Carnal Discipline

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Carnal Discipline Page 4

by Kate Hill

  Vesta followed, watching as he washed with quick efficiency.

  “Feel free to bathe before you leave,” he said.

  His casual tone took her aback. For some reason she thought he might ask her to stay.

  “There’s no hurry,” he told her, stepping out of the water and wrapping a towel around his lean waist. “I’m going to the barracks for an inspection. Leave when you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready,” she said coolly and picked up her dress. “I have my own bath in my rooms.”

  “Thank you for a most enjoyable evening, Vesta. I hope we can see each other again.”

  “We’ll see,” she said, unsure of how to take him. He certainly wasn’t like Julian. Whenever they made love, they liked to spend time together afterward, talking or sharing a meal.

  Curt seemed bent on jumping right into business.

  Chapter Three

  The following night Vesta approached Julian’s room with a feeling of dread. She loved spending time with him and enjoyed their lovemaking, but after what had happened between her and Curt last night, she felt guilty. Not that she had any reason to. There was no commitment between her and Julian, at least none they’d discussed. Making love with Curt hadn’t exactly been cheating, so why did she feel like she’d done something wrong?

  Perhaps that was the problem. Deep inside she didn’t feel sleeping with Curt was wrong or a mistake. All day the strangest thoughts had turned over in her mind. She found herself paying careful attention to the relationship between Altah and her two guardians. Altah seemed quite happy with their arrangement. Why shouldn’t she, with two gorgeous wolves loving and protecting her? Maybe such a relationship wasn’t meant for the Vampire Ruler alone. Vesta fantasized about having both Julian and Curt. What if she didn’t have to give up either wolf?

  No. It was too farfetched. Julian might possibly be persuaded to at least consider a ménage, but something told her Curt wouldn’t hear of it. He was most certainly all alpha. She couldn’t see him sharing a mate with another man. Still, she could dream. In spite of her attraction to Razorpaw, she doubted he had been looking for anything more than a fling. Julian, on the other hand, was the sort of man a woman could imagine a future with.

  Pausing outside his door, she took a moment to compose herself then knocked. Seconds later he answered, wearing an easy smile and looking gorgeous in black slacks and a silky green shirt that matched his eyes.

  “Hi,” he said and brushed a kissed across her mouth before stepping aside to allow her in. His gaze swept her appreciatively.

  Vesta had dressed carefully that night and thought she looked attractive. Her long black hair hung smooth down her back and she wore a sapphire blue dress with a deep neckline that exposed a good deal of cleavage.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Come on. Dinner is ready.”

  “It smells great,” she said, her stomach growling. One thing she’d learned about Julian, he was a very good cook.

  Though his chamber had a layout similar to Curt’s, it greatly reflected Julian’s personality. Paintings of wilderness scenes decorated the walls and rugs woven by his pack were scattered over the polished wooden floor. The rooms carried the scent of leather chairs and the pleasant, woodsy cologne he always wore.

  The dining table was set for two and Julian pulled out Vesta’s chair that she settled into, smiling at him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Wine?”

  “For now.” She tossed him a flirtatious look and licked her lips, her gaze telling him that later she expected a drink of his delectable wolf blood. Julian was absolutely delicious. Different from Curt, but just as wonderful. Lord, she needed to stop thinking about both of them at the same time. It wasn’t going to happen, no matter how much she wanted it to.

  Julian’s eyes darkened with desire and he growled deep in his chest, a lustful, wolfy sound that never failed to arouse her. She was almost ashamed of herself. Vampires were known for their extreme desires, but she’d never imagined herself to be the sort of woman who’d contemplate a threesome. Perhaps palace life was getting to her after all. Was she bored? Crazy? No, she was simply lucky enough to have caught the interest of two irresistible wolves.

  Julian poured the wine and brought the glasses to the table. He studied her carefully as she took a sip.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  Damn. Why did he have to be so perceptive? Still, that was one of the reasons he’d been hired for his position. He knew people.

  “Julian, why would anything be wrong?”

