Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 113

by Ashley Stewart

  She cried out and arched into it, her back bowing under the pressure building inside of her already. He must have known, because he was on her, mouth pressing against the pulse point on her neck, fingers hooking into her panties and all but tearing them off of her. Immediately, his fingers went to her womanly petals, thick fingers dipping past the dark curls that gathered between her thighs so he could start to work her.

  “Ah, I don't know how— ah,” she mewled when his teeth began to worry against her neck, hovering over her without quite pressing anything into her but the lightest of brushes against her stomach while he began to allow her to squirm against his hand.

  “Not sure how much longer you can last?” he rumbled into her skin, and she knew he could feel her nod, or at least hoped he could, because speech was all but impossible when his mouth and fingers worked so skillfully on her. “Don't you worry, gorgeous, I'll make sure that you get there when I want you there. Now…”

  She bit back a whimper of disappointment when he pulled away, denied the orgasm she had been climbing higher and higher toward.

  “Bend over and brace your hands on the wall, gorgeous. It's the best way to keep you comfortable.”

  Had he not snaked his hand back between her thighs to brush along the curls that covered her now thoroughly slicked folds, she might have thought to remember to ask how he became an expert, but she could feel that his touch was meant to be coaxing her, non-committal until she was in the position he told her to get in. After trembling under his touch for a few moments, she managed to gather her wits together enough to do as he asked, scooting her rear into his groin as she backed up enough to bend over and place her hands on the wall with her arms outstretched.

  She watched from over her shoulder as David pulled out his thick, swollen member from his dress pants, already engorged and turning purple at the head from want and need of her. She licked her lips hungrily, already wanting him inside her when he had scarcely touched her. This might have been a dance that they had done many times, but it was still one that she knew in her very bones that she needed more than anything else in the world at that moment.

  He wasted no time in draping himself over her, fingers that were teasing before were now just barely brushing her entrance, and she keened with want, maneuvering in just the right way to press her thighs together in a blind, desperate attempt to build friction. She cried out sharply at the sudden clap of his hand connecting with her ass; not enough to bruise, but just enough to get her to stop her movements.

  “David!” she choked on his name and the pleasure building in her in equal measure, and he practically growled against her, his dominance being asserted once more. She swallowed thickly at the need that continued to build inside of her because of the tone in his voice as he spoke into her ear.

  “No coming without me, darling.”

  Those teasing digits were now pressing insistently into her, a calloused thumb pressing against her clitoris in just the right way that had her back bowing.

  “Angela,” he moaned her name into her shoulder with an open mouthed kiss to the skin there as he lined up the head of his engorged cock to her sopping wet entrance. Once he was sure she was ready, he slid into her until his hips were pushed flush against her plush buttocks, a long groan from some locked away corner of his soul breathed out in one long, low rumble as he slid fully inside of her tight channel.

  He stood still while she adjusted, and she appreciated the moment of reprieve, but what she needed was release. She wriggled against him, and that was all it took for him to start to piston his hips against hers, the sound of flesh bumping against one another setting the tempo only interrupted by gasps, moans, and keening as they allowed their pleasure to build.

  “Angela,” he panted, reaching up to card his fingers through her hair. “I'm going to finger your clit while I fuck you,” his words were cut off by a groan. “And I'm not going to stop until I can feel you come all over my finger and my cock.”

  Through her panting whimpering, and the tight coil in her belly that begged for him to find her release, she managed to remember how to articulate her words.

  “Yes,” she breathed out hoarsely. “Please, please, please, David.”

  She stood on her tip toes to push her rear higher in the air allowing him to get a better angle, and his steady pace was thrown by the extra involuntary stuttering of his hips at the sensation of getting more of his thick manhood into her. Forcing himself to focus, he snaked a hand in front of her, and began to draw lazy circles around her womanly pearl, and she wailed at the flood of stimuli that she was assaulted with as he continued to pound into her.

  Her orgasm ripped through her so unexpectedly that she couldn't stop the scream of pleasure that tore itself from her throat as her walls clenched around his member with every cresting wave that she was left to ride out. Finally, it had built into too much, and David was following right behind her, she could feel the heated spurts of his orgasm against her insides before they both heaved heavy sighs that felt more shaky than restful.

  * * * *

  She rocked back onto the heels of her feet, her legs aching from the position she held them in while he pounded into her just moments ago. By the time that she turned around and fetched her panties, she saw that David had already cleaned up and tucked himself back into his pants, looking no worse for wear. Some part of her envied how easily he recovered from having sex, the part of her that was griping silently as she fetched some tissues from his desk to clean herself with.

  “I was meaning to mention to you…” he said once she had cleaned herself thoroughly with the tissues and safely disposed of them. She turned to face him as he spoke, her head tilted to silently show that she was listening. She leaned her backside against his desk as he walked up to her, his eyes taking her in. “I have a meeting scheduled with your old boss next week,” he said casually, cocking his hip. “He made the appointment through my secretary, so that's why you didn't know.” He rolled his neck, seemingly to get rid of some of the tension that he had built up there.

