Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2)

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Heaven and Hell (Beautiful Beings, #2) Page 13

by Gow, Kailin

  “You can thank Ms. Hatchett for that.”

  We all turned to look at Shayne before bringing out curious eyes back to the doctor.

  “In her haste, in her great desperate and selfish attempt to save herself, she unwittingly opened the door… the door that will release more demons than you can fathom. If you think tonight was a battle… just wait until they are all unleashed.”

  “What…?” Shayne muttered. “What did I do?”

  Dr. Sorensen held up a book… the Book of Angels. “You were in such a rush to get your hands on this book, you didn’t stop to think about your actions, young lady. Killing Dr. Kingsley. Surely you were aware… he was a mere man of faith; a strong man of faith. He was solely responsible for keeping the gates of hell closed in this part of the world. The entire western United States was kept civil, sane and…” He gave us all a sardonic grin. “… pure by the good Dr. Kingsley. With his death the gate was left unguarded and…” He tossed the big book in the air and caught it. “… with this latest acquisition, I now have the power to bust those gates open.”

  Gasps of horror came from all sides, most audibly from me. In unison, we turned our accusing glares to Shayne.

  For a brief moment she was smug; proud, but the horror of what she’d done pierced through the demon skin and touched the human inside. “I didn’t know.” Her frantic gaze turned to Brax, to his parents then to her brother. “Moore… help me.”

  Pressing his lips tightly, he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Brax’s dad approached her. “We’ve come for you, Shayne,” he said.

  “Yes,” Brax’s mom added. “We are what we are today because of you, Shayne. Were it only that, I think we could deal with it; accept it, but what you did to Brax, the curse that hangs over his head because of your selfish actions.”

  “I didn’t know,” she said meekly. “I just wanted to rid myself of this demon living inside me. I thought you were angels. I didn’t even know you were Brax’s parents.”

  “Come, Shayne. Stop fighting the inevitable.”

  “No. Brax, tell them.” Her voice shook with fear and panic as she turned to him. “Tell them about us.”

  He remained immobile except for a slight twitch in his lips.

  “Tell them, Brax!” she shouted. “We were together. I loved you. I still love you. You know I would never have done anything to hurt you. All I wanted to do was save myself. Yes…” she said as she turned to the collectors. “Yes, I was selfish. I’m young. I have my whole life ahead of me. Was I supposed to just let this demon take over? Not fight? Not try to find a way out?”

  Desperation rang in every word she spoke. With clumsy strides she made her way to Brax and clung to his arm. “Tell them of the time we spent together. Tell them how we were so much in love. Please Brax.” She gazed at me.

  While I would have expected pride to gleam in her demonic eyes, I was surprised to see honest pain and anguish.

  “I was the queen of St. James before you arrived, Lux. I was the popular girl, the girl to know, the girl to be seen with… and Brax… He was the new guy, the hot new guy.” She turned to him, love evident in her eyes. “Remember the time we spent together? Remember the love we made, the love we shared?”

  She was delusional. Surely she was fabricating.

  I glanced at Brax, looking for defiance, but all I saw was guilt. My breath caught in my throat. Had he truly had a relationship with her?

  “We were more than friends,” she went on as she came to stand before me. “That is, until you came along. All of a sudden he wouldn’t even give me the time of day, but before that, he took my virginity.”

  “Liar,” I blurted out, but a quick glance at Brax confirmed what she’d said.

  “You took my virginity, Brax,” she repeated as she turned to him. “Doesn’t that even mean anything?”

  Brax reddened with increased guilt.

  Shayne turned to me. “That’s why I pursued him so vigorously. And when you came along…”

  Standing right beside Brax, Moore hung his head, unable to look at me.

  “You knew about this?” I asked.

  Brax cut in, obviously irritated and annoyed by the whole conversation. “It was a long time ago, Lux. None of it matters.”

  Shayne gasped, but Brax went on. “It was long before you came along; when I was new to St. James. I’d lost my parents. I was alone and confused. Shayne came and offered what I needed most; love, acceptance and attention. She was there.” He turned to her. “Always there… willing… eager even.”

