GALLANT (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 3)

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GALLANT (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 3) Page 20

by Marilyn Campbell

  "But the more important part of the strategy was to be ready to take advantage of their would-be saviors when the time came. They had to replenish the armies and improve the weaponry to a level where they would be able to deliver a lethal offense and defend themselves against those who were not taken in by illusions."

  "Like the Noronians," Gallant inserted.

  "Right. They were also aware that a direct attack on Norona, even with sufficiently armed troops, would not ensure victory. What they needed was a way to get at them through a vulnerable point. By taking control of something vitally important to the Noronians, they would not need to fight them at all." He paused to catch his breath, but he also seemed to be waiting for Gallant to come up with the solution on his own.

  "Innerworld," Gallant murmured.

  "Earth?" Cherry blurted out.

  Princess Honorbound glared at her, then at Gallant, as though ordering him to deliver the blow the slave deserved. "Perhaps," she said slowly, "we will have to cut out the girl's tongue if she is too stupid to learn the rules. That method has worked well with others like her."

  "Have you dealt with many other Terran slaves?" Gallant sounded as if he had no idea of the magnitude of the information he had just revealed to the Princess... and she reacted exactly as Cherry expected.

  Bolting upward, Honorbound stepped toward Cherry. "She is from Terra? The planet that holds Norona's prize jewel?" Grabbing a fistful of Cherry's short hair, Honorbound pulled her to her feet.

  Cherry clenched her jaws to keep from crying out but she could do nothing to stop the tears that filled her eyes. The next second, the Princess shoved her back down to the ground. "Ha! As puny and weak as we were told. We will have no trouble taking over their planet." She returned to her mat with a satisfied grin. "I will question her further at a later time."

  Gallant leaned over and brought his mouth close to Honorbound's ear. Cherry had to strain to hear his words as he murmured, "I will not remind you politely again. This woman is my property. I will decide whether she is to be questioned." The Princess's answer was a stiff nod.

  Josep's brow wrinkled with concern as he said, "You didn't mention this woman in your report."

  "No," Gallant responded shortly. "I had no idea she was of any importance to my mission."

  Josep did not look convinced but he let the matter drop. "Let us get back to the explanations. During the time when Illusia was successfully conquering other worlds, they took captives along with the technology they stole. For the most part, the captives and their descendants were kept as slaves but occasionally some would rise to a higher position. It was these captives who helped develop the weaponry and solved another problem for the royal family.

  "Your grandfather's was not the only assassination that took place. In spite of the underlords signing the agreement to work together, there was still an unending struggle for superiority. It was just more discreet than it had been before. The hundred-year plan would work for whoever was in power, not only your family. Thus, if you were all wiped out, another would become sovereign."

  "I was the firstborn," Honorbound declared haughtily. "It was imperative that I be protected at all costs so that even if both our fathers were eliminated, I could still lead our people to glory when the appointed day arrived. That turned out to be a very wise decision. Not only are both of our fathers now gone but every other relative we had as well. You and I are the only ones left to carry on.

  "During the Great War, records were found regarding Lore and an early civilization that went underground to survive an ice age. They eventually died off, but the shelter remained. There was nowhere in the galaxy as well hidden or easily guarded as this place.

  "Shortly after my birth, I was brought here with a hundred of our family's loyal followers and some slaves. Over the fifty years since then, three more ships came from Illusia with people, supplies and reports. The last was a little over a year ago, announcing the deaths of our fathers, which triggered the final stage in the royal plan."

  Gallant held up his index finger and turned to Josep. "You said the document was smuggled off Illusia. Honorbound and others were brought here. I have to assume I was taken off-planet as well. How did ships travel through the barrier without anyone being the wiser?"

  "I understand your impatience for answers," Josep responded. "And you will have them all before we are through. But it is time for the evening meal to be served and custom dictates that there be no discussion to distract from the pleasure of eating."

