Hard Irish

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Hard Irish Page 17

by Jennifer Saints

  “Bomb,” Jared said.

  Mulligan snapped his gaze to Jared’s, his expression as lethal as they come. “Game changer. You two are going in. I’m calling Jesse. He called me into this because there might be an old IRA connection, and maybe he was right.” Mulligan turned away, speaking low into the phone.

  Rocky moved to Jared’s side, starring at her house.

  He wrapped his arm around her. “Where’s the hose?”

  “Same side that’s on fire,” she whispered.

  Mulligan turned back. “We’re heading to the R&D ASAP and Jesse, putting two guards on your father. One inside and one outside the nursing home.”

  Rocky shivered. “Thank God you all are here. This is unbelievable.”

  Jared heard barking and Dessie yelling. “Rocky! Rocky! Dear God! Rocky!”

  “I’m fine,” Rocky shouted.

  “Dessie appeared, stepping cautiously around the pieces of the downed fence. She saw Rocky, bent double and rested her hands on her knees as if she were having trouble standing. “Thank God. What happened?”

  Jared assessed the woman’s white-faced, teary-eyed shock and concluded Dessie was not a player in this game of intrigue even she was the only one Rocky told about the “after death” deliveries.

  “Duck!” Rocky cried. She slipped from Jared’s grasp and went underwater.

  Gun drawn, Jared looked for an unfriendly threat, seeing Mulligan to do same. It took a second too long for Jared to register the fact that Pebbles, two-hundred pounds of trouble, was headed right at him. Pebbles took a flying leap and landed in the pool not more than two feet from where Jared stood. The belly-flop-like dive sent water flying in tidal wave that plastered Jared.

  Rocky surfaced.

  “You left me for the wolves,” Jared said, blinking water from his eyes. The sound of sirens blared closer and closer. A man appeared from the same direction Dessie had, carrying a fire extinguisher.

  “The hose won’t reach, but the fire department is almost here,” the man said. Wearing just jeans, he ran up and sprayed the area around the pool with the extinguisher, putting out the last of the fires.

  Jared, with Rocky’s help, escaped from the pool and Pebbles. He had a good idea of who the man was. About six-six and built, his all-American good looks didn’t detract from the fact that he appeared more than capable of handling anything thrown his way or in getting his way for that matter. No wonder Dessie hadn’t been able to say “no”. The open button of the man’s jeans and bare feet told a story of their own.

  “You must be Saint,” Jared said, assessing the guy, feeling that every person he now met hat to be suspect in the growing danger to Rocky. Was Saint on the up and up? Could he be a player trying to get closer to Rocky through Dessie. Dessie could have told him about the “after death” deliveries.

  Jared shook his head. How could seducing Dessie gain the man anything? Next thing Jared was sure he’d be blaming the UPS man or mailman.

  “I’m Saint to my friends. To others Francis Frances.” The man frowned. “You’ve been to the Golden Bunny?”

  “Not in years.” Jared relaxed. Spurred by his and Rocky’s encouragement, Dessie must have been putting her young suitor’s fire out. “Thanks for the help,” Jared told the man. “Makes us even.”


  Rocky coughed.

  Dessie looked as if she was about to sic Pebbles on him. “Meaning the explosion has addled Jared’s brain. What happened?”

  “A bloody bomb,” Mulligan said stiffly. “I hate to rain on this party, but the sooner you two are out of here, the better. If anything else happened, Jesse would really have my head.”

  “A bomb!” Dessie cried, looking at Rocky with horror and concern. “Your ex is going that far?”

  Rocky shook her head.

  Saint spoke first. “Want to tell me what in the hell is going on?” He moved to Dessie’s side.

  Mulligan handed Saint a card. “Gladly, but after we’re on the road. Have the fire chief and police call me when they get the fire out. Sheridan-Weldon Solutions security team will arrive afterwards to handle this. They are already on their way.”

  “You two come with me,” Mulligan ordered. Dessie hugged Rocky and Jared silently mouthed a “watch-out-for-her” to Saint. Then they followed Mulligan, moving as cautiously as he did through the shadows. A surveillance van was in the yard.