  Remembering my first heated embrace with Moore, I understood how Brax could have succumbed. “She’s a succubus descendant. It would have been impossible for you to resist. But still…” The image of him in her arms, in her embrace, in her bed… I turned my accusatory glare to Moore.

  “Lux, don’t look at me as though this is all my fault. If anything I could have gained a lot by telling you what a scumbag Brax was. You would have turned away from him, and come to me all the more. But it’s not my place to talk about what went on between them. Brax should have been up front with you from the beginning. He should have told you.”

  “Guys,” Asher said as he slowly stalked toward Dr. Sorensen. “We’ve got business to take care of.” Without waiting for our assistance, he flew into Dr. Sorensen’s face, taking full advantage of the doctor’s distracted interest in our argument. I’d had just enough time to catch the smug expression on his face, proud of the chaos he’d caused.

  Asher took a firm hold of the Book of Angels, but Becca, teeth bared and claws ready, attacked him and tried to suck his soul.

  “Word is yours would taste so much sweeter; the soul of an angel. Getting an angel to fall is a huge victory, far more rewarding than getting a hold of a mere mortal.”

  Asher grabbed her throat and easily threw her off him. Without wasting a second, he turned to Dr. Sorensen, but the doctor proved to be a far greater adversary than anyone could have imagined.

  With seeming ease, he grabbed Asher’s wrist, twisted it behind his back and brought my fair angel to his knees.

  It was all we needed to finally break the quarrel and rush Dr. Sorensen. Moore and Brax each grabbed a wrist and forced the doctor to release Asher. I hurried to bring my crucifix to his brow, eager to rid the world of the loathsome demon, but Becca gave my hand a solid kick that succeeded in sending my crucifix flying into the air.

  Asher grabbed her, but it was too late. My crucifix was gone.

  “I`ve had just about enough of you,” Asher shouted to Becca. “By the powers of He who resides in Heaven, be gone…” A strong and blinding stream of light radiated from the palm of his hand and seared clear through Becca.

  Leaving behind only a thin grey puff of smoke, she was gone.

  While Asher turned his attention to Dr. Sorensen, I stooped to look for my crucifix. Between the dim light and strewn leaves, it seemed an impossible task.

  Concentrating on my search and only barely listening to the goings on around me, I raked my fingers through the leaves, but instead of finding my crucifix, my hand ran over a shoe. I turned to find the owner and was met with Dr. Sorensen`s victorious grin.

  “I told you I wouldn’t be so easy to get rid of.”

  I glanced behind him to find Asher, Brax and Moore moaning their new cracks and bruises as they rubbed their various aches.

  “You may have a knack for attracting an interesting array of diverse and handsome young men, Lux, but…” He took a vicious hold of my elbows and yanked me up. “They’re not really much use, are they?

  Just inches from him, I could hear and smell the gurgling of the bowels of darkness from deep within him.

  “How vulnerable do you feel now?” He sneered. “Sucking your soul would be as easy as blowing out the feeble flame of a candle, but there is always something delicious about lingering over such a tantalizing soul. Besides, I believe we can really help one another, so why rush it?”

  “Don’t listen to him
, Lux,” Asher called out. He struggled to get to his knees, but he was obviously suffering from a pain at his side. “Don’t waste any time talking to him. He’ll just use you then suck you soul just the same. Look at Shayne.”

  I glanced at Moore’s sister. Flanked by Brax’s parents, she looked miserable and scared.

  “And look at Brax’s parents. They made a deal with a demon and ended up going to hell with him, and having a curse set on their only son.”

  “I can save Brax,” Dr. Sorensen countered. “I can break the curse hanging over him. He’d be free; free to live a life without the threat of ever seeing the likes of me again.”

  “He’s lying,” Asher shouted.

  “Don’t worry about me,” Brax added. “Don’t give in to him, Lux.”

