Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 124

by Ashley Stewart

  Now, though, it was just the three of them – Kaitlyn, Angela, and himself – sitting in the living room and trying to collect themselves. Angela was idly making the tea bag in her mug bob up and down to encourage her tea to steep, while Kaitlyn brewed some coffee for herself and David. Though he wanted to reach out to Angela, he was, admittedly, working through his own feelings as well, and didn't want to upset her further until he had calmed himself down. Seeing how close Angela had come to being killed, and how he had nearly managed to just allow that to happen sent him spinning, and he had to clench his hands into fists on the armrests of the chair he was sitting in to try and steady himself as he stared into Angela's numbed, blank face.

  “I didn't put any creamer or sugar in it,” Kaitlyn said softly as she handed him a steaming mug of fresh coffee. He breathed in the hearty, rich smell of the potent brew, and instantly felt as though his nerves were calmed.

  “It's perfect like this, thanks.” He took a sip of the bitter, aromatic liquid, and felt its warmth flood his chest, soothing what little anger and anxiousness he had left. With his head cleared, it was easier for him to make decisive calls without him doubting himself later. “It's not safe for either of you to stay here,” he said softly, breaking the silence and forcing Angela to pull herself out of her absentminded staring and turn to look at him. Perhaps there was a gentler way of putting that, but it was pretty clear that this was well beyond the point for him to waste the time sugar coating the reality of the situation to them; pretending that the threat wasn't there is what got Angela in the situation that she was in tonight, and it was high time that they took precautions.

  “I agree,” Kaitlyn said as she sipped at her own coffee mug. “It was something that I had thought about before, but seeing what this psycho is willing to do, and so close to our home is more than enough to convince me that we need to leave.” She sighed and drained her mug of its liquid without caring how hot it was. “I have a friend out of town that I can call to see if I can stay with them.” She was already pulling out her phone and dialing the person she was referring to. “Let me see if I can get a hold of him at this hour.” David nodded.

  “If you can't, I have no problem putting you up in a hotel until he answers.”

  She nodded to him and walked out of the room, holding up the phone to her ear as she left.

  With the two of them alone, David turned to Angela, gently taking her hand in his and coaxing her into looking at him.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, deliberately keeping his voice soft and gentle.

  “Numb, I guess,” Angela shrugged, clearly trying to be nonchalant despite the fact that she had been assaulted tonight, and might have very well been in the same boat as Martha, or worse, had David not intervened when he did. “Well, apart from my side. I think there's a bruise there already. But other than that, I guess I'm just not feeling anything at the moment,” she smiled wryly. “Try asking me again in an hour or so, when it all hits me as I'm falling asleep or something.”

  He swallowed a chuckle at her dry, dark sense of humor, and did his best to smile comfortingly at her while she tried to sort through what she had gone through.

  “I can't say that I blame you for feeling that way,” he said, running his thumb across her knuckles. “Stay with me until we get this sorted?” he asked quietly, though he hardly worded it as a question; his house was literally one of the safest places for her to be, probably second only to the loft at the office, simply because no one else knew about that place. Perhaps the loft might have been a better option, but if people didn’t see her leaving the office building along with everyone else when it came to closing time, they would wonder where she was and what she was doing in the office for so long, and that might lead to snooping that would only endanger her further. Sure, people might talk if she was seen driving home with him every day after work, but their relationship was probably the worst kept secret in the office as it was, so it was hardly any new talk that they would have to deal with.

  Angela nodded her head silently in agreement but otherwise didn't say anything, continuing to stare off and away from him, clearly consumed by her thoughts again. He knew that pushing her into talking more would only serve to upset her, so he just continued to hold her hand as he sipped at his steadily cooling coffee. After a few moments of companionable silence between the two of them, Kaitlyn came back into the living room, slipping her phone into her pocket and looking rather pleased with herself given the situation.

  “Good thing Keith almost never sleeps,” she said, resting a hand on her hip. “Everything's all set on his end for me to go there. I'm gonna go pack and head out tonight.”

  Hearing her friend talking about leaving seemed to spur Angela out of silently sitting off to the side, because she stood and walked over to Kaitlyn, taking her hands and squeezing them.

  “Are you sure that you'll be alright, heading out so late tonight?” she asked, her eyes wide and nearly frantic with worry. “What if that maniac comes back to finish the job, and mistakes you for me? What if they just don't care which one of us it is and just attacks you anyway?”

  “Ange, Ange, it's alright, okay?” She did her best to reassure her friend, and David had to admit, the way that Angela’s fear manifested surprised him; she evidently didn't fear for herself being attacked again, in spite of it only being less than a full hour since she had been attacked, and she was more worried about Kaitlyn being the next target. “I'll go first, and you guys can watch me make it to my car and drive off, alright? That way, we're doing it the safest way possible.” She smiled confidently at her friend, and it seemed to be enough to assuage Angela's fear, just enough for her to let go of Kaitlyn's hands and let her go to her room to pack her things.

