Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin

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Checkmate 2: Let the Games Begin Page 11

by Tiece

  Monty made his way to the driver side putting the food in the backseat and as he was getting back inside the car, he spotted MiKayla causing his stomach to turn. She was with a lady as they walked up to the restaurant doors within a couple of feet from him. Their eyes met as she spoke in a way that only he could see. He nodded his head speaking back and got inside the car. When she disappeared inside the restaurant, he pulled off, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had upon seeing her.

  Damn, where did she come from? He thought, quickly driving off. He reached over, grabbing Candy’s hand. Today was her day and he wasn’t letting nothing or no one make him forget that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next morning Monty woke up and looked over at the clock. It was 9am and he had overslept. He got up out of bed. He was having good thoughts about making love to Candy until the wee hours of the morning. He knew that shortly she would be picking up her cousin from the airport so he decided to wake her up.

  “Hey baby, wake up. Don’t forget that you have to go pick up your cousin.” He said shaking her a little.

  She groggily sat up rubbing her eyes. “Oh my goodness, I haven’t overslept have I? MJ must’ve been worn out this morning, because he usually wakes me up pretty early.” She responded, immediately jumping up.

  “You’re good, babe. You’re not late at all.” He stated. “After you went to bed last night our son decided to wake up and play for a couple of hours. So, I stayed up with him, fed him, changed him, and put his butt back to sleep a little after four this morning. That’s why I’ve overslept. I need to get to the office ASAP. We are meeting with Rico’s mama and the people are bringing out the furniture this morning.” He informed.

  “That’s good, babe. I’m excited for you. Once I pick up Dee then we’ll come over so that we can see the place and I can introduce you to her.” Candy looked at the time again. “Wow, I need get MJ dressed. I’m running a little behind time.” Monty stepped out of the walk-in closet fully dressed.

  “See it doesn’t take you any time to get dressed.” She said.

  “Well, that’s because I’m just going in to do physical work this morning. All I needed was to put on a pair of jeans and a white tee and I’m out.” He grinned.

  “That’s two white tees.” She teased. “Give me some sugar and I’ll see ya later, babe.” He kissed her just as the doorbell rang. “Who could that be this early? Were you expecting company?”

  “No I wasn’t, not unless Rico dropped by so that I could ride with him this morning, but he would’ve called first. Just put your clothes on and I’ll go to the door.” He walked out of the room heading to the door. He glanced out of the side window to see if he could see a car. He noticed a white Dodge Charger parked in the driveway just as the doorbell rang again. He opened the door to see who was there then gasped a little as the lady standing there surprised him. She looked up and her big pretty eyes looked him directly in his face. She cleared her throat, wondering who this handsome looking man must be. Monty stepped back a little.

  “Ah, what’s up? Who are you looking for?” He asked, quickly noticing a suitcase sitting on the porch right next to her.

  “Oh, hey,” she said. “I’m sorry, my name is Dee. Is my cousin Candy here?” He nodded, but was a little surprised that this was Dee. He was expecting to see a woman who looked more like a tomboy.

  “Yeah she’s here.” He said. “She’s in the back getting dressed to come pick you up. I’m Monty, by the way.”

  “Well, hello Monty. How are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m good,” he said, making a gesture for Dee to come inside the house. He picked up her suitcase. “I got this.”

  “Thanks,” Dee stated while trying hard not to watch Monty who was standing there with a white tee and a pair of black Sean John jeans. His white Air Force Ones gave him this clean look, but also thuggish and she liked it. His fitted black Atlanta cap really turned her on and she blushed as if he had said something sexual to her.

  If all the men in this area look this good I’ll never want to go home, she thought. “So, you’re the guy my cousin is madly in love with, huh?” Dee asked.

  “I guess that would be me.” Monty responded nonchalantly. He smiled and sat the suitcase down. His straight white teeth impressed her and she smiled back, trying to play off how good he really looked to her. Monty immediately noticed how she was checking him out and he too was just as guilty so he quickly grabbed his keys to go, but remembered that he had to tell Candy that Dee was already there.

