Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2)

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Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2) Page 11

by Crystal Dawn


  “No, Cretia. I look at her and I see pain everywhere. I think that’s why she sleeps so much. It hurts to be awake. Betty says it’s a healing sleep. It makes me angry.” Niku admitted.

  “Let’s go up now. If she’s awake I need to talk to her, alone if possible.”

  “You can try, but she can’t talk very well. I think she bit her tongue when they punched her. Her lips are still swollen and I think her throat is raw from screaming. That female is a fighter. That’s the only reason she made it until we got there.” Niku headed to Cretia’s room and Romo followed.

  “I see you’re awake.” Niku observed. “I hope you’re feeling better.”

  “Nomut.” Cretia said. It was clear that there would be no answers from her at this time.

  “You look better. I’m amazed at the improvement since yesterday. You’re a fighter, Cretia. Just keep healing like you are and you’ll be up and around in no time.” Niku encouraged.

  A tear formed in the corner of Cretia’s eye and slowly rolled down her cheek. Toreen reached over and caught it on his finger staring at it as if it held the answers to the mysteries of the universe before he licked it off. That told everyone present what she was to him. Cretia didn’t look surprised, maybe Toreen had already admitted his attachment to her.

  Betty gave her some medicine and she drifted off to sleep in front of them. Nothing was going to happen here and Romo saw that. Tomorrow would be a new day and meeting with Kelsey would start the process of bringing all involved to justice. He would admit to being impatient and seeing Cretia showing signs of the abuse didn’t help. Bree stared at Cretia as she slept and Bree looked distraught. No decent person could see her suffering and be untouched.

  “Come Bree, we should leave now so everyone can get some rest. Niku and I have an early morning.” Romo explained. Bree hurried to him and they left in a flurry of goodbyes.

  As they left they said goodbye to Selia who was playing with some pillows in the living room. Once outside, Romo found a bench, shifted next to it, and got down on the ground so Bree could mount. She could have turned into a dragon and flown, but since she had found out she was expecting, she was afraid to shift and no one could convince her it was alright. It was both frustrating since it would make things easier and endearing because she worried so much about the dragonlet.

  Bree climbed aboard and he took off for home scanning the area for any danger. It was not something he used to do this close to home, but Cretia’s attack had taken away his sense of safety for his family. At least he knew if threatened, Bree would let her dragon loose and it was a fearsome beast. Not as fearsome as his, of course, but close.

  Once he landed and Bree slid off his back, they headed into the house. It was quiet and all but the light in front had been turned on. Dori and Tomi were either gone or asleep in their beds. The kitchen was spotless and something was cooking in the kettle. He would miss them when they left and it looked like that would be before the baby came.

  They headed to their room where they undressed and went to bed naked. Bree lay against him and he softly stroked her stomach. The baby didn’t move, but he hoped it would soon. “I love lying in bed with you this way.” Bree observed.

  “I love it too, more than I could ever imagine. Not that many of my kind find what we have, the perfect mating.”

  Bree had her back to him but she turned to kiss him. Romo wanted to make love to her and at this stage in the pregnancy he had no concerns. He’s been told they could have sex until she gave birth, but he couldn’t imagine not being terrified of injury their young when she got large with the child. He’d still want his mate, but he would keep his desires contained.

  A smile came to his face when he remembered how horrified she’d been when she thought she would lay a huge egg. Some Earth stories she’d read when she researched dragon young had suggested that was what to expect. Her relief had washed over him when he explained young were born in their human form.

  Her lips claimed his and pulled him to the present. Nothing felt so wonderful as making love to his Bree. She sucked in his bottom lip and nibbled on it causing him to growl. His tongue speared her mouth and he explored every delicious recess and sparred with her tongue. Their bodied slid against each other and the heat in his blood became a raging fire.

  “I want you right now.” He whispered to his mate.

  “Take me!” She ordered. Romo knew how to follow an order.

  He slid on top of her and positioned himself between her legs. The scent of her arousal grew and he knew she was ready for him. In one firm thrust he entered her sliding into her hot center. His female was tight making him feel incredible.

  “You are amazing, Baby. Delightfully slick and hot for me.”

  “Just for you, Romo.” He didn’t need her words to know she wanted no one else, but it turned him on even more anyway.

  He pulled back until just the tip of his cock was inside her and pushed in deep and hard. Over and over he plunged inside her heated center. Tingles washed over him with each move bringing him closer to release. Sensing she was close too he made sure to hit her spot and she writhed under him. Her legs were pulled up so her feet were up by his hips as she used her position for traction and met each thrust. They were both sweat slicked and breathing hard as they moved toward ecstasy together.

  Romo sensed her climax was on its way a moment before she began to thrash and jerk beneath him. Her channel contracted locking on to his cock like a vise. It released and locked onto him again forcing every drop of cum from him. Jerking and bucking against her, it lasted only until he had been drained dry.

  Gently, he reached up his hand to move her hair out of her eyes. “Was it good for you too?” He asked.

  She reached up to smack his hand away. “Hell yeah! I think you might be the best sleep aid I’ve ever found. I feel like I could just wrap around you and go to sleep all night long.”

