SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2)

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SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2) Page 12

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "I love you t-"

  Suddenly, my life flashed before my eyes as something crashed directly into the left side of my car. Slowly my car spun high above the ground; glass shards of all sizes drifted through the vehicle. My ears picked up on a scream, which I then realized came from me.

  Flip, flip, flip, flip. CRASH!

  The car skidded on its roof and the pain that shot through me was indescribable. It felt like the air was forced out of me and for a time I blacked out.

  It felt like a second, maybe two, or possibly as much as sixty. I couldn't think straight as the pain continued to vibrate through my body, making it hard to even breathe.

  "Anastasia!! SIA!"

  I could hear Liam's distress through the phone that miraculously was next to me on the floor. Well, the ceiling. The smell of leaking gas hit my nose and I began to panic, realizing I had to get out in case the car decided to blow up, taking me with it. I needed to escape quickly.

  Moving after a car accident was a bitch, but the adrenaline that suddenly spiked through me demanded I escape this ticking time bomb. I unbuckled my seatbelt which caused me to fall onto the broken glass covering the ceiling.

  I let out a whimper from the pain in my hands and legs, but I continued my attempt to escape, deciding my body could probably fit through the passenger window. I grabbed the phone, realizing Liam was still on the line. I couldn’t even form words, my quiet whimpers as tears rolled down my cheeks the only way to tell him I'd managed to survive.

  "Babe, Brian's coming. He'll be there in a few minutes. Just hang on,” he soothed.

  I replied with another sob before I slowly made my way out of the car. When I reached the surface, I began to drag my body across the sandy ground, pausing to hold back the scream of agony that wanted so desperately to be set free. The pain was getting unbearable, and I didn't know how long it would be before I fainted.

  Safety. I just need to get far enough to be safe from the explosion. Yes.

  I searched my surroundings and noticed the cactus not too far ahead. Speak of the devil. Damn cactus, you didn't do your job.

  I dragged myself at a slow pace towards the large green prickly cactus. The closer I got, the more energy I found to push forward. I finally reached it and cried in relief, forcing myself to remain as still as possible. I could feel the blood leave my body with each drag across the earth, and my vampire instincts were already making this experience harder as my thirst grew with each second, my desire to drink that lovely thick liquid becoming stronger and stronger.

  I heard footsteps approach, but instead of feeling relieved that Brian had arrived, a sense of dread ran through me. It was as if my body knew my doom was imminent.

  "Sia? Sia!" Liam continued to call out over the line, and I gripped the phone in my right hand, pulling it close to my lips. ""

  I couldn't manage to say anything else before a pair of black shoes appeared before me. I fought to lift my head, wanting to see the person who would kill me. I don't know about other people, but this NYC girl believed in ghosts and boy, if I died today, I would make sure my ass haunted this piece of shit until he turned himself in so Liam and Brian could fuck him up. Also couldn’t forget Alexander who would bitch slap the living soul out of him. Please, Pix would finish the duty easily by scratching his damn face off.

  I finally lifted my head, having to squint through my blurry vision. A smug rested on the face of the purple-eyed stranger. I knew from one look he wasn't a vampire, but then the dots connected, and I knew without a doubt exactly what he was.

  He knelt down so I could get a better look at him. He chuckled quietly. "A succubus-vampire. You, my dear, are a rarity. No wonder that brat has taken a liking to you. Too bad he won't make it here in time to watch me kill you."

  I gritted my teeth, growling as my eyes locked onto the pulse beating rapidly in his neck. I might have been injured, but once a vampire’s instincts took control, even the weakest could be a real threat.

  He pulled something out of his pocket, but I was faster, gripping the phone in my hand as I launched myself at him, wanting to do some damage to this person who thought he could mess with me.

  He crashed right into the cactus and cried out in pain as the sharp thorns stuck into him. Sadly, I wasn't quick enough to fight off his kick which sent me flying onto my back, breaking something. At this point that did nothing to me because I was already in so much pain, I felt more numb than anything. I rolled onto my stomach and snarled a spell I'd learned from Alexander's silly "Witch Magic for Beginners” guide.


