Invisible: An Alpha Company Military Romance

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Invisible: An Alpha Company Military Romance Page 10

by Beth Abbott

  As his hand left her breast, she desperately wanted to tell him to put it back, but when she felt it glide across her stomach and slip under the waistband of her pyjamas, she almost convulsed.

  Her eyes opened wide, but in the darkness she couldn’t make out Luke’s face. If she had ever entertained a thought about stopping him, it flew straight out the window when his hand slipped into her panties.

  Oh, shit! Oh God! Don’t stop! That was about as cohesive as her thoughts managed to get in the few seconds between his hand entering her panties and him cupping her sex gently.

  Luke paused, as if trying to sense any objection from Ellen.

  Hell, no! She wasn’t going to stop this.

  As she moved to press her pussy further into his hand, she felt the unmistakeable hardness of his erection grinding against her upper thigh. She swore she could feel it throbbing against her.

  Ellen felt almost euphoric at the thought that she had caused this much arousal in Luke. She’d done this to him. Wasn’t that just the most amazing thing?

  In her wildest dreams, she had never imagined anything like this, and the more, new sensations Luke made her feel, the further she wanted him to take this.

  The thought should probably have shocked her, but it didn’t.

  After long seconds, reassuring himself that she was Ok with what he was doing, Luke finally moved his hand.

  At first it was a gentle caress along her outer lips, up and down, teasing and gentle, but when Ellen began to squirm under him, he gently parted her labia and slid one finger just inside her.

  Again, it was just a gentle movement back and forth, until Ellen gradually became aware that his finger was becoming wetter and wetter with her juices.

  Before she had a chance to be embarrassed, Luke slid his finger in a little further, just as his thumb brushed across her clitoris.

  The shock of the exquisite feeling that swept through her had her arching her back, straining to get closer to him.

  Luke responded in an instant, kissing her with absolute abandonment. Ellen didn’t know whether to cry out or laugh, or pant or beg, so she kept on kissing him, sucking on his tongue as it plunged in and out of her mouth.

  As his finger slid in another inch, he suddenly started rubbing his thumb across her clit faster and with a little more pressure, and it only took a few more seconds before she felt the heat sweep through her body.

  Suddenly, her pelvis lifted as the euphoria of her orgasm crashed down on her, causing her to pull her lips away so she could gasp for breath and cry out all at once. The pulsing in her sex, the tingling in her breasts, and the weightlessness everywhere else left her gasping.

  Luke never stopped, refusing to let her twist out of his grasp. He kept strumming her clit and pushing his finger in and out, rubbing all the nerves that had her clenching and unclenching her inner muscles.

  “God, Luke, I can’t… I can’t….!” She just couldn’t find the words.

  “That’s it baby.” Luke soothed, his fingers and thumb never stopping. “Come for me, show me how good it feels.”

  Ellen couldn’t do much more than moan, the orgasm still washing over and over her, her mind and body almost exhausted from the euphoria.

  Eventually, Ellen managed to shake her head, and she moaned ‘no more’, as she tried to close her legs.

  As if he sensed that she was just about done for the night, Luke moved his hand away, and she heard the unmistakable sound of him licking his fingers.

  “Mmm, God you taste so good.” He murmured.

  Ellen thanked God and all the angels that the lights were off at that moment, as her skin heated again as she blushed bright crimson.

  Luke chuckled as he leaned over to kiss her again, and she was surprised to find that the taste on his lips wasn’t at all unpleasant.

  When he made no attempt to take things further she was somewhat surprised, and when he pulled back and gathered her to his side, she was dumbfounded. Surely he didn’t intend to go back to sleep?

  “Don’t you want to….” She didn’t know how to finish the sentence. Would he think that she was offering to have sex with him?

  Well, wasn’t she?

  “Shhh.” Luke murmured. “Stop thinking so hard.”

  “This weekend is all about firsts.” He explained, his fingers running up and down her arm, leaving goose-bumps everywhere he touched.

