Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 55

by Ashley Stewart

  “What am I, 5?” She laughed.

  “If we have to treat you like you are then we will. Come on and eat. You are going to love dessert.”

  Duncan wagged his eyebrows at her. She couldn’t help it, she laughed out loud and then finished every bite on the plate.

  When they were through she helped them carry the dishes into the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. It was amazing to find out that they had a lady who came to dust and vacuum and stuff on Fridays, but their laundry and everyday cleaning they did themselves.

  They decided to watch a movie and before long she found herself sandwiched between both men on a long couch with a 70” flat screen television in front of them. The movie came on and she leaned back against the pillows.

  She turned to look at Alex and saw him smile at her. His hand snaked out to draw her to him. She kissed him deeply and felt warmth as Duncan came up behind her. Alex kissed as well as Duncan did and she was soon swooning and leaning into him for support. Gasping for breath she let then remove her clothes. They were soon all naked and this time she leaned back against Alex as Duncan tasted her and held her writhing body down. He brought her to orgasm quickly and she was still panting when she felt Duncan’s hands slide against her. She was dripping wet from her orgasm and his mouth. Slowly he spread her juices back to the little puckered hole round the back. She gasped as she felt first one then a second finger penetrate the dark hole.

  “Have you ever had anyone here Trish?” At her nod he went on. “Did you like it? I can tell from that look you didn’t. Well I promise you… this time you will honey.”

  She felt him spreading her, preparing her for the intrusion that was sure to come. She felt Duncan’s hands on her hips as he eased himself on the floor, bringing her down with him. He spread her legs wide and she was glad that Alex was there in front of her to lean on.

  Duncan leaned her forward a little as she felt the tip of his erection against her resistance. She gasped as he eased inside, passing the small ring of muscle. It was a burning sensation, but the burning wasn’t bad as she stared into Alex’s eyes. His head dropped to take her nipple in his mouth as his hand caressed her other breast as he eased inside her, further, further… until she felt his balls against her.

  “Oh god!” She moaned deep as Duncan began to move inside her. “Alex. I need you. Please.”

  Alex lay down as she felt Duncan spread her legs even wider and place them on each side of Alex’s body. Alex’s legs were spread as Duncan still stood on his knees behind her. Duncan slid out and she gasped as she felt Alex ease inside her pussy. It was exquisite torture for a few minutes. As Alex slid in, Duncan slid out. They took turns easing in and out of her until she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Please God faster. Just fuck me. I can’t take this much more.”

  “Thank God.”

  This was whispered into her ear as they started moving faster inside her. She was jerking back and forth as they pounded. Over and over she felt them penetrate her until she saw stars. Her orgasm hit her so hard she thought she would faint. She screamed loud as she finally burst.

  Trish awoke to find herself curled up in a bed. There were bodies on either side of her and she smiled when she remembered what had happened. Opening one eye she looked both ways. Alex sat with a book in his hand reading quietly while Duncan had the remote in his hand. She faintly heard the television in the background. Duncan smiled down at her.

  “Hey, beautiful. Looks like we tuckered you out. Don’t worry, there is plenty of time to make up for time lost.”

  “That was amazing. Probably the best sex I have ever had. Not that I have had a lot but… you know.”

  “It is the first session of many.”

  “You mean you want me to stay?”

  The men both laughed.

  “Yes, my dear. Shall we show you how much we want you to stay?”

  She squealed as she ran to the bathroom.

  “First I need a shower. Hey who wants to wash my back?” She smirked at the doorway.

  Both men looked at each other slightly before they raced to the doorway among Trish’s giggles.

  Later on she made her way home. The next day was the gala and there was still a lot to do. She was up late that night but when she finally made her way to her bed she was smiling and happy.

