Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 130

by Ashley Stewart

  “I take it that's sorted out, then?” she asked as she pulled on her blazer and fastened the one button on it. He nodded and pulled open the door to his closet.

  “She hasn't been in yet, but we'll check with her again before we go up to my office.” His eyes slid away in thought for a moment. “I didn't want to say anything to worry you more than you already were, but I just have this feeling that she's going to try and pull something, too,” he shrugged. “Maybe not today, but I feel like the longer she goes without getting caught, the more likely it is she's going to strike out at us.”

  “At least I'm not the only one that thought she might be up to something,” Angela shivered. “When the police said that it looked like she packed up and left in a hurry, I wondered if she was going to retaliate more forcefully because she feels like she has nothing left to lose.”

  “Which is why we're going to be prepared,” he said as he slid his pants over his legs and secured them with a belt. “Just breathe, we're going to be fine,” he grinned and pressed a kiss to her forehead as he pulled on a shirt and began to button it up. “So put on your sexiest heels, my girl,” his smirk widened as he pecked her lips. “Because the world is waiting for us to make an appearance.”

  * * * *

  “David, I was just about to call you!” David and Angela stilled mid-step on their way to the elevator when the receptionist called out to them as they were about to walk past the front desk.

  “Any developments?” he questioned in a low voice with the slight arch of his brow.

  “She hasn't come in,” she said just as quietly. “But I did see a car that looked a lot like hers driving past the building a few times.” David frowned. “I've already alerted the police, and they're sending someone on their way now, but I don't know how long it's going to take them to get here.”

  “You deserve a fucking raise,” he muttered to himself before turning to head to the elevator again. “Thanks for the update. We'll take it from here.”

  “Shouldn't you wait until the police get here?” the normally bookish receptionist squeaked when he began to walk away. “Wouldn't it be safer that way?”

  “Perhaps,” he conceded after a moment of thought. “But breaking from the routine might lead to her thinking that we know that she's coming for us, and that might put everyone else in the building at risk. If she does come in here, don't stop her, and don't act any differently than you normally would, understand? Safety is the top priority here for everyone involved.” His voice was still quiet but firm, and the receptionist could do little but nod in agreement.

  “Should I stay with the other office staff?” Angela asked. “Splitting up would make it harder for her to find the two of us, so that might not be a bad idea, Mr. Westley.” How easy it was for her to slip into the role of his subservient assistant, so distant from being his girlfriend and yet not that different at all. He motioned for her to follow him to the elevator, and she did so without any hesitation.

  “That's not a bad idea,” David conceded with a nod once they were in the elevator and the doors closed. He pushed the buttons for their respective floors. “Check on the others, tell them that you're there to monitor their progress on the projects I've given them, and then head straight to the loft as soon as you're done. You still have your key?” She nodded and showed it to him. “Good. Be quick, alright? Better safe than sorry.” She nodded, and just before the elevator dinged to let them know that this was her stop, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  Even as she stepped out of the elevator, she couldn't help but feel like this was an eerily final goodbye for them. The feeling was so strong that she couldn't resist looking back at him one last time as the elevator doors slid completely shut. There he was, handsome as ever with that trademark half grin playing on his lips as he watched her go. Though it was only for a second, the sight of him was enough to fill her heart with warmth and just enough courage to turn back around and face the rest of the room with a smile.

  Her co-workers were, as always, happy to see her and chat with her as they went about their business, and it lifted her spirits. They were either completely oblivious to what was going on with Darla, or were deliberately pretending that they didn't know, but Angela found herself strangely grateful for that small courtesy. She pretended to take notes on their progress the same way that she always did, but really, even if she wasn't so distracted, she wouldn't need to; they were all ahead of schedule, and working at a hard and steady rate that would put their project at completion weeks before their projected due date.

  As she was finishing up talking to Linda about her script for a pilot episode of a show that they were looking to launch on the Westley Entertainment channel, she happened to steal a glance over at Darla's office. Linda was still talking, but whatever she was saying faded into the distance as she looked at the frosted door.

  The light was on, and there was movement inside.

  “Sorry, I need to make a quick call,” she stammered, cutting Linda off as she hastily made her way over to an empty cubicle. Grabbing the phone, she frantically punched in David's cell number with trembling fingers and held her breath as it rang.

  “This is David,” she heard his voice on the other end and let out a shuddering breath.

  “Is anyone supposed to be in Darla's office right now?” she asked in a voice clogged with fear.

  “No, what, what's going on, Angela?” David asked. Just as she opened her mouth to answer, the door to Darla's office opened, and out walked the very woman in question, a pleasant smile plastered on her face as she stared Angela down with cold, unfeeling eyes. “Angela?” She heard him say on the other end.

  “She's here,” she whispered, trying with all her might not to show how truly terrified she felt.

  “What?” he cried out. “Angela, stay where you are, I'm coming down there, do you hear?”

  “Why, Angela!” Darla greeted with a wide, toothy smile. “Just the woman that I wanted to see!” The saccharine tone in her voice made Angela's skin crawl.

