SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2)

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SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2) Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson


  I grinned at his observation and claimed his lips.

  "Explain later," I vowed against his lips as my hand went for the zipper of his pants. He kissed me back in a desperate hunger, and I closed my eyes, wanting to enjoy this swift but pleasurable moment.

  Ten minutes was all we needed, and boy, I'd do this every morning just to enjoy the ecstatic pleasure Liam delivered.

  "Problem, problem, BIG problem!"

  I was just about to take my blood tablet when Jaiyana waltzed in with her sparkling red heels and her bright red hair up in a stressed-out bun.

  "What?" I asked, and she groaned, headed over to me, and literally dragged me out of my chair. "Jaiyana? Where are we going? Wait."

  "No time to wait! I need you to come and give me a confidence boost to deal with Mr. Silverstein."

  "Mr. Silverstein?" I placed the blood tablet in the pocket of my blazer as we made our way out of the break room towards Liam's office.

  "Yes. Mr. Silver for short. He came here completely unexpectedly, and the twins were having a meeting!" Jaiyana said the second part in a hushed voice.

  "What?! They're both in there?" I hissed.

  "Yes. I think one of them is probably hiding but that's the problem. Brian’s waiting for you two to arrive, so he was probably in Liam's chair when Mr. Silver arrived. Liam can handle Mr. Silver, but there's no way in heavens Brian has the patience for his rude ass," Jaiyana explained, her red eyes practically glowing.

  "Let's walk faster," I encouraged, We practically ran down the remainder of the hall. We were five steps from the door when we heard something break, the muffled sound coming from Liam's office.

  Jaiyana and I looked at each other and groaned. This isn't going to go well.

  "I'll calm the situation. I just need you to be back up," Jaiyana instructed. I nodded, unsure how Mr. Silver was in real life, but I was about to find out as Jaiyana reached out to open the door.

  "Is everything alright, Mr. Smith? Oh. Mr. Silverstein? I didn't see you on the appointment list today." Jaiyana said innocently as we both walked into the room.

  My first instinct was to look at what fell, which I realized was a glass that had held water. My second instinct was to see who was sitting at Liam's desk.

  I lifted my gaze to see meet a pair of hazelnut eyes. One look and I knew right away that it was Brian sitting before us. I scanned the area behind him and noticed the door of the small washroom that Liam had in his office was slightly opened. The light was on, so I assumed Liam was in there. Great.

  I turned my gaze to study Mr. Silverstein. He wore a silver suit which made me want to gag already, the attire not fitted properly for his plump body type. He was short, about 5'3, and his black hair even had silver highlights which again, made me think he was trying way too hard to live up to his surname.

  He turned our way, completely dismissing Jaiyana and stared directly at me. My purple eyes met his black ones that were outlined with...silver. Really? Is this guy all about the silver or what?

  "I shouldn't need to make a damn appointment to see Liam, Jaiyana," Mr. Silver seethed, his voice reminding me of a snake.

  "Well, Mr. Silverstein, he has a meeting schedule and you're delaying the entire list of appointments. It isn't fair to the next person." Jaiyana sniffed and pointed to the glass on the floor. "And it's rather inappropriate to destroy company property."

  I had to bite my lip at the sudden shift of energy in the air; the once comfortable office felt dense and heavy. I hate when vampires do this.

  Not every vampire had extra abilities. Some were born with them while others trained and learned how to harness the ability until it became second nature. Regardless, it was one way for vampires to prove their strength, and many loved to display it to show the difference in levels in conflicting situations like these.

  Jaiyana couldn't handle the power shift, falling to her knees as she gritted her teeth. Brian frowned, but he kept his calm as he sat there appearing unaffected.

  I remained where I stood and saw the hint of surprise on Mr. Silver's face along with the glint of pride in Brian's gold-tinged eyes.

  "Be careful how you talk to me, child. This might be your workplace, but you are NOT my equal," he snarled. He didn't say anything else to me as I locked his gaze with my own, both of us staring at one another for a few long moments before he turned his attention back to Brian.

