Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 49

by Ashley Stewart

  His face hung not half an inch away from her eyes. She stared into the black expanse where she knew his face was. She stared into the eyes she couldn’t see. He was watching her. He was staring back at her. Let him see her open and ready. Let him find her wide open to welcome him.

  He carried her the few feet across the room, but in that brief instant, he raised her up and hitched her onto his hips. Her legs arched around him of their own free will. The first hot pant of his breath fanned her burning cheeks. She almost fainted from the heat. But the next moment, he slammed her back against the wall and pinned her there.

  The concussion knocked the breath out of her lungs and forced a cry from her throat, but it came out as a cry of encouragement to him. Do it! Her mind screamed. Do it. Don’t hold back. Just do it!

  And he did. He didn’t hold back. He lunged, tore at her pants, and then at his own. Buttons scattering across the pristine white of the futon. He had her hips exposed, and his own pants pushed down around his thighs. He seized two fistfuls of her flesh and crushed the life out of them.

  Her flaming cavity yawned open to meet him, to bring him into herself. Her vital juices spattered her thighs. His cock darted out from the opening of his pants. It smelled her essence and homed in on its target. When would he ever get there? She couldn’t stand waiting any longer. Her whole being groaned for him.

  The breath from their mouths mingled and intertwined, somewhere there between her mouth and his. Their smell and their steam melded into one burning mesh of desire and demand. Nothing would stop them from coming together. As close as they got, they wouldn’t quit until they reached the very limits of each other.

  All at once, Adele’s body split in two, and she screamed at the top of her voice. Sam stabbed her to the depth of what she was: A woman. His sharp spear pierced the long rusted iron armor, that protecting Adele from danger, now shattered to dust. Fine beads of sweat burst out all over her body and sealed him to her. The syrupy juice oozing from her most inner-self scalded her thighs and butt cheeks, but it also glued their bodies together. Every stroke of his piston spread the milk of her soul over his shaft until they couldn’t move apart anymore. They couldn’t move anywhere except together. Even when he pulled back for another strike, they moved closer together.

  He set up a steady rhythm of smacking blows, driving his cock into her again and again and again. Each blow plowed through her pools of her awakened femininity, soaked in a perfectly hot, wet kiss. Adele couldn’t stop staring into his face. Her mouth hung open in a mute extension of eternal ecstasy. Every driving smack of his skin against her crotch drove her farther away from human sanity toward the precipice of ancient fulfillment.

  Did he see? He must have, because he didn’t stop, not even when her silence turned to real screaming, crying, moaning, and singing. Her voice reached to Heaven in a crescendo of pleasure. He spurred her onwards, faster and harder, racing toward the edge of the cliff where her body and soul lifted off the face of the earth and floated away into space.

  How did it end? How did she wind up lying on his bed with his arms around her and a blanket spread over them? She couldn’t remember. She only knew she rolled over and nestled into his embrace. Her eyes drifted closed as she started to disintegrate into the black abyss of sleep.

  “I think I’ll take you up on that offer of a job,” he muttered.

  Adele’s eyes snapped open. “What?”

  “The contract negotiation,” he explained. “The independent consultant job you mentioned. I’ll do it.”

  Adele's face lit up. “You... you will?”

  He nodded. “I need the money. I wouldn’t consider it otherwise. But I might as well. I have no real reason not to.”

  “Oh, thank you so much,” she exclaimed. “We sure do need you. You don't know how pleased I am you changed your mind.”

  “You're not worried about us working together, are you?” he asked.

  “Why would I be worried about that?” she asked.

  “We just did it,” he told her. “It doesn't make for the best start to a working relationship.”

  She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “It doesn't make the best start to any other relationship, either. But I'm sure we'll manage all right. We're mature adults. We can figure out any problems on the way. I just didn’t think you were interested. You were so adamant that you wouldn't take the job for all the money in the world. What made you change your mind?”

  “It's like you said,” he replied. “I said something would pop up to solve my money problems, and you said you had. Maybe you really are my dopple-ganger, and you've shown up in my life right now to help me when I really need it.”

  She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. “I'm glad you changed your mind. This is going to be the best thing that ever happened to both of us.”

  He kissed her back, and their bodies moved together again. “I think so, too. I’ll see you in the office. First thing Monday morning.”

  Colorado Bound

  Mail Order Bride Romance

  Chapter 1

  Sierra looked at herself in the looking glass. How did things get so out of control? She didn’t know what had happened, but she knew that she was now penniless, widowed and defeated.

  “Ms. Sierra. Hello?”

  She sighed quietly as she heard Ernest’s voice through the doorway. Ernest was her neighbor. He was a good guy and had been incredibly sweet to her through the whole ordeal. She just didn’t want to leave yet. She wiped a tear from her cheek and stood up straight. Squaring her shoulders she made her way to the door.

  “I am leaving Ernest. I just needed a minute or two. This was the last place I saw my husband and where I thought I would have my children you know.”

  “There is no rush ma’am. I just wondered if I could speak to you for a moment. May I come in?”

