Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)

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Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) Page 23

by Miller, Gracen

  Being the breath of God had been a privilege. Until now.

  He had forgiven God when He allowed his first family to fall by Pandora’s vileness. There would be no acceptance or forgiveness for that outcome a second time. Not with his new family.

  Zen, this is bad. Madison’s telepathy held an edge of panic. The only time he’d known her to panic was when she opened Pandora’s Box to save Phoenix from Micah’s covenant.

  Madison, I will come. Silence from her. Can you hear me? More silence.

  He renewed his efforts to defeat the magical restraints. He would not allow these Esdras to succeed.

  Any time angels were deployed to destroy any human creation, he received a message from the Word of God. None had been issued this time. This infiltration was an unsanctioned mission, which led these Esdras perilously close to their own Fall. Being omniscient, his creator knew of the attack and executed no counterattack. Instead He allowed the angels’ outcome to fall to fate. Which also granted Zen the free will to choose his path.

  Hard choices.

  Madison? He tried again.

  You’re a whisper, Zen. Speak louder.

  Hang tight, I am coming!

  Before meeting Madison and Amos, his life had been black and white. Keep the balance at all costs. Kill whatever jeopardized the safety of mankind. The two of them had made him feel again. They reminded him of his peaceful existence before Pandora destroyed his race.

  He’d forfeited everything for the Word. His family. His life. His reason for living. All because he believed the Creator knew best.

  I gave everything, while He sacrificed nothing. He followed the dictates of the Word without protest, even when he disagreed.

  I killed innocents for Him. His loyalty had been unquestionable.

  This must be how Job felt when God took everything from him. How had Job remained true?

  Had Micah felt this betrayed by his father? If so, I can understand why he Fell.

  Zen screamed in his head at the inequality of his relationship with his creator.

  If this is how you award my eons of faithfulness, then you don’t deserve my loyalty. He inhaled sharply, his fingers tingling as if reawakened from sleep.

  I forsake you!

  In a rush, the paralysis evaporated. A heaviness shot through his chest, and he gripped his shirt. Silence pierced his ears like a warning gong. The Word no longer resided within him. Dual emotions ripped through him: freedom and anguish. His old purpose eliminated with one sentence. His new solo gig wouldn’t be easy.

  I’ll face it head on, so long as my family survives.

  He would be damned for his decision. Of that he felt certain. Probably even be considered God’s enemy. He despised understanding Micah’s reasons for his Fall, while loathing the circumstances that brought about his understanding. The blame for his enlightenment lay at his creator’s feet.

  Madison, I am coming!

  Silence from Madison. He probed for her mentally and found…nothing.

  Stumbling from his chair, he collapsed to his knees beside Petra.

  “I’ll send someone to help you, Petra.” He rubbed the achy flesh on his chest.

  “Save Amos…Madison,” she whispered, unmoving on the floor.

  I will send someone. He reiterated the promise as he teleported. He hit the lawn and surveyed his surroundings. A sorrowful wailing rent the evening as dragons battered against an invisible shield. His rainbow orbs pierced that same shield and sailed straight into an angel-bastard. Apparently, the magic had been erected just for the dragons. They hadn’t erected a defense against him because they believed he’d already been eliminated from the equation.

  Overconfidence is always the first crack in a secure firewall. I am the cudgel that will tear down their barricade.

  Zen released his rage. On autopilot, he slugged angel after angel with his power, his footsteps crunching their diamond remains.

  Scanning the crowd as he mowed through them to reach the keening, he spied Madison on the lawn. Motionless.

  If she is dead, I’ll blast them all to pieces.

  Near her the Kings were trapped in separate rings of Angelfire. Micah was on his hands and knees, crying and distraught, flickering between angel and his human persona. He was also the one making the god-awful noise. He’d never seen the King emit this much emotion…except for when he thought I’d killed Madison the first time.

  Zen sent two orbs in the direction of the fallen brothers and sliced through the fire, freeing them both. A mini-teleport and he avoided retaliation from an Esdras at his back. Reappearing behind the angel, he slammed the creature in the spine with a death blow. That’d send his divine creator a profound message.