  Fire shot out of the ground, and he screamed as he took a direct hit. His body began to burn wildly, and he dropped to the ground, rolling to try and put it out. I attempted to move but was unable to muster the energy. Liam's screams through the speaker made my heart hurt. I could hear his frustration and pain, as well as his tears. I hadn’t predicted our relationship would lead to love, and now as I watched the burning man slowly rise up, I somehow knew I wouldn't get to see Liam again.

  I wouldn't get to enjoy my morning shifts bringing him coffee and giving him those passionate kisses at his desk or enjoy our lunch breaks as we planned for the next set of events in the afternoon. We wouldn't share those quiet rides home in rush hour traffic or the extravagant dinners we'd take turns treating each other to.

  I wouldn't get to look into his hazelnut eyes, which would flicker to red before he'd take a taste of my blood, sending us both into an euphoric state. He'd put all the blame on Brian and that would be the deal breaker, turning this into a war.

  Which was exactly what this man wanted, fighting the flames burning his flesh in order to stumble over to my side. I gritted my teeth as his burnt hand gripped my hair, tugging me up. His eyes stared into mine as they slowly began to dull. I knew neither of us would survive, but how would he kill me?

  Something poked into my neck, making me scream, then a cool liquid slowly entered my veins. My eyes dilated, and I began to choke, my body failing to take in any more air. It felt like my insides were freezing.

  "Bye-bye, Miss Secretary. You'll never live long enough to be the queen of anything," the man struggled to announce loudly, before blood poured out of his mouth. He let go of my hair, and I dropped to my knees. He took a few steps away and fell to the ground. He twitched a few times before freezing in place, taking his last breath.

  I tried to take the needle out, but I couldn't move, my head laying on top of my right hand which held my phone.

  "Sia, baby, hold on. Brian's thirty seconds away. Please baby. Don't…"

  I opened my mouth to reply, to say one last goodbye. I couldn't tell him how much change he'd brought into my life, but a final goodbye would be enough. But then I realized it was too late. I took my final breath as my eyes dulled; my once bright world went black.

  "Meow! Meow! Meoooww!"

  My body felt like it was on fire, and with each breath I took, it was like my lungs were collapsing, the pain almost enough to send me back into unconsciousness. It hurts so much.

  "Sia! Hold on, baby." I heard Brian beg.

  "Meow," Pix added.

  Brian? Pix? No, what happened? Wait, I died? I did die...right? It's so hard to breathe. Am I going to die again? I don't want to die. I can't die.

  "Pix, you have to do something," Brian ordered.

  There was a long silence before an unfamiliar voice answered. "I can't do anything else. I drained enough energy to revive her. The drug is too strong and spreading fast. Faster than the last time."

  Huh? Who's that? Drug...what drug? No, wait! The thing that guy injected me with. Is that a drug? Am I going to die? I can't die...I'm not supposed to be able to die. I didn't say bye to anyone. Can't I at least say bye?

  "Pixel. Nothing? If she dies again..." Brian trailed off.

  "I can't get the drug out, Brian. It's already spread throughout her blood system. Sia'
ying to fight it. Her body is trying, Brian...but..." The person named Pixel trailed off as he choked on tears.

  I could feel his pain even without an image of him, and I wondered if this gentleman was named after Pix? That wouldn't make any sense though. Pix...Pixel? Why is he crying though? He doesn't know me.


  My ears picked up the voice that sounded far away, and I realized after a moment it was Alexander's. I tried to move, or do something to tell them I could hear, that I was still fighting or at least trying to stay alive, but everything felt numb.

  Even the pain in my lungs had turned into a numb struggle, and I was realizing rather quickly that I was running out of time.

  I could tell something was against my cheeks, but I couldn't feel the temperature or texture of it. It was as if I was leaving my body, except I still had my hearing to listen to what was going on around me.

  "Jaiyana's coming. She'll be here in two minutes," Alexander announced.