  Chapter 6

  The gala day had finally arrived. She was nervous and excited all at the same time. She was told that she and Belinda were invited and that their plates were already paid for. Their tickets to the event had come by a mail carrier that very morning. They had gone shopping the day before and had splurged on their dresses. They were also in the process of getting their hair done. She looked at herself in the mirror and was amazed at what she saw. She didn’t even look like the same person. She had on a long dark blue dress that was strapless that flowed down in one long sachet to her feet. The top was done in a crisscross pattern and cinched in, showing her small waist. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a twist with long spiral curls escaping everywhere. Just then she heard a knock and opened the door to see Belinda standing there. Belinda had her long blonde hair half up and half down and she wore a black velvet dress with the back cut out. She smiled at Trish.

  “Can you believe this? You look amazing.”

  “So do you. And no I can’t. This is amazing. OK, Jose has control of everything right?”

  “For the amount we are giving him to do the party, he damn well better. He was ecstatic.”


  There was another knock on the door as she walked to open it again she was surprised to see a man standing there in a suit.

  “I am here to escort you two ladies to the gala.”

  As they made their way from the huge limo that had brought them to the event she looked up to see the two people who watched her every move.

  “I think they are waiting for you.”

  Turning she looked at Belinda. She had confided in her friend, and although she worried about her at first she had told Trish to follow her heart. She was the one person in the world that she believed deserved happiness.

  “Will you be OK?”

  “I’m fine. There are a lot of single men here tonight. I just might find Mr. Right. But at this point I am happy with Mr. Right Now.”

  She giggled as she saw a tall handsome man looking her way.

  “If you will excuse me. I see a contestant.”

  Trish laughed as she watched the woman who was more of a sister than a friend walk away. Turning towards the two men standing just a short walk away she started forward. It may be forever, or it may be just right now, but she decided then and there that she would enjoy the time she spent with these two amazing men. She started forward and returned their smile. She didn’t know what was going to happen and she really didn’t know what the next step was going to be but she was prepared for one thing:

  To enjoy life with them.


  MFF Ménage Romance

  Chapter 1

  Tiffany looked up at the huge building in front of her. It was time. She wanted this job more than anything. Getting a position at such a huge corporation right out of business school would be amazing. Yeah, she had worked in a few restaurants and a library through school, but nothing like this. It was a secretary position for Gavin McCullough. He was an amazing man that had created designs for buildings all around the world. She had read everything she could on him in the last two days since they had called for her to come in for an interview. She had been so excited she had gone to the gym and spent two hours there trying to calm down. The job paid way more than she had expected, too.

  She looked out at the foggy clouds of Seattle and made a silent prayer before stepping up the stairs and walking through the revolving door. The inside of the building was amazing. There was sleek white marble everywhere and the floors were a deep dark mahogany wood. There was one long desk along the back wall, and she walked up to it. There was a blonde sittin
g there with an inviting smile. She was a bombshell with a perfect figure in her pencil skirt and fitted blouse. Tiffany suddenly felt inadequate in her black dress pants and blue shirt. She did, however, have the stilettos she had found at Goodwill last week. Actually, everything she had on was from Goodwill. She had chosen the dark blue shirt because it had looked good against her blue eyes when she held it up to herself in the mirror. It was long-sleeved, and helped to keep out the chill in the air. She had pulled up her dark brown, waist length hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck, and had worn the diamond studs her parents had gotten her for her sweet sixteen party.

  “Hello! Can I help you?” The blond even sounded like a little canary.

  “Yes. I have an interview.”

  “Ok. What’s your name?”

  “Tiffany Roberts.”

  “Okay Ms. Roberts. If you would take the elevator to the 12th floor, Ms. Rebecca will be able to help you from there.”

  “Okay, thank you.”

  “Sure dear. Just hang a left when you come off the elevator and you will see her desk. There’s a huge sign saying Human Resources above her.” She smiled as Tiffany made her way to the elevator.

  She rode up the elevator, waiting in anticipation. When she stepped off she headed to the left and saw the huge sign the other woman was talking about. There was a desk to the right that had a redhead bent over a computer, and Tiffany walked over to her. The woman must have felt her presence because she raised her head to look at her. This woman, too, was a bombshell. She had bright green eyes in a fair complexion that was exceptional. Tiffany thought of how many bumps she had to cover this morning with concealer, and wanted to cringe.