  "Now, Liam. We will have that meeting two weeks from now. It's non-negotiable. I will not lose millions because you're booked up with useless shifters who are nothing compared to my rank of importance."

  "I'll say this again, Mr. Silverstein. I'm booked. I don't have the time to go to such lengths in changing my entire two-week schedule to accommodate your meeting."

  "Let your damn secretary do it!" he snapped.

  "She's busy and has enough on her plate," Brian argued, continuing his Liam act. Mr. Silverstein seemed as if he were about to explode, his face red like a balloon. He walked up to the desk and slammed his hands on it.

  "Liam Smith. Just because you're the son of our clan leader, doesn't mean you should forget your place. I am ten times more powerful than you, or anyone in this damn building. If I want to crush your world, I can do it with the snap of my fingers!" he declared.

  I knew from the way Brian's eye twitched and the return of the hint of gold that was showing, that he would snap at any second. This is going to get me in trouble. I can feel it.

  I strolled up to and around Liam's desk and stood next to Brian, placing a hand on his shoulder. It seemed to calm him down immediately, but I turned my attention to Mr. Silver who turned his glare to me.

  "I'm sorry Mr. Silverstein, but there's no way I, Mr. Smith's private secretary, can change his entire schedule. We've already had a similar incident, and none of our business partners will be pleased with me calling to once again rearrange meetings that have been scheduled months in advance, for ONE individual. Now, I'm sorry to cut your unexpected meeting short, but Mr. Smith has another appointment he's already late for."

  Mr. Silverstein's eyes went bright red, and his display of energy doubled, making Jaiyana whimper quietly on the floor. Now it was my turn to frown as the vampire side of me was losing its patience.

  I could feel Brian's shoulder tense up, but I squeezed it gently, trying to assure him that I was fine.

  "Do you know who I am you pathetic human?" Mr. Silverstein growled.

  I shrugged. "I'm not human, for your information, and aside from hearing your name a few times when speaking with your secretary, I do not. It's none of my business to know Mr. Smith's client list, but when it comes to his schedule, that's my area of power. I am telling you once more that Mr. Smith's schedule is full and will NOT be changed."

  Mr. Silverstein stepped forward, and I knew this would get bad if Brian rose up from his chair. I took a deep breath and moved to meet his approach, giving me some space from Liam's desk.

  Mr. Silverstein made sure he was right in my personal space, but it didn't scare me thanks to our height difference.

  "Children like you have no respect for our kind who have lived for centuries and know what the taste of power is. Now, why don't you get on your knees and apologize? A simpleton woman who has no rank in this world can't dare defy me!." he hissed.

  I gave him a sweet smile and turned my gaze on Brian. He appeared as if he were about to pop a blood vessel. "Mr. Smith. May I be unprofessional for one minute? You can lecture me later," I said innocently.

  He grimaced, looking unsure of what I was about to do but nodded. "You have my permission." I turned back to Mr. Silverstein who was vibrating with anger.

  "You think you can stand in front of me! I've been alive for centuries! I'm a millionaire with more money than you have ever seen in your entire life, and you dare to stand before me? I bet you're using every bit of resistance to not fall to your knees like your pathetic coworker over there! Now bow down to me you peasan-"

  "Shut the fuck up
," I ordered.

  His body immediately stiffened and shock registered in his red eyes as he tried to speak, but no words came out. I grinned in satisfaction before I walked around him and moved to where Jaiyana was panting.

  Thanks to my order the heavy atmosphere had dispersed, relieving Jaiyana from her once crippled state.

  "Come here, Mr. Silverstein. I think my coworkers needs an apology," I hummed sweetly.

  He did exactly as I asked, moving to stand before Jaiyana and, with his trembling lips, apologized. "I'm sorry, miss."


  "....For...humiliating you in front of your boss and coworkers." He struggled against my hold, but I was stronger.

  I clapped my hands and smiled. "Jaiyana, why don't you escort Mr. Silverstein out, and if he would like a meeting with Mr. Smith, he can email me directly to ensure he has the next available appointment."