  “I’ll go get Candy for you. She’s gonna be so surprised.” He said.

  “Cool, I’ll just wait right here.” Dee quickly began observing the décor on the walls. She looked at the pictures on the wall of Will, Nancy, and Candy. She smiled remembering just how much she had missed them.

  Monty peeped in the room just as Candy walked out of her closet dressed in her tight fitted DKNY jeans and a white fitted tee. She had put on a pair of white Air Force Ones. “Damn, those jeans are fitting that ass real good.” Monty stated then remembered what he came back in the room for. “Hey babe, there is someone up front to see you.” He said.

  “As you can see, I’m dressing like my man today.” She grinned. “Who’s up front? Tell’um to come on back here, because I got to get MJ ready so we can go pick up Dee.”

  “Don’t wake up the baby yet. Just go on up front and see who’s waiting on you.” Monty urged. Candy frowned, looking at him sideways then eased out the room with him following behind her. She knew he had something up his sleeve, but went along with it. When she entered the family room she shrieked at the same time of doing a double take.

  “Dee! Is that you gurl?” She asked.

  “Hey, cousin,” Dee shouted out in addition to rushing over and giving Candy a tight hug. “I have missed you so much.” She said.

  “I’ve missed you, too. Look at you!” Candy said backing up to get a good look at Dee. “You’re looking like a grown woman now. You’re even prettier than I can remember.” She took another good look as Dee stood there smiling. “Wow, what happened to the baggy jeans and the tomboyish look with the ponytail?”

  “I guess I finally grew out of that. I believe it was only after I realized that this is what men really want in a woman, not someone that dressed and acted like them.” She laughed. “But, look at you.” Dee backed up to get a good look at Candy. “You’re still just as pretty and all grown up now.”

  “I was just about to come get you.” Candy responded as she noticed Monty just staring at them smiling. “I see you’ve met my man.” She grinned.

  “Yeah I met him,” Dee stated. “I got to be honest cuz. I’m proud of you.” She said, thinking about how fine Monty was.

  “Yeah babe, we’d met. I should have known that was your cousin when I opened the door, because y’all favor.” He said. “Sorry I gotta leave, but it was nice to meet you.” He nodded at Dee and quickly gave Candy a nice warm kiss on the lips. “I’m about to go, Sweetie. I’m already late.”

  Candy smiled at her love. “Alright babe and be careful. We’re still gonna come by later to see you. I love you.”

  “And I love you back.” Monty said walking out the door then locking it behind him.

  Dee smiled. “I see you’re in love cousin and I’m so happy for you.”

  “It’s that obvious, huh?” Candy asked. “Yes, I’m madly in love with him.” Dee grinned because it was cute to see how much her cousin had grown.

  “What’s so funny?” Candy asked as she blushed. “I guess we’re both just tripping off of how different we are. I’m so glad you’re here, though.”

  “I am too,” Dee said glancing over at the portrait of the Smith family on the wall. “I just want to say that I’m so sorry to hear about your Unc and Auntie. I know that sending the card through the mail was nothing, because I could’ve called you.”

  Candy interrupted her. “Nah, don’t worry about that. At least I heard from you some kind of way.�

  “Yeah, but that’s no excuse. I was so wrapped up in my own life until I just didn’t sit back and take out the time to see just how hard that had to be on you. I should’ve been here.” Dee dropped her head in disappointment.

  “Don’t feel like that. I’ve gotten through this as best as I could and it definitely has helped to have Monty and MJ in my life.” She smiled as she thought about her baby boy. “MJ couldn’t have come at a better time.”

  “I can’t wait to see him. His pictures that you sent were adorable. I still can’t believe that little Candy has a baby.” Dee said.

  “Yep, little Candy is not so little anymore and has a family of her own now.” She responded as they laughed, listening to MJ who had woke up and was crying. “And there he is. I tell ya, gurl he has perfect timing. Come on so I can show you your room and your little cousin.”