  Chapter 15

  Gallant would have preferred to postpone the meal until he had a few more answers, but his alleged position of authority did not seem secure enough yet to demand a change in these barbarians' customs.

  The Princess clapped her hands twice and three young women entered balancing enormous platters of food on their heads. The rough woven material of the sleeveless sacks they wore seemed to identify them as slaves and the way they kept their eyes downcast confirmed their status. They had to squeeze in between the council members to set the heavy trays on the stone table and Gallant copied the behavior of the others by not assisting or even moving aside to make their job any easier.

  As he was seated at the head of the table, however, there was more room on both of his sides than the others had. Therefore it was definitely not necessary for one of the girls to press her body against his arm to offer him a selection of the meats and vegetables. Nor was there insufficient room for her to walk behind him without brushing against his back.

  When the girls left and returned carrying tankards filled with a foamy liquid, the same one again made blatant physical contact with him. He then noted one of the other girls behaving the same way with Jaro. Apparently, the custom of no distractions during a meal did not extend to sexual matters.

  Whatever doubt he may have had as to the girl's intentions was wiped away when a small chunk of meat fell from the rib he was chewing on. It barely had time to hit his lap when she reached for it and, before she brought it back up to his mouth, she took a moment to search for anything else that might be in the vicinity.

  Not knowing what sort of behavior was expected of him, he chose to ignore her advances and, instead, motioned for her to offer some food to Cherry. He was somewhat surprised when he turned toward her and saw the dangerous gleam in her eyes as she glared at the forward serving girl. But what the servant did surprised him even more.

  In one quick movement, she picked up one of the ribs and hurled it at Cherry, hitting her squarely in the chest. Meat juices smeared the front of Cherry's white jumpsuit before she could grab hold of it. Gallant held his breath as he fully expected Cherry to throw the rib right back at the girl, but instead, she picked the rib up off her lap and took a dainty bite.

  He relaxed a second too soon. As the serving girl walked behind him, she suddenly let out a cry and stumbled to the floor on her face. One glance at Cherry's extended leg told him how the girl had tripped.

  Clearly enraged, the girl made a series of hand movements at Cherry as she leapt to her feet. But a loud clap from the Princess put a stop to whatever she was trying to say.

  Your concern for the woman is showing. It is considered a sign of weakness here. Be careful.

  Gallant heard the voice in his head but knew it was not Mar-Dot thinking to him. Casually, he let his gaze touch on each of the faces around the table. They were all intent on their food. Who are you? he thought.

  When nothing else came to him he hoped that it was because whoever it was could not read his mind any better than Mar-Dot could without touching him. He was slightly shaken by the awareness that these people—or at least one of them—was telepathic. Since he had no such ability and no records indicated otherwise, he had been under the impression that Illusians could not communicate mentally.

  One thing these Illusians did do was appreciate their food. Several more platters were brought to the table before one after another tossed their last scrap into the center and belched their satisfaction.
  Cherry watched the council members pick their teeth and wipe their hands on their clothing and immediately understood what caused the sour smell that surrounded them. She had been hungry enough to clean the tasty meat off the rib she was tossed, but the table manners of the Illusians killed her appetite for any more.

  At the Princess's signal, the serving girls cleared the table and hauled away the remains. As they were leaving the room, Honorbound gave a separate signal to the girl Cherry had tripped, then spoke to Gallant.

  "Though Josep managed to arrive before you, we had no way of knowing precisely when you would get here, so we planned no festivities for your first evening with us. However, it appears that you have brought our entertainment with you." Her eyes shifted to the left and narrowed on Cherry. "Your slave attacked one of mine. For that I have the right to punish her... without your approval. But I will waive that right if she accepts my slave's challenge to fight her."

  Cherry's eyes grew wide as Gallant turned to her. He had to know she didn't know the first thing about fighting! Besides, that girl looked at least twenty years younger and fifty pounds heavier than she was. On the other hand, she really didn't want to know what the Princess considered fair punishment for a slave.