  "Y...yes!" Jaiyana stuttered as she rose and stood at the door. She looked completely shocked, but I guess it made sense since I hadn't revealed what I was. Everyone knew I was a shifter, and possibly assumed I was a vampire, but I guess Jaiyana was going to be more surprised as I had a thought in my mind. I'm so getting lectured for this, but maybe I'll get hot sex later. Hmmm. Here it goes.

  Mr. Silverstein was practically fuming with rage, and it only excited me more as I took a step forward but switched gears and cut off the flow of my succubus power.

  "You fucking bit-" Mr. Silverstein began but was interrupted by the immense wave of energy that silenced him as the room felt like gravity had increased. Jaiyana was on the ground in seconds and even Brian let out a groan, as his hand gripped the desk.

  Mr. Silverstein appeared like he was in pain as he tried to fight what I wanted him to do, but I knew he wouldn't win and he slowly fell to his knees.

  I graced him with a pleased grin and leaned down so our eyes were locked- his surprised red eyes with my bright red ones.

  "I'll say this, little boy,” I sneered. “You may have years under your pathetic belt, but I have enough power to overthrow you in seconds. Just because an individual doesn't like to associate herself with the vampire community, doesn't mean she has no knowledge of how humiliating it is to fall to your knees because of someone younger and more powerful than you. Now, you will walk out of this place and not make a fuss, or I'll make sure I humiliate you in front of all the staff in this building. The whole vampire community will know how pathetic you really are," I snarled, my voice so cold it actually gave me shivers.

  I returned to Brian's side and pulled my energy back. "You can leave now, Mr. Silverstein. Thank you so much for being such a cooperative client. I'll check my schedule later today and ensure you're booked at the next available time slot," my sweet voice informed.

  "Actually, Mr. Smith. Why don't you go with Jaiyana and Mr. Silverstein? Your other guest could be wandering the building, and it would be nice to meet him face to face and apologize for our tardiness," I suggested.

  "Great idea. Thank you," Brian said with a proud smile, adorning his calm act once again. He rose from his chair, and I noticed Jaiyana rise up on wobbly feet.

  I knew he wanted to say my name, but I felt he held off for the sake of not revealing my identity in front of Mr. Silverstein. Safe move on Brian's part and mine as well.

  When Mr. Silverstein turned around, I gave Jaiyana a sympathetic look and mouthed "sorry." She didn't deserve to experience my little rebellious act, but it had to be done. Vampires were stubborn, and if you didn't put them in their place, they would ensure they humiliated you again.

  "The three of them moved out of the office, and I followed to see them off. Jaiyana was ahead and Brian ensured he walked a little behind Mr. Silverstein. The old vampire didn't hesitate to glance over his shoulder to glare at me. Why do I feel like I started something? Oh well, he deserved it.

  I made my way back into the office and closed the door, clicking the lock in place. I figured Brian would do his role in calming Jaiyana down and making sure she didn't pass out from all of that up and down power struggle.

  "You can come out now, Liam," I announced.

  He exited the washroom and moved towards his desk. Meeting him halfway, I gave him a sheepish smile.

  "Before you get upset with me, which you're allowed to be after I kind of snapped at one of your business clients who earned it, you have another meeting in thirty minutes to prepare for, iand I need to make photocopies for the guests."

  He blinked a few times, his red eyes still present and his face guarded. "Do you know you could have gotten hurt?"

  I shrugged. "I'm aware of my capabilities, Liam. He would have submitted to me before he could do any harm. You can't hurt a succubus vampire hybrid unless you use some dirty, underhanded tactic, and even if they did, I'd make sure they faced death before I gave up," I grumbled.

  Liam didn't say anything. He just stared at me as if he were grasping for words. "Sia. That man is dangerous. He has connections to a lot of people, and he hates me. Or should I say, my family."

  "Your point? Because a man has power, he can walk all over people and get his way? Your schedule took me five days to secure, and literally had to humble myself as other secretaries insult me before I get what I want.”