  “Candy, he is so pretty.” Dee held MJ close to her smelling the lovely scent of baby powder around his neck. “Holding him makes me want to have a baby of my own someday.”

  “Why haven’t you yet? I mean it’s nothing wrong with waiting, because the first time I ever had sex I got pregnant.” Candy giggled.

  Dee frowned. “Are you serious?”

  “Yep, I’m very serious. Monty was my first love, the first person I made love with, and now we have a love child together. Ain’t that something?”

  “Hell yeah, that is serious.” Dee responded. “You did well for yourself Candy considering the circumstances and the things that have happened in your life. And I must say that your man is some good looking eye candy.” She laughed. “He definitely is a keeper.”

  “Thanks Dee. He is very handsome. That only makes it easier to love him, but it is so much more to him than good looks. He is smart, considerate, funny, and I know that he truly loves me.” She stated. “Now, that’s enough about me, Miss Lady. What has been going on with you?”

  “Well, I had a boyfriend back at home, but we’re not together now. He was my first love, but not the first person that I’d slept with.” They laughed and gave each other high five.

  “I hear that!” Candy responded.

  “His name is Chance and boy did I take a chance on being with him. I can’t lie to you, Cuz. He really had me wide open for quite some time.” She confessed.

  “I can tell that by the way your face lit up when you said his name. What was so special about him?” Candy asked, reaching for MJ so that she could bathe him.

  “He took care of me and Mama, but Mama still didn’t like him. She said that he was trouble and she couldn’t have been any closer to the truth.” Dee followed Candy into the kitchen where Candy pulled out MJ’s baby tub and sat it in the sink. Dee sat down on a bar stool at the counter and continued to talk.

  “His nickname is Cain.” Dee laughed a little.

  “What’s so funny, Dee?” She asked. “I guess Cain is a silly nickname, why do they call him that?”

  “The name speaks for itself. He sells more coke than you can imagine and had everybody bowing down at his feet, including me.” She explained.

  “He must have been one sexy brotha with mad skills in the streets and the sheets, huh?” Candy smiled as she glanced back at Dee then sat MJ in his tub of warm water.

  “Yep, you can say that. He is tall, light skin, low cut, muscular frame, light brown eyes with a nice smile and a pocket full of money. Who wouldn’t be crazy about him? And just think about it.” She paused. “I was his lady, his main squeeze and everybody respected me because of that.”

  “Well, what happened to y’all?” Candy asked.

  “I had to leave him. Things had gotten so out of control over the three years we’d been together. At first, he was like my savior. He came through and swept me off my feet. After about a year into the relationship he started to act like he owned me. I couldn’t even leave the house without him following me. He even began to hit me, but I hid it well.” Candy looked back in disbelief as she began to wash MJ’s hair. “Chile, if he couldn’t go with me then he had his right hand man, Toucan, drive me where I needed to go.” Candy looked back with a frown on her face.

  “Damn Cuz, it was that bad?” Candy asked with Dee nodding. “Why is this dudes name Toucan? What the hell kinda name is that?” She laughed.

  “Hell, it’s because he looks just like Toucan Sam with that big ass nose! The only thing that he’s missing is the blue body and a bowl of Fruit Loops.” They both shrieked in laughter. “It got to the point where the few girlfriends I did have just stopped coming around. My home girl April is the only one that stuck by me, but she just straight out told me that she didn’t care to go places with me, because she hated being watched like that by Toucan.”

  “I don’t blame her.” Candy stated while rinsing the shampoo out of MJ’s hair. “That sounds scary.”

  “It was at first, but I got use to it. Then, eventually I got tired of it. He had gotten me a cell phone and only my Mama and April could call me. It had gotten just that crazy. It was funny how he watched me so hard, even when he wasn’t around me, but he was fucking all the women he wanted to. I wasn’t crazy and one day after going through his cell I seen all types of things I didn’t want to see. He was stupid, chile. He’d take pictures of his dick while he was fucking other women.” Dee stated.

  “What?” Candy asked drying MJ off.

