Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2)

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Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2) Page 2

by Becca Jameson

  Her internship includes room and board. What she doesn’t know, because I carefully failed to mention it, is that she’ll be staying with us. All three of us. In the mansion Julius inherited from his grandfather.

  It was the only practical arrangement. She knows nothing about us or our lifestyle, nor does she need to. She might lift an eyebrow or two when she finds out we share a living space, but she’ll have to get over it. I certainly don’t have any intention of explaining further.

  I’ve chosen her to intern for us because it will be a good experience for our growth as a company and for business. Those are my reasons. Nothing else, I remind myself as I head for the entrance.

  Chapter 3


  I’m immediately impressed with Vanguard Media Specialists the moment I step in the front door. The entry area is bright and fresh and clean and inviting. Anyone entering for the first time would feel like they were at the right place.

  The ceiling is high, the walls a crisp white, the flooring a marble tile with a plush white rug situated between white leather sofas. There isn’t a front desk, nor is there anyone standing in the waiting area, but I heard a chime go off as I entered.

  I’m drawn to an enormous black-and-white screen print situated high on the wall across from the entrance. It’s of a family of four laughing as they run across a field as if they had no idea they were being photographed. I love it. It’s all the advertisement this business needs to draw someone in at first glance.

  “You must be Ms. Wise,” a voice interrupts as I’m admiring the print.

  I jerk my head down to find Levi Romano sauntering toward me. He’s smiling. His eyes are warm, the wrinkles at the corners making him look distinguished. I suck in a sharp breath at how good-looking he is, even better than he is in pictures.

  Great. Just what I need, for my first impression of my new boss to be arousal. Tamp it down, Abby. This is a job. Not a date.

  He holds out a hand, and I take it, admiring the warm, firm grasp. “Levi Romano,” he informs me unnecessarily.

  “Abby,” I return.

  “Ah. I wondered if you had a nickname.”

  “No one has called me Abigail since I was young, and only then when I was in trouble,” I joke, laughing nervously as he releases my hand.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he responds.

  I’m not sure what he means by that, so I ignore it. After all, how could he have trouble remembering to call me Abby?

  Two more men enter the room from behind him. I recognize one as Beck, his partner. Blonder than I expected with blue eyes so pale they seem clear. He’s almost as tall as Levi, six feet I assume, and slightly broader. When he reaches Levi’s side, he too reaches out to shake my hand. “Beck Lewis.”

  “Abby Wise,” I manage, even though I’m equally tongue-tied with this man as his partner. I knew from looking at their photos that it was going to be challenging working with these two hotties, but the testosterone in the room is far thicker than expected.

  The other man, now standing at Levi’s other side, I don’t recognize. But he reaches out his hand next. “I’m Julius Martens. Silent partner.”

  “Ah. Nice to meet you.” I hadn’t realized there was a third partner, but then again, he said he was silent, so that explained the fact that I haven’t seen his pictures.

  Julius is the tallest of the three, with thick brown hair and brown eyes. He’s slightly more slender than his partners, but just as fit. Equally attractive. I’m in so much trouble. I’ve never been this attracted to a man in my life, and there are three of them. And they’re my bosses, not potential suitors. And they’re twice my age. Gah.

  Levi glances around me. “Where is your luggage?”

  “Oh, I rented a car for the summer. I left everything in the trunk.” I try not to fidget, but it’s suddenly hard standing here under the scrutiny of three large men. Unnerving since I’ve always held my head high and been confident.

  I’m glad I’ve arrived wearing white slacks and a blush-colored blouse. Even though it’s a Sunday, all three of these men are well-dressed. It’s not that they’re wearing suits or anything. More like business casual. They have good taste.

  I’m also not sorry I’m wearing blush heels. All three men are over six feet. At five four, they’re going to tower over me, even in heels. Every inch will help me feel more confident.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Levi continues, reminding me he’s still referring to my car. “We would have arranged transportation for you.”

