Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 39

by Ashley Stewart

  “I found her” it read.

  Chaiyan looked down at the message he sent,

  “Found her?” she asked.

  She was a bit apprehensive, but he did not respond. He sent Mikol the name of the club and then placed his hands on her ass and pulled her closer to him,

  “You aren’t afraid?”

  “Should I be?” she asked.

  He smiled as she danced against the erection pressing against the pants that held it back. He pressed his lips to her neck once again. She slipped her hand under his shirt brazenly. The crowd around them disappeared as the lust took over between them.

  Moments later he felt a hand slipping around his waist to gently squeeze the erection in his pants and they moved to the music. As fangs bit into his neck and he felt an erection rubbing against his tight ass, he knew Mikol had arrived.

  He closed his eyes and shared the blood memories of the last couple minutes with his lover. They were good at sharing, then he moved to stand behind Chaiyan. The twitter pated woman had been staring at Mikol’s dark green eyes, a vibrant contrast to the red of Zach’s when they fed.

  “I am Mikol,” he said and Zach let go of her as he watched Mikol feed from Chaiyan’s neck. “Do you want to get out of here?” Mikol asked a few minutes after bumping and grinding with her to the music.

  Chaiyan was either wondering what had taken them so long or too weak to protest the invitation. Well, that was what Zach thought until he saw her smiled walk away.

  “I like her,” Mikol said as they followed her curvaceous ass out the door.

  As they directed her through the parking lot and towards the hotel. Possibly his intuition, Zach smelled trouble only moment before he felt a hard punch to his chest. He went flying across the parking lot and landed hard on a car parked twenty feet away. He righted himself and moved faster than the speed of light to where a vampire stood holding Chaiyan by the neck. Her breathing was cut off and he knew that with a single turn of the wrist the vampire could break her neck.

  “Let her go,” Mikol said, his eyes turning pitch black and his fangs extending over his lips.

  The vampire laughed and tossed her high in the air. Zach tore out to catch her before she was hit by a car. Suddenly, the sound of bones breaking rang out as Mikol snapped the vampire’s neck. Chaiyan was laying limp in his hands. Despite his worst fears, she wasn’t dead, only knocked out for a moment.

  He could feel her heart beating faintly. He saw a flash to his right and moved quickly out of the way. The vampire he had sworn to kill years ago swung a dagger that would’ve caused him serious pain.

  “Zach and Mikol, the man loving duo, think they own this town,” Fin proclaimed.

  A few years prior he had given Fin the chance to leave and never come back or he’d kill him. Mikol hadn’t agreed with that strategy. Zach could’ve had his way without killing him, but he much preferred to do it himself. Well, until then anyway.

  “You abducting women now?” Fin jabbed at him.

  There was a sound of yet another neck snapping as Mikol took out another vamp. It echoed through the cold, dreary night. Chaiyan stirred, opening her eyes just as another vampire rushed in. He was clearly ready with an attack aimed at a kill. She knew they meant business and though her instinct told her to get down, she felt an irresistible urge to run.

  Zach sprang into action, pulling her up on her feet. He guarded her, slashing the face of an oncoming vampire. The younger beast was no match for him. He was met with blunt force, crumbling to the ground with a gaping hole through his cheek. Zach’s fist tore easily through his cold clammy skin.

  For Chaiyan, he looked breathtakingly gorgeous right then. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to feel his presence so deep inside of her. Mikol appeared behind her, pulling at her arm. He was shouting that they needed to leave.

  More vampires were steadily coming into the parking lot, Chaiyan new in that moment that the danger to them was very real. She’d never seen so many vampires together in one place before. What the hell? Am I drunk? Shit! Am I sleeping?

  It was hard to believe that it was real life. But as Zach’s eyes beckoned hers, she knew beyond a doubt that she was awake as she’d ever been and it wasn’t a dream.

  “We’ve told you time and time again, that this is our turf and we are coming back for it,” a deep male voice said from behind her.

