Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2)

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Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2) Page 8

by Crystal Dawn

  Unpacking the mats, she placed them on the counter. “What do we have here? Mats again? Looks like you have a dozen. Here’s three brown dragons. Maybe you should find something else to make.” She grabbed the brown dragons and hid her disappointment. It might be best to just dig roots and fungus in the woods but weaving relaxed her. She’d think about it later.

  She went to the dress shop. It also carried pants and shirts. There was a small section of items that hadn’t sold and the owner wanted rid of. Cretia found a dress, a pair of boy’s pants that would fit her, two shirts and some underwear. Because the prices were so heavily marked down, she could buy them with her silver dragons and get some brown ones back.

  The lady on the cash register looked happy to see her buying the items she picked. Cretia laid down two silver dragons. “Just give me one. I don’t have any change today.” She smiled and Cretia felt like she’d been given a gift.

  “Thank you.” She packed her items in the bag she had with her and went across the street to the bakery.

  The scent of baked goods hit her and her mouth watered. It was a reminder that she hadn’t eaten and it was now midday meal. She bought a dragon claw for one brown dragon. Sitting at a table in the bakery, she ate it slowly savoring a flavor she rarely tasted. Sweets were no longer in her current diet. It made her miss them worse whenever she got to eat them. This was a rare treat. When she was done, she went to the butcher. She found some already cut meat. Just a small slab for two brown dragons and bought it.

  Now she needed to get home to cook her meat. It was exciting to have some money and she had always loved to shop. It was something she’d never take for granted again. The walk back was quicker because her load was lighter. It was still a hot and tiring walk. Cretia was bone weary by the time she came into view of her hut. Relief washed over her as she ran the last part of the way.

  It had been her plan to start cooking when she got home but she was so tired. She tossed the meat in the cooler and drank a whole glass of water. Taking a quick shower, she fell onto the bed and took a nap. When she woke up, it was dark but her tummy growled. Cretia got up and went outside to start a fire in her pit. Putting on a kettle with water, she added meat and some of the vegetables she had. It would be hours before it was done.

  With nothing else available to eat she got out some nuts and berries she’d gathered and ate them. It eased the hunger pains and she went back to bed leaving the stew cooking. Hopefully it would be ready when she woke. This time it took her a while to get to sleep.

  The morning light shining into her face through the window woke her and she immediately smelled cooking food. Her stomach growled and she got up and checked on her stew. She spooned out some and it was delicious. It was so good that she could eat it every day and never grow tired of it. That didn’t matter because she only had enough for today.

  In that moment she decided to dig for more shallow root today so she could go to town tomorrow. She didn’t want to bother Niku anymore, she just wanted to work to make her life better. Once she’d eaten a big bowl of stew, she added a little water to the kettle, put the lid on, and set it back over the pit. Grabbing her bag and a spade, she ran into the woods. Hunting for food in the forest was a hard job, but she liked it. It didn’t take long to fill the bag with shallow roots and she found some fruit on a tree that she picked and wrapped in the bottom of her shirt.

  The forest yielded a bounty for those willing to learn what to look for and she’d done well in just a couple hours. It wasn’t long before she was back home. Pulling a few shallow roots out of her bag, she cleaned, sliced, and put them into her stew to stretch it. The remaining shallow root was a little more than she’d carried to town yesterday. Cretia knew she was lucky to live in a place that didn’t have a harsh winter. If it had, she would have died in the middle of it.

  It was sad to think that if she had died, no one would have cared. Her parents would have never known since she never heard from them and Dannia wouldn’t have cared. The only friend she’d had had been Niku and she’d overstepped her bounds and now he didn’t want her around either. Dannia seemed to take everything away from her.

  Cretia had made an unconscious decision to stop doing what Dannia wanted her to do. She would stop bothering Niku and let him get on with his life. Her life was hers to improve or ruin, not Dannia’s. Things went well for the next few days. Two more runs to town were completed and she made good money each time selling shallow roots. She ran some of her crafts to the herb store but she only made enough to buy a loaf of bread and a dragon claw from those.

  She could almost convince herself things would be okay, almost. It was about a week when a messenger came by. Cretia was foraging in the forest so he left the missive on her bed.

  Tell me you’ve made progress with Niku. I need you mated to him or else.


  It was just like Dannia, short and to the point with a threat thrown in. She tore off the bottom of the paper and wrote her answer.

  No progress. I’m not doing this anymore. I quit.


  She put her answer in the little bag and hung it on the door knob. Dannia be damned, it was time to take a stand. Cretia wasn’t the devil’s servant and she wasn’t messing with Niku anymore. It might not help him in the end, but at least she knew she wasn’t helping bad things happen to good people. Going out to the woods, she collected more shallow root and stayed out long after dark.

  Carefully she approached the hut, almost as if she had a notion of what might be going on. Two guys were sitting at her fire pit cooking some of her meat that she’d bought. As angry as it made her, she knew these males could hurt her. The best thing to do was slip back in the woods.