  “It’s okay.” I smile. “You’re already providing me with a place to stay. I figured I could at least take care of securing a car.” It’s not a big deal for me. This job is not about the money. I’ve got more money than I’ll ever know what to do with. I’m doing this for the experience. I wouldn’t have cared what they offered as compensation. Working for one of Seattle’s best video specialists is going to be an honor. I would have done it for free.

  “It was nice to meet you, Abby,” Julius declares. “If you’ll excuse me. I have a meeting this afternoon. I’ll catch up with you all later.” He smiles at me and then turns to head toward the back of the building. Considering there were no cars parked out front, I assume there’s a rear exit and parking in the back.

  “Come on,” Levi says, nodding toward the doorway Julius has disappeared through. “I’ll show you around the office. Then we’ll get you to the house so you can get situated.”

  The house?

  He hasn’t mentioned where I’ll be staying, but I’d assumed there was a furnished apartment or something. Am I staying in his home?

  Chapter 4

  Master Beck


  What the hell was Levi thinking hiring this woman?

  I mean I can see exactly what he was thinking, but what the fuck?

  This entire arrangement spells trouble. I’m beyond certain he hired her because she was fucking hot. Why?

  As I follow behind her toward the studios where we do our in-house shoots, I can’t help but let my gaze wander up and down her body. She is poised, as I would expect considering who she is. Her ass is fantastically encased in perfect-fitting designer slacks. I nearly groan when I assure myself there’s no panty line.

  Levi gives her a brief tour of our offices and then the two studios we have—one small and intimate, one larger for group projects. Both can easily be changed to accommodate a variety of color choices, settings, lighting, etc. Nearly anything the client desires.

  We have a third studio. It’s at the house. Now I’m wondering if Levi intends to usher her to that one next or if he plans to keep it a secret and maintain a strictly professional relationship with Abigail Wise.

  Not that we aren’t professional in the home studio. We follow strict guidelines in everything we do. Perhaps it would be more accurate to think of the studio at home as X-rated. Not for the faint of heart.

  I feel overwhelmingly confident that Abigail Wise has never once in her life been to a BDSM club, and her eyeballs would pop out of her head if she knew who we were in private and what sort of kink we prefer.

  I wish I could laugh at the thought of strapping down her naked body spread eagle in our home studio and filming her as she writhes. But it’s not funny. My cock is hard.

  So what the fuck is Levi’s plan exactly? I assume Julius probably knows. It’s my own fault I’m uninformed. I should have paid more attention when he spoke of hiring an intern instead of nodding and grunting assent. That’s my habit. I tend to be more reserved. I’m not as good with people as Levi and Julius.

  Even though Julius manages Surrender, and Levi is a member, I rarely go to the club. I prefer to play in the privacy of our home. I’m my most confident self, in my best element, when I’m dominating a woman. And I never lack for submissives because Levi and Julius have magnetic personalities. They can easily filter through the women at the club and find the gems. When they meet someone who seems like a good fit for the three of us, they bring her
to the house.

  It’s simple. It works for us. It has for ten years.

  We’ve trained dozens of women over the years. It’s a win-win for them because they get the benefit of surrendering to three men with very different styles and requirements. When a woman leaves our care, she knows exactly what kind of submissive she’s meant to be. She leaves with confidence and a solid foundation every time.

  We never keep a woman. Three months is usually what it takes to help anyone find themselves, and then we set them free. By mutual agreement, this is how we live.

  I silently bow out and slip into my office while Levi explains the finer points about our business. I don’t shut the door because though I need space to think, I don’t entirely want to cut off the connection. I can still hear Levi speaking and the occasional response coming from Abby’s higher-pitched voice.

  As I sit behind my desk, my hand on my mouse, pretending to stare at my screen, what I’m really doing is fighting the ability to shake images of dominating this woman from my mind. I wonder if her entire body is as tanned as the parts I’ve seen. What color are her nipples? Will they stand erect when I blow on them, or will I need to suckle her to get the response I desire?

