:::And then sometimes the recycling won’t take certain types of mailers—
:::if they have like a glossy sheen on them.
:::Or if they’re like a full-color uh gloss or—
:::matte or—
:::or something like that. It’s just a challenge…
:::I know, it is.
:::And then you have to pay for your own garbage disposal, so—but if you think about the amount of paper that adds up just from advertising, that’s gonna cost you a pretty penny each year.
:::Yeah, you start trying to cut corners because the cost of living keeps going up and up and up.
:::And uh, you know, things are just continuing to escalate—that, that’s why we—not going back to the Bible, but we can see how close we are—
:::To what?
:::To God’s judgment. We’re living in a judgment period.
:::Do you think that’s because of so much advertising…in the mailboxes?
:::Well, no, I think, um, it’s greed—it’s so much love of money, you know. Instead of being balanced, it seems you see so much corruption—like they just had a senator—I mean here’s this guy—it’s been two years I saw on the news—well, why is it taking two years to indict this man? So when we got—getting into this they found out that he was into graft and corruption and—
:::And bribery!
:::A politician was—
:::A senator!
:::being dishonorable?
:::I can’t think of his name, yeah!
:::Well that’s something else. These are the end times.
:::Yeah! Well they’re always being caught with their hand in the pot lately. We see corruption and this is all over the world! You know, so we’re living in—
:::Not just here.
:::Not just in this country.
:::So we’re living in a judgment period and so it’s so important that we take in knowledge of the Bible. And accurateknowledge. Because uh it’s so important—so many people want to worship God the way they want to, and—
:::Right. And they say, You know what, maybe the Bible’s not true. I’ll find out who God is for myself.
:::That’s what they say.
:::Yeah, and yet this Bible has been perfectly preserved. Even though many—well, the Catholic Church—it’s a well-known fact—tried to—in the Dark Ages tried to suppress this. Because the Catholic Church was formed way back four hundred years after Christ—well, by that time false religion had entered—
:::just like Jesus said it would—when it said, when the apostles were martyred, the early Christians, it said the wolves will scatter the flock, and that happened, you know, and apostasy entered into religion, and some of those pagan doctrines have been handed down until today!
:::Really! You’re kidding me! Like what kind of pagan doctrines?
:::Well, for example, Jesus was not born in December.
:::He wasn’t born in December? He was born on December twenty-fifth.
:::Like about a week short of January.
:::No. Really?
:::Yeah. That was—well, that’s another whole story. He was born about October first.
:::October first.
:::Yeah, the Bible doesn’t say, but he started his ministry when he was exactly thirty—that was fulfilling the—
:::On his birthday?
:::Well, exactly thirty. And that was to fulfill, um……the Jewish requirement that you had to be thirty to become a priest. And he’s our high priest—he needs no successor because he never died. So he waited—then he was serving his father full-time until his death at the age of thirty-three and a half.
:::As a carpenter?
:::Yeah, he was a carpenter, he helped his father—his stepfather—and then when he became thirty he was doing the ministry of his father full-time.
:::Joseph was his stepfather.
:::So he was doing the ministry of Joseph full-time?
:::No, of the Lord.
:::Oh, right, right.
:::See, his father was really God.
:::Right. Right.
:::Joseph was just raising him.
:::Joseph was just—
:::Married to Mary.
:::Mary’s husband.
:::And so—
:::He was a carpenter.
:::He was a carpenter, and Jesus was a carpenter until he turned thirty and then he started serving his father full-time, until he was thirty-three and a half. So if you count back six months, that would take you back to about October first or second he was born. So then they decided—
:::September thirty-first it could have been also.
:::…Yeah. They—they started, uh, celebrating—decided to Christ mass, the mass of Christ, to get the uh, Emperor Constantine, to get the Jews and the Romans together, into one religion. And then they had church-state, you know where the church would govern the state, or the state would govern the state type thing? And uh, he wanted the people to support him, so uh… The Romans celebrated the Saturnalia, the return of the sun.
:::The return of Saturn.