  "How's your arm, woman?" he asked, pointedly nodding at her robotic limb.

  As the light bulb came on in her head, she almost spoke aloud but caught herself just in time. Instead she gave him a thumbs-up and a nod of comprehension. Even though she had never been forced to use her arm to defend herself, she knew she could do it if she had to.

  Her confidence faltered when the girl came back in the room wearing nothing but a white diaper and headband like the horn blowers had worn. Cherry stood up as the girl approached the Princess, knelt before her then rapidly moved her hands and fingers. Cherry could guess half of what she was saying simply by watching. But when she turned to Gallant and practically stuck her heavy breasts in his face, the other half became pretty clear as well.

  Honorbound interpreted the sign language for Gallant. "This girl's name is Vella. Though she was born a slave, she has earned the privilege of training with the novitiate warriors. If she proves herself worthy, she will eventually be permitted to change her status. You see, we are always anxious to increase the number of our soldiers.

  "As much of an honor as that would be for her, she is willing to forego it for another honor. A novitiate must remain virginal until he or she completes the required training. But Vella would relinquish the opportunity to advance for the privilege of becoming bed-slave to our new sovereign."

  Much to Cherry's dismay, Gallant paused to look over the goods being offered. "I'm unfamiliar with your customs," he told Honorbound. "If I accept her sacrifice but she doesn't please me, what then?"

  The Princess shrugged. "As sovereign you may keep as many slaves as you wish and reward or punish them as you see fit. Once you have used her, you may dispose of her. She understands that and would strive to please you all the more because of it."

  Gallant rubbed his chin and motioned for Vella to turn slowly around for him to inspect the rest of her. "She might be entertaining," he said after some consideration. "But I'd like to see what passion she possesses. The way she fights will tell me a lot."

  Honorbound gave a husky laugh. "Well decided, my lord." She rose and tapped Vella's shoulder. "Take your place." Turning toward Cherry, she sneered down at her. "Slaves are not permitted weapons. You will have only your body and your mind. We would appreciate it if you would make an attempt to defend yourself, but even if you do not, Vella will not spare you. The fight begins when I clap and continues until one of you is unconscious... or dead."

  Dead? Cherry stared at Gallant's profile but he only had eyes for Vella. All she needed was a brief glance from him, anything to let her know that he wouldn't allow the girl to actually kill her. How far was "trusting him to know what he's doing" supposed to go?

  As the seconds ticked by and he continued to ignore her and ogle Vella, anger oozed into her mind. It didn't matter that she had asked to come here with him. He could have stopped her if he'd really cared about her safety. Hell! He could have left her in Innerworld to begin with and saved them both a lot of trouble.

  Straightening her shoulders and lifting her chin, she walked out to the open area to meet her opponent. What she really wanted to do was fight with Gallant, but Vella would do as a substitute. She met the girl's narrow-eyed glare with one of her own and tried to remember any boxing or wrestling matches she had ever seen.

  The only thing that came to mind was an old Mohammad Ali quote, "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." The expression seemed to be appropriate advice considering her smaller stature, but how she was supposed to render the girl unconscious with a bee sting was beyond her. Cherry shook the tension out of her arms and legs, discreetly testing her robotic reflexes. She supposed she was as ready as she would ever be.

  The instant the Princess clapped her hands, Vella lunged forward with her hands aimed at Cherry's throat. A quick duck and a sidestep left Vella off-balance and grasping for air as Cherry lifted her foot into the girl's path. Again Vella landed face down on the stone floor and came up spitting mad.

  Like a matador with a frustrated bull, Cherry waved Vella to try again. This time, as the girl attacked, Cherry spun out of her way at the last second and gave her a poke in the back as she passed. Her robotic strength was barely needed to cause Vella to tumble once more.