  “Yes, I said it. I know that dick anywhere. I would know that dick blindfolded.” She snapped. “After seeing what I’d known all along, I started fucking around with Sandman’s ole, fine Puerto Rican ass.” She said.

  “Who the hell is Sandman?” Candy asked as she listened for more details.

  “He’s only Chance’s first cousin and best friend.” Dee said smiling.

  “Wow,” Candy paused. “And, you did what with him?”

  “I fucked him.” Dee said nonchalantly. “We fucked around for about six months and it was so what I needed.” Dee grinned as she reminisced. “Damn, I miss Sandman.”

  “Well, did Chance find out about y’all or something?” She asked.

  “No, but he had started acting a little strange when Sandman would come around us. Didn’t nobody know what we’d been doing except for Sandman and I, because he wasn’t the talking type. You know I wasn’t about to say anything not even to April and thank God I didn’t say nothing to her. But, I honestly think that Chance started to sense something. You know how you can always tell when your man is being unfaithful? Well, I think he had that feeling about me. Plus, fucking with his first cousin was a little too close for comfort. Me and Sandman decided to lay low for a while.”

  “Damn, gurl… you got me with that one.” Candy gestured for Dee to follow her into MJ’s room so she could find him something to put on. Dee sat in one of the rocking chairs as Candy pulled out an outfit and sat in the other rocking chair. She began to dress MJ while looking over at her cousin. “Don’t stop now. I’m anxious to see how you managed to leave Mr. Cain.” Candy said.

  “Well, I was over to my Mama’s house one night and decided to take it back to the crib. You see Chance was supposed to be out of town picking up his usual package and usually when he took those trips I would stay at Mama’s because I’d gotten afraid of staying in that big house alone. Well, I left Mama’s crib heading home to pick up a few things, because what he didn’t know was that I’d been slowly packing up my things and taking them to Mama’s, anyway. I was so ready to leave him. It’s funny how things work out.”

  “So, you just up and left him while he was outta town?” Candy asked. “Damn, Dee you weren’t playing.”

  “No, I didn’t get the chance too, because he was home when I left him.” Dee said.

  “Huh, I don’t get it.” Candy quickly commented.

  “Well, when I went home his car was parked in the driveway and I thought to myself, strange. He shouldn’t have been home without telling me he was back. So, I unlocked the door and went inside the house. I didn’t hear anything at first but the closer I got to the g
uest bedroom I could hear giggling and pussy popping. Yes, I know the sounds of pussy popping.” Dee said slightly rolling her eyes. “I slowly walked up to the bedroom door and pushed it open.” She paused for a minute as if she could see what was happening all over again.

  “Well,” Candy said anxiously waiting for the juicy ending.

  “Well, he was in the room fucking April doggy style. He’d just slapped her on the ass when I came walking in.”

  “Damn, are you serious?” Candy shook her head. “Wow, I’ve heard it all. You can’t be talking about your friend, April. I just know better.” Candy commented.

  “Yep, my homey April… She was so shocked to see me walk in that room. Her pussy was filled with my man’s dick in it. I felt bad and I gotta admit that it hurt like hell, because she was my closest friend.” Dee admited.

  “Damn, Dee… What did you do?” Candy asked.

  “I didn’t do anything. I just walked out of the room and headed straight to our bedroom. I was speechless and so was Chance for a change. He came running behind me, but he didn’t have anything to say. I packed my clothes so fast. He just stood there and watched me pack. Then he finally had to nerve to apologize and ask me not to leave him. I just looked him up and down standing there in his boxer shorts and told him to get outta my way.” She said as she smacked her lips.

  “Did you see April on your way out?” Candy asked.

  “Yep I did, but she didn’t have much to say either. When I had packed my things and was on my way out, I pushed the bedroom door back open and just stared at her. The only words I said to her were,” “Thank You… I didn’t want him no more anyway.” She paused. “I walked out that house and didn’t look back. That’s why I’m here. I need to make a new start for myself.”

  “Damn, you’re right Dee. You’d been going through some crazy stuff as well. I’m sorry you had to go through all that.” Candy responded.


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