  “Tonight, I got to touch you for the first time, explore you for the first time, and give you what I’m guessing is your very first proper orgasm?”

  Ellen almost smirked. Was there such a thing as an ‘improper orgasm’?

  She nodded, again glad that the darkness hid her embarrassment.

  “So tomorrow, maybe we’ll get to try some other firsts.” He chuckled. “Maybe they’ll involve a bed, maybe they won’t. But it’s all part of the getting to know you phase. Do you understand?”

  Ellen nodded slowly.

  “And Ellen?” Luke kissed the top of her head.

  “Hmmm?” Ellen responded, already half-way back to sleep.

  “I’m loving getting to know all of you.” Luke hugged her closer.

  “Me too.” Ellen murmured. “Loving you. I’m loving getting to know you, I mean.”

  Luke smiled.

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart.” He whispered. “Dream happy dreams.”

  Ellen barely heard him as she let sleep take her.

  Chapter 23 - Luke

  When Luke finally opened his eyes, the room was just showing signs of daylight as the sun peaked through the crack in the curtains.

  Moving slowly so as not to wake the woman sleeping peacefully in his arms, he turned his head to see her better.

  Ellen was curled right into him, her head tilted towards his, as if awaiting his kiss. She looked so innocent, so fragile.

  Without a trace of make-up, he noticed her skin was perfect and unblemished, and her eyelashes were golden, several shades lighter than her brown hair.

  He thought back to the night before, and marvelled at how warm and welcoming she had been. Her body was perfect. A slim waist, firm ass, and God, those breasts! Luke smirked as he recalled gliding his hands over them and how she had responded. They were perfection.

  She was perfection!

  After she’d come undone so beautifully in his arms, he’d had no doubt that had he continued she would have allowed him to take her virginity.

  And he’d wanted to! His cock had been so damned hard and ready for her it had been difficult to hold back.

  But he’d known how important it was to take baby steps with her.

  She was a twenty-eight-year-old virgin, for God’s sake! He didn’t think she’d ever been kissed before him. No way had she been ready for everything he wanted to do to her and with her.

  He had a gut feeling that she was going to be something special in his life, and the last thing he wanted to do was to push her away before he’d had the chance to show her how good they could be together.

  The way she had responded to him last night was unlike any other woman he’d ever been with.

  Nothing she had done had been false, or contrived to turn him on.

  All her responses had been genuine reflections of the pleasure he had been giving her, and didn’t that make his cock swell even harder at the memory.

  Realising that he needed to do something about his morning wood before she awoke to find him on the verge of ravaging her, he slid carefully from beneath her pushing his pillows under her head and arms, to keep her warm and comfortable.

  He slipped into the bathroom, quickly switching the shower on before dropping his shorts and boxers to the floor. The shower was warm, and Luke gave up any thought of turning it cold. It had been months since he’d been with a woman.

  If he had any chance of making love to her tonight and making it good for her, he needed to take the edge off, and remove some of the pressure from his balls.

  Soaping up his hand, he leaned a shoulder back against the shower wa
ll. He let the water cascade over his chest as he took the length of his cock in his large hand. Closing his fingers around his impressive girth, he started to slide his hand firmly up and down. Now was not the moment to be gentle.

  Thoughts of Ellen writhing beneath him flashed through his mind, remembering how she’d felt as he’d stoked her passion and brought her to the peak of pleasure.

  It didn’t take long for the tingling to start in the base of his spine.

  While his hands knew the feel of her skin, her breasts and her succulent pussy, tonight he wanted to see her naked, to adore her body wholly and without any barriers.

  His free hand slipped beneath his sac and he gently tugged his balls as he increased the pace of his strokes.

  The memory of Ellen finally coming undone for him was all it took for him to spurt hot jets of white cum in his hands. Over and over he stroked as his orgasm went on and on, his other hand dropping his balls as he staggered forward, and only just catching himself on the wall as he almost face-planted against the shower controls.

