SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2)

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SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2) Page 10

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Good, Sia. Yes. I'm Pix."

  "Hurt...drug. Fight. Must fight," Sia announced, lifting her gaze to meet Pixel's eyes. He nodded slowly.

  "Yes. Your body is fighting it. Like it always has, but you need help. I'm here to help. Will you allow me to help you?" Pixel soothed.

  Sia stared into his eyes before she nodded once, still in a dazed state. Pixel nodded and placed his hands on her cheeks. Her body seemed to relax as the wind picked up around the room, a cool breeze gathering around them.

  "Calm, thy child of creation and harmony. Revoke the essence that brings you turmoil, and allow restoration to follow through as your body returns to a balanced internal peace."

  My eyes widened at the large amount of magic that leaked off Pixel's body and moved to surround Sia's. Her eyes came to a close as her body was outlined with a soft glowing light. When it dimmed, Sia looked much better; her skin that was once pale returned to its normal lightly tanned complexion.

  She opened her eyes that were back to their purple appearance, but they closed again as she leaned forward into Pixel's arms. Brian and I were up and by Sia's side in seconds while Nick and Jaiyana moved back to the door to grab the bags of ice.

  "Is she okay?" we asked together. Pixel blinked for a moment, most likely thrown off by our dual response.

  "She'll be fine. Still should give her a cool bath. Her body is going to work on healing that wound." Pixel looked at her right arm. Brian gently moved up the sleeve of her dress to see the slash wound that still oozed out some weird liquid that was purple and green.

  "What was that stuff?!" Jaiyana, who moved to stand behind Brian, asked as she leaned in to get a better look.

  "Don't know. Some type of enhanced chemical drug? Whatever it is could kill any of you guys in seconds. Most likely the goal was to use it on Evil Liam."

  "Brian," Brian corrected, but his worried golden eyes still lingered on Sia. Who the fuck would send assassins during work hours to try and kill Brian?

  "Alexander?! Can you go start a bath?" Jaiyana huffed.

  "Why are you upset with me?" Alexander asked.

  "Cause you're just standing there like a deer in headlights! Do something productive!" she snapped. She turned her attention to Nick.

  "Nick, go back to the office and let the police know what happened. If they need info from Brian, just say he's at the hospital with his secretary. I'll write a report later. Let all business partners know and cancel any meetings scheduled," Jaiyana ordered.

  "On it. I'll come back later," Nick assured us and was out the door in seconds.

  Alexander bit his lip and stared at Sia for ten seconds before he went to draw a bath, leaving us four alone.

  "You did that on purpose," Pixel said calmly.

  "Yes, because he isn't going to be helpful anyway," Jaiyana grumbled. "Lay Sia down again. I'm going to try and gather a sample of that liquid. Brian. Can you ask Alexander for an alcohol wipe, Q-tip, and some type of container?"

  "Sure," Brian replied and stood. Pixel laid Sia back down, and I repositioned the pillow under her head. She looked peaceful as she slept, and her breathing wasn't rapid like before. Brian walked down the hall, and I glanced back at Jaiyana who looked troubled.

  "What's wrong Jaiyana?"

  "Whatever I say right now is confidential. You can give Brian the 411 in your mind," she declared and stared at Pixel. "And you can't tell anyone."

  "I'm a cat. Who am I going to tell?" Pixel shrugged.

  "You better explain this later," I warned. "And tell Sia too."

  "She won't remember when she wakes up," Pixel revealed.

  "Why not?" Jaiyana and I asked in unison.

  "The drug triggered a shocked response to her body which puts a lot of stress on the shifter brain. It's our body’s response to rid it of any memory that causes extreme distress. We're not like humans who have to deal with PTSD. She won't remember. I'll reveal who I am when I feel like it," Pixel explained and turned to Jaiyana. "Now what were you going to say?"

  "There’s a drug going around in Singapore right now. You know? Where all the rich shifters live and party it up. Well, shifters are dying. Strong ones you wouldn't be able to lay a finger on in combat. It hasn't been brought out to the shifter public yet, because they can't determine what drug it is, but they know whoever is spreading it has some major issues with werewolves."

