Return of the Last McKenna (Harlequin Romance)

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Return of the Last McKenna (Harlequin Romance) Page 8

by Jump, Shirley

  Brody’s gaze softened, and he covered his grandmother’s hand with his own. “I love you, too, Gran.”

  “And thank you for following up with my doctor this morning. You know you don’t have to do that.”

  “I just worry about you, Gran. Wanted to make sure he covered all the bases.”

  “You do enough worrying for five doctors.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “I’m fine. Just suffering from a little old age.”

  He chuckled. “Glad to hear it.”

  Stace brought over a cup. “Some coffee, Mrs. M?”

  “Goodness, no, dear. I’ll slosh out of here if I drink any more.” She pressed a hand to the belly of her pale gray suit. “But thank you.”

  “No problem. Let me know if you want to order anything.” Stace headed off to another table.

  “I like that girl,” Mary said. “Sassy, strong, smart, and most of all, perfect for Riley.” She returned her attention to Brody. “I just suffered through a long, excruciating meeting with the head of Medicine Across Borders. That’s why I came by today. Finn is meeting me here in a second, so we can chat about the group.”

  His eldest brother had become more involved with the McKenna Foundation’s overseas mission work after he’d married Ellie and adopted Jiao, an orphan from China. He’d been instrumental in organizing fundraisers and getting the word out.

  “Was Larry at the meeting?” Brody asked. The assistant director had gone on his own mission a few weeks prior. Brody had always liked the older man, who had dedicated his life to the charity. Both Brody and Larry had a special place in their hearts for Medicine Across Borders because it took what he and other doctors did in the United States and multiplied it around the world.

  “No, he’s still in Haiti. It’s been rough, he said.” Gran sighed. “He lost a few patients last week. One of them a child, and it hit him hard. He said he wished that you were there because you’re the best doctor he knows.”

  Brody shook his head. “Larry doesn’t need me.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Gran said. “Larry talked to me about that time you worked that clinic in Alabama. He said you changed those people’s lives. They raised enough money to hire a second doctor after you left, and the mortality rate there has dropped significantly, in part because of those diabetes and heart disease awareness programs you started.”

  “I just did my job.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit,” Gran said. “You always were the one who worried too much and made it your personal mission to fix everything. Ah, Brody, you don’t have to take so much on your shoulders.”

  “I’m not doing that, Gran.”

  “You do it and you don’t even realize it. You protect the family, you protect your patients, and I suspect you’re even protecting that pretty bakery owner. Sometimes, people have to face their worst fears and face the worst possible outcome in order to learn and grow. Protecting them can do them a disservice.” She read his face, and let out a sigh. “You disagree, but maybe you’ll think about it. Anyway, Larry said to say hello to you. He should be home in about a month. He says there’s still a lot of need for basic medical care in Haiti, but he’s making a dent, one patient at a time.”

  Brody listened to his grandmother’s news about the charity, but his mind kept drifting to Kate Spencer. He had dodged her question, and dodged an opportunity to tell her the truth. Why?

  He knew why. Because he was starting to like her. As much as he’d told himself he had no right to get involved with her, and no room in his life for a relationship right now, he had started to fall for her. She was sweet and funny and despite everything, upbeat and cheery. She was like a daisy in the middle of a lawn that had filled with weeds.

  And if he told her—

  It would devastate her. She’d relive her brother’s death, hold herself responsible for him being there.

  Maybe his grandmother had a point. Maybe in protecting her, he was hurting her more.

  “Brody? Did you hear me?” his grandmother asked.

  “Huh? Uh…sorry. My mind drifted for a second. What’d you say, Gran?”

  “I asked if you would deliver the speech for the fundraiser next week. I realize it’s short notice, but Dr. Granville broke his leg skiing in Switzerland and won’t even be stateside again in time.”

  “Gran, you know I hate speeches. And hate tuxes even more.”

  Finn slid into the booth beside his brother. “You and Riley, couple of tux-phobics. What is wrong with the two of you?”

  “We’re not as uptight as you, hence our more casual formal wear,” Brody quipped.

  “Nah, you’re not as debonair as me.” Finn jiggled his tie. “My wife says I make this look sexy.”

  Brody laughed. “She’s biased.”

  “She is indeed.” The same smile that had been on Stace and Riley’s faces winged its way across Finn’s. Gran sat across from the boys, pleasure lighting her eyes. The whole family was in some kind of happiness time warp. Brody rolled his eyes.

  Riley plopped onto the seat beside Gran. “What’d I miss?”

  “The hard work.” Finn shot him a grin.

  “Hey, I’ve matured. Become a taxpayer, a fiancé and a responsible adult, all at the same time.”

  Brody arched a brow. “You have two of the three. Bummer on the third.”

  Mary let out an exasperated sigh. “You boys still act like children. My goodness. Celebrate with each other, not tease each other.”

  Riley pressed a kiss to his grandmother’s cheek. “If we did that, we’d have no fun at all, Gran. Besides, Finn and Brody are big boys. They can take whatever I can dish out.”