  She screamed out in pain, trying hard to get away. The vamp attacked her from behind, sinking his fangs into her neck. It was Mikol’s grip that finally pushed him away. She could feel herself being carried down to safety. It wasn’t until she was being lowered down to her feet, that she realized she’d been in his arms. He’d run a defensive block and carried her to the outside of the hotel.

  “Coooooooooool,” she smiled at him.

  He forcefully ordered her to get inside the hotel and handed her a key with a room number engraved on it.

  “Do not let anyone inside that room and do not invite anyone in!” he yelled.

  With that he was gone and Chaiyan, who was feeling a little weak, wisely obeyed his orders.

  Chapter 3

  Zach righted himself as he took the last vampire down. Fin, turn his turn, and got the hell out of dodge. He had won the fight almost single handedly. But as he looked at the headless body of Garson, one the members of his clan, he knew the casualties were adding up. That wasn’t a good thing for them.

  He felt Mikol’s hand on his shoulder and rested cold ruddy his cheek against it,

  “We will have to kill them all, you know. Or they will not stop coming back.”

  Mikol echoed a sentiment he had come to know all too well. They had lives to protect and for every attack Fin launched a handful of men were killed. Fin took one or two of theirs. The numbers erred in their favor, but every vampire that was slain had been a friend for many centuries. It was that fact that angered Zach the most. He held his nose high in the air, smelling the revenge he would unleash on such unassuming souls.

  They gathered the cold lifeless bodies and dropped them behind a dumpster. And when the sun rose early the next morning, they would undoubtedly burst into flames. There would be no trace of them left. Horror stories spoke to vampires who couldn’t handle the sun and would spontaneously combust upon exposure.

  Other new age stories told of vampires who sparkled like diamonds, but the reality was that they were impervious to the sun until they died. It was then and only then that their bodies turned to dull grey ash. Stakes and garlic held no power over them, only drinking dead blood did.

  Mikol stepped up to him with a sigh and took his hands as they quickly made their way back to the hotel.

  “Let’s just enjoy tonight,” Mikol told him,

  “Tomorrow we go after that bastard.”

  Zach was open to that strategy and walked hand in hand with him to the elevator. It would take them to the suite where hopefully Chaiyan was waiting for them. She was, they could smell the scent of her as they made their way to the bedroom. There she was all snuggled up under the warm covers. She was the one woman that they hoped would accept them as her mate.

  Her short cropped hair fell nicely over her face, single strands stirring every time she breathed out. Zach took his shirt off and pulled the covers away from her, being careful not to wake her. And as he lowered his pants, Mikol came to stand behind him, reaching his hand into his boxers to tempt and lightly stroke his growing erection. Zach turned his head to kiss Mikol and then moved away. He lined his warm wet kisses up Chaiyan’s bare thick legs to her panty clad ass. She moaned in her sleep and they could both sense her arousal.

  Moments later Mikol walked to the other side of the bed and gently placed a kiss on Chaiyan’s lips where they pouted in sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled,

  “I was beginning to think you were both dead.”

  Zach chuckled and laid down beside her, he pulled her onto her side as he gently kissed her neck and turned her lips to his. Mikol took her bare nipples int
o his lustful mouth. Zach ran his hand over her hips and gently slipped his fingers into her underwear.

  She opened her legs to allow him access and her wetness drove him wild with covetousness. She reached behind her and glided her hand into his briefs to feel his erect cock as Mikol shimmied her panties off her hips and replaced Zach’s fingers with his tongue.

  Zach smiled as she moaned with pleasure and bit down on his lip. He lifted her legs and positioned his dick at her entrance, finding Mikol’s lips there eager to take him in. He applied warm suction as he slowly bobbed his head up and down on his cock. It was driving him crazy. Chaiyan broke the kiss to suck on Mikol’s erect dick, it was pointing at her face.

  Mikol slipped his cock into the ingress of his throat and as he groaned around it with the pleasure Chaiyan elicited. The vibrations nearly drove him over the edge and he had to pull out. Mikol’s lips went back to Chaiyan’s eager clitoris and he took a moment to calm himself down before slowly easing his dripping cock into her wet pussy.

