Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 150

by Ashley Stewart

  “What’s this about Ashton suddenly having a daughter that is five years older than you?” Mom nearly yelled into the phone.

  “Calm down, Mom. I’m stressed over it, too,” I reassured her.

  “Alexis, I don’t know about this man. I don’t like how you’re being slapped all over the magazines, television screens and gossip circles. This isn’t how I envisioned my baby girl living her life. Something isn’t right,” she vented to me. My heart went out to her. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt my parents. They had nurtured and loved me my entire life. I knew they didn’t appreciate watching my drama unfold for the whole world to see. Frankly, it was embarrassing. If I concentrated on it too much, it made nauseous.

  “Mom, I’ve been having panic attacks over it. I’m trying to figure things out. Please don’t worry, although I know that it’s hard not to. Just be there for me.”

  She sighed on the other end. “I’m here for you, Alexis. I always will be, but you’ve got to make healthy decisions. I know the man is a billionaire and has given you many great opportunities, but the relationship stuff is off-kilter. The drama in the public eye is unreal. Your father and I believe that he is using you for something,” she stated. “And why didn’t you tell me that you were having panic attacks?” she raised her voice.

  “Because I don’t want to stress you guys out,” I answered obediently.

  “Alexis King,” she spoke my full name. “You’re one stubborn child.” Even though I was twenty-five years old, I still feared being chastised by my parents. I guess it’s something that never goes away with time.

  “I’m sorry, Mom. How do I figure all of this out? Every time I go anywhere, the paparazzi are there. People are recognizing me as Ashton’s girlfriend. Heck, the paparazzi have even camped out at my apartment!”

  “And they’ve waited outside the house here as well. Your father nearly ran one over this morning,” Mom added.

  “What?!” I yelled through the phone. I was furious! Even if I broke up with Ashton at this point, it would be entertainment news that would haunt me for a while. “I thought that fame would be fun and games but it ain’t.”

  Mom sighed again. “This is why it’s truly important to watch who you spend time with.”

  I cringed at the disappointment in her voice. “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you, too, baby girl. Just don’t let the paparazzi make you drive erratically or do anything dangerous. Your father will come get you if we think for a minute that you’re in any kind of danger. Do you hear me?” she said sternly.

  “Yes ma’am. I hear you.”

  “Good. We’ve got eyes on you. Anyway, I’ve got to get off. Be careful sweet pea.”

  “I will, Mom.”

  I hung up the phone and thought deeply. I couldn’t let this destroy my life. I couldn’t let it shrink my world in fear. No, I had to continue to live my life. If the whole world wanted to see every single detail, fine. Whether the paparazzi captured it or not, I needed to move ahead like normal. Just knowing that my parents were there and had eyes on me gave me tremendous relief, although, I didn’t like the idea of them knowing anything about me spending nights at the mansion. The thought of that was humiliating. No one wants their parents to know about that part their love life. I settled back down in my comfy spot on the couch and napped for another hour or so.

  Chapter 4

  On Sunday afternoon, I had cabin fever and had to leave the apartment for some fresh air. I was bound and determined to not let any gossip column or camera crew intimidate me. Feeling confident and self-assured, I strolled down the sidewalk in my Ugg boots, favorite skinny jeans and a warm, fuzzy sweater. I was slightly hopeful that my large, brown sunglasses would hide my identity from any curious bystander. Fame wasn’t something I had become used to yet.

  Main Street was lively with people out and enjoying the sunshine; cars crowded the street and music flowed freely from the small shops and cafes. It was quaint. The coffee shop came into view with its bright, red door glowing in the sun. I couldn’t bear to walk in there after all of the memories. Seth was still on my mind a lot, and since I was still caught between one path and the other, I thought it best to avoid the place. Then it happened. I saw something that was far worse than the paparazzi or a judgmental fan. Our eyes met and time seemed to freeze. What was only a few seconds mirrored itself as a few hours.


  I saw Seth sitting by the bay window of the coffeehouse. Only, this time, he was sitting across from another girl. I had no right to judge him because of my own actions. However, pain seared through my mind and heart. He studied me just as intently as I studied him. The girl seemed confused by his sudden lack of attention. She reached her hand over to his shoulder until he broke his stare from mine. I didn’t know what to do. A part of me wanted to burst through the door and take back what I felt was mine. Then again, I realized that that was the same feelings and emotions I was forcing him to have while I was mingling with the famous billionaire. In that moment, I recognized the selfishness of my actions. How could I assume that Seth could so easily handle my affairs with another man and wait on me to decide which one that I wanted? Why did I believe that it would be easy for him? It suddenly made sense to me. No wonder he had to choose to disappear on me during my time of figuring out my life. It was also then that I realized that my feelings for Seth were much deeper than I had originally thought. If things with Ashton didn’t sort themselves out quickly, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could entertain our relationship. Obviously, I harbored feelings for two different men. One was materially rich and the other was rich with love to give.