  “I can smell you. If you run, it’ll be worse for you.” One of the males said.

  “If that’s possible.” The other whispered thinking she couldn’t hear.

  Cretia turned and ran toward the creek hoping if she crossed it one of the dragons on the other side might have marked their territory. She ran like two devils were on her heels because she knew they were. They were faster and could see in the dark, but she knew the area like the back of her hand.

  Telling herself to run faster, she was almost to the creek when one lunged at her catching her heels and tripping her. She screamed as she fell, a sound more like an animal than human. The other one had caught up and they took turns hitting her. One ripped her shirt off her and squeezed her breasts. Her yell was shrill and loud as pain shot through her.

  “You should have just done as your sister told you. Now she doesn’t need you anymore.” The first guy said.

  “You think you’ll do any better? She’ll kill you all once she’s done.” Cretia assured.

  “We won’t stay to the end.”

  He hit her again and she screamed to the sky. She knew she didn’t have long to live and she kicked out at one of them and made contact. “Stupid Bitch! You’ll regret that.” He punched her and she was too dazed to move.

  “I hear something Dalbit.”

  “You just want to have the first go at her, Mornis.”

  “No, dammit. I can smell fire now.”

  “Just cut it out man. I almost have her undressed.”

  “I’m leaving and you should too.” Mornis turned to run, but it was too late.

  A battle was taking place in front of her and while she couldn’t see clearly, she could hear everything. Dalbit and Mornis were getting their cowardly asses whipped and she wanted to cheer but couldn’t talk.

  There were screeches and finally Dalbit was begging for his life. “I’ll have to keep you alive for your interrogation. You’re a pitiful excuse of a dragon attacking a poor female. If you were a real dragon you could attract one without resorting to rape.”

  The voice was familiar but she didn’t know who it was. At this point everything blurred together. “It’s okay. I have you now. You’ll be fine.” A male voice said and that was the last thing she remembered.

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  Niku was beside himself with self-loathing. He felt like Cretia being beaten and almost raped was his fault. They’d been friends and he had turned from her when she needed him most. It should have been obvious to him that something more was going on than her interest in him suddenly becoming romantic. She had never pushed herself on him and it must have been a sign of desperation. If she had only told him she was being bothered by males, he would have dealt with it.

  The two males were being questioned by Romo while Cretia was upstairs with Niku’s brother standing guard as if she was a treasure that someone might steal. He’d not foreseen that his older brother, Toreen, might be interested in her. He was a lord, having gained the title through their mother’s side when he reached the age of sixteen. On Draconis, that was the age a male child could determine his own destiny.

  Niku paced as he waited to hear if there were other males lurking in the woods waiting to pounce upon a lone and unprotected female. Cretia had said somethings that made no sense, but she had not been in her right mind.

  Betty had used all her knowledge of herbs and human medicine to ease Cretia’s pain and soothe her injuries. Now they waited on the king’s healer to do whatever he could to make her better. She was sleeping, which was the best thing for her.

  Betty had stayed, which he was grateful for because it calmed his dragon. She had just gone upstairs to check on her patient and that was why he was nervous and restless. It felt like something bigger than a female being attacked was going on here. What, he couldn’t say. An attack was big enough because one hadn’t occurred in two hundred years.

  The king had been incensed when he heard this had occurred and so near the castle. It was like they were thumbing their noses at the rules of dragon society in general and his kingdom in particular. Soldiers were sweeping the woods looking for anyone who didn’t belong and any sign of how these two males had come to be here.

  Anyone involved in this abomination would be punished severely. He just hoped they found this Dannia that Cretia blamed for her attack and anyone working with him. Niku had seen the results, the males had been brutal. One of them had suffered a terribly bruised cock and he took immense pleasure that Cretia had inflicted some damage to at least one of the mongrels.

  It would be his responsibility to see that she, and all the females under his care received some self-defense training. If they didn’t, he wasn’t sure his dragon could stand the worry he would have for them. Every possible precaution needed to be taken now that they knew someone had dire intentions.

  He heard a low moan that meant Cretia was awake. Those ruffians had bruised her all over and done a number on her face. There was a knock at the door and he went to answer it.

  “Hello Niku. I was sent to see if I could help.” Demos explained. That damned healer had sent his assistant.

  There was no point in getting angry. “Thank you for coming. Follow me.”

  He led him to the room Cretia was lying in. Demos gasped when he saw the damage that had been done. “What has been done so far?” He asked. Betty went through the list of what she had given to Cretia. Damos nodded. “There is nothing better for pain so keep giving it to her as needed. The salve you used is good for most injuries, but I have something better for something this severe. It’s clear they didn’t care if they killed her. This can go on over the salve you’ve used and will be just as effective in promoting healing and preventing scarring.” He laid the jar on the table.

  “What about any damage to her head?”

  “Other than dealing with pain and a headache, we have little to help with that kind of damage.” He set another jar on the table. “This will also help with healing and might have a small effect on preventing swelling including that of the brain. Will she need something to help prevent pregnancy?” He looked at the floor embarrassed.