  "So, he's a werewolf hater?" I confirmed.

  "Seeing as everyone who has died is a higher up alpha pack leader. Whoever just planned that attack wanted to finish Brian off."

  "But he's an alpha of a small pack. They wouldn't hurt anyone," I pointed out.

  "What would be the best way to piss your parents, off?" Jaiyana asked. I frowned, already knowing the answer.

  "Killing one of us."

  "Exactly," Jaiyana replied.

  "Sia's not involved in this," I countered.

  "No, but she was with Brian when everything happened. That's why all of you are on lockdown till we figure this out," Jaiyana stressed before she looked at Sia.

  "Pixel. How do you know about experimentals?" Jaiyana questioned. "You're a cat."

  Pixel shrugged. "I'm hungry. Make sure Sia eats when she wakes up."

  "Hey? You didn't answe-" Jaiyana began, but Pixel's body was immersed in gold light and emerged as the blue-eyed little cat.

  "Meow," he replied and walked over to snuggle next to Sia's head.

  "Well...this was an exhausting day." I sighed, reaching out to move a strand of Sia's black locks from her face.

  "Let's get her cleaned up, and when she wakes up, make sure she at least eats. She takes her blood tablets, right?"

  "I don't know. She had a bad habit of not taking them, but I told her to take it two weeks ago. She doesn't need to take it daily or weekly," I explained.

  "Monthly? I guess it makes sense because she's a hybrid, but once she's more orientated, get her take one. I don't want to give her blood when I have no idea about her past. Experimental bodies are different."

  "What's this whole experimental thing?" I questioned.

  Jaiyana glanced around and sighed. "It's a technique where you undergo risky experiments to make you immune to things. For example, some shifters can't stand silver. They'll purposely cut themselves with silver and endure the effects, so it does less and less damage over time."

  "Until it has no effect on them anymore?" I asked. "How about if they die?"

  "If they die, tough luck. The purpose is to make you strong enough that nothing can kill you. It's almost like creating immunity with the shifter's own immune system."

  "So you’re saying Sia went through something like that?" I inquired.

  "Her healing speed is fast, Liam. Not all vampires can heal, and by the time I pulled the bullet out, the wounded area was already patching up. Look at it now," Jaiyana suggested.

  I reached out and looked at Sia's wound, realizing that the skin was already healed. She shouldn't be able to heal that fast...

  "Who? Sia?"

  Ya. I'll explain to you when you get back. What's taking you so long?

  "Alexander's crying."


  "He's just worried about Sia and pissed he didn't reach out sooner. The whole regret phase. I'm coming."


  I looked back at Jaiyana who was staring at me. "Explaining to younger bro?"

  "Yup. He's coming," I assured her. Brian walked back in on cue, holding what Jaiyana needed.

  "What do we do then? I don't think Sia's ready to tell us her past. We don't need to know about it now that she’s okay," I admitted.

  "If what Pix said is true, then don't bring it up. From what Alexander said about her being an Experimental till eighteen, I have a hunch that means she was forced into it. Don't know her backstory, and don't need it to treat her, but that shit does some major psychological stuff to the individual. I'm impressed Sia can function normally with people." Jaiyana reached out for the materials Brian was offering her.

>   Brian looked confused, but I wasn't worried since I'd explain it to him once Sia was washed and in her warm bed.

  "What's the plan then?" Brian asked.

  "Aside from you all being on lock down? Let Sia rest. I'll look into this. Deal with the aftermath of what happened at Smith Exchange and take some downtime. When Sia wakes up, she'll be really tired, but I doubt she'll want to sit around. She's a busybody, so maybe just take her out to loosen up. It will help with her anxiety if she experiences any," Jaiyana encouraged.

  Brian and I nodded and watched as Jaiyana began the process of retrieving as much of the liquid as she could into the tiny empty lip balm container.

  "Sia won't be cooperative with staying home," Brian pointed out through thought.

  I know. Can you take her out? Maybe to the bar or something. Just distract her.