  “All I ask in return,” Dr. Sorensen said, “is a little servitude on your part. Just jump ship, leave the dull life with angels behind you and join me. I can guarantee we’re a more fun bunch than that gaggle of pure as snow angels. Surely you now realize how vain every battle is. Surely, dear Lux, beautiful, vibrant and exciting girl that you are, surely you now see how you’re ripe for a major change in your life. And you have the added bonus of liberating your beau, Brax.”

  I leaned closer, inexplicably drawn to him and his simple solution.

  “Don’t, Lux.” Brax stood and stumbled closer. “He can’t. He can’t break this curse.”

  “How do you know?” I was lured by the doctor’s promise and wanted to believe it.

  Brax’s father stepped in. “Because only Brax and an angel can break the curse.

  We all turned to Asher.

  “No,” Brax’s mother interjected. “It’s not him.”

  “Forget about Brax, then,” Dr. Sorensen said. “I’ll save Moore. After all he’s the one you really want, right? The real love of your life? I mean, I know it’s a rather strange way to go, a bit taboo, and, truth be told, you’ll only find misery in his company, unless you allow me to remove the curse he inherited.”

  I glanced at Moore, his eyes brimming with love. “The guys are right, Lux. Don’t bargain with him. It’s not worth it, no matter how much we love each other. You can’t give him your allegiance. I can`t let you do that for me. Even if you agree, we still won’t be able to be together.”

  Dr. Sorensen gazed at me, his eyes gleaming with pride. “I do enjoy turning your young little life upside down; you and your useless suitors.” He leaned closer, his lips tracing a line over the arch of my brow. I felt a shudder spread through me that was exciting, yet frightening at the same time. His lips trailed down my cheeks, inching closer to mine. I was paralyzed with fear and longing. “Join me, Lux. Join me, and I will make sure you experience the wildest…”

  “Alenda lux ubi orta libertas,” Asher chanted, the Book of Angels open in his hands. “Non facias malum ut inde fiat bonum.”

  Dr. Sorensen turned his wrath on him. “Shut up!”

  “Radix malorum est cupiditas,” Asher continued. “Veritas diaboli manet in aeternum.”

  Fear played in the doc’s eyes while his lips tightened into a line that hinted of fear.

  “As the powers of all the angels here,” Asher bellowed. “We send you, Demon, and those who follow you, back to hell.”

  I fell back as Dr. Sorensen released me.

  A burst of light lit the forest and the ground opened up, ravenous as it sucked in the stunned doctor. Demons who’d avoided being slain found themselves suck into the hole. Shayne only let out a surprised gasp as she was pulled under while Brax’s parents looked lovingly and longingly at their son.

  He took a step towards them, but they nodded their acceptance of their fate and returned to their awaiting hell in silence.

  Chapter 19

  “Lux.” Brax hurried to my side. “I was so scared for you. For a minute I thought he was going to go for it. He was so close to you, so close to taking your soul.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I admitted I was lured, almost pulled in. I didn`t mean to scare you like that.”

  “Don’t worry. It’s not your fault. He was good at dealing with people. Good at playing with all our insecurities.”

  “I was ready to do anything for you… to save you.” I looked at him, realizing just how true that was.

  “While that’s good to know, I’m glad you resisted him. You can’t underestimate the dangerous outcome of saying yes to the wrong people… the wrong demon, no less. There’s no way you would have come out of that a winner. He would have led you astray, used you to the fullest extent, then cast you aside… once he’d sucked your soul that is.” Brax’s eyes were dark with emotions. “Knowing you were willing to risk it makes me love you more.”

  “I love you, too.” I bit down on my words, knowing they sounded false. “That is, I really wanted to get close to you, to find out where we were going, but… I wish I’d known about you and Shayne. I feel cheated, even if this did happen before you met me. Just the fact that this was a secret you kept from me; a secret between you and her. I never would have thought there was anything serious between you two, but now…”

  “Please don’t make a bigger deal of this than it is. Shayne made it out to look like we were a couple. We were never even close to being a couple and she knew it. I hate to say it, but she was just a release; a thoughtless release. I barely even remember anything about it. It’s like you and Moore. A succubus spell. I was partially under her spell, and she took advantage of that. It’s so far back in the past, Lux, I can honestly say I’d not even thought about it before she mentioned it. It happened once, and I was sorry it even happened.” Brax looked down, remorse clearly on his face.