  Mulligan opened the side door. “Get in. There are blankets in the storage boxes under the seats.”

  Jared helped Rocky, then climbed in. Mulligan shut the door and went around to the driver’s side. The van was equipped with what appeared to be every surveillance gadget available. Jared fished out the blankets and wrapped one around Rocky’s shoulders as they sat in two captain’s chairs. She was shivering, likely from shock and adrenaline than from cold.

  Jared had been in the same state just a few moments ago, but this van semi-pissed him off. “It would have been nice to know that we had ears and support moments away. How long have you been out here?”

  Surveillance would have picked up his and Rocky’s every word. Their every fuck. Jared decided he was going to kill Jesse.

  Mulligan shoved the van into gear and pulled onto the street. “I just flew in from D.C. tonight. Arrived about thirty minutes ago to relieve Paul, so you’ll have to ask him or Jesse. It’s a bloody good thing we’re here.”

  “Maybe,” Jared muttered.

  Rocky was frowning, she pointed at the high-tech equipment. “Does all of that mean what I think it does?”

  “Yeah,” Jared said. “Welcome to reality TV.”

  Mulligan laughed. “There’s no video set up. Just audio and nothing’s being taped. But in our line of work, we tune everything out except danger to our clients, anyway. We’ve seen and heard it all. There is nothing new under the sun.”

  Jared didn’t say anything else and searched to change the subject. It was a wonder Rocky hadn’t questioned his bodyguard status already. How could he work for Sheridan-Weldon Solutions and not know the van was there? “So Jesse brought you in from D.C.?”

  “Yes. As soon as I heard the book, Unforgivable Acts of Crime was possibly part of this case and that Miss McKenna’s parents were from Ireland, I caught the company jet.”

  “Mulligan is Sheridan-Weldon Solutions’ European expert. If it happened, he knows about it.”

  “You’re familiar with Unforgivable?” Rocky asked.

  “In a way. I knew the editor who put the book together. It was Brianna’s burning mission to see an end to the conflict.”

  “Knew?” Jared asked.

  “Yes. She was killed just after the bloody book came out. A pub bombing in Loughlinisland in 1996. The UVF took credit. Buggers.”

  “Who are the UVF?” Rocky asked.

  “The Ulster Volunteer Force. They were in essence a terrorist group who formed in Northern Ireland to combat the IRA on their turf. They called themselves loyalist, wanting to keep Ireland part of the UK.”

  She rubbed her temple. You mean it wasn’t enough that the Irish and the British were killing each other, but the Irish were killing the Irish, too?”

  “You aren’t even scratching the surface of the situation. For the UVF I think it was more that the Protestants wanted to kill the Catholics. Brianna was meeting with a reporter doing an exposé about the Shankill Butchers, a mass murdering gang with a number of UVF members when she was killed.”

  “Why didn’t Jesse mention that you have a connection to the case?” Jared demanded. Hell, he was almost...almost feeling like he should have his Glock in hand. But Jared trusted Jesse and he knew Jesse trusted Mulligan with his life.

  “Because I asked him to keep silent. I didn’t want anything revealed unless it was necessary. The bomb tonight changed that. I can’t tell you how I know what I know. I can’t tell you who I was working for then either. Before I worked for Sheridan-Weldon Solutions, let’s just say I was in my mid-twenties and I was from Ireland. Leave it at that. B
ut let’s not lose sight of the point of all of this. I knew the editor. Brianna was thirty-nine years old and her last name was...Finaggan.”

  Rocky gripped the armrest and leaned forward. “She was related to one of the college students murdered, right? I don’t think I will ever forget the names after reading how they were killed. What else do you know about the murders? About Shona?”

  “Not much. That was in ’79. I was a young boy at the time. I don’t have direct answers, but once we learn more, I might know how and where we can find the answers.”

  “You know Stakeknife?” Jared asked.

  Mulligan’s smile in the rearview mirror wasn’t really a smile, and told Jared he’d better not pry. “Nice try, Weldon.”