  "What are you planning?"

  I'm going to talk to Dad. We can tell Mom after.

  "Dad's going to want to meet her."

  True, but we can deal with that later. At least we can figure out who's trying to take you out of the competition, and I'm going to have Nick start watching Sia.

  "She'll hate it."

  True, but I won't take any excuses. I know she has one business trip she needs to attend that she agreed to months ago, but I'll try to convince her not to go.

  "Good luck. You know that isn't going to work."

  I wish you had more faith in me.

  "You've dated her longer. I was rudely interrupted by gunshots when I tried to ask her out."

  Aww, my baby brother finally bold enough to say his feelings and life interrupted. Can you please stop making enemies?

  "My existence apparently makes enemies. Yet, you’re scott-free. So stupid."

  Just admit you're jealous.

  "I'm jealous. Now I'm going to check on Alexander. Maybe the bath is ready by now. Whatever happens, we have to keep Sia safe. I feel she's going to be a target now."

  I feel it too, and I don't like it. Let me talk with Dad.

  "And Mom?"

  Ya...and Mom. Let's hope we don't need to involve her.

  "You just want to start a war."

  Mom is like you. Dad is like me. She finds out my mate and your almost girlfriend is being targeted by some crazy werewolf hater, she's going to make sure she scours through every rock to find who these people are and fuck shit up.

  "True. Don't blame her."

  And they say the quiet ones are evil.

  "You are. Jaiyana is done by the way."

  Jaiyana was standing up and analyzing the sample before she put the lid on it, sealing it closed. Brian had already gone back to the washroom and Pix was fast asleep next to Sia.

  "She's all yours. I'll keep you posted after I check in with Nick about Smith Exchange. Take care of Sia, and if anything goes crazy, call me. Pixel can help too. but it depends on how he feels."

  "How do you know Pixel?"

  "He's one of the strongest mages in NYC, and he’s a billionaire like you. You guys didn't know who he was? It was so obvious," Jaiyana pointed out.

  "He's a cat."

  "He used to be a familiar cat until his previous master two decades ago. She used the remainder of her magic to give him immortality and to become a cat shifter, or that's what the rumors say. He disappeared for a long time and showed up a few years ago. He roams around NYC in his cat form and only helps shifters when he feels like it. I knew who he was, but I thought you all knew that."

  "Nope. not at all," I commented.

  "You guys need to do more research on the shifter world. Even Alexander knew Pixel."

  "They're friends."

  "Kinda. Pixel is a mystery, but Sia's in good hands health wise with Pixel nearby. He's been able to revive shifters before."

  "Wow..." I replied, looking at Pix. "Still a cat..." I mumbled.

  "Be glad he's asleep. Make sure you give him extra bacon for helping out. I'm out," Jaiyana announced.


  She stopped midway to look at me. I gave her an appreciative smile. "Thanks for your help."

  "I told you I got your back, Liam. That includes those who are dear to you. I can see you love her and trust me, Sia really loves you. For someone with a past like hers, it proves just how much she trusts you. I guess you two are mates." She winked at the last sentence and I gave her a pout.

  "I swear I didn't tell you."

  "Don't need to. I see it."


  "I'll call you with updates." She was out the door before I could respond. I sighed and looked back at Sia's sleeping figure.

  I can't let them hurt you.

  "Brian, I don't want to go," I whispered, staring at the door of Alexander's bar from where we stood across the street.

  "Sia, you said it was either drinking or dancing, and you went with drinking because you're not fully recovered."

  "Yes, but can't we go to another bar?"

  "That's not overly packed and make you claustrophobic?" Brian quirked his lips up in amusement.

  "I'm not claustrophobic!" I huffed.

  "You were in the full elevator and almost passed out yesterday."

  "That...was a misjudgment. The smell was horrendous."

  "Uh huh."

  I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to get out of this one when arguing with Brian. We were officially on break while the police investigated the shooting incident that occurred two days ago.