  “Yes please.” She held the door for him as he made his way inside. She followed him slowly to the small foyer where a table sat. “I would offer you something to drink but, as I’m sure you know, I have nothing to give at the moment.”

  “I am fine ma’am. Thank you though. I was wondering what you would be doing now. I mean where will you go now?”

  Her sigh was frustrated because the truth was she didn’t know. She had no idea where she was going. She just knew that she could live with the embarrassment of staying there. Her husband had killed any life she could have made in Boston. Her sad eyes looked up at the man in reserve. “To tell you the truth sir. I don’t know. I have nowhere to go really.”

  “Well, I ask because I have a brother out in Colorado. He is a widow like yourself and needs some help. You see he has a daughter. Lilly is 10 and she needs a woman to help her. There are things that a man just cannot teach a young woman you know. He is looking for someone to help him.”

  “What about the women there in town? Can’t they help him?” She looked at him with her forehead worried into a frown.

  “Ha. Well, first off my dear is the number of women out in the west is slim to none. Also, his ranch is a day’s ride from the town so he couldn’t possibly have someone come out every day. He would need someone to live there with him and Lily. It isn’t much but Jacob’s a kind man and Lily is as cute as they come. He can’t pay you much, but he can give you a place to stay and food and such. At least until you can get back on your feet. Who knows, you might even like it out there.” He said the last with a shrug of his shoulders and a sheepish grin.

  Sierra looked over at the man across from her. Her options were, well she didn’t really have any options. “I don’t know anything about children Ernest and I definitely don’t know nothing about living in the west. Are you sure he would be ok with me?”

  “Oh ma’am I think you would be perfect for the job. Why look at you. You hold yourself prim and proper like a young lady should and have the best of manners. Lily could learn a lot from you. Jacob too I guess.”

  “If you don’t mind Ernest can I ask what happened to his wife?”

  “She died from the fever. I would say it’s going on 5 years now. He’s a little rough around the edges, but Jacob’s a good man and I know he would do right by ya.”

  She nodded her head and thought about it for a minute. “Well, I guess I need to figure out how to get on the stage and head that way. I am assuming it will take me.”

  “I have that taken care of. Don’t you worry your pretty little head over anything. The stage will take you as far as the next town and then you will join the wagon train. It’s safer you know.”

  Her eyes widened when she realized just what he was talking about. “You mean Indians? We won’t run into any will we?”

  “We haven’t had any trouble lately but you can never be too sure you know. I would feel better if you were with a group of people you know.”

  “Thank you Ernest. If not for you, I don’t really know what I would do.”

  She looked down at his hand where it patted her own. “Don’t think nothing of it. I’m just glad I caught ya before some young bloke swept you off your feet. Ok, the stage doesn’t leave until tomorrow so if you would like to stay here then you are more than welcome or I can get you a room at the inn.”

  She stood and looked around the foyer she had shared with her husband. “No. I think the inn would be good. I have said my goodbyes here already. I’m ready to leave now.”

  “Ok. Let’s get going then. I have my sons with me to help load your luggage onto the buggy.”

  She laughed softly. “Were you planning on me saying I would go Ernest?” She smiled again at his sheepish smile.

  “I was hoping ma’am. Both my brother and his daughter could really use the help if you know what I mean.” She didn’t have any clue what he was talking about, but she knew that she would soon find out. She also knew that Ernest was looking out for her as well. He had made sure she was living on the street. He was a good man and she was glad to say she could call him friend.

  Sierra laid in the rickety bed of the inn and looked up at the ceiling. She thought back to her husband and how they had been so happy and sure of themselves. They had sailed from Ireland to the new land to start a new life. Coming from a wealthy family he had been glad to be able to leave the highlands to come to the country of opportunity. Little did they know then that their life of opportunity would dwindle down to nothing within a few years. Her life would change drastically and her husband would ultimately be diagnosed with an incurable disease that he would suffer from in the last year of his life. They had been so young and naive in the beginning. They had been so in love. They had both loved the other greatly until the very end. She had held his hand and cried as he took his last breath. She would remember the day until she died as he told her the same thing he had told her on their wedding day. She was his light at the end of a very dark tunnel and he would love her in this life and into the next. Nothing and no one would ever come between them. She was the air he breathed and his life. Without her life would not be worth living.

  She had told him that she did not want to go on without him. He had been everything to her since the day that he had caught her stealing apples from his tree. She had been set on an apple pie that night after seeing the line of sprouting trees rich with apples. He had told her that she could keep the apples and he would carry them home for her if she would go to dinner with him. She had been 15 at the time. They had married 2 years later. A year after they were married they began making plans for their future which included coming to the new world.

  The next morning she made her way downstairs and to the stagecoach that was waiting. She had a quick breakfast earlier in her room and looked at what was to be her ride across the country. It was little more than a covered wagon.

  “Howdy ma’am. I’m Steve and I’ll be your guide across to Colorado. You can either sit up front or in the wagon whichever you prefer when we join the others. Unfortunately for your safety I will ask you to sit in the wagon until then. It is going to be a fast and dusty ride until we meet up with them. It will be better if a woman is not seen while we are alone just in case we come across anyone.” The man looked at her with a toothy grin. He had to be old enough to be her father. She sighed when she thought of putting her life in this man’s hands.