  “Stakeknife?” Rocky looked at Jared.

  Jared winced, realizing he shouldn’t have brought the man’s name up. “A spy the British planted inside the IRA and was part of the organization’s core group. No one knew his identity for years until just recently.”

  “Bet his family didn’t either,” Rocky said. She fell silent and Jared kicked his own ass. She didn’t need any reminders of people not being honest about who they were.

  Mulligan spoke up a short while later after talking to Saint and the police on the phone. “Focusing on facts—not feelings will—get you to the truth. I need to examine is why there isn’t more damage from the bomb and the natural gas explosion. Assuming the person who set the bomb knew what they were doing.”

  “I’ve replaced the stove, dryer, and water heater with electric, so I only use natural gas for heat during the winter. Every year I turn the main valve to the house off and there wasn’t much gas left in the tank, either. I wait until late fall to fill it.”

  “To get as much bang for his bomb the perp had likely cut the gas line, hoping to ignite a cloud of gas. Explosions can sometimes level a house. You’re both lucky as hell.”

  Jared shivered. Yeah, he’d been lucky as hell, but luck didn’t last forever.

  “Wake up, Roc. We’re here.”

  Rocky jerked upright, despite Jared’s gentle tone. The van door was open and Jared had already moved from his seat to hunch next to hers. She couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep. With all that had happened, she didn’t think she’d ever sleep again. “Where are we?”

  “The R&D building. We are going to be living high on the hog for a few days.”

  She reached up and pressed her palm to his forehead. “You delirious? Hogs live in muck.”

  “Not in Sheridan-Weldon Solutions’ safe penthouse. There’re only a few places safer in the US.”

  “Fort Knox and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York?”

  “Nope. The President’s underground bunker and Sheridan & Weldon Solutions’.”

  “Which you shouldn’t be mentioning at all,” Jesse said sternly, leaning into van.

  Jared held up his hands. “You’ve never indicated that it was—”

  “Just teasing,” Jesse clasped Jared on the shoulder. For a moment there I thought James’s premonition was of the wrong brother.”

  Rocky sat up straighter. “What premonition, Jared? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  Jared answered before Jesse could. “It’s a situation about my brother James that I will tell you after you’ve had a hot bath and we find you some clothes.” Jared turned his gaze back to Jesse. “I want the bastard that’s causing this nightmare. Did Ringo come up with anymore about Pearson’s kidnapping? Where did Mulligan go? We need to ask him about that case, too.”

  Nightmare didn’t come close to describing this day’s events for Rocky. Hell did. She shivered, pulling the damp blanket closer.

  “It’s a quarter after one and I’m pulling rank. We all need rest in order to think clearly. With both of you here, there’s nothing that can’t wait until morning. Mulligan had to hurry inside. He’s video conferencing some key people in the UK before they head to work today. Even I can’t know who he’s contacting. He’ll let us know what he finds out in the morning.”

  Thankful for the delay, Rocky followed Jesse and Jared like a zombie. Jesse left them in the penthouse suite saying there were robes in the bathroom and a collection of new, loose and comfortable clothing in the closets. They could take whatever they needed.

  The door shut and she stood with her dirty, bare feet on cold white marble. The plush gold-accented foyer was palace-like and she was drowned rat. She didn’t know what to do.

  Jared caught her hand. “Come on. Bath, a hot drink, and bed. I can’t wait to shed this wet boot and get horizontal.”

  A short time later, Rocky lay wrapped in Jared’s arm on a heavenly bed. He kissed her temple and pulled her closer. His body had relaxed completely against her. And she realized it was the first time he’d done so since she’d met him. His commitment and diligence in keeping her safe touched the very center of her heart. Just as some of his words had. Whatever it is that we find, remember two things. It may change the past as you know it but it doesn’t change who you are inside. And you are not alone.


