was tiny, but it had an actual door and a window, looking out over the building beside ours.

  I loved it.

  I'd even decorated it with Thanksgiving themed items -- a paper turkey sat on the shelf behind my desk and I had a metallic Happy Thanksgiving sign on one wall. I'd have to take that down to make way for Christmas now that Thanksgiving was officially over.

  It would have been hard for me, only a few months ago, to imagine my life the way it was now. I was depressed after my breakup with Jerkface, and I didn't want to stay in Concord, knowing that he was there, working and probably now fucking Bunni on an even more-regular basis. I wanted to escape.

  Moving to Manhattan to take an unpaid internship was the best decision I'd made in a very long time.

  I spent the next thirty minutes preparing for my meeting with Sharon, but my peace and quiet was shattered by the loud ring of my cell. I had programmed it so that when my father called, an old car horn blared. I knew it was him immediately, and I could prepare mentally for our talks.

  "Hi, Dad," I said, wondering why he was calling me at this time in the morning. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

  "Hello, Dear," he replied, his voice sounding distracted. "Your mother and I are making a trip to Manhattan this weekend and will be staying for most of the coming week. Something came up and I have some business to attend to. She wanted to spend some time with you while I'm otherwise occupied."

  "That's great," I said, even though I'd seen them the previous week for Thanksgiving. "Where are you guys staying?"

  "The Ritz downtown. Your mother wanted to be close to your apartment so you two could do some sightseeing. I'll be in meetings the entire weekend."

  "What's up?"

  "Just some party business before the new session. I know you aren't interested in politics, so I'll just say it's party business and leave it at that."

  "Upcoming by-election?"

  "Something like that. Sudden death of an old friend and colleague."

  "Oh, I'm sorry, Dad. Who was it?"

  "Just a former member of the State legislature when I was a member. We've got to find the right person for the seat and so will be meeting all weekend to strategize."

  I made a huge and very audible yawn and then a very loud snore for his benefit and he laughed out loud.

  "See, I told you that you wouldn't be interested.”

  "Right now, I'm reading thriller manuscripts and I'm focused on things that are a bit more exciting than by-elections. Politics is not my thing."

  "I know that only too well. I won't bore you with the details, but I know your mother would love to do some early Christmas shopping and you two go to a spa and have the full treatment, maybe go for a nice lunch or two. Whatever it is you two do when you get together."

  "I'll be glad to see you both."

  "So, what's new with you? Any good books? Are you writing? Have you met any decent
young men?"

  I laughed at his peppered questions. "Dad, I just spent the long weekend with you and Mom," I said. "I already told you that I've got new friends at work and I'm super busy reading manuscripts. I'm really happy to be living here."

  "I know. I just wanted to give you a chance to come clean in case you were actually lonely and wanted to move back."

  "Not on your life," I said with a laugh, knowing he was only half-teasing me. "I love it here."

  "I know your mother misses having you in Concord, but she wants you to be happy, so I'm glad you are. I'll call you when we arrive. Maybe you can meet us for supper tomorrow."

  "Do you want me to meet you at the airport?"

  "That's not necessary," he replied. "We're getting in during the day, so you'll be at work. We'll call you with a time for dinner."

  "Sounds good. Love you Dad," I said.

  "Love you back, Punkin," he replied, using his pet name for me.

  I hung up and leaned back, smiling to myself. I was glad to see them, but at the same time, I hoped they didn't take up all my time on the weekend. Josh and I spent the Thanksgiving weekend apart and we wanted to make up for lost time. We were having so much fun with each other, spending our weekends together, that I didn't want to deprive myself.

  Still, it would be nice to see them both again. I could take my mom to some of the places I'd grown to love visiting and of course, seeing my dad when he was through with his political meetings.

  I spent the rest of the day focused on my work, and of course, received quite a few texts from Josh.

  JOSH: I already miss the photocopier room...

  ELLA: You made your bed and now you have to deprive yourself of my company.

  ELLA: Speaking of which, my parents are coming down to Manhattan for the weekend. My dad has some back-room political meetings he has to attend and so I'll be spending the weekend with them.

  JOSH: They just had you for four whole days.

  ELLA: They are the parental units.

  JOSH: Do I finally get to meet the Carters?

  ELLA: Not on your life. I don't want to mention that you and I are seeing each other so if you want me, you'll have to come by late at night after my daughterly duties are finished.

  JOSH: I'm insulted. Why don't you want me to meet your parents?

  ELLA: My father is a notorious fourth-degree kind of man.

  JOSH: Oh, yeah? You don't trust me to stand up to his scrutiny? I'm crushed...

  ELLA: I don't want any drama. Besides, my mother will pester me to no end about you. I don't need the aggravation.

  JOSH: I feel somehow slighted. But as long as I get you at night, I guess I'll take what I can get.

  ELLA: I'll be yours from, say, nine-thirty at night until breakfast. I'll probably meet them for breakfast before my father's meetings and then will be with my mother the rest of the time until after dinner.

  JOSH: I'll find something else to do with myself until nine-thirty. But I am disappointed. I would have liked to meet your parents. Your father is notorious.

  ELLA: That's exactly why I'd rather not spring you on them at the moment. He is notorious.

  JOSH: Okay. If that's what you want. Just so you know, I clean up pretty decently when I have to meet important people. I know what fork to use and all that...