:::Well, the twenty-fifth is the shortest day of the year, right in that area. And they had their pagan celebrations to their gods, you know, they worshipped the sun, the moon, and everything, you know, they even prayed to the Unknown God because they didn’t want to offend anyone.
:::What was his name?
:::And so they just, uh…they… Well, just so they wouldn’t offend maybe some god.
:::Which one?
:::I don’t know, they worshipped everything. They worshipped the creation rather than the creator. The Romans.
:::The Romans!
:::Exactly. So to get the Jews and the Romans together, they decided to start celebrating Jesus’ birthday on October first—well, the Jews did not celebrate birthdays.
:::They didn’t.
:::They considered the day of the death more important. And they didn’t think it was right to build—you know how you’re king or queen for the day and everybody gives you gifts and all this? They didn’t do that. Well, I’ve got some people waiting for me, but do you want me to come back sometime and we can sit down and study some of these things?
:::No, it’s OK. But it’s been really nice talking to you.
:::You have to go now though, huh? You can’t stay and chat more?
:::Well I would love to but I I I uh um, they’re getting cold out there probably. And um—I would like—she has to meet someone at twelve. I have a book: What Does the Bible Really Teach? Have you seen this? And it’s a new book. Do you live here?
:::Well, I’m staying here right now. And I’m not going to be around for very much longer.
:::Oh, I see, you’re sort of going to find your own place.
:::Yeah, I’m not originally from here.
:::Oh, aren’t you? Where are you from?
:::Well, I was born in , , in 1976.
:::OK, that’s a nice warm place.
:::When I was two we moved up to Federal Way, Washington…
:::Yeah, I know where that is.
:::Then when I was eight we moved to California.
:::And then eight and a half we moved to England. And then…
:::Oh, was your dad in th
e military?
:::He was um, he was a drifter, you might say.
:::Uh-huh, OK.
:::And then when I was, um let’s see, ten we moved back to California.
:::And when I was thirteen we moved back to Federal Way.
:::You’ve seen a lot of the world!
:::I lived for a while in Seattle.
:::I’ve lived in Iowa. Let’s see…where else have I lived?…Montana.
:::I’ve lived in Montana too.
:::What part of Montana?
:::I was born in Deer Lodge and I lived in Butte one year. My mom and dad were both born and raised in Montana. And my dad was out of Helena, and my mom lived on a ranch out of Deer Lodge.
:::And I had aunts who lived in Missoula; one in Great Falls, one in Billings.
:::I stayed in Lake Flathead area for a little while.
:::Yeah, that’s beautiful. So are you gonna get an apartment or what?
:::Oh, well, I’m probably going to go back to the other side of the mountains.
:::Are you going to be a drifter like your dad?
:::Um, yeah, maybe. It worked out for him pretty well, until he died recently.
:::Oh, I’m sorry.
:::So what was your name?
:::I’m Alice.
:::Alice. So um, now, I know your friends are waiting so you have to go, but is there anything more you can tell me about this—about the satellite dish?
:::Yeah. They come out and they install it on your roof, and they have to direct it.
:::So that it picks up the—it picks up the uh—you know the uh… So I don’t know if you’d be more satisfied with the cable or that because uh, I don’t know—I don’t think you can go wrong with either one of them.
:::Because they’re both just great?
:::Yeah. So, um, why don’t I leave this with you. This will really direct you. As to the kind of worship that God approves. Do you know God says, Oh, if only you obey my commandments—
:::then it will go well with you—
Michele:sorry I lost you for a second
Michele:Are you still there?
Visitor 1969: Yes, I’m here.
Michele:May I have your name please?
Visitor 1969:What happened to you?
Michele:I think there was a glitch but it’s fine now
Visitor 1969:Well, I’m glad you’re back. They call me .
Michele:Would you like to share your website address with me?
:::I know what all the different religions teach, and I wouldn’t be at your door if I didn’t feel this was the true faith. You know, if I didn’t know for positively, I wouldn’t be out here in the snow and the heat and the rain—I’ve been out doing this for forty-some years. Yeah, I’m seventy-one and I—
::: Well, you’re getting a lot of exercise. You look great for seventy-one.