  I groan inwardly as I shake my head. Abigail Wise has not come to us to be dominated. She probably knows nothing about the fetish world. She’s a breath of fresh air. My thoughts of corrupting her alone are soiling her.

  Did Levi have this same feeling when he looked her up on social media? Is that why he hired her?

  She has a vibe. I think it’s innocence. But it’s more than that. She’s enthusiastic and energized and young. There is no doubt we could use a bit of that in our office and in the field. But this attraction to her is going to be hard to ignore. From the look on Julius’s face, I know he felt it too. That’s probably why he fled the entire building.

  I sense a presence moments before I glance up to find Levi leaning into my office. “I’m going to take Abby to the house so she can settle in. See you back there later?”

  I nod. “Yep.” I lean to one side to make eye contact with Abby just behind Levi. “Nice to meet you. I’ll catch up with you at dinner.”

  She smiles, and I know with certainty that smile is going to be the death of me this summer. Three months. Fuck.

  Chapter 5


  I follow Levi to “the house” more confused than ever about where I’ll be staying. Beck’s words ring in my head. If I’m staying with Levi, why will Beck see me at dinner?

  I follow behind Levi’s Lexus, slightly surprised when we enter a gated community of mansions not unlike the one I grew up in. This is an older neighborhood with mature trees and pristine lawns.

  We pull into a circular drive and park. Levi exits his Lexus and rounds to my trunk as I pop it and meet him there. He’s already lifting both my suitcases out before I can even begin to help. “You don’t have to carry everything,” I state, reaching toward the smaller piece of luggage.

  He smirks at me as he heaves both suitcases with ease and nods toward the front of the house. “Come on.”

  I follow him, my skin tingling from the look on his face, as if he would never dream of letting a woman lift a suitcase. Granted, I’ve had so many people do things for me all my life that I’m used to it, but it feels awkward at someone else’s home.

  Levi sets one suitcase down briefly to open the front door, and then we step inside.

  The foyer is enormous. White marble tiles in front of a split staircase that curls up from the left and right to the landing above. Ornate white spindles. The steps are a light wood. It’s breathtaking. Indeed, this mansion is as impressive as the one I grew up in. I knew that Vanguard Media Specialists did well as a company, but I hadn’t expected this.

  An older man, probably in his mid-sixties, rushes forward. “Sir, let me get those for you.” He smiles at me and then nods his head. “You must be Abigail.”

  I return the smile, my cheeks pinkening. He reminds me of my grandfather’s butler, Joseph. Tall. Slim. A sparkle in his eyes. He’s wearing dark trousers, a white shirt, and a black tie. Formal. Again, it’s like I’ve stepped into the place I grew up, the home where I lived until today.

  “Randle,” he informs me.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  He scurries off with my luggage as Levi sets a hand on my lower back, urging me forward. I follow him deeper into the house until we step into a room on the left with wide double doors. I immediately determine this is a library. Or as my grandfather would say “the library.” In my grandfather’s home this is the room where he most often entertains male guests with alcohol and cigars.

  I spot a bar in the far corner, confirming the latter is also true of this home, but there’s no scent of cigar, which oddly comforts me. I’ve never cared for the smell, and I certainly have never had the desire to get too close to anyone smoking.

  “The library,” Levi unnecessarily informs me. “We spend a lot of time in here. You’re welcome to use the room anytime you want—peruse the books, sit by the fire. Make yourself at home.”

  “Thank you.” I glance around as I follow Levi inside.

  “The view is amazing,” he says.

