Steal Me Away: A Mountain Man Romance

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Steal Me Away: A Mountain Man Romance Page 9

by Ilsa Ames

  “You’re not broken,” I said. “Anything but. You’re fighting for something that you believe in.”

  He grimaced, guilt creeping across his features.

  “But I had to kidnap you, an innocent bystander, to get anything done,” he said.

  I waved away his concerns.

  “Oh, that? I’ve almost forgotten about it,” I laughed. “I don’t really consider myself your prisoner anymore. Even though, I guess, technically, I still am.”

  His face darkened as he looked away. But I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him softly on the neck.

  “I don’t see damaged goods when I look at you,” I whispered fiercely. “I see a beautiful man with something to fight for, with a purpose. That’s more than most people can say. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  He turned to me, his face hard with emotion.

  “I’m sorry, Lia,” he growled lowly. “Sorry I had to drag you into this, sorry I had to shatter your illusions about your dad. Sorry I robbed you of your freedom.”

  “Logan,” I said, slow tears brimming in my eyes, “I’ve never felt more free than when I’m with you. I swear to you. Together, we’re gonna make this right.”

  I took him by the hand and led him out of the office and towards the bedroom. He followed silently, eyes shining in the flickering firelight. Who knew how much longer we had together, and I wanted to make the most of the time we ha. I wanted to spend it all with him. We went into the bedroom, and I closed the door behind us.

  Chapter Eleven


  The night passed in an instant, and I awoke after yet another good night’s sleep feeling amazingly refreshed, if a little groggy and disoriented, head filled with fading memories of dreams. I’d been dreaming mostly about Logan and I, living peacefully up in the mountains, tending to the forest, which in my dream was back to it’s lush glory after recovering from the chemical poisoning we’d managed to put right.

  The dreams were mostly peaceful and happy, but on occasion my dad would feature like an evil villain, throwing a tub of chemicals into the river by the cabin, or snatching me away while I wandered lost in the woods around the cabin at night.

  I knew it was my subconscious brain trying its best to process everything I had been through, and everything that was coming up. I brushed off the memories of the fading dreams like cobwebs from a cupboard and turned to face the huge man lying next to me, who was dozing peacefully.

  I snuggled up to his naked chest, resting my chin in the nook of his shoulder. I rested a hand gently on his muscled chest, running my fingers across his skin.

  I closed my eyes, feeling myself start to doze off again, completely relaxed and happy in Logan’s presence. I took a deep breath, inhaling his masculine scent and let out a small sigh of contented pleasure.

  We lay there for a while, and I drifted in and out of consciousness, before my stomach growled loudly with the sudden onset of hunger.

  Damn, I’m starving.

  Logan stirred beneath me, almost turning away from me before realizing what the weight was on his shoulder, obviously rousing himself from sleep. I felt a large, rough, strong hand brush at the hair that had cascaded unchecked down my face, covering one eye. I looked up to see him looking down at me, his brow furrowed with concern as his eyes searched mine.

  “You hungry? I could fix us some breakfast,” he said gently in his deep voice, half smiling as he continued to stroke my hair.

  In truth, all I wanted was for us to lie together in peaceful and comfortable silence, dozing as the sun rose to shine through the half close curtains of Logan’s bedroom.

  But there’s something missing… the sound of nature. Birdsong, animals calling out through the thick, green forest. Since I’ve been here, everything's been so damn quiet.

  The reality of the situation came back to me, stirring me from my lazy slumber on the bed.

  No wonder Logan couldn’t rest until this place was back to normal. I was starting to feel it, too, and I wanted to help.

  I pushed the thoughts to one side, not wanting to ruin our precious, undisturbed time together.

  “That sounds good,” I said, using Logan’s arm to push myself off towards the side of the bed, turning back to face him. “I’m so hungry. You’d better make it a big breakfast.”

  Logan chuckled, his eyes on my naked, exposed breasts, which hung pert and full as I perched on the side of the bed. With a flourish I rose to turn away from him and went to grab a robe before heading to the shower.