  The angel exploded into a burst of green diamonds. Another teleport and he landed in the Demon Lock beside Madison.

  “Zennyo Ryuo!” Domiel stumbled backward. Fear widened the angel’s eyes and he tensed as if he prepared to flee. Zen didn’t allow him the opportunity, but froze him by trapping him in a rainbow sphere.

  A finger to Madison’s artery confirmed her demise. Fury swept through him, flipping the circuit breaker connected to his restraint off. Visible crackles of power manifested along his body like a Tesla coil as Micah leapt from the trap in his true visage. And collapsed to his knees with the first step. The King took a moment before pushing to unsteady feet. If he’d needed further proof of Madison’s death, Zen had it in Micah’s precipitous feebleness.

  He reacted and went after Domiel. Seconds later he gripped Domiel by the throat and lifted him off the ground. His fingertips sizzled with rainbows, short-circuiting the angel’s magic slowly, purposefully, hopefully with a great deal of pain.

  “He’s mine.” Micah’s voice came out hoarse from emotion. Fire burned in the fallen’s eyes as he sank to his knees. Zen almost pitied Domiel. Hell would not be kind to the Esdras angel. “He killed Madison. He. Is. Mine.” Beliel pushed to his feet and wobbled, but maintained his footing. The King wouldn’t last long at this rate. “Don’t allow Zariel to harm Amos.”

  Satisfied Micah would take care of Domiel even if it was his last act, Zen tossed the bastard to him and teleported behind Zariel.

  “As the Jyamhak iw Jmekehj”—Scepter of Spirits—“I reap all your souls for my kingdom,” Micah roared as Zen let loose a ball to the back of Zariel’s head. The angel went down and Zen caught Amos in his arms. He turned toward Madison’s husband, as a very real scepter, a twisted piece of magic that sizzled like a bolt of blue-and-white lightning, emerged from the archangel’s palm.

  “Remember my promise, Domiel?” The tip of the sword pierced the angel’s gut. “Plead for my mercy, brother.”

  For the first time since Micah’s Fall, Zen was glad he knew the man.

  The King angled the foil upward, primed to pierce the Esdras angel’s heart, but halted and began to work the rapier in and out. Domiel wept. Beliel showed him no compassion.

  He deserves none.

  “Welcome to your worst Hell, Domiel.” Micah pushed the weapon slowly into Domiel’s body.

  Wrong decision leaving Micah in charge of that weapon. Reaping all their souls fed them to Hell for brutal justice. Every single one of them deserved whatever punishment the Kings doled out. Zen’s only regret was that he couldn’t visit Hell to facilitate their agony.

  He shivered at the intensity of Micah’s gaze. Fear swept across Domiel’s features and he cried out. Death came too soon and he imploded moments later, littering the lawn with gems.

  The dragons swept through the shield with the angel’s death, indicating Domiel’s magic maintained the invisible shelter. Kur swooped to snag Phoenix by the collar and deposit him beside Madison. With an arm around Amos, Zen teleported beside them. He tapped Phoenix on the forehead with his other hand, walloping him with harsh magic. The Ark of Heaven jolted awake and peered about, dazed and disoriented.

  “Madison is dead.” Phoenix jerked at his abrupt statement, but there was no time to ease him into awareness.
“Revive her before it’s too late.”

  Phoenix looked around, spied Madison on the ground beside him and threw himself over her. Tears coursed down the Ark’s cheeks.

  He lifted his gaze to assess if the Kings or the dragons required aid. Micah plowed through the angels with the Scepter, going to his knees, stumbling back up and repeating the process over and over, grief, determination, and revenge the only logical justification why he was able to remain on his feet.

  As Zen adjusted Amos more securely in his arms, a dragon brought down the last of the angels. A record slaughter. Green diamonds glittered in the sudden moonlight…more proof the angels had masked the moon in clouds to aid their skulking.

  The fallen’s normal cocky swagger was missing tonight. With his arm strung over Elias’s shoulders, the twins approached. Unshed tears glistened in Micah’s eyes.

  “You’ll be dead soon if Phoenix cannot resuscitate Madison.”