  The trek across the land and into the next town was very bumpy. It could have been from how fast they were going. It also could have been from how she had to sit in the back. After they met up with the others in the wagon train she began to make friends with many of the women traveling cross country too. Some were stopping where she was going while others were either before their stop or after. She was thankful to have the company. She learned a lot as well and after a few tries she found that cooking on a campfire really wasn’t that hard although she and Steve were often invited to the other wagons for dinner. She was grateful for that as well. She may have found a way to cook, but she was nowhere as good as some of the women on the wagon train.

  After spending weeks in the wagon and with the rest of the wagon train she finally reached her destination. They had reached the lines of Colorado and right outside Denver where the little town sat. She quickly booked a room at the inn and took a long hot bath before sinking into a real bed. She would head out to the ranch the following morning. One of the men in town had a delivery for Jacob and had offered to give her a ride. She had bought some things in the store to take with her as well. She smiled when she thought of her new life. She was a little worried about what would happen next but if Jacob was anything like his brother then she knew she would be safe.

  Sierra looked out at the expanse of beautiful land in front of her. They had just come through the gate of the ranch and in front of her sat a small log cabin. There was a man standing by the doorway that she assumed was Jacob. As they got closer she noticed just how handsome he was. His dark hair curled around his temple and over his ears. His dark eyes shone as they looked at her. Their eyes met for a few brief seconds before she averted her gaze to look around.

  “Brian. Thanks for bringing that out here.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t necessarily call her a that you know. Come on now boy. Your momma taught you some manners. This is Sierra Landson. Sierra this is Jacob Stevens.”

  The older man from the store helped her down from the wagon and she turned to look at the man across from her. “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Stevens.”

  “And you as well Ms. Landson.”

  “Lily! Get out here and say hello.”

  Just then, a young girl about 10 years old came bounding out of the house. Her blonde hair laid in ragged curls down her back. She had on trousers and a shirt that should have been white but was browner with dirt. There were smudges all over her face and she wore a frown as she looked at her.

  “Hello Lily. I’m Sierra.”

  The little girl snuck behind her father’s leg without saying a word. Before anyone could say anything else to her, she bounded off towards the woods.

  Chapter 2

  Jacob looked towards where his daughter had run. He turned an apologetic look towards Sierra. “I’m sorry. She just doesn’t see many people. We are so isolated out here. Let me go get her.”

  “Please Mr. Landson. I am sure she will come around. If you force her, it might be harder for all of us.”

  He nodded at her. “I’m sure you are right. I cleared out the bedroom for you. I will stay with Lily up in the loft. Let me get your stuff and put it in there for you. Please come in. It’s not much, but its home.”

  She smiled at him and started to follow him in when his hands covered to of her suitcases. “I’m sure it’s lovely.” As she walked in she looked around. The place would have been lovely with a good scrubbing. There was a long table in the dining area and chairs sat around it. There was also a long bench in the living room with multiple furs on it which probably made it quite comfortable. She had seen a couple rocking chairs on the front porch and there was another in the living room as well. There was a ladder on one side that led up to the loft and the
n there was a door that must have led into the bedroom where he carried her luggage. She looked around at the home. This was where she would be living for a while. She didn’t know what life had in store for her but as she looked around she became excited about her new life.

  “That’s all of it. I have to get out to the fields now. Please make yourself at home Ms. Landson and get settled.”

  “Thank you but please call me Sierra.”

  He smiled briefly as he looked at her. “If you will call me Jacob.”

  Smiling back she nodded. “Deal.”

  Sierra watched him walk from the house and then turned back around to look at the house again. First she needed some water.

  It had taken her all day long, but she looked around at the home she now lived in. The place looked different entirely. It shone with the cleaning and she was happy when she looked around. Going outside she quickly washed off with the basin of water and stopped in her tracks when she turned around to go back inside. There was Jacob in the fields. He had removed his shirt and wore nothing but his trousers. She could see the sweat glistening off his body as he stood up and put his hands on his back and stretched. He must have felt her eyes on him because he turned at that second and his eyes met hers. Embarrassed she had been caught staring at him she quickly ducked inside the home.

  She began to look around the kitchen for something she could make for dinner and she found some vegetables and a small hunk of meat. She found the large pot and had a fire starting with a pot of vegetable beef soup on in a matter of minutes. Finding the flour, she began to prepare the dough for biscuits. Soon the house began to simmer with the aroma of food. Smiling, she quickly ran into the bedroom to gather her spices she had brought. What she saw made her stop in her tracks.

  The bedroom was beautiful. There was a large bed against one wall and on the other side was a long dresser. On the other side sat a beautiful vanity with a large mirror and chair. Her hand coasted over the intricate detail that had been carved into the wood. It was amazing. Remembering what she was doing, she searched through the bag she needed and found the spices. Bringing them back into the kitchen she gave the soup a dash and started kneading the dough. Just then, the door came open. It was Jacob, but this time he had on a shirt. Lily was on his heels as well.


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