  “I don’t know.” He narrowed his eyes. “There’s something different about you.”

  “No, there’s not.”

  After casting her a knowing glance he turned and headed for the kitchen.

  “Do you need help?” she asked.

  “No. Just sit down and relax. I know you’ve had a busy week and last night had to be stressful.”

  Vesta’s stomach lurched. “Last night?”

  He approached carrying a tray of food. Again his discerning gaze met hers. “Yeah. I heard Altah asked you to attend Curt Razorpaw. I’ve never met him but I researched him and he’s definitely a badass. Attending him couldn’t have been easy.”

  “No,” Vesta murmured, recalling those intimate hours with Curt. “It was definitely… hard.”

  “On the other hand he’s a damn good soldier and most of the common wolves are happy he’s been appointed Captain of the Guard. As you know, in the past most of the Captains have been from upper class families. It’s a step in the right direction to give someone with knifer blood the chance to prove all wolves are indeed equal. Even equal to Vampires.” Julian winked at her.

  “I never said otherwise.”

  “I know you didn’t. Obviously if you had a problem with wolves, especially common wolves, you wouldn’t be here with me.”

  This time she smiled genuinely and reached for his hand. “There is absolutely nothing common about you, Julian.”

  His lips curved upward and he squeezed her hand affectionately. “So what do you think of Razorpaw?”

  “Why do you ask?” she snapped.

  Julian wrinkled his nose. “Vesta, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She picked up her fork and fixed her attention on the food. “This looks delicious.”

  “So do you.”

  “Julian… I… “ Why did she feel so damn guilty? Julian was such a nice guy. So sweet and caring. She had been looking forward to spending time with him now that he’d returned, but the truth was she’d had sex with another man just last night. And if Curt invited her to his bed again, she’d go.

  “Vesta, don’t try telling me again nothing’s wrong. I want you to talk to me. Now.”

  “You probably won’t like it.”

  “That doesn’t matter. If something’s wrong, I want to help.”

  “Will you stop being so nice!” She stood and walked across the room where she paused and stared out the window.

  Julian approached and slipped his arms around her from behind, tugging her gently to his chest. He kissed her hair and spoke softly against her ear. “Talk to me, Vesta.”

  “I slept with Razorpaw.”

  His body seemed to freeze. For several seconds he didn’t so much as draw a breath. Finally he dropped his hold on her and stood beside her.

  Vesta studied his profile, looking for some sign of what he felt, but he was a master at disguising his emotions. Sometimes she forgot how good a politician he was.

  “You slept with him,” he stated quietly.


  “Damn that gutter!”

  Vesta glanced at him sharply. Gutter was a horribly insulting term for a knifer. “Julian!”

  “The Vampires as well as the upper class wolves didn’t like the idea of him being promoted to Captain of the Guard because they weren’t sure he could conduct himself appropriately. Well this proves how crude and low class he
is. Imagine taking advantage of you like that!”

  Vesta stared at him, stunned. This was a side of Julian she’d never seen before. “Julian, he didn’t take advantage --”

  “You were supposed to attend him, Vesta, not fuck his tail off!” Anger flashed in his eyes and for a moment he looked even wolfier than Razorpaw. A jolt of fear and desire shot through her.

  “Julian, will you please calm down?”

  “We’ll complain to Altah’s guardians. His ass will get thrown out of this palace before the Guard Change Ceremony.”

  “We will not! You’re acting like a mad dog.”

  His nostrils flared. “How dare you call me that!”

  “If the collar fits, wear it, wolfy! I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.” She turned and headed for the door, but he caught her waist.

  “Vesta, wait a second. I’m on your side.”

  “No, you’re jumping to conclusions and that’s not like you.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them they were once again calm and familiar. “You’re right. It’s just that I can’t stand the thought of someone in power taking advantage --”

  “That’s what made me mad, Julian. The fact that you assumed he abused the situation. In case you’re forgetting, I’m not entirely powerless. I’m Lady Altah’s handmaiden as well as her friend. Razorpaw would have to be completely socially inept, not to mention insane, to force himself on me.”