  When Seth broke his stare from me, I took the opportunity to quickly walk off. I walked into the small dollar store that was immediately to my right. It was the fastest exit from that uncomfortable scene. I didn’t care to buy anything from the store, but I did hope that it would be a place to clear my mind again. That sudden, unexpected moment of emotion wasn’t something I had prepared for. I had prepared for paparazzi or bad tabloids and gossip columns that showcased my face, but to see Seth with another girl? No, I didn’t prepare myself for that, much less think that it would happen.

  I grabbed a small pack of gum and slapped it onto the cashier’s counter. Sliding my sunglasses to the top of my head, I was instantly greeted with my own face. Gossip Central magazine was sitting in the counter rack with my face on the cover.

  Can Alexis handle the billionaire’s rowdy daughter? The future stepmother is five years younger and the catfight is on.

  I was appalled!! How did the tabloids fabricate such false stories? My cheeks turned hot, and I knew that I was blushing with embarrassment and anger.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not a star-crazed person, and I certainly don’t believe the tabloid trash,” the cashier said seriously.

  “Thank you for treating me like a normal person,” I replied thankfully. “It’s all rubbish. I don’t know where they come up with that bullshit. It’s not even close to being true!”

  She scanned my packet of gum. “That’ll be $1.78,” she said. “Do you need a bag for that?”

  I scrambled to come up with the cash and coins. “No thank you, I don’t need a bag. This is just to chew for my nerves,” I sputtered. “Hold on, I think I have the exact change.”

  She chuckled. “And everyone makes it out like you’re a billionaire as well since you’re dating one. You’re still just as normal as the rest of us. People can be so stupid.”

  I really appreciated how genuine she seemed. “Girl, I’m nowhere close to being rich. I bring home about $1,500.00 a month and struggle to pay the rent like everyone else our age. Never believe the crap you read and certainly don’t waste your money on those magazines. I’m ashamed to admit that I used to spend my pennies on the celebrity gossip magazines as a teenager. It was all lies!” It felt great to be able to vent to a stranger. She was someone that didn’t know me personally and didn’t harbor any biased opinions.

“I can tell that this really stresses you out. Are you happy?”

  I sighed. “I’m trying to figure a lot of things out, honestly.” I wanted to vent much more to her but knew that I couldn’t fully trust anyone. It wouldn’t take much for her to call a paparazzi or entertainment reporter and relay everything I had just told her for a pretty lump sum. I had read enough on that sort of thing happening to other celebrities. “Thank you,” I smiled and left the store. I refused to look across the street at the coffeehouse. Another sight of Seth and that girl wouldn’t help anything. Instead, I looked ahead and walked away without a single glance. We were at two different places in life, and if anything, the sight of him and the other girl gave me his perspective of the situation.

  Chapter 5

  I dreaded walking into the office. Knowing that Charlotte was going to be there made my stomach churn with displeasure and discomfort. Something just wasn’t right with that girl. I couldn’t quite place it but knew something was off kilter and awkward. She seemed so jealous of me. Why?

  “Oh Alexis, I’m so glad to see you. I worried that you would be late today,” Ashton greeted me with an anxious smile. He took a sip of his hot coffee and asked me to follow him. “Charlotte is already sitting at your desk. Don’t worry: she hasn’t touched anything. I just want her to get an idea of what business is like here. She may decide to move here and be a part of the family business. If that’s the case, I want the both of us to make her feel as comfortable as possible.”

  My gut screamed at me. I didn’t like it at all. She was already sitting at my desk? Of course she would be going through my things! I didn’t have anything to hide, but the thought made me cringe even more. Charlotte and I didn’t click.

  “Okay, sure thing,” I replied with false confidence.

  “I can sense that you’re struggling to accept this.”

  “No I’m not,” I lied. I forced a grin and as we rounded the corner, I held out my hand in greeting to Charlotte. “Charlotte, I hope you’ve felt comfortable at my desk. It’s tucked away from everyone else but has a calming effect sometimes.”

  She stood and smiled. “Thank you. I can see why you would say that. I don’t want to get in your way or anything. Da-Daddy just wants me to get an idea of what the family business is like,” she explained. It was clear that she still felt awkward calling Ashton, “Daddy”. I reminded myself that I would likely feel awkward about it, too, if I were in her shoes.

  Ashton softly rubbed Charlotte’s back. “I will be in my office if you need me,” he grinned. She smiled back at him, and I nodded. The tension between Charlotte and I was extremely uncomfortable and awkward. I tried to not stutter every time I spoke but found it difficult. The ladies in the office were already eyeing me with intense curiosity. To add Charlotte to the mix really added pressure!

  “Are you enjoying the job?” she asked me flatly. I wasn’t sure if she was actually trying to build a relationship with me or if she was trying to stir trouble? I had seen moments like that in the movies time and time again.

  “I am,” I lied again. That was another negative ordeal about my relationship with Ashton. I caught myself having to lie and deceive a lot. My response seemed to disappoint her.

  “Hmm,” she muttered. “From what I’ve observed, you’re not so sure.”

  I couldn’t believe that she was being so blunt.

  “Why would you even care? It’s my business,” I shot back.

  My words surprised her. Did she not think that I had any spunk? “Because he is my Dad, and what’s my dad’s business is also mine.”

  “Oh no honey. That’s not how life works,” I replied.

  “We shall see,” she almost threatened.