  “Niku, Romo, and Toreen stopped them before they ravaged her in that way.” Betty explained.

  “I’m thankful she didn’t have to go through that. I hope whoever did this is put down.” Damos declared. “Are you an herbalist?”

  “No, I wanted to be, but the herb store isn’t taking anyone without training on your planet.” Betty explained.

  “Come see me at the castle. We could use someone with your talents. Our healer is getting older and he may retire soon. It’s always best to have additional help trained and ready to step up.”

  “Thank you. When is the best time to come?”

  “I work days, but I’m on call all the time.”

  “I’ll come see you during the day once Cretia is better.”

  “I look forward to it.” Damos said and picked up his bag. “I’m sure you already know to get as much fluids in her as possible, encourage sleep, and feed her healthy foods whenever she’s hungry. I will be speaking to the king and he will be as outraged as I am by this attack.” He moved past Niku who followed him down.

  “I guess you thought she had a splinter or something?” Niku asked.

  “We weren’t aware it was this serious. You would still have gotten me. Healer Hanton has not been well and it seems to be getting worse. Sending him would not be doing you or the patient a favor.”

  “Thank you for coming.” Niku said as he opened the door and let him out.

  “I hope I was able to help. Betty did a great job.” Damos said as he hurried away. Niku closed the door lost in thought. Maybe Damos would help his mate find her future here. He truly hoped he would.

  Someone pounded on the door, Damos must have forgotten something. Niku opened the door to find Romo. “What’s going on?” He asked because it was late and most people would be sleeping now.

  “Can I come in?” Romo asked.

  “Of course. I’m sorry, I was distracted. Would you like a drink?”

  “No, but we need to talk. It’s urgent.” Romo whispered.

  Niku led the way to the living room where they sat down. “Is it something you found out from those ruffians?”

  “Yes, and it goes much deeper than just them.” Romo confirmed. “This whole matter is terrible.”

  “Who are they?”

  “They are no one of any importance, but they are part of Kenley’s movement.”

  “Kenley would never hurt a female.”

  “That’s the problem. Kenley isn’t in charge anymore. He thinks he is, but a female named Dannia is leading him around by his cock. He’s so smitten, he has no idea what is going on.”

  “I’ve heard that name. Yeah, Cretia claimed she was to blame for everything, but I thought it was a male.”

  “That’s not the worst. Dannia is Cretia’s sister and she sent those males to kill her. She encouraged them to have their fun and then to make sure she was out of the picture permanently.”

  “Her sister? Are you sure?”

  “The female is ruthless and no one is safe. Anyone that could order an attack like that on their own flesh and blood is evil to the core.”

  “Why would she do such a thing” Niku wondered.

  “Because she refused to go after you as a mate when she found out Dannia planned to kill Betty.”

  “I can’t see what she would gain by that.”

  “The female has a master plan. She wants to meet the emperor. The males said she was beautiful to the point of being irresistible. If she meets the emperor, she’s sure she can ensnare him and get him to mate her. Once they are mated, she plans to secure her authority any way she can. Then he will have an accident and she will be named empress. Power is what she wants because she’s already rich. Her mate died unexpectedly.”

  “The gods help us. What will we do?”

  “Knowledge is power. Now that we know, we can make sure she never gets near the emperor. I have also ordered an investigation into the death of her mate and Cretia’s intended.”

  “Cretia was hurt over his death. His parents have been kind to let her stay with them so long.”

  “She hasn’t been staying with them. They kic
ked her out when she rejected the first offer to mate.”

  “Where has she been staying?”

  “You know the hut that Eose has on the property he inherited from his father?”

  “You are kidding me? That’s barely livable.”

  “I’m not kidding. She has no income, she gets free rent and whatever food she can scrounge off the land. It explains why she’s so skinny.” Romo observed.

  “I suck as a friend.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. She didn’t let anyone know what was going on. The female was keeping secrets.”

  “You saw what they did to her and you saw Toreen’s reaction to her.”

  “Has he calmed any?”

  “Betty gave him some tea and spoke to him. It seemed to help a little bit. This is going to be a cluster fuck and I may have to step back from the investigation. If I do, I want you to run it.”

  “I would be happy to old friend, but I may not have that choice.”

  “I know, but I will use any influence I might have. Gazo is a good friend too but his views are harsh. There’s no leniency in the male. That’s who the emperor might appoint.”

  “He is friendly with Gazo?”

  “No, he would appoint him because of his position in the chain of command. He’s directly below me. It never made a difference before. I think I need a second, but I know the king won’t release you from his service.”

  “You know my brother Dirk is a sergeant. He’s due for a promotion and you know he’s fair and has a heart.”

  “I will pull his paperwork and give him a chance for the position.”

  “Thank you. I think you would be happy with him. You’ll need assistance even if you’re left in charge.”

  “Especially if Betty agrees to mate with me.”

  “I think it’s only a matter of time. I see the way she looks at you.”

  “Nothing would make me happier.”


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