  “Well hello. You must be Tiffany. You are a little early. That is a good plus. We are always so busy here that we all show up a little early and stay a little late most of the time. But don’t worry, we get compensated well for it. Come on back with me, please. You will have the first interview with me, and the second will be with Mr. McCullough. Don’t look so scared, honey. He is a good guy. Really.”

  Tiffany instantly liked this woman. She was bubbly and cheerful and made her feel comfortable. Her red hair looked like flames as they cascaded half way down her back in ringlet curls.

  “Thank you Ms. Rebecca.”

  “Oh posh. Call me Becky. Everyone does.” She had a little bit of an accent, and Tiffany smiled as she followed Becky to a small room with a large desk. Sitting down behind it, she gestured for Tiffany to sit in the other chair. “So tell me, why do you want to work here?”

  “Well first off is my love for art. I know architecture is not considered art itself, these beautiful buildings are still creative work. Second, I just graduated from business school with a bachelor’s degree and I want to learn about business and marketing. What better way than in a prosperous international company like this one? Third, I love the work that this company has produced. I have painted quite a few of them.”

  She didn’t say anything as she jotted down notes on her legal pad and nodded. “You have to show me some of those paintings one day,” She said, with a twinkle in her eye. Suddenly she stood up and held out her hand for Tiffany to shake.

  Great. What had she said wrong? She knew somehow that she hadn’t gotten the job. She shook her hand and smiled, although all she wanted to do was turn around and run the other way.

  “Can you meet with Mr. McCullough today? Is now okay?”

  “Yes,” She croaked out quietly.

  The woman laughed and turned to pick up her phone. She heard her talking to someone, but Tiffany didn’t know who, nor could she catch what they were talking about. Suddenly, Becky set the phone down.

  “Unfortunately, he is away for the next few days. He did just say, however, that it is my decision and he doesn’t need to meet with you. So, when can you start?”

  “You mean… I got the job?”

  “Yes sweetheart. Now when can you start? Today, tomorrow, now?”

  “Well…now,” She replied, blinking.

  “Good, good, let me show you around. You are on the 13th floor now, but you will be working on the 15th floor with Mr. McCullough. It is just an open room with a desk. That will be your domain, as his office is the whole upper floor. Ready?”

  “Wow,” Tiffany said, her mind finally catching up. “That was fast. How do you know…..? I mean, I want the job badly, but I have never been to an interview that was so short.”

  Becky smiled at her with genuine comfort. “That is how we roll around here darling. I told the boss man your credentials and your response to the only question he wanted answered, and he agreed to give it a try. Just so you know, there is a probationary period for 3 months, and then you will receive your benefits, 401K, gas card and more. For the time being we will get you a temporary gas card. Mr. McCullough sometimes asks for you to run out and pick up some stuff. Is that a problem?”

  “No, that is fine.”

  “Good, come on. You saw the bottom floor. The next floor is the mail room and the third floor is all conference rooms. The next 9 are for associates and other architects in the firm. They all have huge offices and their own personal secretaries as well. There are a total of 14 at the moment, and not all of the offices are occupied. I have the 13th with my two assistants, and the 15th floor is unoccupied at the moment, although it is full of models laid out everywhere to show potential clients. You and Mr. McCullough are on the top floor.”

  Tiffany gulped. She had never been a person to like heights. Becky showed her all the floors of the building, until finally they came to the floor where she would be spending most of her time. The doors opened on the 15th floor, and she was shocked at the beauty. Everything was done in a deep, dark cherry wood. There was a massive desk with three computer monitors on it in the middle. It was the same color, and had a gold plate on the front that said Ms. Jessica. There were double doors on both sides of the desk.