  Rocky woke early to the patter of rain against the windows. Her internal clock rarely let her sleep late, no matter how tired she was. For a brief moment, as yesterday’s event flooded her mind, her heart pounded until she realized that everything critical was being taken care of. The house and her belongings were just things and were insured. What was important was that her father was safe, that she was safe, and that Jared was snuggled warm and wonderfully against her back. She drew a deep breath and forced her mind to relax, to rest, knowing that she wasn’t alone in this nightmare.

  Muted light streamed through the blinds covering the rain-splattered, arched windows. What she’d been too exhausted to absorb last night was now revealed and she found herself speechless. The furnishings and art surrounding her were luxurious enough to accommodate anyone, no matter how rich they were or how important their status.

  Jared’s very male, very naked body was warm and too tempting to ignore. Either by design or by restless sleep, her robe was completely open, covering only her shoulders.

  The world was waiting outside the penthouse doors. She knew it was going to be ugly. But, the hurt and confusion of her parents’ having hidden things from her paled in comparison to the losses she’d already had and was currently dealing with—her mother’s death to cancer and her father’s stroke. She’d gladly take a hundred deceptions to have them back and healthy again. But that was never going to happen. And as much as she wished the script between she and Uncle Pat and the distance between them over the past three years had been different, she couldn’t change what happened. She had to move forward and solve the mystery closing in on her.

  But the world would not end if she clung to a few minutes more of not knowing everything. For the first time in her life, she didn’t want to charge ahead and tackle her problems, as she’d done at three in Duck Lake with the spider. She wanted to turn the other way and bury her nose in Jared’s intoxicating, spicy, and fresh scent.

  The irony of her situation didn’t escape her. She’d been alone for so long and to find a man she wanted to be with when she couldn’t just focus on the relationship sucked. It was worse that after no sex for so long, she couldn’t just enjoy having sex when she wanted to without a pinch of guilt intruding—like now.

  It ticked her off a bit. It wasn’t fair. And she wasn’t going to let the hell-storm surrounding her steal the heaven within arm’s reach. Not right now.

  She wiggled against Jared’s arousal, feeling the heat of his sex along her butt cheek.

  “Mornin’” he said. His hand slid to her hip and up her stomach to cup her breast.

  “Rise and shine,” she whispered, pressing her bottom back, urging his erection closer to her sex.

  “Oh, I’m rising, but you’re the one who’s going to be shining.” He rolled her nipple between his finger and his thumb, sending a dart of pleasure to her core. “You’re going to be wet all over by the
time I make you come.”

  He thrust and his erection slid between her legs, teasing the lips and folds of her sex with the hot, smooth tip of his penis. She squeezed her thighs together to grip him closer and rocked her hips to rub him more. He sucked in air and she rocked faster, she loved making him feel it so much that he had to have her that second.

  He licked her ear. “Want me inside you?” he whispered.

  She nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “Yes, I want you inside me.”

  “It’s a damn good thing this place is stocked with everything or I’d be running bare-assed to the nearest drug store.”

  She smiled at the image.

  He pulled back from her and she heard him tear open a condom. “While I’m getting ready, I want you naked and on your knees.”

  Shrugging off the robe, she sat up on her knees and faced him. He lounged along her left side. There was nothing soft and romancy about a man’s body. They were all hard angles and muscle built for action. She drank in the sight of him, broad shoulders, sculpted chest and abs, lean hips. A thin line of dark hair bisected his stomach and led to a triangle of curly hair from which his thick erection jutted from. Engorged and reddened from his need, the taut skin of his penis seemed to be straining from his want. The image was deeply erotic, stark in contrast, and throbbing with promise.

  He handed her the condom. “My hands have something else they need to do.” He immediately went for her breasts and worked her nipples to hard points.

  “I like that.” Pleasure shivered up and down her spine. She leaned down and sucked his silky hot head a moment before she slid the condom on.

  “Good. There’s lots more.” He released her breasts and patted the mattress. “Put one hand here and your other hand here.”

  She followed his request. That put her on all fours. He moved in behind her. “Remember what I said?”

  “That when you take me from behind I’ll be pushing as hard against you and you’ll be pushing into me.”


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