Carnal Discipline

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by Kate Hill

  Carnal Discipline

  Kate Hill

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2007 Kate Hill

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  ISBN: 978-1-59596-660-5

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

  Editor: Sheri Ross Fogarty

  Cover Artist: SkyeWolf

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  Carnal Discipline

  Kate Hill

  As handmaiden to Lady Altah, Vesta has served in the palace for most of her life. She’s seen many powerful men come and go, but none have caught her interest like the two latest additions to the Vampire Leader’s household.

  Julian, the charming and intelligent Liaison for the Common Wolf, and Curt, the handsome and courageous Captain of the Guard, are the sexiest wolves she’s ever met.

  Passion rages among the three, but neither Vesta nor Julian are prepared for the irresistible lure of disciplined sex of which Curt is an expert.

  This trio creates enough heat to burn down the palace walls in an unbreakable joining of Vampire and werewolves.


  Lady Altah, Ruler of the Vampire Nation, sat in the great hall of her palace and faced an old friend. Dirk, Leader of the Blackwood Pack, had been a strong ally since her mother’s time. The old, gray-haired werewolf still exuded power, even in his man form. Tall with stern blue eyes and a full beard, he settled his thickly muscled frame into the chair Altah gestured him toward.

  “It’s good to see you again, Dirk,” she said. “Though I realize this isn’t a social call. You said there was something important you’d like to discuss?”

  She knew whatever he wished to speak to her about was of a serious nature since he had ordered the guard who’d accompanied him to wait outside and had requested she ask her two wolf guardians to do the same. Had he been anyone else, she wouldn’t have honored such a request. Her guardians, Rex and Kyros, weren’t merely her bodyguards, but her advisors and lovers. Though werewolves, they wielded more power than any in the Vampire Nation. Such power was their reward for dedicating their lives to Altah’s service, yet she felt she had the better end of the bargain. Only her respect for and trust in Dirk prompted her to send her guardians away for this meeting.

  “I have known you all your life, Altah, and your mother before you. In that time, the alliance between the Vampire Nation and the Blackwood Pack has remained strong. It is known that the Captain of your Guard will be retiring soon.”

  He was correct. The Captain of the Guard, traditionally a werewolf of good character with an exemplary military record, was commissioned for the life of his career. Upon his retirement, he enjoyed a comfortable home and salary as well as a great deal of respect. Such perks were well earned, however. In charge of protecting the palace as well as the Vampire Ruler’s Capital City, his voice was second only to Altah’s personal guardians, his rank even higher than a General of the Vampire Nation’s regular military. Not only must he see that his troops were in top fighting form, but he must set an example, being ready for battle at any moment. He must possess the social skills to represent the Vampire Nation to esteemed visitors to the palace.

  Several pack leaders had already approached her with eligible warriors. Along with Kyros and Rex, she had carefully gone over each one’s records and they were nearly ready to make a decision.

  “Yes. I noticed you sent a recommendation for a Brigadier Curt Razorpaw. His military record is very impressive.”

  “I won’t skirt the issue, Altah. I’ve come to ask a personal favor. Please appoint Razorpaw as the Captain of the Guard.”

  Altah drew a deep breath and released it slowly. In all the years she’d known Dirk he rarely used their friendship as leverage for political favors.

  “Why is this so important to you?” she asked.

  “As you know, since the uprisings incited by the renegade werewolves have ended, the wolf packs have been doing all we can to keep peace among ourselves as well as the Vampire Nation. Changes have been made among both wolves and Vampires. You’ve done more than your share to see that the alliances remain intact. Fighting, even among the packs, has lessened and negotiations are handled in conferences rather than on the battlefield. Our pack is on the edge of your southern border and I’m working closely with your Tribal Leader, Sylvan. He has a particular aversion to Razorpaw. Something about his methods being too harsh during the uprisings. Sylvan has asked me to remove Razorpaw from his duties on the border. To keep the peace I must consider doing what your tribal leader asks, yet it would be a slap in the face to one of my best warriors.”

  “I see. And I’ve noticed Brigadier Razorpaw has extensive battle experience, though by the research I’ve done he is fair in his judgments. Both my guardians have worked with him in the past, as you know, and have spoken highly of him.”

  “Then you have been seriously considering him for the position?”

  She sighed. “We have. However my tribal leader’s concern is the same as mine regarding Brigadier Razorpaw. While he is an excellent warrior, I fear he might not fit the more diplomatic duties that fall upon the Captain of the Guard.”

  “Altah, you will not find a more loyal servant than Brigadier Razorpaw. He would give his life for his duty in a heartbeat. I realize this must seem to be an emotional plea to you, something which my kind finds distasteful. Yet in regards to battle and the hunt, qualities such as courage and loyalty are of the utmost importance to us.”

  “I understand that,” Altah said. She realized werewolves’ spirits were powerful yet sentimental and she knew from personal experience the loyalty of a good wolf was priceless.