  “I’d rather be deceased than go on without Madison.” Beliel swiped his fingers over his eyes. Zen caught Elias’s jerk of surprise.

  It was blasphemous for him to work with the Kings instead of his godly creator. But no more profane than his maker turning His back on Zen when he needed Him the most. Killing his family twice in a lifetime was too much to ask anyone to endure.

  I made the only choice I could. For my family.


  One look at Mads’s lifeless form and cracks, like an egg’s fragile shell, veined across Nix’s self-control.

  Keep it together for Mads.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he crushed her in his embrace. Magic poured from him and into her much too fast. He should temper the speed for his own safety, but he couldn’t make himself hold back, not with her life on the line.

  Not again.

  “Mads, please, baby, come back to me,” he whispered against her ear. He wept, aware he trembled so hard in his misery that he shook her, too. Uncaring who witnessed his heartache, he allowed his emotions freedom.

  Don’t die, baby.

  “Amos?” came Micah’s gruff voice from behind him. He sounded tired and he’d never known the King to be anything but energetic.

  Cannot endure her death again.

  “He’s fine.” A shuffling sound, but Zenny went on. “Domiel used a sleep spell on him. I kept him that way when Domiel’s magic dropped so Amos wouldn’t be traumatized by Madison’s predicament.”

  “Good idea.” Beliel cleared his throat and went to his knees beside Nix.

  Breathe, baby, breathe.

  Micah’s hand clenched his shoulder. “Tap into my magic to help…save our woman, Phoenix.” The King’s voice shook and his breaths were ragged pants.

  Tapping into another’s power had been something he did in Hell. He hadn’t considered he could perform the trick outside the demonic realm. Nix latched onto Micah’s power and yanked, shoving it into Mads. Her husband collapsed onto his hands as if Nix jerked him forward.

  He peeked at the King, realizing the fallen’s magic hadn’t been as strong as it should be. “The covenant?”

  “Hard at work.” Micah shoved up onto his knees and settled his palm on Nix’s shoulder once more. “You’ll take all of my angel if you need it to revive Madison.”

  A second hand landed on his other shoulder and he recognized the new power as Elias’s. “Use mine, as well, Jesus-toy.”

  How he hated this particular King, but he wouldn’t shun his aid.

  Nix interwove the Kings’ mojos with his and used it to massage Mads’s heart. What was normally a monochromatic layout of a body in his mind with red blotches highlighting the location of an injury…it was nothing like that with her. Inside, she was one gory, wet mess, like she’d taken on a wood chipper and lost.

  He cried harder, clenching her too tight and flooding her with everything he had and swigging from the brothers. He’d give her all his fucking messian.

  Come back to me, baby. He refused to believe she’d saved him from Hell only to die a few days later. God couldn’t be that cruel and if He was—

  A tiny twitch to her heart. He thrust messian and seraph everywhere, watched her image in his mind shift slowly into the normal varying shades of gray. Optimism bloomed in his chest as he continued to massage her heart and heal her body.

  A slow beat surfaced. Relief and weariness sagged his shoulders. Nix kept a hold of her, fearing if he let up, she’d continue the meet and greet with the Grim Reaper.

  “She’s healed, Phoenix.” Micah yanked him away by his collar, his angel once again vibrant.

  Too weak from spending his magic, he had no energy to protest the fallen angel’s mandate. He cried harder when he witnessed the shallow rising and falling of her chest.

  “She needs more than you can give her.” Beliel looked him straight in the eye. “I will never be able to repay you for saving her.”

  Nix needed no repayment. Mads was his life. “She’s not had enough.”

  “Agreed. But she won’t be receiving it from you. You’ll die if you give her more.” Her husband shifted, cradled Mads in his arms and stood.

  “What do you care?” At least she’d be healthy. And Micah would have her all to himself then. He would’ve thought that outcome would please the King.

  “She loves you. You won’t die on my watch if I can help it.” When had the archangel gone soft? “Brother, will you bring Phoenix?”

  Elias made a half-hearted attempt to lift him. Nix shoved him aside as Micah strode up the steps with Mads. “I can walk, goddamnit.” It’d take willpower, but he’d manage on his own before another man would carry him.

