The Quiet World: Saving Alaska's Wilderness Kingdom, 1879-1960

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The Quiet World: Saving Alaska's Wilderness Kingdom, 1879-1960 Page 65

by Douglas Brinkley

  Murie, Donald, 280

  Murie, Joanne, 280

  Murie, Margaret E., 131

  Murie, Margaret “Mardy” Thomas, 263, 351, 398, 451, 452

  Adolph Murie and, 290, 298–99

  Arctic NWR and, 453–57, 463, 467, 469–70, 472–74, 489, 492–93, 496

  Arctic Range and, 359–60

  children of, 279–80

  Douglas and, 381, 382

  education of, 271, 274, 275

  Leopold and, 358, 359

  Marshall and, 280–81

  meets, marries, and travels with Olaus, 271–78

  Sheenjek Expedition and, 373–76, 381–85

  Wilderness Society and, 254–55, 282–84

  writing of, 279–80

  youth in Alaska, 264–71

  Murie, Martin, 278, 279, 371, 390

  Murie, Olaus, 209, 271–73, 349

  Adolph Murie and, 290, 298–99

  Arctic NWR and, 454–59, 461–62, 463, 467, 469–70, 472–74, 489

  Arctic Range and, 359–60, 368

  children of, 279–80

  Disney productions and, 447, 459

  Douglas and, 375–76, 378–79

  drawings by, 274, 276, 280, 293, 470

  health of, 371–72, 461–62, 492

  Jones and, 432

  Leopold and, 358

  marriage and honeymoon, 275–78

  Marshall and, 254–55

  research and reports for U.S. Biological Survey, 229, 273–79

  Seton and, 293n

  Sheenjek Expedition and, 373–76, 382–85

  Wilderness Society and, 280–84

  Murphy, Bruce Allen, 304

  Murphy v. Butler, 449

  musk oxen (Ovibos moschatus), 29, 442–43

  My Dogs in the Northland (Young), 293

  My Way Was North: An Alaskan Autobiography (Dufresne), 215

  My Wilderness: The Pacific West (Douglas), 379, 385, 473, 479–80

  Nancarrow, Bill, 299

  Nash, Roderick Frazier, 125, 249, 367

  Nation, The, 239, 250, 329

  National Audubon Societies, 158

  National Conference on Outdoor Recreation, 210

  National Conservation Association, 77, 107, 173

  National Geographic magazine, 47, 228, 298, 363

  National Geographic Society, 113–14

  national monument designation, established by Roosevelt, 158

  National Park Service, 291, 298, 361

  National Parks Association, 129

  National Parks: The American Experience (Runte), 143

  National Parks, The (Duncan and Burns), 326

  National Petroleum Reserve, 374, 385, 439

  National Progressive Republican League, 112

  National Rifle Association (NRA), 182–83, 225, 229

  National Wildlife Federation (NWF), 468, 488

  Native Alaskans, 20, 26, 33, 43, 121, 145, 181

  artifacts taken by Harriman Expedition, 30–31

  citizenship and, 221

  disease and, 411

  Hornaday’s criticism of, 174–75

  Marshall and, 254

  Matthiessen and, 441

  missionaries to, 42

  Muir’s observations on, 4, 29

  overfishing by, 155

  overhunting by, 159

  see also Aleut people; Gwich’in people; Inupiat; Tlingit; Yupik

  Natural History (Wood), 197

  Naturalist in Alaska, A (A. Murie), 297

  Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 107

  Nature Conservancy, 300

  Nature’s State: Imagining Alaska as the Last Frontier (Kollin), 6, 92

  Naval Petroleum Reserve, 218–19, 294, 374, 446, 473

  N by E (Kent), 199, 229

  Nelson, Edward W., 63, 127–28, 130, 140, 142, 173, 208–9, 278

  Nelson, Gaylord, 365

  Never Cry Wolf (Mowat), 351

  Newhall, Beaumont and Nancy, 337

  New Mexico Game Protection Association (NMGPA), 171

  New Statesman, 198

  New York, 156

  New York Conservation Society, 39, 132

  New Yorker, 443

  New York Evening Post, 101

  New York Herald Tribune, 250, 464

  New York Times, 80, 95, 97, 108, 152, 446, 465

  New York Tribune, 3

  New York World, 198

  New York Zoological Society, 150, 155, 363–364, 373, 457, 468, 470

  Nobel Peace Prize, 86

  No Place of Grace (Lears), 52

  No Room for Bears (Dufresne), 215

  North American Indian, The (Curtis), 46–47

  “Northeast Alaska: The Last Great Wilderness” (Collins and Sumner), 362

  northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), 34

  Northern Rocky Mountain Forest Experiment Station, Montana, 236–38

  Northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe), 441

  North from Malaya (Douglas), 377

  Norwood, Vera, 353

  Nunivak Island, 442–43

  Nushagak Canning Company, 178–79

  O’Fallon, James, 312

  Of Men and Mountains (Douglas), 309, 310, 322

  Of Wolves and Men (Lopez), 289

  “Oil” (Snyder), 409

  oil discovery and exploration, 48, 61–62, 212, 378–79

  Arctic NWR, 456, 460–61, 467–68, 472–73, 472n, 484–85, 490

  Harding administration, 217–19

  Union Oil spill, 304–5

  World War II and North Slope, 294–95

  Old Yukon: Tales, Trails, and Trials (Wickersham), 78–79

  Olson, Lars Matt, 192–93

  Olson, Sigurd, 299, 365, 464, 488, 491

  Olympic range elk (Cervus roosevelti), 39

  On the Road (Kerouac), 417, 423

  oology, proposed banning of, 157

  Oomingmak: The Expedition to the Musk Ox Island in the Bering Sea (Matthiessen), 442–43

  Osborn, Fairfield, Jr., 458, 459

  Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 373, 374

  Osgood, Wilfred, 179

  O’Shaughnessy Dam. See Hetch Hetchy, damming issue

  Oshinsky, David, 308n

  Our National Parks (Muir), 6

  Our Plundered Planet (Osborne), 458

  Our Vanishing Wild Life (Hornaday)