  “Give him the chance to prove himself. He will not fail you. You will have the best wolf for the job, guaranteed, and I can remove him from the border knowing his considerable skills will be put to good use and his reputation will not be tarnished due to your tribal leader’s stubbornness.”

  Altah nearly smiled at Dirk’s innuendo. “I could speak to Sylvan for you regarding Razorpaw.”

  “Yes, you could. However, you know how vindictive Sylvan can be, and he has a tremendous aversion to Razorpaw. The battles aren’t as fierce as they once were and Razorpaw’s talents are not currently required.”

  “So you’re willing to reassign a loyal wolf to keep negotiations smooth?”

  “Our relationship with Sylvan’s tribe has been very profitable.”

  Again Altah nearly smiled. So much for the sentimental nature of a wolf. They were becoming as greedy as Vampires.

  “In the memory of your mother and out of respect for our long and powerful alliance, I ask this of you, My Lady.”

  “I will let you know my decision this evening.”

  Dirk stood, bowed from the neck, and left Altah to her thoughts.

  After discussing Dirk’s request with Rex and Kyros, Altah sent a formal written acceptance of Curt Razorpaw as the new Captain of the Guard.

  Chapter One

  Curt Razorpaw stood in the great hall of his pa
ck leader’s home. He made a conscious effort to keep his expression unreadable when inside he was screaming with utter rage.

  After a moment of heavy silence following the announcement made by Dirk, Leader of the Blackwood Pack, Curt finally asked, “You wish to have me demoted, sir?”

  Dirk replied, “I hardly consider allowing you to take the position of Captain of Lady Altah’s guard a demotion. Other than Rex and Kyros, you will be the most powerful man in the Vampire Nation.”

  Curt’s jaw tightened and he resisted the urge to wince. The Vampire Nation. Banished from his own kind to serve among a weaker species. This insult was almost too much to bear and he couldn’t understand the reason for it. He had dedicated his life to serving his pack, had fought countless battles. He thought he had secured a place among his people, but apparently such loyalty meant little to werewolves now that they’d been infected by the decadent, greedy ways of the Vampire Nation.

  “Are you refusing the position?” Dirk growled.

  Drawing a deep breath, Curt willed his jaw to loosen enough to reply. “I have never refused an assignment. If you want me to serve Lady Altah then I will do so to the best of my ability, as always.”

  With a satisfied grunt, Dirk nodded. “I thought you would rise to the occasion. I warn you, Razorpaw, this assignment is not to be taken lightly. You will be representing our kind to the entire world. Remember Lady Altah’s palace is not a battlefield.” The pack leader shook his head. “What am I saying? I needn’t remind you how to conduct yourself. It’s just that you’ve spent so many years in the thick of battle. It’s almost sad to see the old ways coming to an end.”

  “An end, Sir?”

  “You know what I mean. We’re becoming more civilized and that’s a good thing.”

  “Is it?” Curt didn’t bother keeping the hint of distaste from his voice. One thing he knew in his heart, no matter how civilized his kind became, no matter how much they tried to mimic Vampires, they would always be wolves. No Vampire could understand what it meant to be wild, but in his heart a wolf would always be --

  “You’ll be leaving in three days. Will that give you enough time to settle your affairs here?” Dirk interrupted his thoughts.

  Curt’s pack had long ago been destroyed. He had no family, except for the wolf warriors with whom he served. Though he was loathe to admit experiencing such a weak emotion, he would miss them. What pleasure could he possibly find living in the Vampire Ruler’s palace? Still, it was not for him to question his duty. If his pack leader wanted him to serve as Captain of Lady Altah’s guard, then he would do so. “I’ll be ready.”

  “At the beginning of the week, there will be a ceremony for the changing of the guard. I will, of course, be present.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Curt replied with expected politeness. Inside, for the first time in his life, he had the mad urge to tell his pack leader to go fuck himself.

  “Have you any other questions or comments?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Then you may go.”

  Curt bowed from the neck, turned on his heel and marched out of the hall. Outside, he headed for the barracks where he shed his uniform and changed into his beast form –bipedal, with elongated facial features, razor sharp fangs and claws. He stalked to the exercise path in the nearby woods. For the next couple of hours he raced through the trees, stalked prey and swam in the rough waters of the river rushing down from the mountains. He intended to enjoy his last days of wolf country before he was fettered for the rest of his life, nothing more than a guard dog for the Vampire Ruler.

  * * *

  Vesta had spent her entire life in the Vampire Ruler’s palace. Her mother had been the handmaiden to the old Vampire Ruler and Vesta had been raised as handmaiden to the current Ruler, Lady Altah.

  Over the years she and Altah had developed a close relationship. In public they maintained an image of Ruler and servant. In private they were good friends. As handmaiden, Vesta saw to Altah’s personal needs and she also enjoyed a level of respect in the Vampire world.

  She oversaw Altah’s bloodmaids, a select group of women who willingly supplied Altah with blood and entertained important guests.