  When his cock finally stopped jerking, he sagged to the floor of the shower to catch his breath. God, it had been years since he’d come like that!

  Thank God he’d done that in the shower and gotten it out of his system.

  At least that gave him a better chance of giving Ellen the slow seduction she deserved for her first time.

  When he was finally able to stand, Luke washed himself off, making sure that no remnants of his orgasm remained.

  He dried himself and wandered back into the bedroom, smiling when he found Ellen in exactly the same position, cuddled up to the pillow.

  Pulling some fresh underwear and clean jeans out of his bag, Luke made his way through to the kitchen in search of some caffeine.

  He had some things he needed to get done today, unfortunately, so he wouldn’t be able to spend much time here this morning.

  Just as he contemplated taking Ellen a cup of coffee in bed, Luke heard the unmistakable sound of the bathroom door closing.

  A minute later he heard the shower switch on, and his cock twitched yet again at the thought of joining her in there.

  Too soon, boy! He smirked down at his cock, readjusting himself as he quickly reached semi hard.

  He busied himself making coffee as he heard the sounds coming from the bathroom. Thank God she had a proper coffee-maker and not just that instant crap.

  One of the good things about being based on a joint camp in Afghanistan with the Americans, was that they always had a good pot of coffee brewing. Something the Brits tended to be crap at.

  He liked a drink you could stand your spoon up in.

  He liked to think there weren’t many ways the Yanks beat the Brits, but happily conceded that coffee was one of them.

  Early in his first tour, JT, already an experienced vet of several tours, had explained that there were some things the Brits did best, and some things the Yanks had the head-start on.

  What mattered was that you made sure you buddied up with someone on the opposite side so you could trade and exchange to get the best of both sides.

  Luke had proved very efficient at that, and on every base he’d been on, he’d had good friends on the American side, and particularly with the SF guys…the Rangers, and sometimes the Navy Seals.

  JT and the other guys in his team had been equally successful in making connections, and this was standing them in good stead now since most of them had moved into the private sector.

  JT had close links with a guy in Philadelphia who had started his own Security business about five years before. A former Major in the US Marines, Tucker had been headhunted out of the Corps by the CIA, but quickly realised that he didn’t like the way that the organisation was leading the fight against terrorism. He’d gotten out and started his own business and had quickly become hugely successful, catering to clients up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

  That connection was now paying off as Tuck was pushing any European business their way. JT was doing his best to foster the business connection, and had returned the favour by recommending that one of their major clients look to Tucker to take on their US security contract, particularly as cyber-security was quite a speciality of Tuck’s team.

  There were new contracts coming their way all the time, and they were now even considering the necessity of expansion.

  Just as he considered where their future might lay, he heard the bathroom door open again, and looked up to see Ellen walk from the bedroom.

  “Smelled the coffee, huh?” He grinned as she walked into the kitchen.

  Dressed in a plain t-shirt and jeans, she still managed to stir his cock.

  Leaning against the kitchen counter in an attempt to keep his libido under control, he enjoyed the way she blushed as she finally raised her eyes to meet his.

  “Hard to miss.” She smiled, stopping just inside the door.

  “Come here, gorgeous.” Luke held out a hand. Ellen was obviously nervous, and embarrassed about the night before, and he didn’t want her to be. What had happened was wonderful, and he wanted to make sure she knew it.

  Ellen didn’t hesitate. She walked into his arms and wrapped herself around him, her face buried into his chest.

  “Hey.” He murmured, pulling back slightly so he could tilt her face up to his.

  When her lips were close enough he leaned down to kiss her softly, nibbling gently on her lower lip.

  When he finally pulled back, he smiled at how easily she’d melted into him.

  “Last night was absolutely amazing.” He gazed into her eyes.

  “It was?” She sounded so unsure. “I mean it was…for me, I mean. But you didn’t…. That couldn’t have been comfortable for you.”

  Luke laughed, shaking his head. “I have had more comfortable sleeps, that’s for sure.”