  She herself tensed up at the mention of her old boss, someone that she had no intention of interacting with ever again, if she could help it. The thought that he had scheduled a meeting to try and make her life hell after she had already left the Planetary Bugle certainly crossed her mind; she wouldn't put it past him, knowing that he still felt burned for losing one of his primary journalists that he had been so sure he had effectively trapped there.

  “What could the meeting have to do with? Did he mention it to your secretary at all?” she asked with an arch of her brow. She chose her words carefully, knowing that he may very well not know the answer to it and didn't want her fears and anxiety about her previous job to affect the way that she spoke to David, especially not so soon after they had such mind blowing sex.

  “He didn't say, but I have an idea as to what it could pertain to,” he said as he let his hands trail along her hips lightly. She relaxed under his attentive fingers tracing patterns on her skirt and hummed because of the way that his ministrations made her skin crawl pleasantly. “Ever since you left, the content that they've been producing has gone to shit. Evidently, all of the other good writers left along with you, and within days of you leaving, no less.” She nodded, remembering that Kaitlyn told her about the, 'mass exodus,' from the workplace. “I'd wager that he plans on coming to me to try and sell the place over to me and make as much money as he can from it while he has the chance.” David shrugged.

  “You're not thinking of buying them out, are you?” Angela asked, alarmed that he would even bother with such a costly business venture.

  “I intend to purchase it if he offers, yes,” David said, pursing his lips, clearly annoyed at being questioned. “It wouldn't keep the name of, 'Planetary Bugle,' that's for sure. It never sounded like a good name to me in the first place, to say nothing of the reputation that place has managed to get for itself in the years that it’s been around.” He removed his hands from her hips
and stuffed them into his pockets, signifying that their time for affection had passed and it was now time for them to carry on with the rest of their business day. “If I turn it into a premiere magazine once I buy it out from him for a pittance, would that not be the greatest insult to the man that you used to have to take abuse from on a daily basis?”

  “Yeah, but...” she frowned, unsure as to why she was even bothering to question his decision, and knew that she had her own personal reasons for not wanting to be associated with that god forsaken building ever again, but she still couldn't stop herself from voicing her concern. “Have you been looking into getting into the magazine business as well? I don't think Westley Entertainment owns one.”

  David nodded. “We don't have one just yet. That's why I think this would be a great opportunity to acquire one inexpensively and build it into a power house magazine. It would be much easier to repair a broken magazine than have to build one from the ground up.” He stepped closer to her with a wry frown. “This is all speculation, of course. He might be coming here to tell me all about how awful you are and how you're the reason that his magazine is going under. If that's the case,” he lowered his eyes. “I don't need to give him the time of day, and I'll send him on his way. Plain and simple.”

  Angela nodded, not trusting her voice to work properly, or worse, that it would work and dig herself into a deeper hole than she already was with David at the moment. She stepped away from his desk, only for him to step closer to her and press her against it again. She swallowed at the predatory glare in his eyes and gripped the desk behind her, wondering what he was thinking.

  “David...?” she asked as he trapped her with his arms, his hands gripping the desk on each side of her own hands. She shuddered at their closeness.

  “Don't ever question a business decision I make again,” he demanded in a low voice.

  She swallowed again and nodded, knowing that she couldn't speak even if she wanted to. Her heart hammered in her throat, and she felt her pulse quicken. He was so close to her, and she felt like she was a trapped animal that was desperately looking for a way to escape.

  “I understand your concerns with the meeting,” he said in that same low tone. “But that doesn't give you license to tell me how I conduct my business. If I want your council, I will seek it myself. Are we clear?” She nodded again, still unable to speak. He sighed, and some of the intensity in his eyes bled out of him. “That's not to say you can't ever voice concerns about anything else,” he said as he straightened and walked past her to take a seat at his desk. “I'll always be ready to listen to any other worries or opinions you have,” he promised her with a nod of his head.

  “Okay,” she managed to croak as she faced him and tried to hide the fact that her hands were shaking. She must have looked startled or unsettled, or some strange mixture of the two, because David opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but decided against it and cleared his throat.

  “How about you round up everyone for the project meeting, and then head home for the day?” he said in a much softer tone of voice than she had ever heard him speak in. “It's a slow day in the office today, and you've already worked on the schedule so well that I know it front to back for the day anyhow.” He smiled at her. “You've been working incredibly hard lately, and deserve a break.” She didn't feel like she had earned it, and he was instead sending her home because she felt like she was about to burst into tears, but she nodded nonetheless.

  “Thank you, Mr. Westley,” she said in her professional tone of voice. David winced ever so slightly, almost in a way that she couldn't see, but he didn't say anything on the matter. “I'll get everyone in the meeting room and leave, then.” He nodded to her again as she spun on her heel and walked briskly to the elevator.

  It didn't take long for her to find each of the heads of their respective departments and send them toward the meeting room a few floors up. She must have looked incredibly thrown off, if the sympathetic looks that she got from them were any indication. Even Darla didn't glare as harshly at her today as she walked past. Or maybe she just didn't notice it as much. Maybe she was getting used to it, even. She didn't really care at the moment, she decided as she walked out of the building and into her car.