  There's no way I'm going to cater to the whims of someone who has no respect for another who's far higher in rank in the business world. Just because he's an old, dusty, vampire who thinks he's the best of the best? No." I huffed and crossed my arms. "Liam, you don't take bullshit like that. Actually, I should be scolding Brian!"

  I turned around to chase down Brian to give him a talk, but Liam stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. He pulled me into a back hug and groaned.

  "How the hell are you so feisty when it comes shifter politics?"

  "Maybe because I've never been a part of them, so they don’t apply to me? Mr. Silver Shit looked pretty nice on his knees. He doesn't know who he's messing with," I grumbled, wishing I could go humiliate him anyway.

  Liam's arms wrapped tightly around me, comforting me as I inhaled his expensive cologne. I relaxed in his embrace.

  "I'll agree with you there, and I know Brian's so going to use that as blackmail," Liam admitted.

  "He has proof."

  "He had his phone recording. It's resting against the vase."

  "Hmmm. Good," I purred, and Liam sighed.

  "I don't even know what to say anymore."

  "You can just reward me with sex on the desk?" I suggested happily, lifting my head to look at him.

  He looked down at me and shook his head. "We just had sex in the car."

  "Your point?"

  "That means we have another 10 minutes to have sex and be ready for our meeting?"

  "Pretty much."

  "You're a bad influence.

  "So are you, when you want to be," I teased.

  He gave me a relieved smile and lowered his lips to mine. "I won't ask you how you’re that powerful, and Brian's going to hate me for doing this, but I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself and this company. I seriously appreciate it, Anastasia."

  I turned in his embrace to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck to stare into his eyes.

  "You're truly not mad?"


  "You're...not afraid of me?"

  "Why would I be?" he whispered, giving me a sad look.


  Mother always said no one would want to be near someone who was powerful like me. That's why I subconsciously hid it because I knew I'd make more enemies than acquaintances and friends.

  Liam pulled me in and pressed me against his body as he stared directly into my eyes. "You aren't scary, Sia. In fact, that was a really big turn on."

  I swallowed over the lump in my throat and gave him a small smile. He returned my smile and pressed his forehead against mine.

  "You are a work of art, Sia. I love everything about you, even the powerful side that you just displayed for the sake of protecting my cowor
kers, brother, and company reputation. It's nice when someone stands up against a bully, and that is just another reason why I love you."

  "I love you too...especially because you can accept me," I whispered. We smiled at each other, and I leaned up to kiss him one more time.

  "I definitely want office sex, but maybe a rain check?" I suggested.

  "Agreed," he replied but didn't let go until he gave me a bonus kiss.

  "You get a few days off thanks to the cancellation in San Diego, and I already informed everyone in the building you will be out. No phone calls, no emails, nothing," I confirmed, walking over in my black heels to give Brian the final number of our recent sales launch across Canada.

  "And you made sure to let them know you are also not to be contacted," he stressed.

  I gave him a shy smile, placing the reports in his extended hand. "If I take a break, we'll be stuck for a full day trying to catch up."


  "I'll be working from Liam's pool. Or your pool? Whoever I'm chilling with next week," I suggested.

  "We'll stay at our other house. It's a bit big, so Liam and I share it."

  I strolled over to the large windows to enjoy the rays of sunshine. We'd been cooped up all day in meetings since the crack of dawn, just so we could enjoy a few days off.

  My two weeks were almost up on my old contract, and I'd finally gotten used to juggling the twin’s schedules.

  I was beginning to really enjoy my time with the twins. To be honest, I was starting to be attracted to Brian as well. He was still a jackass when it came to work life, but he'd begun to loosen up just slightly, especially once he realized I wouldn't run his company into the ground.

  It seemed that all he needed was to see me work for a longer period of time to ensure I wasn't just acting like I knew what I was doing, and it was a rewarding feeling to prove to him that I was the real deal.

  For my actual business, I stated I would be taking some time off and opening my services back up in a few weeks. Liam and Brian were both paying me top dollar, and I had more than enough savings to last me for many years before even needing my investments. Money wouldn't be an issue.


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