  “Do not go anywhere with her, I'm heading down there now, Angela!” David was trying his best to reassure her that help was on the way, but looking into the eyes of the devil made her heart stop.

  “I needed some advice on a little project that I've been working on for David. Would you mind taking a little look at it for me? Just a peek.” Darla winked at her, and Angela could practically feel her blood run cold. When she opened her mouth to make up an excuse, say that she had to check up on everyone again, or something, she felt something press against her stomach. Looking down, she saw that it was the sharp edge of a knife glinting ominously between them.

  Angela's brain lurched in an effort to wrap itself around the situation. She could still hear David speaking on the phone, but it didn't register to her. She knew that everyone else was going about their day because they didn't know what was going on. Her mind raced with possibilities – she could try to make a break for it, but there was no telling how quick Darla was with that knife. The better option would be to stall for time, come up with an excuse as to why she couldn't leave yet.

  “Sure thing,” Angela replied as smoothly as she could with her heart beating against her ribcage. “Let me just finish up this phone call, and I'll be right—”

  “Oh, don't mind me,” Darla cut her off, still all sweetness and sunshine on the outside. Thankfully, she withdrew her knife and slid it in her pocket, taking a step back as casually as she would if this were any normal day and she hadn't just threatened her. “I'll just wait for you. No sense in walking a few steps to my office all alone, now is there?” Her mask slipped ever so slightly, and Angela got a taste of the maliciousness that she harbored within her.

  “Yeah,” she conceded in a far less confident tone, bringing the receiver back up to her ear in an effort to act as though she were still in the middle of that, 'super important,' phone call that was keeping her from going into Darla's office. “I just wanted to confirm the order that needed to b
e sent over to our Vancouver location,” she rattled off the first business sounding thing that she could think of, hoping that it would be enough.

  “I'm in the elevator now, and I've got the police with me,” David reassured her on the other end of the line, picking up on her tactic to stall for time. “Just keep her waiting there a little longer, we're almost there.”

  “So that was thirteen units of printer paper, ten cartridges of ink, and four office cabinets being sent by truck, is that right?” Biting her lip, Angela nervously stole a sideways glance at Darla, who was steadily losing her patience, if the slight crease in her brow was any indication. “Can I get a delivery date?” She really hoped that he picked up on the code phrase for, 'when the hell are you getting here,' or she was going to be in trouble very soon.

  “Freeze!” Angela heaved a sigh of relief and hung up the phone when the unfamiliar voice rang out. Sure enough, she turned in her seat to see four police officers and David all standing there ready to haul Darla away.

  “I should have known,” she sneered. “I'm not going without taking one of you!” Everything seemed to happen in slow motion — Darla lunged at her with her knife drawn, and she was sure that she heard the telltale pop of a gun going off. The bloom of red that stained Darla's shirt a moment later confirmed it, but it didn't stop the woman before she managed to plunge the knife straight into Angela's arm. It would have been her chest, had she not thrust her arm in front of it at the last minute.

  Another gunshot sent Darla sprawling to the ground with a heavy thud, and everything went silent for a few moments. Once everyone realized that the immediate threat was over, the police moved in and removed Darla, and there was an overall cacophony in the office because of the sudden violence, but all Angela noticed was David rushing to her and pulling her away, sweeping her out of her seat and carrying her away from the scene.

  “There are paramedics on the first floor,” he said to her as he slipped into one of the elevators before anyone thought to get to them. “I know it isn't life threatening, but that stab wound needs stitches,” he looked down at her and frowned at the blood splattered on the sleeve of her shirt, sluggishly expanding outward. Angela vaguely felt her arm growing numb, but all she really noticed was the way that David was looking at her, like he couldn't believe that it was all over and that they had made it out alive. “I'll be honest, I didn't like the idea of you going off without me to begin with, but I had hoped to track her down with the police before she ever reached you.” He averted his eyes guiltily. “I hadn't even thought that she would be stupid enough to actually go to her own office.” The elevator dinged, and he brought her over to the waiting paramedics, who immediately went to work cleaning and stitching her arm.

  “It's over,” Angela murmured in a daze as one of the EMTs stitched her wound.

  “Almost,” David nodded. She looked at him. “You have to get better first. Then it'll be over, and then,” he lowered his head to her and whispered in her ear, “Then, I'll have my way with you like you've never felt before.”

  She couldn't wait.

  The Billionaire’s Release

  The Complete Collection

  Books 1-10

  Bella Rayne


  The Billionaire’s Release Book 1

  Bella Rayne

  Chapter 1

  It was hard for me to believe. I got the new office assistant job with Ashton J. Incorporated! Ashton Jackson, the CEO was the company, was one of the most well-known Yoga instructors in the world. He made his fortune with Yoga DVDs and accessories and, to top it off, he was eye candy!

  I received the call just after leaving class for the afternoon. I was trying to complete the 500-hour requirement for Yoga certification. It had always been a dream of mine to teach other people how to be healthy and claim peace in their lives.

  Hillsboro, North Carolina wasn’t a large city, but it wasn’t the smallest either. My instruction classes weren’t far from my apartment--maybe a mile or so. After parking my car, I hurried to the front door of the apartment, eager to tell my roommate, Jessica, about the great news. With both hands full, she could hear my struggle to turn the doorknob.