  “And deliver it back to you with a second helping,” Finn said.

  Mary just shook her head, and smiled. “Well as much as I would love to sit here and chat all day with you boys, I do need to get back to the office. So, Brody, will you do the keynote? I think it will do the attendees good to hear about the experiences of someone who actually went overseas and helped people.”

  Brody swallowed hard. “No one wants to hear what I went through.”

  His grandmother leaned forward and covered his hand with her own. “You need to talk about it. Maybe if you did—”

  “It wouldn’t change anything.” He shook his head and bit back a curse. “I can’t.”

  His brothers cast him sympathetic looks. “If it helps, we’ll sit in the audience and heckle you,” Riley joked. “Or just give you a thumbs-up.”

  Brody shook his head.

  “Think about it.” Gran got to her feet. Her eyes were kind as she looked down at Brody. “Promise me you’ll think about it.”

  “I will.” He intended to do no such thing. But he’d never say that to Gran. He could see the worry in her features, and refused to add to her burdens. He’d find another reason to back out, and line up another speaker for her. That way, she wouldn’t be in a bind and he wouldn’t be stuck delivering a speech. Maybe Finn would do it for him. “I’ll be fine, Gran. And I’ll be at the next family dinner.”

  “Good. And since Riley will be on his honeymoon—”

  “Basking on the beach with my beautiful new wife,” Riley put in.

  “—and we’ll have room at the table, I want you to make sure you bring that bakery owner. No excuses.”

  “Gran, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I want to thank her in person for those chocolates. So don’t forget. Sunday afternoon at two. Oh, and when
she comes to dinner, tell her to bring more of those chocolates. An old lady needs to have at least one vice, and I’ve decided mine will be those chocolates.” Gran winked, then headed out of the Morning Glory.

  Brody tossed some singles on the table for his coffee and started to get to his feet. Finn put a hand on his arm. “I gotta get back to the office.”

  “You have a minute. I haven’t seen you in a while, Brody. And you know, you look like crap.”


  “I mean it in the nicest way possible,” Finn said.

  “He does,” Riley added. “Or as nice as Finn can be.”

  Finn scowled at Riley, then went on. “If you ask me, you’ve been stewing too much and talking too little. You’re a proactive guy, Brody. One who gets in there and makes it right. If you want my advice—”

  “I don’t.” He brushed off Finn’s touch. “Thanks for the concern, but I’m doing fine on my own.”

  “Are you?” Finn asked.

  Brody didn’t answer. Instead he headed out of the diner. As he did, he realized Finn had a point. Buying a basket of chocolates, bringing cupcakes to a retirement home and adding flour to a mix were not proactive events. None of them were, in fact, in keeping with the kind of thing he normally did. Brody McKenna was a hands-on guy, in a hands-on industry. And until he found something that let him do that, he knew he wouldn’t be able to fulfill Andrew’s last wishes, or get Kate Spencer moving forward.

  And in the process, find a little peace for himself.


  Two days later

  HE’D last seen Kate two days ago. And yet, she hadn’t been out of his mind once in all that time. He’d come so close to kissing her that night in her shop—too close. He’d called her on Friday, making up an excuse about not being able to help that night, then spent the evening with a bottle of Merlot and a lot of junk TV.

  Hadn’t changed anything. He still thought about her too much, still worried about her, and still didn’t see a way out of the web he’d woven. Finn had been right—he needed a proactive approach to the problem. One that did not involve kissing her.

  Brody slipped on a pair of shorts, an old T, and his running shoes, then grabbed his iPod and headed out into the fall sunshine. Most mornings, he had just enough time to run the three mile circuit around his own neighborhood, but on Saturdays, his appointments started later in the morning, which left him extra time to extend his run to the picturesque Chestnut Hill Reservoir.

  Dozens of runners, walkers and dog owners strolled the park, greeting the regulars with friendly waves and quick conversations. Late summer flowers peeked through the still green foliage, while the water glistened under the rising sun, twinkling back at him as Brody made the 1.6-mile loop. The sandy packed path was soft under his feet, and soon he slipped into the rhythm of running, oblivious to anyone around him.

  He rounded a bend, turning into a gentle breeze skipping over the surface of the water. Ahead of him, Brody spotted a familiar figure.


  She’d pulled her dark brown hair into a ponytail, and she’d traded her usual jeans and T-shirt for silky navy shorts and a Red Cross T-shirt. Her legs were long and lean, the muscles flexing with each step. She had good form, a steady pace, all signs she ran often. Working off those cupcakes, he presumed. He smiled to himself.

  Damn she looked good. Enticing. For the thousandth time, he wished he had kissed her back in the bakery. The magnet of attraction drew him to her again and again. Hunger—yes, that was the word for it—hunger to know her better, to see her more, brewed inside him.

  Brody increased his pace until he drew up alongside Kate. “I owe you an apology.”