  I'd woken up with a massive headache and ended up vomiting my lunch shortly after I ate it. Liam and Brian had alternated taking care of me and only explained what happened after I'd been cleared by some shifter doctor who came by.

  The last thing I'd recalled was being shot at and fighting off the last intruder before Brian had thrown him off the roof. I did remember Liam and Jaiyana arriving on the scene, but everything else was fuzzy, and I wasn't expecting to get it back.

  I knew how shifters’ bodies reacted to immense stress after ambushes or those who returned from military duty in other countries and endured some intense situations. The brain would wipe out the memory that contributed the most stress, which was a shifter body’s way of preventing what humans called PTSD.

  It was rather smart of our bodies to be capable of doing such things, but it was a little pain in the ass when I did want to remember. Either way, I'd been recovering and thankfully hadn’t experience any nightmares.

  The guys didn't know about my past, but I'd dealt with some intense shit that was far worse than a few gunshots. Been there, done that.

  Brian suggested we go on a date to clear my mind, especially since Liam, Jaiyana, and Nick were at Brian's workplace helping plan the repairs and giving a more detailed report to the authorities who knew this attack was intentional.

  Pix had been with me the entire time and only slept when I was asleep. He was so protective which was super cute, and though he wanted to tag along by sneaking into my side purse, he fell asleep when I was getting ready.

  Alexander was doing his best to be involved, and though we hadn't gotten alone time for us to talk, he at least watched me when I slept and had given me a warm hug when I woke up the first time.

  The incident must have scared him a bit, but I figured he knew I would have survived it regardless. Seeing as he was the only one who knew about my past.

  Now we were in front of his bar, and I was being a wuss. I did want to work things out with him, but I wasn’t mentally ready for rejection if he did decide to call our friendship off.

  "I'm scared to confront him," I whispered.

  Brian's hand slid into mine and he squeezed it gently. "I know."

  My eyes trailed his simple attire: black dress pants and a white dress shirt. It matched the black dress that hugged my every curve, and the white heels and little purse that hung at my side. The benefit of the night was my powers were under control, and I wasn't attracting every man thanks to my sexy succubus allure.

  I turned my head to my right to gaze into his hazelnut eyes.
"I know you're afraid of confronting him because you don't know what to expect. You're not here to confront him. You're here to have a relaxing night off. Or you can just say we're on a date," he suggested with a boyish grin.

  "We never did finish that," I pointed out.

  "Do you remember what I said?" he countered.

  "The comment about wanting to ask me out, or the whole Liam used his pillow to practice how to kiss?" I asked with a grin.

  He looked pleased that I remembered. "The first one, but I'm glad you remember the pillow practice too."

  I giggled quietly and gave him a small smile. "You want to date me? Aren't you supposed to have a mate?"

  "Haven't found mine yet. Apparently should have when I was twenty-one, but that never happened. Maybe she's nonexistent."

  "I doubt it. Can't a mate be anywhere around the world?" I asked. Brian shook his head before he checked to make sure no cars were coming and tugged me to cross the street with him.

  "Yes, but at a certain age you're supposed to essentially gravitate to your mate. It's like how you and Liam met and kind of connected. My time off was random and thankfully he was able to cover for me. Don't think he imagined his mate would waltz in as his temporary private secretary. Well, my temporary one."

  "Now you guys share." I hummed.

  "Indeed, we do. Glad my brother took the sharing gene," Brian acknowledged.

  "If you had met me and we were actually mates, like...if I were a werewolf obviously. Would you be as easy going as Liam?" I asked.

  "No. I'd want you for myself. I think I'm only fine with it because he's my brother."

  "How about if Alexander were included?" I whispered.

  "Guess he could." Brian shrugged.

  "How about that security guard over there?" I gestured toward the bulky guy standing at the restaurant next door.


  "How about that guy?" I pointed to another stranger.

  "Still no."

  "How about-"

  "No one else gets to have you," he mumbled, and I laughed at his sour expression.

  "I'm fine with that," I admitted. We reached the bar door, and Brian allowed me to pause and take a calming breath.

  "You'll be fine. We're on a date, remember?" Brian reassured me.


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