  ELLA: Josh! It's not that I don't think you'd pass muster, but I just don't want this weekend to be all about my new boyfriend.

  JOSH: So, I take it that I am your new boyfriend? I'm beyond the fuck-toy stage and I’m now into the regular squeeze category?

  ELLA: Regular squeeze sounds about right, although I do like the fuck-toy stage, too.

  JOSH: It was a lot of fun, I have to admit.

  ELLA: It was. Now, I have to go so quit distracting me or my boss will have my hide.

  JOSH: That damn boss... Can I stop by later? I'll be on that floor for something.

  ELLA: Okay but you should have an excuse. I don't want the whole office to know we're seeing each other.

  JOSH: That's twice I've been crushed in this one textual exchange, Ella. I'm feeling a little insulted here...

  ELLA: People know about my past. They know about your past. They'll think we're both crazy for seeing each other.

  JOSH: Okay...I'm stopping by and will be in and out in two minutes tops. A quick kiss and grope are all I need.

  ELLA: That I can give. Anytime. Now, I have to go and get work done. I hear the big boss is a real stickler for productivity.

  JOSH: I've only heard nice things about him.

  ELLA: Later. :)

  I put my cell away, smiling at our exchange. He was always in a good mood, and was always a bit playful, which I enjoyed. He made me happy.

  For the rest of the day, I waited for him to pop by and by the end of the day when he still hadn't, I felt a bit glum. While I didn't want the entire office staff to know I was seeing the big boss, I didn't mind him popping by for a quick kiss and squeeze. He could always find some reason to pop in to see Sharon or something. They were friendly enough that he could always use that excuse.

  At five thirty, which was the official end of my day, I gathered up my things and said goodnight to Amber, who was working the front desk. I took the elevator down to the main floor and made my way out of the building. As I left the front door, I was accosted by Josh, who stepped out from behind one of the columns at the front of the building. He laughed when I squealed and pulled me into his arms.

  We kissed, our focus completely on each other, while people walked around us on the sidewalk.

  "I didn't think you were going to show up," I said when the kiss ended.

  "I wanted to keep you in suspense.”.”.

  "You wanted to tease me," I said, and gave him side-eyes. "You were making me all excited, wondering when you'd show up and what you'd do."

  "I admit it. Anticipation makes it always so much more exciting. Now, how about some dinner? Since I'm going to be deprived of you as a dinner companion all weekend, I'd like to get in as much time as possible for the next couple of days."

  "I'm all yours," I replied and stepped onto my tip-toes to kiss him.

  "I like that." He kissed me back.

  When we were finished, he took my hand and together, we walked along the street to his car, which was parked about a block away from the building.

  He opened the passenger door for me and I got inside. After he got in beside me, he took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

  "What do you feel like? Something healthy or some junk?"

  "Mmm," I said and tried to think of what I wanted to eat. "Something junky. My mother is a health nut and so we'll probably be eating clean all weekend."

  "How about some of Uncle Joe's Barbecue?"


  We drove off and went to Uncle Joe's, which was one of Josh's favorite restaurants. It was a tiny hole in the wall that looked like it belonged down by the bayou in Louisiana instead of Manhattan. He'd taken me there twice before and the food was so good, and there was always too much of it. I took home leftovers and ate them on my lunch break the next day, so it was a way for a single girl to stock my fridge for a meal or two.

  We arrived at the restaurant and went inside, taking a tiny table beside the window looking out over Lexington. It was busy outside, and we were lucky to get in without a wait, but we'd chosen the best time to go. Most people got off work at six, so we beat the usual rush which really got started around six thirty or seven o'clock.

  Josh ordered for us, and we sat and held hands across the table, watching outside and talking about the day while we waited for our food to come.

  "I'm curious," Josh said, his tone becoming a little hesitant. "Why you're trying to avoid me meeting your parents. Is it too soon? We've been dating since September. I know your father was heavily invested in Jerkface as his future son in law, but still, I'd think he'd be happy to see you meet someone new. I clean up pretty well, all things considered..."

  I sighed, not wanting
to get into the whole business about his father's television reporters doing a big expose on one of my father's business partners.

  "It's too soon," I said and squeezed his hand. "Let's just enjoy ourselves."

  "I'd like to meet the Governor of New Hampshire one of these days," he said. "So, I hope that the next time they come to town, you bring me along. What about Christmas? That would be a good time to meet the parents."

  "We'll see." I smiled and nodded, not committing to anything. He seemed assured that we'd still be together at Christmas, which was still three weeks away. That was a long time in a new relationship and after the nightmare that was my previous romance, I wanted to be cautious without too many expectations. Not that I was already thinking of us breaking up, but the chances of us being long-term partners was pretty slim. Even I had to admit that.

  I didn't want to tempt the Gods, so I smiled and diverted the conversation to The Chronicle and how the search for good staff was going. Luckily, Josh was only too happy to tell me about his work staffing the new paper.

  For the rest of the evening, I tried to just enjoy Josh in the moment instead of thinking ahead to what might or might not happen between us. I didn't want to hope too much.

  I'd made that mistake before and wasn't going to make it again.



  "Stay at my place tonight," I said when we got back into the car after our meal. "I'd come to yours, but my neck gets cricked when we sleep on your bed."

  "We've spent almost every night since we meet at your place," Ella said with a coy smile. "I'm paying good money for my place in Chelsea. If I stay at your place every night, I'm throwing my money away."


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