  He’s right. As I step to the other side of the room and look out the floor-to-ceiling windows, the view takes my breath away. The yard is enormous and completely decked out to entertain. The patio has the largest outdoor kitchen I’ve ever seen. Top of the line. Several tables and patio chairs are scattered around. My gaze shifts to the kidney-shaped pool and the waterfall at the far end that tumbles over rocks into the steaming hot tub. Beyond all this is a garden that is so meticulous it must take a full-time staff to maintain it. So many colors. I know nothing about flowers or horticulture because it has never interested me, but to someone who loves plants, this garden must make them salivate.

  I spin back around to take in the room. An entire wall of the library is covered with dark wood bookshelves that match the hardwood flooring. The seating arrangement around a plush, dark rug consists of burgundy leather sofas and armchairs.

  The room is decidedly masculine but simply for aesthetics. It’s well used. Something about the vibe makes me feel like the owner or owners indeed spend a lot of time in here.

  Levi nods toward the doorway again. “Come on. I’ll show you the kitchen and then your room.”

  We leave the library and head toward the back of the house, stepping into a brightly lit kitchen filled with the aroma of baking bread. A woman is standing at the enormous gray and white granite island, her hands covered with flour as she works with some sort of dough.

  She lifts her gaze and smiles. “She’s arrived.”

  “Yes. Abby, this is Meredith. She does a lot of the cooking around here, so you’ll see her often. She and Randle have been married for forty years. They live here.”

  “So nice to meet you, dear,” the cheerful woman exclaims. Her cheeks are rosy, and her eyes twinkle with mischief. I presume she’s a sunny person who rarely has a bad day. Like her husband, she’s in her mid-sixties, and her salt-and-pepper hair is pulled back in a bun at the base of her neck. She currently has flour all over her arms and some on her cheek.

  When I glance at the island, I realize she’s making chocolate chip cookies. “Nice to meet you too, ma’am.” I feel oddly at home here. I wasn’t expecting this at all. I assumed I would have an apartment or something. But this staff is comforting to me.

  Levi points toward the glass doors along the back of the kitchen that lead out to the patio and pool I could see from the library. “Feel free to use the pool anytime you’d like.”

  “Thank you.” Yes, everything about this home is familiar, and yet it’s also not. Something is off. I can’t put my finger on it.

  “You made it.” I turn around to find Julius wandering into the kitchen. His fingers are tucked casually in the pockets of his navy pants, and he holds my gaze as he continues, “I hope you’ll be comfortable here. Let any of us know if you n
eed anything.”

  I nod, still confused. Whose house is this? I glance at Levi. “Sorry. Who lives here?”

  Julius chuckles. “We all do. I inherited this place from my grandfather. It’s way too big for just me. When the three of us went into business together, we worked long hours. Levi and Beck repeatedly ended up staying overnight until they finally let go of their own leases and moved in.” He shrugs. “It works for us.”

  Yes. I was right. Something is for sure different about this home. Three grown men live together here? I realize it’s large, and they can easily avoid each other most of the time if they want, but…

  It occurs to me that they might be gay, and I realize I didn’t find pictures of them with women in any Google search. I certainly don’t care if they’re gay, but even if they are, that still leaves a mystery. Three of them?

  “Makes sense,” I reply, trying my hardest to act like it’s perfectly normal. I may be sheltered, but I’m not judgmental. Whatever arrangement these guys have with each other is none of my business and won’t affect my work.

  The only problem I can see is that each of them alone make my heart rate increase. If I’m going to spend three months living with them in their home, seeing them all the time, working side by side with them, I’m going to need to shake this lust from my head before I end up tongue-tied and make a fool of myself. Hell, even if they are gay, that won’t stop me from drooling.

  “Come on,” Levi says. “I’ll show you to your room and let you get settled.”

  I lift my gaze to Julius as I follow Levi once again. “Thank you so much for having me. You didn’t have to do this. I could have found an apartment.”

  He shrugs. “No need. We have plenty of space here, and we’ll do our best to make sure you don’t feel like you’re working twenty-four seven. That’s not our intention. Let us know if you get overwhelmed.”


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