  Hornaday’s conservationism and T. Roosevelt’s support of, 149–61, 211

  influence on Leopold, 163–64, 166

  Outlook, 102, 149, 155, 175, 211

  T. Roosevelt and, 71, 95, 128, 153–54, 157, 165–68, 171, 175–76

  “Overturning Roosevelt’s Work” (Pinchot), 206

  Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 204

  Pacific, University of, 13

  Pacific Fisherman, 117

  Pacific loon (Gavia pacifica), 62

  Pagel, Joel E. (Jeep), 292n

  Palache, Charles, 416–17

  Panama Canal, 79

  Paris Review, 435–36, 441

  Parker, Fess, 445

  Parkman, Francis, 437

  passenger pigeon, 153, 358–59

  “Passing of the Maine Wilderness, The” (Vreeland), 146

  Passion for Nature, A (Worster), 12

  Paul, William, Sr., 221

  Pauley, Edwin, 319

  Payne-Aldrich Act, 108

  Pearson, Gilbert, 227

  Peary, Marie Ahnighito, 229

  Pelican Island, Florida, 158

  Peltier, Leonard, 441–42

  Pencovic, Francis Herman. See Venta, Krishna

  Pennsylvania, 118

  People of the Deer (Mowat), 300

  People’s Forest, The (Marshall), 255

  permafrost, 55

  Permanent Wildlife Protection Association, 149

  pesticides. See DDT

  Peterson, Roger Tory, 438, 464, 470

  Peterson, Val, 465

  petroleum. See oil discovery and exploration

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 105

hillips, Fred, 180

  Pinchot, Cornelia, 322

  Pinchot, Gifford, 57, 107, 155, 158, 220

  Alaskans’ opinion of, 109–11

  Boy Scouts of America award in honor of, 102

  Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger and, 91

  as chief of U.S. Forest Service, 72

  Douglas and, 302, 310, 314, 321–22

  F. Roosevelt and, 250–51

  feud with Bollinger over development of Alaska, 75–80, 110, 314

  fired by Taft, 73–74, 80–85, 107–8

  forest preservation and, 50, 51, 58, 92

  Hetch Hetchy damming issue and, 93

  Marshall and, 243–44

  opinion of Hornaday, 158n

  opinion of Taft administration, 96, 103

  prescience of, 85

  T. Roosevelt and, 72, 107, 108, 111, 117, 119–20, 205–6

  Pine Cone, The, 171–72, 173

  Pioneers of Alaska, 457

  Place in Space, A (Snyder), 391

  Plimpton, George, 435–36, 441

  “Plus Ça Change” (Whalen), 400

  Podhoretz, Norman, 423

  Poets on the Peaks (Suiter), 396

  Poindexter, Miles, 89

  “Point Lobos: Animism” (McClure), 400–401

  polar bear (Ursus maritimus), 14, 24–26

  porcupine (Erethizan dorsatum), 185

  Port Angeles Evening News, 348

  Port Ashton, Alaska, 269–70, 271

  Post, Wiley, 283

  Powell, John Wesley, 18

  Preble, E. A., 180

  Pribilof Islands

  Disney’s efforts to protect seals of, 343–47, 356

  Muir and, 14

  slaughter of seals on, 34–35, 48, 53, 89, 97–98

  as wildlife refuge, 150, 159

  Price, Overton, 97

  primeval lands, use of term, 361

  Project Chariot, 403–6, 452