  “You feel that way to me too. I’d never slept with anyone before.”

  She knew that was a big confession to him. “I’m glad it was me.”

  “I can’t imagine it being anyone else. You are everything to me and I’ll tell you that every day until the world stops spinning. Promise me that you won’t overdo it. I know it’s hard with Betty gone, but you’re still getting so much done every day. I just don’t want you to push to get things done. We have plenty of time.”

  “Do you think my mother would let me work too hard? She makes us take breaks even if we don’t want to. If you’re the king of worriers, she’s the queen.”

  “You’re right. I forgot about her being here during the day. I’ll have to encourage her to keep a close eye on you.”

  “She’s already overprotective. If she gets any worse, we’ll never get done.”

  “You’re working out in the fields now. The sun is hot and the work is hard. She can’t be too overprotective and neither can I.”

  “Okay, fine but Tomi and I look out for each other. Mom’s been doing everything at the house and watching Selia.”

  “Okay. Now it’s time to go to sleep. We both will be busy tomorrow.”

  “You can’t tell me what’s going on?”

  “No, I can only tell you that it involves what happened to Cretia at least partly. There is a lot of political involvement and it is supposed to be kept confidential. Not being able to discuss what I do much of the time is one of the bad parts of my job. But I will say be careful in case there are more males like that hiding in the woods. We have soldiers patrolling, but I would die if anything happened to you.”

  “You did not just do that to me.”

  “What?” He asked confused.

  “Now Tomi and I will be scared to death and staring into the woods the whole time we’re working.”

  “Better that than be caught off guard by males like that.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “It was never a concern before Cretia’s attack occurred. I would have told you our males
would never hurt a female much less try to rape one. This has turned our world upside down. Now I will worry whenever I am away from you. That you will be watchful, helps my dragon feel better. Perhaps one or both of you should carry a weapon? I know you brought Earth guns with you. Just make sure it’s a bad guy before you shoot.”

  “Okay. We’ll be careful. I don’t want you to worry. You’d better be careful too.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  Romo wrapped himself around his mate and despite the serious conversation they had just had, they both fell asleep right away.

  Chapter 8

  Meeting Dannia

  It was a few days later and Niku was alert and ready. Betty was sleeping in his bed all the time now and that made all the difference as far as his emotional health. He felt like he could take on the world which was a good thing because he had no idea what he might be facing. Breakfast was done and Romo and Dirk would be here to meet him. Once they were here, they would fly to the meeting place, a childhood hangout of theirs.

  A knock sounded on the door and he opened it. Romo and Dirk both stood outside so he joined them. “Ready to get this party started?” Romo asked.

  “How long were you on Earth?” Niku asked.

  “Not much longer than you.” Romo answered.

  “And yet you seem to have picked up all their sayings.”

  “I did my best. I like the way Earthers speak.”

  “Let’s get going you two.” Dirk suggested. He was right, Niku knew they couldn’t be late.

  “Let’s get the ball rolling.” Niku answered just to tease Romo. Dirk looked clueless and Romo chuckled.

  They all changed to their dragon form and lifted into the sky. The old treehouse they played in was not far away. He’d been friends with Romo who was a few months younger, Dirk who was a couple of years younger, and Kenley who was a few months older. Neither Romo nor Dirk had really bonded with Kenley or his younger brothers. The brother that would be going back with them was Martz.

  Martz was now eighteen and had been in Kenley’s care at the time the rogue movement had started. Niku hadn’t seen the boy in years and now he would meet the male he had become. It was his hope that Martz was a good male since he’d been a good boy.

  They dropped lower in circles as they came in to land. It seemed the rogues were here in force but Niku didn’t care. A fire breather could take on fifty dragons if he didn’t care about destroying them painfully. They dropped to the ground changing back in an instant.

  “Kenley, I see you brought company.” Niku’s eyes went to the female beside Kenley. She was exotically beautiful, just like a snake he’d seen while he was on Earth. The casino had brought in a touring show that had included a snake charmer.

  Niku had been fascinated by the cobra and its hypnotic eyes. Gorgeous but dangerous, just like this female. Before Kenley even introduced her, he knew it was Dannia. “I have two more males that have decided to leave me.” Kenley declared. “They are hoping your clemency will extend to them too.”

  Niku felt sure that the king and emperor would agree less rogues were a good thing. “And you assure me they are not just leaving to act as infiltrators in regular society?” Niku asked.

  “I’m sure you’ll watch them until you’re satisfied that it’s true. I hate losing so many, but if they’re not committed to the cause, it’s best they go.” Kenley admitted.

  It made Niku think of the accusation the two that attacked Cretia made. Maybe Kenley wasn’t in control but maybe he knew it. This might be his last ditch effort to save those he cared about.

  “Very well. Are you sure you won’t take the offer yourself? We would protect you and get you back into the fold.” Niku offered.

  “A nice offer, but I’m past saving. Save those worthy of it.” Kenley said. Such an odd thing to say.

  “So you’re the male my sister Cretia is so crazy about.” Dannia said.