  "Sia, can you hear me?" Liam's soft voice tore at me, but I couldn't even feel my heart beating against my chest.

  "We don't have two minutes," Pixel stressed.


  "She's...fading guys. We don't have any more time. We need to think of something, now!" Pixel urged. They were quiet, and I could hear someone's soft sobs, but I couldn't pinpoint who it was.

  "What if I change her?"

  "WHAT?!" Pixel and Alexander snapped at Brian.

  "Oh no you won't!" Alexander exclaimed.

  "Alexander, this isn't the time. She's going to DIE!"

  "She'll die from the fucking change! You can't change a hybrid. It's in every fucking textbook regarding shifters. Her body won't accept her wolf!" Alexander snarled.

  "You don't know that!" Brian growled.

  "She's a succubus vampire! What makes you think the three types of blood could even mesh with one another?" Alexander argued.

  "It's better than letting her die!" Brian countered.


  "You're just scared she'll become like US!" Brian countered.

  Wait, what?! Us? What does he mean us? What IS he referring to?

  "WE DON'T HAVE FUCKING TIME! Make the decision now!" Pixel roared, silencing both of them.

  "Do it," Liam whispered.

  "What?!" Alexander exclaimed.

  "I said, do it," he repeated louder with affirmation.

  "You're fucking crazy. She'll die!" Alexander stressed.

  "EITHER WAY, she'll die. That's what everyone trying to say, but maybe there's a small chance that Brian's right and she'll survive! That's better than giving up on her! Sia's survived so much shit in her past, that we don't even know about! Why not give her a fucking chance to fight to live rather than just digging her damn grave by ignoring the small chance of hope?" Brian roared.

  My hearing was beginning to go out and with each second, it was getting harder for me to stay awake. No....I'm slipping. I have to stay awake. There are too many questions. Who's Pixel? What did Brian mean by becoming like them? Alexander's a human who can use magic at times? What's going to happen? I'm dying! I'm going to die. Help!

  My mind was in a frenzy of fear as the feeling of impending doom grew stronger and stronger. I tried so desperately to speak. Just to say a word. One word. I fought hard, gathering as much energy as I could just to say the three words I wanted to.

  "" I struggled with the words felt impossible to say. Just one more. "You."

  That was all I could say, hoping that no matter what happened now, the guys knew I loved them. I felt like I'd missed out on so much. I barely got to have real time with any of them, and now with this Pixel in the picture who sounded so heartbroken, I was coming to realize I was missing something which I'd never find out about.

  I had so many regrets, and as my conscious began to be tugged away by darkness, I realized how sad my life seemed to be as it began to flash before my eyes.

  I was born into this world by accident, yet I had sympathy thanks to my mom. I lived to only become a stronger weapon, one that my mother wouldn't dare let my father get his hands on but used the excuse that she was making me stronger from what she had done.

  All the pain I went through, from the physical, emotional, and mental aspects. I grew up yearning for a free life where I'd become independent and successful, with my own two hands and not depend on a mother who thought she was doing me a favor. After all that struggle, after finally living a life that I made by myself, I met Alexander and began to see the happier things in life. Pix soon came into the picture, making me yearn to have a cute pet of my own.As my business began to rise, I enjoyed the luxury of affording items I wanted and was given opportunities to help people who desperately needed it.

  All of this led to me opening that email and being introduced to Liam Smith. Whatever plans the universe had, I'd finally met my mate, but that also brought me to his twin brother, Brian Smith.

  I didn't expect to have two boyfriends, vowing to not have more than one lover due to my succubus ways and a reminder of my mother's inability to drop her habit of hoping between men. Soon after I added Alexander, finally hearing the words I so desperately wanted to hear, and now here I was, on the verge of death and I couldn't stop it.

  "BRIAN! Change her now!" Liam snapped.

  I tried to linger just a bit more, but I had no more strength in me. In fact, I couldn't feel anything anymore, and as my life flashed back at me, it went from these last moments to the beginning when I was born.