  As she began working her ass backward to meet each of his thrust, her tightness had him squeezed. He pushed himself inside of her with reckless intemperance, quicker than he wanted to. But he couldn’t hold back or hold out on his own personal pleasure.

  As she licked the circumference around Mikol’s cock, it was moving back and forth in her mouth. He could feel her vaginal muscles spasm, releasing and then clamping back down on his dick as he emptied his seed inside of her. But she didn’t stop fucking him, she hadn’t been satisfied just yet.

  Mikol moved to position himself at her entrance, he withdrew much to her protest. It was cut short as her eyes rolled back in pleasure, Mikol’s rough thrust into her was quite pleasing indeed. Mikol smoothly rolled her onto her back and focused his attention on her neck. He deliberately sank his sharp fangs into her jugular as Zach found the artery in her leg, sinking his fangs into it. He could feel the pleasure coursing through her again as she climaxed. And as he moved to position his erect cock at Mikol’s entrance, Mikol began moving in and out of her slowly.

  He sunk his teeth into Mikol’s shoulder and felt his thrusting speed increase, and as they climaxed together Mikol again bit into Chaiyan’s neck and unloaded his seed deep inside of her. They both fell on either side of her, exhausted from their tryst.

  And she drifted off to sleep that night with their hands sensually roaming over her thick body. They looked at each other perceptively knowing her power and gently kissed her. With any luck she’d be strong enough to bear them a child. They knew they needed to ensure that their lifeline lived on beyond their generation, in case they didn’t support the war.

  Zach pulled the sheets over Chaiyan a few minutes later as he and Mikol took a long hot shower together, fucking each other senseless as the warm water flowed over them. Then they returned to curl up Chaiyan as the night rolled on.

  Chapter 4

  They didn’t get the luxury of a full night sleep. Minutes before sunrise, their door was stripped off its hinges waking them. Zach managed to rip the head off the first vampire that flew through the door, but not before a second one made it to Chaiyan, It frightened her terribly.

  Fin smiled and entered the room, playing with the dagger, no doubt laced, with rose poison. A single cut could have any vampire writhing on the floor in pain for hours.

  “If any of you move, the woman dies,” Fin said.

  Mikol who had his arms steadfastly wrapped around a young vampire who was thrashing violently, fueled by his blood lust. The neck was snapped and Zach could see the anger on Fin’s face. He knew Fin had already calculated his advantage. He’d made many young vampires, young trained killers, but they were no match for elder vampires.

  “If you hurt her! I won’t be merciful! I’ll rip your head off!” Zach said taking a step towards Fin. He stopped when Chaiyan’s strangled scream sounded behind him.

  “I’ll never give you that opportunity again!” Fin said.

  The window behind them cracked in three places. As Zach turned away from the splintering shards of glass, he was stabbed with an arrow that lodged in his throat. Immediately, he felt woozy. It was the effect of the sedative that it was soaked in. Mikol fell beside him, the darkness took him over.

  Chaiyan sat straight up in a bed she did not recognize. She vaguely remembered the events of the night before and would’ve thought she was dreaming if Zach’s hand had not softly touch her back to calm her down.

  “You are ok,” he said and she looked at him questioningly.

  “Where are we?” she asked him.

  He got up from the bed to look out the window,

  “I have no idea, and Mikol isn’t here.”

  “Let’s go then,” she said.

  She progressed towards the door. Zach jumped in front of her, placing his hand in the open space of the doorway. Electricity ran through the length of his body as he fell to his knees in pain.

  “We can’t go anywhere,” he said sadly.

  He watched as the realization flashed coldly across her face,

  “I am sorry.”

  He helped him up and then walked to the window to look out,

  “How long have I been out?”

  “A whole day,” he said to her,

  “I was beginning to think you might not wake up.”