  “I’ve not seen her in weeks. Is she staying with you?” Niku asked holding his dragon under tight control.

  “I’ve not seen her in a while either. She’s probably hanging out in those woods like a hermit.” Dannia predicted.

  Niku’s dragon wanted to blow smoke at her. The female was lying badly, it was obvious. “I’m sure she’ll turn up soon.” Niku said dismissively.

  “I have no doubt of that.” Dannia said and her smile was pure evil.

  “It’s time for us to go. We’ll have to find living quarters for everyone.” Niku explained.

  Kenley motioned for Niku to step away from everyone and he spoke quietly. “Where will Martz stay?”

  “I’ll keep him with me for now. If he still likes farming, I’ll give him a job until something better comes up. Some of the others may be staying in troop quarters. It’s all we have on such short notice.” Niku explained. Looking at Dannia, he saw she was fuming. Apparently she didn’t like being left out of the conversation. That was just too bad.

  “Thank you for looking out for Martz and yes, he still prefers farming to fighting.” Kenley admitted as he walked away. Niku didn’t think that was a bad thing. There were enough fighters on the planet now.

  He and the others watched as Kenley and his people flew away with Dannia perched on top of Kenley’s large dragon looking like a queen on her throne. How had Kenley allowed this to happen? Such an evil woman and she was now ruling volatile rogues.

  “We need to go to the castle first. I’m sure you all remember the way. Some of you will be quartered in the troop barracks temporarily. If asked, tell them you are there for a special project and if there is a problem they can contact me. We will help you find a place to live and a job in your field of interest. To expedite the process, you will be divided between Romo and Dirk. They will find out your preference for jobs and areas you wish to live. Hopefully the whole process will be carried out quickly and you will return to something that resembles your former life. Any questions?” Niku asked. No one seemed willing to speak although they had to have at least a few questions. “Okay, let’s fly to the castle.”

  Niku changed and hit the air followed by the six dragons who used to be rogues. Romo and Dirk took the rear. The flight was short and looked like a practice flight for a squadron of Earth flyers. They landed without difficulty and no one questioned him as they entered the castle. They went to Romo’s office because he’d grown distrustful of Gazo. His assistant seemed to have an agenda and that worried Niku a great deal because he didn’t know what it was.

  “You will each get a private consultation with whoever you are assigned to. Three of you will be Romo’s to acclimate back into our society and three will be assigned to Dirk who is now my field assistant.”

  “Will we all be housed together?” Martz asked.

  “No, some of you may have a job right away and housing may come with the job. Certain positions are easier to be placed in.” Niku informed.

  “What positions are those?” A male asked.

  “Farming for one and going back into the military is another. Any of you interested in mining can be sent directly to Esco City.” Niku said.

  “What if we’re not interested in those jobs?” The same male asked.

  “We will try our best to accommodate you unless you simply aren’t interested in any job.” Niku admitted.

  “Sounds fair enough.” The outspoken one agreed.

  “I will take Martz first since his interest is farming.” Dirk offered. Niku knew it was so he could get him settled in at his place. There was a small caretakers hut similar to the one Cretia had lived in only nicer and more modern that he intended to put Martz in.

  It was a custom many years past that gentlemen farmers, often soldiers who had retired to farms like his and Romo’s, had small buildings for whoever managed the land for them so they would be on site. Both Niku’s and Romo’s were larger to accommodate small families. The owners at the time the huts were built were wealthier than whoever built the one Cretia had lived in.

  Niku sat and talked to the other males, but they only spoke intermittently. It was clear they were uncertain if they had made the right decision and two of them looked as if they would bolt any moment. Martz came back and Niku escorted him to the roof leaving the others to wait for their consultation.

  “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.” Martz said. “Was it easier because of you?”

  “In a way, but it’s not done yet. We’ll talk when we get to my home. I have something to show you and some questions to ask you.” Niku mentioned. They hit the roof and moved in line. It was lunch time and some people headed home for lunch. “Just follow me to my house.”

  Martz followed Niku as he changed and sprang into the air making a straight shot to his house. Betty was expecting them for lunch. They arrived and changed back then headed in the house where the scents of cooking food hit them instantly.

  Betty came to him giving him a quick kiss. It made him smile to be greeted this way by his mate. “This is Martz. Martz, this is Betty.”

  The exchanged greetings. “I bet you are both hungry. Go sit in the kitchen and I’ll serve the food.” Betty bustled around getting everything onto serving platters.

  “Did you know Cretia well while you were at Kenley’s camp?” Niku asked.

  “No, she just dropped in when Dannia summoned her. I was glad to get away from that sister of hers. She gave me a sense of unease. I suggested to Kenley that he cut her loose, but I think he was caught in her spell.” Martz observed.

  “That’s too bad. We’re investigating some violence done to Cretia. We suspect her sister ordered some of Kenley’s males to kill her.”

  “I didn’t think she was that evil. Is Cretia alright?” Niku laid a picture on the table. Martz picked it up and turned pale. “By the gods, I’ve never seen something so awful. Were they put to death?”


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