  “Then you’re saying --”

  “I’m saying it was a mutual decision.”

  “I see.” Again he released her, folded his hands behind his back and paced the room. “Did you come here tonight to break up with me?”

  “Are you suggesting we had some kind of commitment?”

  His mouth opened slightly, then he closed it, paced more and asked, “If not, then what do you call our relationship?”

  “I’d call it dating. I’d call it you using me to satisfy your urges when you happen to be here at the palace and not off on some political pilgrimage.”

  He curled his lip and shrugged. “I’m the Liaison for the Common Wolf. You knew when we started seeing each other my job requires a lot of traveling. What am I supposed to do?”

  “Your job. It’s what I expect, but what do you expect from me, Julian? You never said. Am I to be a little vacation when you need a break from work or am I something more?”

  “You’re the one who slept with another wolf, my love. I haven’t strayed.”

  “Haven’t you?”

  He took a step toward her, his gazed once again fixed on hers. “No. I haven’t.”

  This both surprised and touched her. And made her feel guilty. “Julian, if you wanted more from me, why didn’t you say something?”

  “I was going to.” He shook his head.



  “Maybe.” She tossed her hands in the air. “How long was I supposed to wait for you to decide whether or not you want me?”

  “If you felt that way about it you could have said something.”

  “Right. Males hear the word commitment and they take off like someone lit a fire under their testicles.”

  He gave a snort of laughter. “I’m not like that. Let me ask you something. Do I… please you? In bed, I mean.”

  She grinned and looped her arms around his neck. “You have to ask?”

  “Now that you’ve slept with Captain Crude, yes, I have to ask.”

  “That’s not a nice thing to say. You don’t even know him.”

  “You haven’t answered my question.”

  “Yes, you please me. Very much.”

  “Then why sleep with him?”

  Sighing deeply, she lowered her face, but Julian took her chin in his hand and forced her to meet his gaze.

  “Julian, there’s something about him. I can’t explain.”


  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s a woman thing, but he’s so --”

  “Good looking?”

  “Yes, but that’s not it. I wouldn’t sleep with a man just because he’s good looking. It’s as if he has this magnetism. He’s so… assertive. So…”


  “Yes. I guess that’s it.”

  “I see.”

  “Maybe it was a phase or something.”

  “It’s no phase,” he growled, grasping a handful of hair at her nape and tugging until her neck arched. “You want dominant? I can give you dominant.”

  She squirmed in his grasp. “No. That’s not you. It’s not what I like about you.”

  He loosened his hold and stroked her hair gently, staring into her eyes with a questioning look. “I’m pretty good figuring people out, but I have to admit, Vesta, you’ve got me confused. I wanted to know what he gave you that I didn’t, and you said he’s dominant. When I offer the same --”

  “But it’s not real with you. You’re tender and cute --”

  “Cute?” Now he really looked offended. “He’s dominant but I’m cute?”

  “It was meant as a compliment.”

  “Compliment me any more and I’ll lose what’s left of my self-esteem.”

  “You’re exaggerating.”

  He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “Let’s just drop this subject for a while. Do you still want dinner?”

  “Actually I think I’d better go. I’m sorry I upset you.”

  “I’m not upset.”

  “You’re growling and it’s not a happy growl.”

  The rumbling in his chest ceased. “I’m sorry.”

  “If you’re not too mad at me tomorrow, we can talk this out more after the Guard Change Ceremony.”

  “Good idea. I have a lot of work to do tonight anyway.”

  “So do I. Good night, Julian.”

  “Good night.” He walked with her to the door.

  Before she left he took her face in his hands and spoke against her lips. “I don’t want to lose you, Vesta.”

  “I don’t want to lose you, either,” she replied honestly.

  His mouth covered hers in kiss so powerful that she momentarily forgot about everything except the sensation of his firm, moist lips and the thrusting of his tongue against hers. When it broke, she swayed toward him and he steadied her.