  * * * *

  The drive home left her feeling numb to everything, and she could only feel glad that it wasn't long before she was parking her car in the driveway and she was walking into her home. She knew that Kaitlyn wasn't home just yet, and likely wouldn't be for several hours, as it was barely just noon when she walked in and glanced at the digital clock on the microwave in the kitchen.

  She sighed heavily as she tossed her keys on the counter and slipped off her heels. She swore she could almost hear her feet thanking her for the release, and she silently walked over to her bedroom. Changing out of her work clothes and into some comfortable yoga pants and a loose top, she flopped limply onto her bed, already feeling tired when she hadn't worked a full day. She was half tempted to text Kaitlyn and ask her when she was coming home so that they could talk about what happened today, but she knew better than to bother her when she was still at work. It was strange enough that she was home so early in the day, but she knew it was important for her to take in the quiet so that she could let her thoughts sort themselves out.

  On a purely practical level, she knew that she, as David's assistant, had no real say in his business decisions, and that just because she was in a relationship with him didn't change that in any real way. She had overstepped her bounds as his personal assistant, and she knew that. It was his reaction that left her feeling drained and shaken. It wasn't as though she didn't know that he had a very dominant personality; goodness knows that it came out enough when they were having sex, to say nothing of the way that he ran his business. She never thought that it would come out so strongly and intensely when they had a simple disagreement.

  It was hard to deny that the way that he reacted unnerved her, and left her feeling shaken. She didn't like the fact that he had made her feel so trapped and cornered in such a way that she wanted to run from him. She had never felt that before, and it wasn't something that she wanted to feel again.

  She knew that he told her that she could come to him with any other issues that she had, as long as it had nothing to do with how he ran his business, but the way that he made her feel about what happened today made it so that she wasn't so sure that she wanted to even bother going to the trouble of mentioning something to David only for him to react in that way again.

  She sighed and heaved herself out of bed, padding over to the kitchen to make herself some tea. Right now, she would much rather drown herself in a bottle of wine and eat chocolate until her stomach hurt, but she knew that it wouldn't be the best idea to do that; she did have work tomorrow, after all. So, she settled for tea and the way that it helped her relax when her anxiety got the better of her. She filled her kettle with water and flicked the switch on, so that it would begin to boil.

  She winced as she stepped over the tile and felt her feet cry out in protest. Her feet were still clearly unhappy with her for being stuffed into those God awful high heels she just had to wear today and it didn't help that her bed was so soft and was beckoning her to come back and just lay there until she fell asleep. She did her best to ignore it and grabbed a mug from her cabinet. She plucked a tea bag from her pantry and plopped it into her mug and flicked the switch on her electric kettle off when she heard the water boil.

  Pouring the water into her mug and letting her tea steep, she brought it back to the bedroom with her and eased herself onto the bed, mindful of her mug so that she didn't spill it.

  “Ahh, my savior,” she sighed as she blew on her tea to cool it. In any other circumstance, she might not have bothered talking to her tea, but as grateful as she was for the silence, she didn't want it to completely envelop her, lest she become lost in it and lost track of herself, as she had a tendency to do.

  Her phone chimed that she had a
text message from her side table where she set it after changing into some comfortable clothing. Wondering who was texting her at this hour of the day, she slid her phone off of the bedside table and set it down in front of her on the bed, opening her messages to see who was getting in touch with her.

  Surprisingly, it was David sending her a message. The meeting must have gotten out sooner than it usually does for him to be messaging her already. Dreading what was in it but wondering what it said, she opened it up.

  'How are you feeling?' greeted her on the screen.

  How did she feel? She frowned as she sipped at her tea and stared at her phone screen, pondering how to respond to his question.

  David was a perceptive man, and she knew that she couldn't bother lying to him about how he made her feel. He did tell her that she could tell him about any other worries that she ever had, as long as they didn't question how he ran his business, after all; now might be a good time to put that to the test.

  'I don't know how I feel,' she typed, then hit send.

  She curled herself around her mug and sipped at it while she waited for a response. She knew that, above all, she felt tired. She was tired of wondering, tired of worrying, and tired of feeling anxious about things that were out of her control. Her phone chimed again, and it was David's response.

  'Do you want to talk about it?'

  Did she? She asked herself as she took the last few pulls from her tea mug. Sure, she wanted to sort through her feelings and understand where they were coming from, but did she want to talk them through with David, the one that made her feel like this in the first place?

  'You made me feel anxious earlier,' she sent to him as she stood and got rid of her used tea bag. Rinsing out her mug and setting it off to the side for when she made another cup later, she walked back into her bedroom and crawled under the covers on her bed, part of her wanting to nap until she felt better and part of her just wanting to stay there and avoid the world for as long as she could. She sighed at the warmth that suffused through her from her blankets, and she already felt her tension slowly start to ebb away. She snuggled down as her phone went off again.


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