:::Well, I don’t know about that, but—
:::No, you do.
:::Well, I—
Michele:Still there?
Visitor 1969:Your diction is different, Michele. Please don’t be offended with my asking, but are you sure you are the same person i was chatting with before?
Michele:Yes it’s me
Visitor 1969:How can I be sure?
Michele:Well I re-engaged with you because I was assisting you:)
Michele:and there is no other Michele except me in this shift
Visitor 1969:OK, sorry Michele, I guess I can get a little paranoid. It’s just you never really know who you’re talking to on the web, do you?
Michele:you’re right, specially with so many technologies out there
Michele:so do you have any other questions for me?
:::See, the thing is—and I know you’ve gotta go—the thing is, it seems to me that God is very large. And that he can’t be contained—
:::in a book.
:::And that all of God’s ideas and everything that God has in store for us, and created for us, it can’t really can’t be conceived by man, so man just has to go out and seek God himself and not necessarily blindly believe in the beliefs of his fathers or in a preexistent faith.
:::Well, let me leave this book for you to examine :::
Michele:still there?
Visitor 1969: Yes, still here.
Visitor 1969:There was a question i wanted to ask before we got off-track. Does it seem to you that in this country we’re not really expected to do anything but buy and consume, or to be anyone but a buyer or a consumer? It feels that way to me.
Michele:well I guess that is the life cycle
Visitor 1969:what do you mean?
Michele:well we buy and consume that’s a universal fact. As far as roles are concerned, we all have one.
Visitor 1969:All of us? What is yours?
Michele:well we have a professional life and personal life and the role varies according to that
Visitor 1969: You’re right, and what I mean is that both our professional and personal lives now seem to be dictated by the consumer environment. We buy personally, and sell professionally.
Michele:hmm you’re right
Michele:you seem to be doing some sort of research
Visitor 1969: Well, I don’t often have the opportunity to chat with people like you.
Michele:hmm, so do you have any questions regarding our service?
Michele:I still don’t have your name by the way :)
Michele:Are you there?
Visitor 1969:Sorry. Yes, still here. I do have questions about the service. This is all part of the decision-making process, Michele. And I did tell you my name. Look up and you’ll see.
Visitor 1969: .
Michele:yes I got that.
Michele:I was just wondering if that is actually your name
Visitor 1969:Do you like America?
Michele:Yes, don’t you like it/
Visitor 1969:What do you like about America, specifically?
Michele:Visitor 1969 I’m Sorry but my shift just ended. Is there something that I can do for you before I log off?
Visitor 1969:Tell me what’s so great about America.
Michele:well I’m a citizen of US and I love everything in this country
Michele:like everyone does
Visitor 1969:including what exactly?
Michele:well I like the country and that includes everything
Michele:nothing specifically
Michele:is there anything else I can help you with, today?
Visitor 1969:would you ever want to come to America?
Michele:well I am there.
Visitor 1969:partly cloudy. 60 degrees. feels like 60 degrees.
Michele:I am sorry but I have to logout Now. Incase you have anything Business Related you can call us at 312- -
Michele:Thankyou for Visiting WebsiteGreeters.com Have a Great Day
session terminated by
nbsp; >HE LIVED
Early fifteenth century AD: a boy was born: in a cardboard box: in the southern Spanish village of San Nicolás del Puerto. They gave him the name Diego. (Latin: Didacus; English: James.) He entered religious life as a boy, learning the Catholic faith from a hermit monk who adopted him. The man and the boy lived together in poverty, growing vegetables, and carving utensils out of wood to raise money for their basic needs, giving most of the money to their even poorer neighbors. At the age of thirty, Diego joined the Franciscan Order. Paying no heed to his own safety, he traveled to the Canary Islands, off the coast of NW Africa, to preach the Word to a race of cannibals. He remained there many years. Not much is known of his life during this time. (By the way, I don’t remember anymore if these words I have used are mine.)
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