  “Angela,” he spoke up after Kaitlyn left the room again. She turned to look at him. “How about you pack your bag, too? That way, we can leave right after Kaitlyn. I want to make sure that we get you to a safe place as soon as possible, alright?” He smiled encouragingly at her in an effort to try and comfort her.

  “Alright,” she said softly before nodding to herself slowly. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” though she clearly looked mildly upset at the thought of stepping out into the night again, as though she were guaranteed to have her assailant be magnetically pulled to her again the moment that she stepped foot out of the door.

  It took surprisingly little time for the two women to pack their necessities and prepare to leave the house, possibly until this whole situation was resolved. With their packing complete, David watched as Kaitlyn and Angela stood in the hallway, each holding a bag of their belongings and looking as though they might never see one another ever again. It was Kaitlyn that spoke up first, voice brimming with cheerfulness and confidence that David was absolutely sure that she was faking for Angela's sake, something that he had to admire.

  “Everything is gonna be just fine, Ange,” she grinned broadly. “We can text to keep each other sane while we wait this whole thing out.”

  “How long do you think this is gonna last, Kait?” Angela practically mumbled, clearly distressed by the whole ordeal. Kaitlyn snorted.

  “I'll give it a week. We'll be drinking wine and celebrating the fact that it's all over in no time, mark my words.”

  “What if you're wrong?”

  “Then I'll be the one buying the wine when it is over.” She nodded firmly like that had decided everything before bringing Angela in for a tight hug. The two clung to one another for a few moments before Kaitlyn gently coaxed her into letting go before picking up her bag once more. “Remember, keep an eye on me while I head to the car, yeah?” She winked at them before spinning on her heel and practically strutting out the door without looking back. Though, David couldn't help but notice that she was discreetly looking from side to side as she made her way the short distance to her car.

  Soon enough, they were watching Kaitlyn's car drive off, her rear lights fading off into the distance as she turned down the street a
nd away from their home. Angela wrapped her arms around herself, and David, sensing that wasn't enough comfort for her, draped an arm around her shoulders.

  “Come on, let's lock up and head out,” he offered, lightly nudging her with his hip. Though he watched the way that she bit her lip worryingly, she still nodded and moved to make sure that things were as secure as they could be, and it wasn't long before they, too, were driving out into the night, back to his house and seeking sanctuary from the place of her attack.

  * * * *

  It was strange, she noted as she stood in the entrance to David's home, how easily her fears and worries fell into the back of her mind now that she had placed distance between herself and the place that she was attacked in. As she set her bag in David's room and looked at him as he changed into his pajamas, she felt a need for physical comfort overwhelm her, and it wasn't long before she was stalking toward him, reaching out for him. He, for his part, ever attentive to her needs, was more than ready to make her forget, at least for a little while.

  David pulled her towards him, pressing his lips to hers, fiercely kissing her as his hands tangled in her hair. In spite of the anxiety that frayed her already strained nerves, her body responded to his touch, arching into him, and a moan slipped past Angela's lips. Before long, his hands were slipping underneath her loose, baggy shirt, his fingers tracing familiar paths along her skin like a cartographer reviews a well-drawn map. His eager tongue parted her lips, seeking hers, and it wasn't long before the two were tangling in a dance for dominance.

  Before she knew entirely what she was doing, her hands were tugging at the buttons on his shirt, sliding it from his shoulders and not caring that it crumpled to the floor behind him. Her fingers skimmed along the angled planes of his chest and abs as their kiss grew more sizzling when David rolled his tongue in rhythm with his hips against hers, and the combined friction of the two coaxed another, louder moan out of her. He slowly walked them backwards the short distance toward his bed, slowly slipping her shirt off, but she was too wrapped up in the kiss and his scorching touch to notice.

  Just as she had begun to fumble with the tie on the waist of his pajama pants, the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed, and he fell backwards onto the mattress, pulling her down with him so that she was splayed across his athletic form. His words echoed in her mind, the way that he had reassured her that everything was going to be alright, and that he would protect her. Would he really be able to, though? Would everything work out in the end, and would they all walk away unscathed from all of this? As lovely as his touch was, she found that her thoughts would not quiet in spite of everything. She needed to put a voice to her thoughts, she needed to tell him that she was so worried about how this was all going to turn out. She swallowed, and did her best not to be distracted with the way that he was coaxing her yoga pants down her thighs.

  Except it was far, far too late for that.

  Her yoga pants were on the ground, joined by his pajamas just a moment later. She threaded her spindly fingers through his short hair as he buried his face in her neck, his lips seeking out the flesh just above her collar bone and sucking on it lightly. The sensation of his lips on such a sensitive spot sent a shiver through her body, and she ground her hips against his, feeling the familiar telltale sign of his evident arousal against her womanly cleft. A groan escaped David's lips as he rolled his hips up to meet hers, building up the friction between their bodies. Her hands shifted downwards, her fingertips running along his well-toned chest.

  She swallowed again, her complete and utter want for him to fill her up temporarily driving every other thought from her mind in that moment. His hands came up and unclasped her bra with the practiced grace that came with them dancing this dance time and time again. He fondled her breasts as his fingers toyed with her steadily hardening nipples. Her eyes slid shut as she rocked her hips in time with the motion of his fingers skimming her breasts, her hand trailing from his chest to grip his manhood, and as she lazily pumped his throbbing shaft she felt herself growing steadily more wet.