  “Proposed Arctic Wilderness International Park, A” (Collins and Sumner), 362

  Pruitt, William, 405

  Pursuit of Wildness, The (Brooks), 36

  Quiet Crisis, The (Udall), 492

  Quinn, Davis, 226–27

  Race Rock (Matthiessen), 435

  Random House colophon, 200

  “Raven’s Beak River at the End” (Snyder), 202

  Rayburn, Sam, 445

  Readers’ Digest, 318

  Rearden, Jim, 355

  Recreation Program for Alaska, A (Collins), 364

  Redfield, William C., 54

  red-throated loon (Gavia stellata), 62

  Reed, Franklin, 256

  Reich, Charles, 380

  Reiger, George, 348

  reindeer, 43, 158, 276–77, 316–17. See also caribou

  Reindeer Act, 317

  Remington, Frederic, 289

  Report upon the Condition of Affairs in the Territory of Alaska, A (Elliott), 36

  “Revealing and Concealing Coloration in Birds and Animals” (Roosevelt), 111

  Rexroth, Kenneth, 398, 400

  Reynolds, Harry, 57

  Rhode, Clarence, 368–69, 493

  Arctic NWR and, 463, 467, 468, 469–71

  death of, 475–76

  Rhode, Jack, 475

  Richardson, Wilds Preston, 79

  Richardson Highway, 79

  Richfield Oil Corporation, 467, 469

  Ring of Bright Water (Maxwell), 431–32

  “Riprap” (Snyder), 399

  Rivers, Ralph, 476, 489

  Rock and Surf (Adams), 334

  Rockefeller, John D., 217

  Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 318–19

  Rocky Mountains, 134

  Rodgers, William H., Jr., 376

  Rodman, Hugh, 219

  Rogers, George, 404

  Rogers, Will, 182, 283, 412

  Romanes, George John, 12, 87

  Roosevelt, Alice, 83

  Roosevelt, Archie, 106, 164

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 206, 223, 227, 245, 250–54, 256, 280, 314–18, 326

  Roosevelt, Kermit, 67, 74, 86, 95, 119, 172

  Roosevelt, Quentin, 164

  Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell, 54, 55, 153

  Roosevelt, Ted, 105, 106

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 35, 37, 232, 370, 462, 494

  Adirondacks and, 234

  Alaska Purchase and, 31

  birds and, 62–64, 87–88, 156–58

  Boy Scouts of America and, 101–3

  Brady and, 44

  Bronx Zoo and, 151

  Camp Fire Club of America and, 95–97

  constitutional rights for Alaskans and, 36

  Curtis’s photographs influence on, 45–47

  death and legacy of, 203–8, 211

  election of 1912 and, 98, 107, 111–12, 115–20

  federal law and, 48–49

  forest preservation and, 48–62

  Grand Canyon and, 164–65

  Harriman Expedition’s influence on, 38–45

  interest in Alaska and Arctic, 24–26, 67–71

  in later life, 172–76

  letter to Leopold, 172

  on Muir, 168

  national monument designation established by, 158

  as naturalist, 100, 112–14

  “new nationalism” and, 98–99, 106

  Nobel Prize and, 86

  as not antidevelopment, 79–80

  popular authors’ defense of, 89–93

  primary tenets of, 47–48, 65–66

  protection of bull moose, 108–9

  Roosevelt, Theodore (cont.)