  She sighed and looked out the window at the setting sun. If she had family, who cared then maybe they would have been looking for her. But that wasn’t the case, if she died in the middle of whatever forest she was in, she wouldn’t be missed at all.

  “Since I am stuck here, can you tell me what all this fighting is about?”

  Zach took a deep breath and walked up to her, draping his arms around her and pulling her to him.

  “Years ago when we moved back here,” he began,

  “We found Fin and his clan of harbingers who had absolutely no respect for human life, terrorizing the city. This is our home, we were both born here centuries ago, so we were not going to tolerate that. We did what needed to be done to restore order to the place and then we once again presided over it. It has been six years since that fight and Fin still has not moved on. Every now and then he strikes and takes one of us down with him.”

  “Why doesn’t he just move on though?”

  Zach placed a comforting kiss on her unassuming cheek as he answered,

  “This was where he was born too, and Mikol was the one that killed his mother and brother. He’d turned them after he became a vampire.”

  “He wants revenge,” Chaiyan whispered.

  She recognized the age old battle, never growing tiresome for monsters like Fin,

  “But aren’t you stronger than him?”

  “We are, but my mistake was my reluctance to kill him years ago when I first met him. Now he’s had six years to grow wiser. He also has a poison dagger that could kill us if he stabs us in the heart.”

  “Which begs the question, why didn’t he do that when we were drugged?”

  Zach had been thinking about the same thing and he was even more worried about where the hell they had taken Mikol.

  “Well, while we’re here we might as well enjoy the night. It just might be our last,” Chaiyan said and kissed him on the lips.

  Before he stood up, the one he had enjoyed ravishing, had caught his eye. Even though he was worried about Mikol, he couldn’t help his cock from responding to her kisses.

  She turned to him and looked into his eyes. She could feel the hesitation as he waged an internal battle. She knew he was worried about his lover and planned to take his mind off of it. He stepped in front of her and looked down. His red eyes once again filled with haunting sadness in the moonlight slipping in through the windows behind.

  “What did you mean when you told Mikol you had found me?”

  Zach tenderly kissed her lips and explained that, for years they’d been searching for a mate. They loved each other, but they loved female company as well. But most women either wanted to take their money or to bec
ome vampires themselves. He had sensed something different about her, something he couldn’t explain, something that drew him in.

  “So I’m nothing but your toy?” she asked and took a step away from him.

  He laughed,

  “I have a feeling you would never allow that. We want a mate, a woman strong enough to bear us children, not just some bottom feeder.”

  “I’m interested how you went ahead and decided I was to procreate with a vampire,” she queried.

  “I haven’t decided, we would have spoken to you about it today, but present circumstances changed things ...” his words trailed off but Chaiyan knew what he was implying,

  “You don’t have to, but if you do …..” he said.

  “I accept your offer,” she said with a smile, enjoying his equally big one spread across his face too.

  “Is that really what you want?” he asked her stepping in closer to her.

  She wasn’t sure and placed a hand on his chest stopping him from getting any closer. She nodded in response.

  He looked at her for a long and agonizing moment,

  “Chaiyan,” he said,

  “I hope you truly understand what this means.”

  “I do,” she said.

  She felt like she was marrying herself off to the grim reaper and unable to do anything about it. Whether it were unable, unwilling or without choice it didn’t seem to matter. They were all one in the same to her. That was a conversation she intended to have with her heart a little later, but she certainly felt like she was in the right place.

  It had to be one of the above or a mixture of them all. She stopped her confusing train of thought before it could get any further off course. She reminded herself that it was starting from where she could all over again. She sighed and was about to speak when he kissed her. She closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss. The steel resolve she had built – up, slipped away with every second their lips were together.

  He pulled away and she could see a familiar look on his face, it was the same look he had given her the night they met. It was as if he was looking into her soul. She smiled and walked back to the window. He followed her and bent to kiss her one more time. But she hesitated before allowing him. She could feel herself getting closer to the point of no return, and his question had brought something to mind that she had never given much thought to before.


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