  “By all means, walk.” Elias smirked. Nix doubted he’d ever like this particular King.

  “Petra is in dire straits.” Zen shuffled the boy higher in his arms. “She’s in severe need of nourishment.”

  Couldn’t happen to a better demon. Guilt plugged him hard for that ungrateful thought. Petra fought to protect Madison and Amos. He owed her a little respect.

  “I’ll find her an orgy or three in Hell to feed her.” Eliel went through a portal as Nix pushed to his feet. And swayed. Kur placed a hand on his arm to steady him. He’d forgotten about the dragons. A quick glance over his shoulder made his jaw drop in surprise. The dragons were on one knee, bowing in deference to their Queen. Their demonstration of respect astounded him.

  “Come.” Kur jerked him forward by the arm. Nix stumbled, but kept his footing thanks to the dragon. “First-rate job bringing her back, Ark.”

  He swallowed past the knot threatening to choke him. The compliments and thanks coming his way from Micah and Kur irritated him. He loved her. He hadn’t saved her for either of them.

  I’m being irrational. He had to get it together. Mads was breathing. Amos was uninjured. His family and Alessa remained safe in the panic room, probably hadn’t even known anything was amiss in the real world. Everything had turned out satisfactory. This time.

  Ahead of them, Beliel strode with Mads gripped securely in his arms. Zen had already teleported ahead. The rug tripped him and his knees gave out. Once again, the dragon kept him on his feet.

  “You’re weaker than you let on.” The dragon pointed out the unmistakable.

  Hello, Commander Obvious.

  Nix sent him a sidelong peek, but before he could reply, Kur spoke. “Keep your pride. It’s our secret. You served her well today.”

  Served her well? What the fuck did that mean? He wasn’t a goddamn pet. “I love her. She’s my woman.”

  “Yes.” Kur halted them in the doorway to Mads’s bedroom. The dragon’s penetrating scrutiny held his. “Don’t delude yourself into believing Madison doesn’t continue to love Micah.”

  Not for the first time, he wanted to punch the scaly bastard. But hadn’t he thought the same? And he knew exactly how the King felt toward Mads.

  Kur released his arm. Nix grasped the doorjamb for support. “Whatever transpired between you and Micah in Hell, that bond should be used to forge an amicable
solution to your three-way relationship. For Madison’s benefit.” He opened his mouth to comment, but Kur talked over him. “It’s obvious you cannot be solely responsible for feeding her. She needs both of you to survive the blight of Lynx.” The dragon motioned to the bedroom. “Square your shoulders, hold your head high, and pretend you’re not one step away from being dead on your feet.”

  Nix mustered the energy to enter the room without looking weak, but not because of the dragon’s suggestion. Being pathetic in a room full of immortals would wound his dignity too much.

  Micah sat in a chair, holding Mads in his arms. Amos lay sprawled on the bed, slumbering. Nix walked to the boy, sat—collapsed would’ve been a more apt description—on the mattress and slumped against the headboard. He trussed his fingers through the child’s hair, thanking their lucky stars the boy hadn’t suffered any significant injuries. He could fix the minor wound on his neck. A stroke of Nix’s fingertip against the cut healed the laceration.

  Kur was right about one thing. Whatever direction they took, had to be for Mads’s benefit. Amos’s, too. They were his future and he would do whatever it took, make any sacrifice required to keep them safe. Even if it meant forfeiting them to Micah. He swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat. It’d kill him to walk away, but no sacrifice was too great where they were concerned.


  Genesis Queen

  The Key to destiny

  Lies within Prophecy

  Foretelling of death

  Through betrayal, deceit, and mutiny

  Strength comes from a mistrusted King

  Sacrifices made, bloodshed, and battles ring

  Souls tortured

  Hope fleeting

  In the midst of War

  A Queen will rise to the bar

  Life begins with love

  Igniting like a newly born star

  By Kathryn Grimes ~ TSK TSK What to Read

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Micah shifted Madison to straddle his thighs. Just beginning to come around, she rubbed her face against his pectorals and took a deep breath. His scent must have triggered who he was in her mind because she protested with a feeble, “Li.”


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