  He wrapped his lips around one of her nipples, his tongue circling it as he sucked lightly at it. She nearly wailed when she felt his teeth lightly graze her hardened peak. Her chest heaved as she panted heavily, her breath quickening as she felt heat begin to build in her core. Her grip on his swollen cock tightened just enough to force her name from his lips as she steadily increased the pace of her strokes. His breathy moans were swallowed up in her kiss as she leaned down and claimed his mouth with hers again. The friction and heat between their bodies as his fingers caressed her thighs for a moment before one of his hands trailed lazily to her core, and his thumb slipped just far enough back to press against her clitoris. He dipped his hips, pressing them hard enough against his mattress for him to slip his cock from between them to glide against her entrance.

  She cried out, and the tempo her hips set grew more frantic as he worked her core. She ran her thumb across the tip of his cock, and she could feel the bead of precum leaking out of the tip. She smeared it along the head and guided it back to her entrance, where it began to glide against her slit and become slick with her juices.

  “Feeling particularly bold tonight, are we?” David said as he brushed his lips against her ear.

  She shivered, and the overwhelming arousal that gripped her forced the honesty out of her.

  “I...” she swallowed when she heard her voice crack. “I just really need some comfort right now,” Angela quietly admitted, her hands unconsciously gripping him just a little tighter. His eyes glinted in a way that she couldn't quite discern, but it was gone before she could decipher it. He grinned reassuringly at her before she had a chance to think about what that look in his eyes meant.

  “I can certainly try to help with that,” his grin widened into a toothy smile. “I'll comfort you nicely, as long as you need me to.”

  If she hadn't been so thoroughly distracted, she might have scoffed at the notion. Comforting nicely? She couldn't confidently say that he knew the meeting of the words, but she was more than willing to give him a chance. She pushed him down into the bed, grinning when he looked at her in surprise for a moment before laughing.

  “I can't help but notice that you only get dominant when you're incredibly stressed about something.”

  “I don't know what you're taking about,” she breathed out a laugh. His eyebrows creased, but he wasn't really in a position to question her further, and she was going to make sure of that. The expression on his face soon changed to one of pleasure when she lifted herself for a moment to line up his cock with her entrance before she sunk down on him.

  Running her hands up his chest, she clenched her walls around him as she did so, eliciting groans from the man beneath her that was practically at her mercy for a change. She tried her absolute best to suppress her moan as his thick cock filled her entirely and bottomed out, their pelvic bones bumping lightly together.

  She had missed him, odd as it had sounded even to her, knowing that it had only been a few hours since they had last been joined together. But she knew that she missed him more than just physically, though there was no denying it was a marvelous bonus whenever the two of them were together. Being with him made her feel safe and secure, even if they were the only ones in the room, she felt almost untouchable when she was at his side. The way he smirked when he teased her was the most calming and reassuring thing that she had ever seen, and she couldn't properly articulate why that was. He may have had a habit of speaking a bit harshly, but his actions did always speak louder than his words, and he was ever the attentive lover and ensured that she was safe and satisfied.

  Leaning down, she captured his lips, even as he placed his hands on her hips and squeezed them firmly to guide her and set the pace that he craved from her. She had been taking it slow, moving her hips at a steady pace to try and draw things out as long as she could. David, it seemed, wasn’t quite satisfied with that, if the way he was urging her hips into moving quicke
r was any indication. Grinning against his lips as she continued to kiss him, she plucked his hands off of her hips and held them out and away from her for a moment, hesitating. Did she even dare to do it? A low growl left David's lips, giving away his clear displeasure at being denied control. As if he knew what thoughts were racing in her mind, he groped her breasts instead when she hesitated a moment too long and left him an advantage to exploit.

  “Silly little thing, pushing your luck like this,” he muttered.

  “What was that?” she breathed out a question as she straightened up, with his cock still buried in her. When he opened his mouth to repeat himself, she ground her hips into his, deliberately pushing the two of them impossibly closer.

  “Oh, fuck,” he gasped, his hips jerking against hers in reaction.

  She’d accidentally discovered how much he loved this a while ago when they were sequestered in the loft above his office with a day to themselves, but rarely had the chance to put the knowledge to good use. His hands trailed down her body as she rocked her hips, somehow managing to maintain eye contact with her lover. A blazing desire smoldered behind his darkened irises, one that could not, would not be quenched any time soon, if the way that he was desperately trying to chase his orgasm was any indicator.

  She knew it wasn’t going to take long before their positions would be switched, and his dominance would win out in the long run, but she relished in the way that he handed her control for as long as he had. Her lips parted, another moan seemingly punched out of her chest when his fingers found her clit, playing with it languidly and with slow strokes of his long digits. Her yearning for him became borderline insatiable, and she couldn't stop herself from raking her nails down his chest, not hard enough to draw blood, but certainly hard enough to leave angry red marks trailing down from his chest to his navel.


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