  Chapter 2

  “That plate will be changed to say your name within the week. Come, I will show you his office, but I will warn you that he doesn’t like people in there when he isn’t here.” Tiffany followed Becky inside to see a full-sized apartment style office. There was a bathroom with a shower, and a huge office adorned the front. There was even an extra room that held a huge flat screen and a long brown couch. There was only one picture, which sat on the desk that could only be him and his wife. His wife was also very attractive, and they looked like a happy couple. That was even better. She looked closer at the picture and realized who it was. Stephanie Monroe. She had known her in high school, and back then they had gotten really close. As close as two females could get, really, and they had done some experimenting with each other, until it had been a full blown sexual experience. They had parted ways for college, and hadn’t seen each other since. Wow.

  “Ok. Let’s get you set up and comfortable. Go ahead and have a seat and search the drawers. I think we had everything personal taken out. I will go get your paperwork. It will take you the rest of the day to do that. Go ahead and leave when you get that done, and tomorrow come straight to me. I will get your logins for tomorrow and all the accounts needed. I will be right back.”

  Tiffany sat down and squealed with pleasure. It was a dream come true. Becky came back shortly with a stack of papers for her to fill out. She got started right away.

  “Be here at 8 in the morning. Here is a sign out sheet. I already put down you came in at 11, I just need you to fill out what time you leave today. Tomorrow I will have you set up, and you can clock in on the computer.”

  “Ok. Thank you.” Becky smiled as she headed back to the elevator.

  Tiffany worked on the papers until she was done. When she looked at the large clock on the wall she saw that it was now 6:28. She quickly wrote down she was leaving at 6:30, gathering all the papers up stacking them neatly for Becky. She headed down the elevator and walked to her car before she drove home. Looking around her small kitchen in the efficiency apartment, she stared at t
he ramen noodles she had eaten the past two nights. The lights were just short of being turned off, and rent was due in two and a half weeks. She needed this job. Starting the water, she soon ate and took a shower before crawling into bed. Tomorrow would be a long day.

  The next two days went great. She was learning everything fast, and loved the job and the people. She was leaned over organizing the filing cabinet when she heard a gruff voice behind her.

  “Who are you?”

  She turned to see the man of the hour standing there. He was even more gorgeous in person. His dark hair lay in waves on his neck. He had loosened his tie, and she could see the contours of muscle under his pants legs and shirt. The shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and he looked as if he was exhausted.

  “Hello Mr. McCullough. I am Tiffany, your new assistant.”

  “Oh yes. Becky said she hired someone. Can you make me a drink please? Rum and coke.”

  “Yes sir.” He turned to walk into his office, and she followed. She was sure she heard him mumbling something about damn brunettes.

  He gave her a dirty look when she set the glass down in front of him. “Less ice next time. Guess I will have to teach you how to make a drink the right way.”

  Her mouth formed a circle, as she just nodded. What an arrogant ass. He was nothing like she had expected.

  Gavin looked at the woman. She was gorgeous. Her dark hair alone made him shift his pants. When he had walked into the office he didn’t expect to be greeted with a shapely ass. She had long legs that looked like they stretched on for miles. He envisioned them wrapped around him and almost groaned out loud. Her lips were the softest looking things he had seen. He had to stop. He was a damn married man. He looked at his wife in the picture. They had been so in love at one time, but space apart and time itself had snuck up to wedge in between them. When they were home together it was mechanical how they worked around each other instead of with each other. And the bedroom was nothing like it used to be. They used to have sex in the middle of the day and all through the night. Now they were lucky to have it once a week. He had never shown his wife his dark side. The dark pleasures he dreamed of and wanted. She was from a high society family, and would have shrunk away. He stayed though, because he had loved her at one time. He knew she felt the same way he did about the marriage, and wondered what they could do to help it. Shaking his head, he turned to the new brunette in his company at the moment. He could have sworn he saw a light spark in her blue eyes when he had condescended her. He knew he shouldn’t be an ass, but he had to keep his distance. That was why Jessica hadn’t worked. She had been too busy trying to get into his pants that she never got her work done. Besides, she had been a blonde, not his type.


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