  This morning, Vesta made her way to the bloodmaids’ chamber for inspection. Today was special. The new Captain of the Guard would arrive and meet with Lady Altah and her wolf guardians, Kyros and Rex. Vesta and the bloodmaids were expected to be in attendance upon his arrival. The day after tomorrow the Guard Change ceremony would take place and by tradition, since the new captain was unmated, Vesta would act as his partner for the night.

  If he was anything like the old Captain, that duty would be pleasant enough. The retiring Captain, a gallant old wolf, had Vesta’s admiration and respect. He had been like a father figure to her, since her own had taken little interest in her. Instead of accepting Altah’s offer to remain at the palace for his retirement, he had decided to return to his pack to be closer to his family. Though Vesta understood his decision and wished him every happiness, she would miss him.

  Of course, this new Captain wasn’t old but in the prime of life. She couldn’t help wondering about him. She had seen his image on Altah’s computer, a stiff facial shot that told her little about him other than that he was rather handsome in a stern way. He had especially beautiful eyes, large, wide set and vivid blue. Their only fault rested in their cold expression. Of course, she couldn’t fairly judge the man from one picture. Vesta greatly believed in first impressions. She intended to form no opinion until seeing Curt Razorpaw in the flesh.

  After entering the bloodmaids’ wing, she headed for the luxurious bath chamber, complete with an enormous heated tub. When she stepped inside, three of the women were enjoying a swim in the steamy water while the other five stood in various stages of dressing.

  “Ladies!” Vesta clapped her hands sharply, glancing at the maids who snapped to attention. “I cannot believe you’re not dressed yet. The new captain is due to arrive soon and will meet with Lady Altah in two hours. Hurry up. I expect you to be ready and waiting in the great hall before Lady Altah sets a toe through the door.”

  The women nodded and the ones in the water hurried out.

  “Don’t worry,” said one of the maids, Amanda, who was always eager to please. “We won’t be late.”

  Vesta nodded. “I expect to see you in the great hall half an hour before the meeting. Have you decided which of you will attend Captain Razorpaw tonight?”

  The maids exchanged glances and again Amanda said, “We’ve decided it would be best if he chooses.”

  A smile tugged at Vesta’s lips. “Very good. That would be most appropriate.”

  She left the chamber and made her way to Altah’s wing. Halfway there, a familiar voice called to her and she grinned, her heart leaping with happiness and desire. Pausing, she turned and waited for the tall, sandy-haired werewolf to catch up with her.

  In his man form, Julian’s boyishly handsome face made him seem disarmingly tame for a werewolf. His wide set green eyes had a calm, almost gentle expression and he smiled often.

  Vesta knew that in spite of his charm, he had the heart of a wolf. His easygoing nature combined with his strength made him a great political weapon since most Vampires could easily relate to him. Being from a working class family, he understood common wolves and their issues. These assets had earned him the position of Liaison for the Common Wolf. It was a new job created by Lady Altah and a number of pack leaders several months ago after a serious rebellion among werewolves who felt they were being mistreated by some tribal and pack leaders. Their justifiable concerns led to many reforms and Julian had played an important part in most of them.

  He and Vesta had met briefly when he’d first taken the job. Though he had a room at the palace, over the past months his duty required him to travel so much that he’d scarcely been around. When he did manage to spend a few days at the palace, he and Vesta had spent time together. While they weren’t officially a couple, Vesta rather
liked the idea.

  Julian reached her and gathered her into a firm embrace. His lips brushed hers and Vesta slipped her arms around his neck, closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss. After it broke, Julian kept his hands on her waist, his green eyes gazing into hers.

  “When did you get back?” she asked.

  “A couple of hours ago. My meeting with Pack Leader Temple ended sooner than expected. He’s coming personally in a few weeks to finish discussing our plans with Lady Altah.”

  “You must have made an impression on him. And you were worried.”

  “Well, he’s known as a hard ass. He’s really sticky when it comes to wolf rights and traditions, but I think he’s a good leader and if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have a job. He’s the reason they hired a Liaison.”

  “Three cheers for Pack Leader Temple,” Vesta said, brushing her nose against Julian’s before kissing him again. His tongue darted between her lips and she moaned softly, her tongue meeting his. The very tip of her fangs pierced his flesh and she tasted his sweet, delectable blood.

  “Umm, Vesta,” he murmured, nuzzling her neck. “I am so looking forward to seeing you when you’re off duty.”

  Smiling, she pushed away from him. “This is no way to be carrying on in the middle of the corridor. Are you going to come for Captain Razorpaw’s arrival?”

  “Since, officially, I’m still not supposed to be here I thought I’d be a bad boy and escape to my chamber. I’m suffering from major jetlag.”

  “I’m not surprised. Well, go catch up on your sleep. You’re going to need all the strength you can get for next time we’re alone together.”

  His green eyes flashed with lust and a low growl escaped his throat. “When might that be?”

  “Tomorrow night for dinner?”

  “All right. You come to my room and I’ll make sure there’s a fantastic meal waiting and then after…”


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