  I glanced at the ground, finding it hard to look him in the eye. He’s had sex with Shayne, had lain with her, shared intimate, excruciatingly intimate moments together. It was more than what I have ever done with Brax, although I was tempted to do more. While I understood the pull of the Hatchett spell, I still couldn’t get past the notion of them together.

  “I guess it explains why she was so angry,” I finally said, daring a glance at him. “You used her. She was falling in love with you while you simply used her for your own pleasure then tossed her aside.”

  “You’re making me out to be a monster, Lux. That’s not who I am. That’s not what happened. We dated, yes, and one time we got close enough to have sex, but then she started acting strange, violent, angry…I didn’t even know she was a demon, but then I started feeling angrier and darker around her. I had to break it off with her, and she couldn’t understand all I wanted was to be friends. I didn’t feel that way about her.”

  All I could do was nod. Shayne was gone now, and I wanted to believe Brax, but now all I can think of was that Brax was becoming more and more like Shayne, unless I can help him. “Your parents said you had to work with an angel to break the curse. If it’s not Asher, that means we have to find another angel… the right angel who’ll set you free.” I looked at him, my lips in a matter of fact line and my eyes all business. “I want to put the romantic side of our relationship aside for now, but I’ll still help you with this curse.”

  “Lux, you can’t believe what Shayne said. You can’t let her come between us, not when she’s finally out of our lives for good.” He looked so discouraged. “What do I have to do to prove to you that you’re the only one for me?”

  “Nothing, Brax. There’s nothing you can do. Just give me time. I need to sort all of this out on my own.”

  Moore came up to us causing Brax to cautiously eye him. I could see the jealousy, the envy, the possessiveness take over. Had he heard Dr. Sorensen’s assessment of my relationship with Moore?

  “Can I talk to you for a second, Lux?” Moore said as he glared at Brax. “Alone?”

  “Do I have any choice?” Brax muttered as he backed away and went to stand by Asher.

  Moore and I walked a little ways over away from Brax and Asher. “I don’t want to gloat, I promise, but… what Dr. Sorensen said, is it true? Are you
really in love with me?”

  I let out a soft snort. “What do you think?”

  “I think…” He pulled me close and brought his lips over mine, possessing me without restraint.

  I forgot all about Brax and Asher, and gave myself entirely to Moore’s embrace. I melted into him, wanting to feel all of him. His kiss touched me deep inside, bringing a delicious euphoria filled with enough passion and affection to leave me dizzy.

  He pulled back, his eyes dark with lust and longing. “I want to explore this further… so much further.” He kissed me again, letting his lips express all his longings.

  Remembering Dr. Sorensen’s words, I backed away. “He said our relationship was doomed, forbidden, even taboo. He said we’d go nowhere.”

  “Unless we find a cure for my curse. Obviously Shayne didn’t take the right route. Her attempt to save herself turned out to be disastrous.” A saddened light came to his eyes. “I want my outcome to be so much different.”

  “I’m here with you, Moore. I’ll help you. I might not know where to begin, but I’ll help you.”

  “The Book of Angels seemed to have instructed Dr. Kingsley about the workings of the demon world. Maybe we should take a closer look.”

  We turned to see Asher and Brax studying the book Dr. Kingsley had prized.


  I could hear Asher muttering as he read various passages aloud, and while Brax was engrossed in the book, he nonetheless glanced up at us, his eyes momentarily showing the pain of his loss before he returned his attention to saving his mortal soul. He read along with Asher for a long moment before stopping and turning to us again.

  “That doctor or demon, or whatever he was, started the process of opening the portal in the San Francisco area. My uncle was the only human in charge of keeping it closed. Now that he’s gone, I think maybe I should take up the role. This portal must be somewhere around San Francisco. That’s probably why my uncle settled in this area.”

  “I think that could be a good idea, Braxton,” I said, happy to see him stepping up to his uncle’s role as protector of the portral. “What’s Asher doing?”


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