  “I’m sorry.” Ellen blushed again.

  “Don’t be.” Luke lifted her face again. “I wouldn’t change one second of what we did last night. It was perfect! We’re taking this slowly, remember?”

  Ellen nodded.

  “Thank you.” She whispered. “For…. everything!”

  Luke smirked. “Would it come across as being supremely smug if I said that it was my pleasure?”

  Ellen grinned at him. “Just a little.”

  “Sorry!” He murmured, but Luke sounded anything but repentant.

  “Come on, let’s get some coffee.” He turned to the pot as she reached into the fridge for some milk.

  “I have to get over to Matt’s soon. Work stuff.” Luke sipped his coffee.

  Ellen looked away. The thought uppermost in her mind was that his ‘work’ was some way connected to her through Hanson Road.

  “That’s fine.” She smiled at him, glancing over her shoulder. “You said last week you’d be busy during the day. I have some stuff I need to do today anyway. Washing, cleaning, shopping. Really exciting stuff.”

  Luke grinned back at her. “A woman’s work, huh?”

  “Oof!” He was surprised at the speed with which she brought her elbow back into his ribs.

  “Watch it mister.” Ellen wagged a finger at him. “Comments like that will find you on latrine duty for a month. And no perks!”

  Luke scowled, and stuck his bottom lip out.

  “But I really like your… perks!” He pouted.

  Ellen couldn’t help the laugh that burst from her. Luke grinned back.

  “You are so bad.” She laughed, wagging her finger at him.

  “Yep, and you love it.” Luke caught her finger and put it in his mouth, biting and sucking gently.

  Well, she couldn’t argue with that!

  Chapter 24 - Ellen

  By ten o’clock, Ellen was sitting in Suzy’s living room, playing with Charlie on the floor.

  Luke and Matt were due to head out, so as she and Suzy were due to go grocery shopping together, it made sense for him to drop her off.

  Suzy just kept grinning at her, and Ellen just knew that
as soon as the men left, she would be facing an inquisition.

  After a few minutes and more caffeine, Luke came back in from the kitchen, and crouched down at her side, where he tickled Charlie under the chin.

  “We’re heading out now, sweetheart.” He told her. “We’ll probably be gone until this evening, so I’ll head to the restaurant as soon as I’m done, Ok?”

  Ellen nodded. “That’s fine. I’m due to start work at five-thirty, so if you want to go back to the flat to change or anything, you can take my spare key.”

  As Ellen reached for her bag to retrieve the key, Luke stopped her.

  “Are you sure you’re Ok with that? I mean we’ve hardly known each other for five minutes.”

  Ellen snorted. “Luke, I think you know me better than my gynaecologist at this point, so I reckon it’s fair to think I can trust you with the key to my flat.”

  She grinned up at him.

  “What are you gonna do? Go through my underwear drawer and steal my panties?”

  “Tempting as that might be…” Luke smirked at her, lowering his voice so that Matt and Suzy couldn’t hear him. “…the next time I see your underwear, I’m hoping it’ll be as I’m peeling you out of them.”

  Ellen blushed, and nodded slowly.

  “Duly noted.” She responded, the corners of her lips twitching.

  As Luke grinned and leaned in to place a hard kiss on her lips, she didn’t know who was more shocked, her or Suzy.

  “Later, babe.” Luke murmured, rising to his feet. “Ready?” He asked Matt.

  “Uh, right, yeah!” Matt’s face was a picture, as Luke led them to the door.

  When the two men closed the door behind them, Suzy didn’t even gripe about the fact that Matt had walked out the door without so much as a backward glance to her or Charlie.

  Suzy gathered her now drowsy son out of Ellen’s arms, and lay him down in his playpen, gently laying a blanket over him and tucking it in around him.

  She was too keen to get in Ellen’s business to find out what was going on.

  “Ok!” Ellen held her hand up in front of her friend’s face. “I’ll give you three questions, but I retain the right to refuse to answer anything inappropriate.”


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