  Bounding to her feet, the girl was determined to avenge herself. Cherry thought Vella looked more like a cow than a bull with her big udders jiggling around as she bent at the waist to deliver a running head-butt. Just to change the routine, Cherry stood still as Vella charged, then raised her right arm at the last possible moment. A light shove against the girl's forehead sent her sprawling backward.

  The palm of Cherry's hand tingled a bit after contacting Vella's skin, and she hoped her robotic arm wasn't going to start acting up now.

  At first, the council members were mumbling among themselves, but Vella's clumsiness soon had them laughing out loud and urging both females on.

  Cherry made the mistake of glancing Gallant's way and instantly paid for it.

  Vella brought her to the floor in a bone-jarring tackle around her legs. She tried to kick free but Vella's weight and strength were a definite advantage in a close encounter.

  They rolled across the floor, one over the other, as Cherry tried to escape and Vella strained to hold on. The battle escalated when Vella bit Cherry's left thigh so hard, severe pain shot through her hip. It immobilized Cherry long enough for Vella to straddle her waist and go for her throat.

  Bucking and squirming, Cherry's thin fingers clawed at the girl's meaty ones. Although her robotic arm was able to drag one hand away from her throat, Vella was strong enough to maintain the choking hold with the other.

  While the tingling in her arm was increasing with the continued contact, Cherry felt her strength ebbing. She knew unconsciousness might soon follow, but the look on Vella's face said she would not be satisfied with anything short of Cherry's death.

  Anger took a back seat to desperation as Cherry realized she was truly fighting for her life. Without another thought, she released Vella's hand, pulled back her fist and slammed it into the girl's jaw.

  Vella's teeth clacked together as her head snapped to the side. Cherry barely had time to gasp for air, however, before Vella tried to return the punch. Cherry's arm flew up to block the strike then reversed itself to deliver a backhanded swing against Vella's other jaw. This blow had sufficient power behind it to throw Vella off and send her sliding across the floor.

  Lungs heaving and throat burning, Cherry struggled to her knees and prayed the girl would not get up.

  Her prayer went unheard. Vella lifted herself on an elbow, shook her head then climbed drunkenly to her feet. As she staggered forward with bloodlust in her eyes, Cherry forced herself to rise as well. Swaying on her feet, she wondered how much m
ore it would take to end this insanity.

  The answer came to her with her next strained heartbeat. It was going to take everything she had.

  In preparation, she sucked in as big of a breath as she could hold. The second Vella was within reach, Cherry drew back her fist and aimed for the girl's diaphragm. The punch lifted Vella off the ground and threw her several feet in the air before she crashed down again.

  The hoots from the onlookers might have been satisfying if Cherry hadn't been so sickened by the cracking sound she heard when the girl hit the ground. In spite of the knowledge that she had had no choice in this, she feared she might have killed the girl.

  The Princess's clap signified the official end of the match. Cherry stood by anxiously as a plump, middle-aged woman bustled out of the corridor and over to Vella. Two girls of Vella's age followed closely behind. The woman felt for a pulse, raised Vella's eyelids then skimmed her hands over the girl's unconscious form. A cursory exam of Vella's skull caused her to groan.

  "She will be able to report back to work tomorrow," the woman declared then walked out of the room.

  Each of the girls who had followed her in grabbed one of Vella's wrists and proceeded to drag her away.

  Cherry breathed a sigh of relief that Vella was not seriously hurt. The moment she relaxed, however, exhaustion threatened to buckle her knees, but she was afraid that if she collapsed, someone would come and haul her off too.

  "Your little Terran has more strength than one would imagine," Honorbound said to Gallant. "My curiosity is aroused. Perhaps you will permit us to question her now."

  Gallant cocked an eyebrow at her. "I believe there is the matter of my curiosity to be satisfied first. Besides, I'm disappointed with her at the moment and would prefer to have her out of my sight. She didn't even give her opponent a decent nosebleed."

  Cherry's gasp was covered by the laughter that echoed through the room.

  Honorbound was still smiling as she called for the woman who had examined Vella and instructed her to take Cherry away.


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