  I turned back to Logan as I left to the room.

  “If you want to see those again this morning, you’ll have to feed me first.”

  I heard his deep laughter float through the cabin and smiled at the sound as it followed me to the shower.

  A short while later I was sat at the table near the kitchen in comfy, loose, lounge clothing, pretending to wait patiently for Logan to finish up the breakfast he was preparing for us. I sipped at a cool glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, my other hand on a large mug of strong fresh coffee, waiting for it to cool.

  I looked up admiringly at Logan as he came over, his large hands making the plates he held look tiny as he settled them down gently on the table in front of us.

  The plates were piled high with bacon and scrambled eggs, with buttered toast and fried tomatoes to one side. I noticed with mild amusement that my portion was almost the same size as Logan’s, though he did allow himself a few extra slices of toast, and extra bacon.

  Well, he was a huge man who would be working hard for half the day. But I didn’t think I’d struggle to eat what he’d given me, either.

  “Thanks,” I said, eager to begin devouring the food in front of me. “Looks good. And not just because I’m starving.”

  I waited for Logan to start eating, marveling again at how he seemed to inhale the food, chewing vigorously as he prepared another mouthful.

  “This ain’t nothing’,” Logan replied, pausing between mouthfuls of food. “You just wait until I get us some sausages, maybe some baked beans, and rustle up some homemade hash browns. I’ll have you fattened up in no time, maybe even in time for Thanksgiving.”

  I almost spat out my mouthful at his joke, and just about managed to not choke myself on the crispy bacon. I had a feeling my wit was rubbing off on Logan, awakening the long suppressed, carefree childish nature I knew lurked within most large-hearted people.

  We ate in relative silence, merely enjoying the presence of one another in our cozy, remote cabin. The silences at first had seemed a little eerie before I’d got to know Logan’s character, but I’d soon discovered that he was more quiet when relaxed and content, but would be happy to respond if I spoke to him, eager to hear my words and do what he could to listen, advise, or help me.

  I sighed, reminding myself that this was not our cabin. I would be leaving here soon, and I had to stay strong. Not just for Logan, and not for me, but for all the life that had been affected by my father’s selfish actions. That was what mattered here, that was the main priority.

  I had one last card to play, when my pig-headed father finally decided to admit to his failings. I doubted it would work, but play it I would, nonetheless.

  We finished our food, and I took the remnants of breakfast from the table, washing everything up deftly, as I’d been accustomed to. Though I’d learned a thing or two about cooking, Logan was still by far the more accomplished chef than I was. It was an unspoken agreement we had very quickly formed. Whoever doesn't cook, washes up. Simple.

  I sat back down at the table, sighing contentedly at my full belly, sipping at the remainder of the strong, bitter coffee, wondering what the day would bring.

  Before long, I found out. Rather rudely.

  Logan and had just started discussing the plans for the day when we were interrupted by a loud, steady, ominous knock on the door. We both froze and turned to face each other.

  After a second of stunned silence, Logan gestured for me to remain quiet, and poi
nted a finger at the room he’d first taken me to, when we’d arrived at the cabin for the very first time.

  Yeah, I got what he meant. Right then, we looked like a damned married couple, lounging about in our clothes as we digested our breakfast and discussed, carefree, how we would spend the day. Neither of us knew for sure who was at the door, but judging from the stern knocking and by the fact that my dad had texted that he knew where I was, I think the options were limited. I doubted that seeing us lounging on the couch discussing plans for the day would seem much to my father like how a kidnapper and his victim would spend a morning.

  “Oh, how were the bindings last night? Not too tight I hope? Don’t worry, be good and I’ll give you two extra helpings of bacon tomorrow, and maybe an extra pillow. More coffee?”

  I quickly and quietly rose to head to the side bedroom, which had been left undisturbed since I’d first spent the night with Logan in his room. I thought quickly, knowing that this had to look genuine.