  “Having a bit of trouble, aren’t we?” she sarcastically asked, almost laughing.

  “I got it! I got it!” was all I could manage. I took two steps into the doorway, dropped my things and started to jump up and down like a schoolgirl.

  “You got what?” She seemed confused with my vibrant reaction.

  “I got the office assistant job at Ashton J, Inc.! You know, the Yoga capital of the state! Of the country! Of the world!” Okay, so may I was acting slightly ridiculous. I didn’t care; I was ecstatic!”

  “Oh! That’s awesome! When do you start?”

  I panicked. I couldn’t remember when the woman said to come to the office. “I think I start tomorrow?”

  Jessica’s eyes grew wide. “Are you kidding me? You got so excited that you don’t remember when you start? Wow…” She shook her head. “Good luck kiddo,” she patted me on the back and returned to the couch.

  “Well, she said they would send me some emails, so I’m sure it will be in there. I can check it out now.”

  “Better get to it, Alexis,” she laughed.

  I grabbed the laptop and sat on the couch next to my friend. In the process of pulling up my email, I noticed that I had an alert from findlove.com. It was the dating website I had been browsing through. “Hmm…someone wrote me on findlove.com.”

  Jessica clued back in. “Ooooh, let’s have a look at this dude! Is he hot? Is he not?”

  “I don’t know…I’m clicking on his profile now.”

  Jessica leaned close to look at the screen. His name was Seth and he was nerdy looking with large-framed glasses and an awkward haircut. “Oh wow!” Jessica started laughing uncontrollably. “Well, I’ve heard that nerds make the best lovers!” She continued to laugh.

  It annoyed me. “Well, his message seems really sweet. I’m going to write him back but only in a friendly way.”

  “This is why I don’t do the online dating stuff. You just never know what you’re getting into.”

  “You never know until you try,” I retorted. Sure, the guy was not exactly the most appealing in his profile picture, but his words were genuinely kind.

  “Why haven’t you given that other guy that’s in the Yoga program with you a chance ?” Jessica leaned back into the couch, giving me space.

  “I just don’t feel anything there. It’s like, well, boring. I could only be his friend and nothing more,” I replied honestly. I browsed through my other emails until I found one from the Ashton J. Incorporation. “Yep, I start tomorrow,” I seized the opportunity to change the subject. “Bright and early at eight o’clock. I’ve got to figure out what I can wear!” I closed my laptop and decided to browse through my closet. “Jess, are we currently washing a load of reds? I can’t find my fancy red blouse.”

  “Yes!” she yelled from the living room.

  I wanted to be dressed in my absolute best just in case I had the opportunity to meet Ashton Jackson. Although he was twice my age, he was practically famous, and I wanted to leave a good impression.

  “Here’s your red blouse,” Jessica brought it to me. It was warm and fresh of the dryer.

  “Thanks,” I smiled and held it against my torso as I admired it in the mirror.

  “So, you’re really dressing to impress. That blouse tends to cling to your body in all the right places,” Jessica crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe, a sly smile on her face.

  “Well, the ruffles hide other parts,” I chuckled. “Just in case I get to meet Mr. Jackson himself, I want to really look my best.”

  “This man must be hot or something. You behave as if he is the next James Bond or something.”

  “I doubt I will see him,” I said, shaking my head, “but just in case, I am going to look my best.” I smiled, looking at my reflection in the mirror.
  Chapter 2

  “Mr. Jackson, here are the details of the newest employee that will be joining the office this morning. Her name is Alexis King, twenty-five-years-old and has been studying to become a certified Yoga instructor. She will be here in ten minutes,” Janet informed her boss. “Would you like me to send her to you when she arrives? Otherwise, I will show her around and teach her the ropes.”

  I quickly scanned through the paperwork. “Yes, send her to me when she arrives. I like that she is training for her certification. Her passion and knowledge of Yoga will likely be a great asset to this company. Good choice. Thank you.”

  Janet seemed pleased, smiled and left the room. Sadly, Janet rarely smiled unless I delivered her a compliment. I could never figure it out other than that she had a small crush on me. She was about forty, divorced and had two children. I didn’t feel attracted to her, but I did appreciate her hard work and dedication.

  Five minutes after eight o’clock, I heard a small, gentle knock on my office door. “Come in!” I raised my voice slightly. The door opened so slowly that it creaked.

  “Mr. Jackson? I’m Alexis King. I’m your newest employee,” she said, grinning. Her beautiful, long blonde hair flowed down to her lower back and gleamed like silk in the morning sunlight. She had piercing blue eyes and a toned, slender figure. Her black skirt sat just above her knees and hugged every curve from her waist down. Her red blouse clung to every curve north of her waist. The woman was astoundingly beautiful.

  I stood and extended my hand for proper greeting. “Alexis, it’s nice to meet you. Please, call me Ashton. I have tried for the longest to convince Janet to call me the same but she refuses.” I chuckled slightly, trying to hide my obvious infatuation. She was half my age, but I immediately felt a strong attraction toward her.


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