  review of and support of Hornaday’s Our Vanishing Wild Life, 149–61, 211

  Sheldon and, 128, 129, 136

  snowy owl and, 23–24, 37

  speaking on Africa, 99–100

  Taft administration and, 73–74, 82–85, 98

  Taft’s lack of support for conservation policies of, 72–81, 88–89, 91, 207

  Thayer and, 111

  totem poles and, 30

  Vreeland, 146–47

  Wilson’s policies and, 161–62

  Yosemite and, 94

  Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr., 42–43

  Roosevelt elk (Cervus roosevelti), 122, 127, 348–49

  Ross Dam, 391

  Ross’s gull (Rhodostethia rosea), 439

  Rough Riders, 41, 116, 172

  Round River (Leopold), 357

  Rowan, Carl, 495

  Rowling, J. K., 24

  Runte, Alfred, 143

  Rushmore, Mount, 222


  exploitation of Alaska, 27, 32

  purchase of Alaska from, 5, 31–32, 36

  see also Pribilof Islands

  Russian-American Company, 32

  Russian Orthodox Church, 32

  Russo-Japanese War, 86

  “Sadie” (Matthiesen), 435

  Saint Elias mountains, 134

  Saint Lawrence Seaway, 362

  Saint Lazaria bird reservation, 64, 159

  Saint Matthew Island Group, 159

  Salamina (Kent), 229

  salmon. See fish and fishing

  Salten, Felix, 347

  Salzmann, Siegmund, 347

  Sand County Almanac, A (Leopold), 65–66, 295, 361, 401

  sandhill crane (Grus canadensis), 153

  San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, 3, 9, 15, 42

  San Souci, Daniel, 497

  Sarasin, Paul, 86

  Sarber, Hosea, 229

  Saving America’s Wildlife (Dunlap), 301

  Schaller, George, 375

  Scheffer, Victor B., 284

  Schickel, Richard, 346

  Schrank, John, 119

  Scientific Monthly, 244, 361

  Scoresby, William, 24–25

  Scratching the Beat Surface (McClure), 403

  Scribner, Arthur H., 95

  Scribner’s Monthly, 3, 86

  Scripture of the Golden Eternity (Kerouac), 414

  Sea Around Us, The (Carson), 300, 351, 449

  Seal Island (film), 343�
�47, 356

  Seal Treaty (1911), 152


  Disney’s efforts to protect, 343–47, 356

  fur seals, 97–98

  slaughtered on Pribilof Island, 34–35, 48, 53, 89, 97–98

  T. Roosevelt and Hornaday’s efforts to protect, 151–53, 160

  sea otters, 34, 152, 426–27, 429–34

  Sears, John, 252

  Seaton, Fay, 464, 465

  Seaton, Fred, 464–66, 472n

  Arctic NWR and, 463–64, 466–69, 473–74, 476, 488–91, 493–94

  Seaton, Gladys, 465

  seaweed, 416

  Sedna (sea goddess), 421

  Seizing the Light: A History of Photography (Hirsch), 333

  Selig, William, 101

  Selous, Frederick, 136

  Sequoia-Kings National Park, 226, 305–7

  Seton, Ernest Thompson, 96, 144, 293, 293n, 363, 461

  Sevareid, Eric, 378

  Severson, Hans, 180

  Seward, William, 31–32, 53, 114n

  Seward Gateway, 253

  Sheenjek Expedition, 373–76, 380–86, 451, 480

  Sheenjek River, 359–61

  sheep, 127–28, 129–30, 164

  Sheldon, Carolyn, 209

  Sheldon, Charles, 108, 112, 164, 287

  background, 126–27

  brown bears and, 156, 161

  death of, 222, 223n, 238

  described, 122–23, 125

  Hornaday and, 210–11

  journals of, 123–25, 132, 138, 142

  legacy of, 209–10

  Mount KcKinley and, 121–22, 137–44, 474

  T. Roosevelt and, 165, 205

  U.S. Biological Survey and, 122–23, 127–37

  Sheldon, Louisa Walker Gulliver, 123, 124, 136

  Sheldon, William, 209

  Sheldon Jackson College, 43

  Shenandoah National Park, 222, 257

  Shepard, Ward, 243

  Sherwood, Morgan, 230

  Sierra Club, 19, 37, 167, 168, 302, 324, 366

  Arctic NWR and, 462–63, 488

  Sierra Club Bulletin, 362

  Sierra Club v. Morton, 305–7

  Sierra Nevada: The John Muir Trail (Adams), 325–26

  Silcox, Ferdinand, 389

  Silent Spring (Carson), 438, 448–50, 499

  Simon, James F., 312, 377

  Sinclair, Harry F., 218

  Singing Wilderness, The (Olson), 464

  Sitakaday region, 7

  Sitka, Alaska, 32, 41, 42, 43–44, 55, 108

  Sitka bear, 161

  Sitka deer (Odocoileus hemonius sitkensis), 159–60

  Sitka Indian Industrial Training School, 43

  Sitka National Historic Park, 482

  Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), 56

  Six Gallery, readings at, 400–402

  Sloan, Kay, 17

  Slotkin, Richard, 140

  smew (Mergellus albellus), 64

  Smithsonian Institution, 88, 99, 134, 186, 200

  Snedden, L. W., 466–67, 469, 473–74

  Snow Dome, 12

  snow geese (Chen caerulescens), 455


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