  She tugged an earphone out of her ear and glanced over at him. Her skin glistened in the sun. “Brody. I didn’t even see you, sorry. I get into a zone when I’m running and don’t notice anything around me.”

  “Me, too.” But he had noticed her. He had a feeling no matter what he was doing, he’d be distracted by Kate Spencer. “I wanted to apologize for the other night. You’re right. I have no business telling you how to run your life.”

  She slowed her pace a bit and exhaled. “You might have been a teensy bit right. I do tend to put in more time at work than I should. And yes, sometimes use work to avoid the hard stuff.”

  “I can relate to that. Though, sometimes work can be therapeutic.”

  “True. Or it can be an avoidance technique. Whichever it is, I’ve got plenty of it to keep me busy.” She chuckled. “I appreciate the apology.”

  He shot her a grin. “You sure you don’t want to say anything more? Bash me a bit? Because this is a prime opportunity to get me back by telling me everything I’m doing wrong.”

  “Oh, I would, but I’m trying to save my breath for running.”

  He laughed at that. They settled into a comfortable mutual rhythm of running, their steps matching one another as they rounded the sparkling waters of the reservoir. Geese honked as they flew overhead, their bodies forming a perfect V. Brody and Kate neared an empty bench, and slowed their pace.

  “I’ve never seen you running here before,” Kate said when they stopped, her words peppered with gasps as she drew in several deep breaths. She propped a leg on one end of the bench and bent forward to stretch.

  He did the same on the other end, trying not to watch her. And failing. “During the week, I don’t have enough time to make it over here. Most days, I do a quick jog through my neighborhood and then get to work. I run here on the weekends.”

  “And weekends are my busy time for deliveries, so I get most of my longer runs in during the week.” She bent over to stretch her hamstrings, and Brody reminded himself again to be a gentleman and not stare at the creamy length of her legs.

  Instead he propped his foot against a nearby post and stretched his calves. Still his gaze stole over to Kate several times, watching as she bent this way and that, working out the lactic acid in her legs.

  Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful woman.

  And absolutely off limits.

  Kate got to her feet, and opened her mouth to say something, then stopped. Her eyes misted, and she turned away. Her body tensed and the good humor left her. Brody’s gaze followed where hers had gone.

  A dark-haired man in an ARMY T-shirt ran past them, pounding the pavement at a fast clip. He had the crew cut and honed build that spoke of current military service. The close resemblance to Andrew caused a stutter in Brody’s chest. Kate paled, and exhaled a long breath.

  “Hey,” he laid a hand on her shoulder, “you okay?”

  “Yeah. That guy over there just looked so much like my brother that for a second I thought…” She shook her head and tried a smile, but it fell flat. “Andrew’s gone. Sometimes I forget that. And when I remember…”

  “It hurts like hell.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “It does.”

  “Here, sit down for a minute.” Brody waved toward the bench, and waited for her to take a seat. In these unguarded moments, Brody got a peek beneath the layers of Kate’s grief.

  Take care of my sister, Andrew had said. Don’t let her wallow in grief. Make sure she’s happy. Living her life.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “I’m sorry,” Brody said. “I know that’s so inadequate when you’re hurting, but I am sorry.” The words sat miles away from the true depth of his regret. He watched emotions flicker across her face, and wrestled with what more to say. A t
housand times, he’d had to counsel patients, offer advice. And now, when it counted, he froze.

  He knew why. Because he’d started to care about her, had allowed his heart to get tangled.

  “Have you ever lost someone you were close to?” Kate asked.

  Brody picked a leaf off a low-lying branch near the bench and shredded it as he spoke. “My parents.”

  “Your parents died? Both of them?”

  He nodded. “When I was eight. Car accident. The whole thing was sudden and unexpected.” And tough as hell. He hadn’t talked about that loss in so long, but there were times, like now, when it hit him all over again.

  “You were only eight? Oh, God, that’s awful.”

  “I had my brothers, which made a difference, but yeah, it was still tough.” He let out a long breath, and suddenly, he was there again, sandwiched on that overstuffed ugly floral couch in the living room between Finn and Riley while his grandfather delivered the news. Finn, the stoic one, seeming to grow up in an instant, while Riley fidgeted, too young to know better. Brody had stared straight ahead, trying to fit the words into some kind of logical sense, and failing. “I remember when my grandfather told me. It was like my whole world caved in, one wall at a time. Everything I knew was gone, like that.” He snapped his fingers. “My grandparents took me and my brothers in. They did their best, but it’s never the same as having your mom and dad around, you know?”

  “Yeah.” She watched the geese settle on the grass across from them, and waddle fat bodies toward the water. “I spent most of my childhood with my grandparents. My parents fought all the time, and Andrew and I hung out in the bakery. To escape, I guess. Then, finally, they got divorced when I was in high school. My dad moved to Florida and my mom moved to Maine, and Andrew and I stayed here with our grandparents. That’s part of why Andrew and I were so close. And my grandparents, too. We formed our own little family here.”


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