  “Good night, Vesta.”

  “Good night.” She turned and walked down the hall. When she glanced back at him, he’d already closed the door. At that moment a feeling of anxiousness coiled inside her. How had she gotten herself into this situation?

  * * *

  After Vesta left, Julian decided the first thing he needed to do was find a way to release his anger and frustration. Never had he imagined feeling this much jealousy over a woman. He would have liked to meet with Curt Razorpaw immediately, but he knew the man was undergoing a private cleansing ritual with the old Captain of the Guard and wouldn’t be seen by anyone until the Guard Change Ceremony.

  After Vesta’s confession he was desperate to meet the man who might have stolen the woman of his dreams. From the moment he’d met Vesta, Julian had wanted her. His first instinct had been to claim her as his own right away, yet he felt that might be a mistake. Vampires weren’t like wolves. They were free spirits and didn’t like the idea of being “claimed” by anyone. Vesta’s attraction and affection for him had been obvious and he believed in time she would realize they were meant to be together. In trying to respect her feelings, he’d obviously moved too slowly. Razorpaw, however, wasted no time in taking what he wanted.

  Dominant. She’d said Razorpaw was dominant, but Julian was cute and tender. It was nearly enough to make him puke. Yes, he prided himself in being fair and compassionate, but he was a wolf not a pet puppy!

  And was it merely his dominance that made Razorpaw so irresistible to her? Julian could scarcely wait to meet this wolf God and judge for himself.

  All in good time. Right now he was in desperate need of exercise. Anything to tame his rage. One thing he’
d learned during his political career was to rein in his horrible temper. It had been years since he’d been this close to snapping.

  In his room, he tore off his clothes, changed to his wolf form and dragged on loose jogging pants. Then he opened his window and leapt out, though he was on the second floor. He landed in a crouch, his powerful wolf legs easily taking the impact.

  Drawing a deep breath of cool night air, he stalked toward the gate where the guard allowed him to pass. Once outside the palace grounds, he broke into a run, his long legs eating mile after mile of city streets. He ran until he reached the heavily wooded suburbs, then headed back home.

  By the time he reached the palace, his pelt was damp with sweat and his legs ached but he felt far calmer than before he’d left. Still, rage and jealousy simmered inside him. It would be difficult to put on a happy face at the Guard Change Ceremony tomorrow. How hard it would be to socialize with the gutter bastard who had seduced the woman he loved.

  Chapter Four

  The following night, Vesta dressed carefully for the Guard Change Ceremony. A formal event, all present would be well dressed for the occasion. Since Vesta would accompany the guest of honor, she couldn’t help feeling a bit nervous as she knew much attention would focus on her.

  She wore an understated, high-necked floor-length gown of slinky black material. One of the bloodmaids carefully arranged her hair in a thick braid down her back, weaving in ultra-fine threads of gold. Simple gold earrings and a matching necklace completed the outfit.

  Sighing deeply, she glanced at herself in the mirror one last time before making her way to Altah’s chamber. She hadn’t spoken to Julian since last night and hoped he’d calmed down a bit. His reaction to her tryst with Curt had taken her by surprise. Yes, she knew he liked her but she truly hadn’t believed he’d felt so… possessive.

  In spite of her concern over Julian, she found herself tingling with anticipation over seeing Curt again. What was it about him that set her on fire? She scarcely knew him. This instant attraction was most unsettling, but strangely exciting.

  Lord, she’d never imagined herself to be the kind of woman who wanted to watch two men fight over her. Was her attraction to both Curt and Julian unreasonable? She hadn’t considered herself such a spoiled brat that she’d enjoy these sorts of intrigues. Truthfully it wasn’t the thought of each man battling for her attention that turned her on. It was just that each had something about him she liked. Perhaps she should end this nonsense now, before she began to like Curt as much as Julian. Then she’d really be in trouble if she had to choose between them. Right now Curt was just a fling. A night of the best sex she’d ever had in her life. Julian was a lover as well as a friend.


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