  The last image before I fell unconscious was seeing a tall man. He had long black hair that was tied with a purple ribbon, and he wore a long cloak-like jacket. It was as if he stared through the crack of a hospital door as the cries of a baby rang through the air.

  Even though I wasn't supposed to see his whole body through the small gap in the door, I could, like the walls were suddenly clear and revealed the man who hid himself from the woman holding the baby in her arms.

  Red eyes that were outlined in silver were filled with sadness and a hint of anger as a tear rolled down his cheek.

  "My only child...and she didn't tell me?"

  I took in as much as his image as I could, but I knew it would all be in vain as the once bright, white hospital room faded into the darkness and the last grip of reality I had was gone.

  My mother always said that she'd make me invincible. I'd never die because nothing would be able to kill me.

  I guess she was wrong.

  "She's going to wake soon."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yup. However, all four of you don't go throwing twenty questions at her, or I'll kick all of you out."


  "Oh don't Jaiyana me, Alexander. You should know how it feels when you wake up from the change. Stop being whiny. This isn't a walk in the park for everyone, and for a triple hybrid, this is going to be hard for her."

  "Mom, Dad. Can you guys leave?"

  "Ya, we don't want to freak her out."

  "Alright. Call us if you need anything."

  "Make sure she takes her pills as well or drinks blood."


  "Sia? Can you hear me?"

  I slowly opened my eyes and had to squeeze them shut at the extremely bright light.

  "Shit! Someone dim the lights! We don't know how heightened all her senses have become."

  My mind was playing catch up as I attempted to match the voice with the image of the person who was speaking, but it was a slow process which could have been dealt with if I opened my eyes.

  "Sia, baby. Try again?" I knew the husky voice to be Liam's, the image of his red eyes and jet-black hair coming to my mind. I did as he asked, opening my eyes again and was relieved to not be flashed back with the painful rays of light.

  Liam's image was super blurry at first as my eyes tried to adjust, but I knew it was him, thanks to those bright red eyes that looked like they were glowing, or it
could have been my eyes adjusting. His usual clean-shaven face had a small beard, making me wonder if shifters could grow facial hair that fast. Maybe he shaves every day and I never noticed?

  His image finally cleared, just as a teardrop left his eye to fall onto my cheek. "Hey, baby." He choked, and his sad face made a frown.

  "Liam?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. He smiled and nodded, lowering his forehead to press against mine.

  "Welcome back, Sia baby. I missed you," he whispered, more tears rolling down his cheeks.

  "Missed me? Where did I go? Why do you have a beard? You smell like cookies. I want some cookies I think? I'm hungry," I replied with a ramble of thoughts, unsure how to categorize them in the proper order of importance.

  "It's okay, we'll explain once you eat or drink something at least," Liam suggested. "Let's try to sit you up first."

  That task didn't sound too hard, and with Liam's help I was sitting up in a mechanical bed, one that reminded me of those ones in hospitals. I glanced around the plain room, my eyes not even focusing on the others who stood quietly to the side.

  The colors are so bright. Wow, did I get a vision upgrade? Where did I go again? Did I go somewhere? Liam didn't tell me about his beard. Actually, that isn't important yet. Maybe...I'm still hungry. Oh, wait. Didn't I have a meeting? I must have had a meeting. Oh shit, I missed the fucking meeting.

  I returned my attention back to Liam who was watching me carefully. "Liam, I missed the meeting. I was going to a meeting...I missed it," I pointed out.

  He gave me a sad expression. "I know baby. We worked it out."

  "But did you reschedule it?"

  "No, Sia."

  "Why? It was important. How about if the client's upset that I let them down?" I argued as my shoulders sunk in disappointment.

  "Anastasia, you don't remember what happened?"

  "What happened? With what? Me missing the meeting?" I asked.

  "It's going to take her mind a while to gather everything, Liam."

  I turned toward the female voice, my eyes landing on Jaiyana. It took me a few seconds to realize she'd been in the room the whole time before I noticed the others.


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