  Checking to see no one was lurking outside of the barred window, I quickly changed into some less casual clothes, choosing something comfortable, but not as… homely as the comfortable loungewear I’d had on for breakfast. I stuffed the clothes I’d had on at the bottom of the small chest of drawers in the room.

  I looked at the bed. It was immaculate, made up after the last night I’d spent here and left ever since. In a half panic, I tore the cover from the bed, trying my best to rearrange them in a rough, slept-in arrangement in the bed, before settling down onto the mattress, doing my best to slow my heavy breathing.

  I chose a book at random from the small selection that adorned one lonely shelf, and settled onto the bed, trying my best to look relaxed, and well… like a prisoner. I wondered how I was coming across.

  I heard muffled male voices from the main room, and my heart sank when I recognized my father’s sharp voice, demanding and loud.

  Here we go. Now it’s your time, Lia. Stay strong.

  The voices continued, becoming louder as heavy footsteps thudded towards my door. I heard a key enter the lock of the door from the other side, as Logan pretended to unlock my prison door. I suppressed a smile at our deception, reveling in the fact that we had almost thwarted his evil actions and lies.

  I took a deep breath as the door swung open to reveal Logan, his huge frame blocking the doorway. His face was stern and set, serious and professional. But for a moment, there was a light in his eyes, and he winked at me slyly, before walking in to the room.

  My father followed, almost brushing aside Logan before deciding better of it. He came to stand in the room, a look of concern on his face. I wondered if it was calculated, whether or not he actually cared.

  “Lia, honey! Thank God. I’ve been worried sick!” he said, stepping forward, arms outstretched as if I was going to spring into them, to weep as my heroic savior came to remove me from the clutches of this evil man.

  I felt bile rise in my stomach, and I suppressed the raw anger that threatened to overtake me.

  “Don’t ‘honey’ me, dad,” I said, using my calmest voice possible, standing to face him, arms crossed over my chest.

  “I’m not doing this for you, or even for me. I’m doing it for the people you’ve hurt—killed, even! All the wildlife you’ve damaged in these mountains. Did you even look around on your way here? How… how could you? I…”

  My voice trailed off, as in truth I knew I would soon lose control of my temper if I went any further. And now I needed to help Logan. Help his town, his forest.

  I shook my head, not wanting to look at my father as he stood there wringing his hands.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I said coldly, walking past my father to the main living area, to see a skinny, spectacled man standing at the door, with a large, squat dark-suited figure hanging back on the threshold of the doorway. I heard Logan and my father follow behind me.

  The big guy, who I guessed was a security guard, pushed roughly past the skinny, nervous looking man towards me, and I bristled with indignation.

  Logan stepped past me protectively, towering over the guy as he stopped halfway towards me, flicking his head from Logan, back to me, back to my dad.

  “No,” Logan said, voice rough and angry, trying to hide how protective he was being. “You,” he pointed a finger at the guy with the dark sunglasses, who seemed to shrink at the gesture. “Stay outside. You can both see she’s safe and well. I’m a man of my word.”

  There was a brief moment of silence before the bodyguard went to stand outside, shrugging as he turned to face towards the woods, arms crossed behind his back.

  Logan gestured to the table, and the four of us took seats around it, the atmosphere close and uncomfortable. I longed to be closer to Logan, to feel his protective, strong presence, but he sat at the opposite side of the table and was doing his best to avoid eye contact.

  The skinny, nervous looking guy produced a folder from a briefcase, and begin to open it with small, sickly looking fingers.

  “This gentleman,” my father begun, voice now cold and professional, “is my personal lawyer and closest legal advisor. He will explain how things are going to work.”

  Logan grunted, and began to drum his huge fingers on the table, eyes fixed on the lawyer, avoiding looking at either me or my father, for what I guessed were the polar opposite of reasons. But both to avoid the rise of different types of uncontrolled emotion.

  “This is a contract. A private contract, written by myself only, proofread solely by Mr. Canonelli.” The lawyer laid out the document, two copies, one before Logan and one before my father.