  “Excuse me?”

  “We shall see. Everyone here thinks that you’re only in all of this to get money from my dad.”

  Her words were really angering me. It was tempting to leave the office again and never return. In fact, that's probably what I should’ve done, but I didn’t. “Gossip has proven time and time again to rarely be true. I’m not that type of person. Now, are we going to work or are you going to continue judging me?” I wanted to prove to myself that I didn’t have to run away from trouble every single time that I could defend myself without anyone else. She sneered at me and nodded.

  “Good,” I continued. “I’m on a tight schedule today because I have a Yoga class teach later. Watch and learn.”

  “I already know. Ash--Daddy has already told me that we are attending your class,” she stuttered over his name. I forced a grin and continued with my normal work.

  Later that afternoon, I clocked out and drove to the YMCA. It felt great to get a break from the snobby daughter. She told me stories of how she had no idea that this famous Yoga guru was her Dad yet she acted like she owned the place. She tried to intimidate me with her age. Little did she know that after so much conflict in the office, I had become more resilient. Ashton was all smiles around his daughter. However, the connection between them still bothered me. Something still seemed off and the more time that I spent around them, the more disturbed I became.

  Arriving at the YMCA, I prepared for my class. People were slowly filing in, setting up their mats and performing their early mantras, stretches and breathing exercises. I made small talk here and there but mostly remained in my own world, immersed in deep thought. I knew that at any moment, Ashton and Charlotte would walk through the door and join my class. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was determined to not let that woman intimidate me. My mom’s words repeated through my mind and offered a boost of encouragement. Just remembering where I came from and who I truly was empowered me to not let anyone bully me.

  Ashton and Charlotte arrived right as I was greeting everyone and preparing them for the beginning breathing exercises. Quietly, they settled in the back of the room, laying out their mats, smiling and quickly getting into place. I politely and professionally paused for a moment or two in order to give them preparation time. It was my way of showing them that I wasn’t intimidated. I knew that Ashton wasn’t trying to do anything to me, but Charlotte had already made her intentions very clear. I had thought all evening about how to approach Ashton about the issue. It was imperative that he not think that I was trying to dramatize anything.

  “Everyone, let’s slowly lift our hands to the ceiling and stretch. Inhale to the count of three.” I instructed the class. Everyone followed my lead as I stretched my arms and hands to the ceiling. Charlotte was glaring at my every move, but I didn’t care. She had dark intentions, and sadly, I wasn’t sure what they were except for removing me from the picture. Kindness was the only way I knew to handle her negative actions toward me.

  By the end of class, Ashton was speaking with a group of people. He was joking and laughing. I used the time to pack up my gear and focus on other things.

  “I know there’s awkward tension between us,” Charlotte approached me randomly. It seemed as if she was trying anything to catch me alone.

  “I have no problem with you,” I tried to be the bigger person and continued to stuff things into my duffel bag.

  She paused, searching intently for words to say. “I just don’t know how I feel about my Dad dating someone that is five years younger than me.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know either.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  I zipped the duffel bag with frustration. I looked her square in the eyes. “When I first started to get emotionally involved with your Dad, he lied to me. He told me that he had never been married before when, in fact, he was going through a divorce. Then, there’s the children factor. He said he didn’t have any, but lo and behold, you’re discovered. Yes, I have concerns that perhaps he did know about you. I don’t know what the truth is. I’m confused, honestly. However, I’m still choosing to stick it out with him and give the benefit of the doubt. So, if you want to continue to judge and criticize me, then realize that I’ve already been lied to many times.”

She stared at me in awe. It was evident that she wasn’t expecting me to say any of those things.

  Chapter 6

  We sat on the veranda together. He sipped on his coffee, and I clutched my bottled water. I wasn’t happy with things. “Alexis, I would’ve bought you a small house, but you wouldn’t allow it.”

  I took a deep breath. “That isn’t it, Ashton. I have no issue whatsoever with you buying your daughter a house. That’s your daughter. You’ve got a lot of time to make up for. Spoil her. Take care of her. Enjoy her.”

  “Then what’s wrong?” he asked me.

  Where did I begin? “So many things just don’t seem right, but then again, when have things ever seemed right between us? Sometimes it seems that things are only right between us when we are between the sheets,” I said. It was a crude remark but the truth.

  “Are you trying to say that things still aren’t healthy between us?” he asked.

  “That’s exactly what I am saying,” I reiterated. So many thoughts and doubts plagued my mind. How come I couldn’t seem to piece it all together? What was wrong?

  “Well, that’s disheartening,” he replied coldly. Normally, he would beg me to make things right with him, but this time, his tone was cold and almost uncaring. It was almost creepy, like something from a scary movie. “I’ve offered Charlotte a job working as an assistant with you. From now on, you two will be partners in the office.”

  My eyes widened. “What?” I almost increased the volume of my voice but managed to keep it under control.

  “You heard me,” he spoke flatly.

  “Okay then. Well, I normally wouldn’t mind such a thing, but she has a problem with me. I haven’t really known how to approach the subject with you. I guess now is the time.”

  “I already know about the tension between the two of you. She told me,” he sounded tired. I was in shock.


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