  “Now, it is of utmost importance, and I say this as a neutral, legal witness to this document and the proceedings detailed and agreements contained therein, that all parties uphold their sides of the bargain.”

  He paused again, looking at the two men, eyes sharp and focused.

  “That means, Mr. Prater, quite simply, if you break any terms, you will be immediately reported to the police, state and federal, for the felony you have admitted to. We have all of the phone calls recorded, in triplicate.”

  He then turned to face my father, seeming to enjoy his moment of control over a man with whom he most likely had to respond to every whim.

  “Mr. Canonelli. You, as well, will abide by the terms absolutely. Should you not, then Mr. Prater here will be free to do with the information he possesses, of your alleged activities, as he wishes-”

  Logan’s fist slammed hard onto the table, making the rest of us jump, his eyes blazing as he started incredulous at the men before him.

  “Alleged? You have to be fucking kidding me, you slimy…”

  The lawyer raised a shaky hand, trying to placate Logan.

  “Now, Mr. Prater. This is a legal technicality, I assure you. Mr. Canonelli does not admit to any guilt in these documents, as is his legal right. Should you decide not to agree with, or abide by these terms, he is free to defend himself in court. It is above my power, and I say this wholeheartedly and honestly, for me to do anything else.”

  Logan didn’t look convinced, and I shook my head bitterly, amazed that after all this my father would be able to walk away a free man.

  But Logan didn’t want this to go to court, for him to worm his way out with his expensive lawyers, evidence tampered with, records destroyed. Then who would pay for the treatment and healing the town and the mountainside really needed?

  No, this was the only way.

  Logan spent a moment in raging silence, reading the document that had been prepared for him. His anger seemed to subside as he read the details contained within the words, and eventually, after a few minutes of awkward silence, he let out a big sigh, turning to look directly at my dad.

  “All right,” he said, voice calm and even. “Well, even if you aren’t admitting guilt, which we all know is fucking ridiculous, at least you’re prepared to clean up the damn mess you and your company have caused. I can respect that, at the least.”

father simply nodded, and I saw a brief flash of emotion cross his face, which was quickly replaced with nonchalance.

  Maybe he does feel guilty, after all. Well, he damn well should. At least he’s prepared to fix this mess. All it took was for his precious daughter to get kidnapped.

  I took in a deep breath, prepared to at least try and see if there was any way I could stay with Logan, despite everything.

  “Listen, daddy. I’ve had lots of time to think since Logan… took me. And I want to help. I can make a difference. It’s too much for one man to manage on his own.” I put on my best pleading expression, turning to face my dad, hiding the anger I still felt.

  “Absolutely not, Lia,” my father muttered angrily. “How absurd. That was not the agreement, and I’m afraid that would go against the very core of this contract between Mr. Prater and I.”

  He sat back and fixed Logan with a cruel grin.

  “In fact, I’ve deliberately included a clause in the contract that says this, this... animal, is never to have any contact with you ever again. If he contacts you, or even attempts to, the entire agreement will be null and void. The police will be smashing down the door to this pathetic little cabin within the hour.”

  Coldness crept over me, and my heart started to sink as his lip curled. He turned to look over at the lawyer for confirmation, who nodded, adopting a false look of regret.

  I looked at Logan, who shook his head almost imperceptibly as his gray eyes pierced mine.

  Well, that's it then. That’s the little control I had over my life gone. I’ve just been a damn bargaining chip in this all along.

  Logan and my father signed the contracts, which were countersigned by the witnessing lawyer, who then went on a long official, boring monologue about the contract and what it entailed. I barely listened, just wanting to get back to my room, to lock myself away from my dad and feel sorry for myself.

  One thing was for sure, I wasn’t going to be his spoiled little princess anymore, I decided there and then. I was going to make my own way, to try and gain back the freedom Logan had shown me was out there. I still had the money my mom had left me, so I wasn’t completely reliant on my dad. And I would use that money to get back to Logan, when all of this mess had been cleaned up. We’d run away if we had to, somewhere that we could never be found.


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