Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2)

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Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2) Page 14

by Becca Jameson

  Julius is the first to slide off the bed, and he aims straight for the camera, turning it off. When he returns, he glances at Levi and me with a raised brow, nodding at the warm sated bundle in my arms.

  I return the nod, knowing what he has silently requested. He wants to take her. He’ll undoubtedly settle her in his bed so she can nap.

  One of the best things about our partnership over the past decade—and frankly one of the reasons we started working so closely together in the first place—is that we have always been able to read each other so well. A look. A quirk of the mouth. An eyebrow lift. So many silent gestures that communicate what we intend without interrupting a scene or filling in the submissive we’re working with.

  Levi nods his assent while I gently lift Abby into Julius’s arms.

  Julius pulls her in close to his chest, and she snuggles in tighter, drawing her knees up together. She’s precious.

  As I watch Julius head for the stairs without a word, I worry for the first time in ten years if we’ve gotten in over our heads here. I’m wrapped tightly around Abby’s finger. I’m guessing both Levi and Julius are too. That’s not our style. We’re going to be in hot water if one of us falls too hard for her. Or worse, if more than one of us does.

  We can’t keep her, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing we could.

  Chapter 27

  Master Julius

  Abby doesn’t even flinch as I carry her up two flights of stairs and down the hallway to my bedroom. As I pass Levi’s and Beck’s suites, I remind myself how fortunate we have been for so many years. I inherited this home from my parents and their parents before them. It’s enormous, and I might have sold it by now if it hadn’t been for the dynamic I discovered with Levi and Beck.

  When the two of them first started coming to Surrender, they had been friends already for a few years. I liked them, and we developed a camaraderie early on. Often we stayed after closing and drank scotch in my office.

  My parents had moved to Europe months before, wanting to spend their retirement in France. They’d left me the house, telling me that I would have inherited it eventually anyway. I was only thirty-three, and I spent some time thinking I might sell it and invest the money.

  Fate had other plans for me though. For all of us.

  I quietly kick open the door to my bedroom and pad across the floor toward my bed. With one arm around the precious bundle I’m cradling, I use the other to tug back the comforter.

  I ease Abby onto the cool sheet, and she curls into a ball. Her eyes are closed. She’s half asleep. I know she’s worn out from the stress of the unknown from her first taste of bliss, but she’s partly in subspace too. We were certainly dominating her.

  I pull the covers over her delightful body, pausing to stare at the way the globe of her tit rests against the forearm she’s folded between her breasts. I’m going to spend hours worshipping those tits. Tormenting them too if that’s what we determine Abby enjoys.

  Such creamy skin, a shade lighter than the rest of her sun-kissed body. My gaze travels lower to the dip of her waist and then the rise of her hip. Her bottom is the same pale shade as her tits. It will look amazing with my palmprint on it. Or the heart-shaped hole in the center of my favorite paddle.

  I can’t be sure she’ll enjoy pain, but after the way she has reacted to Katarina’s scene and her video, I’m going to assume there’s a good chance Abby will crave a certain amount of masochism.

  I pull the covers over her reluctantly and tuck them around her sweet little body. She snuggles in deeper, burying her face in my pillow. Instead of leaving her to sleep, I lower myself in the brown leather armchair in my sitting area. I can keep my eye on her in case she wakes up, but more importantly, I can watch her sleep while I consider my next move.

  We have a dynamic here, the three of us. It happened naturally. The first time it happened, there was a submissive at the club who requested being dominated by multiple men at once. It was a fantasy of hers. Levi and Beck readily agreed to accompany me. And damn if we didn’t immediately have an amazing awareness between us.

  That submissive requested us again the following week, and we negotiated a fairly intense scene with her. In the end, I finally suggested we come back to my home and turn our play into a weekend event.

  We used this room. She stayed much longer than a weekend. And we guided that woman and molded her into precisely the kind of submissive she was meant to be. She still thanks us to this day when we see her.

  After her, Beck, Levi, and I developed a pattern, meeting a woman and bringing her to the house.

  One morning about six months later, after our submissive had left, I sat in the kitchen and watched as Meredith prepared breakfast for Levi and Beck. She was so accustomed to them by that time that she was like a mother hen, doting on all three of us.

  I remember that like it was yesterday, the moment I set my coffee down and told Levi and Beck I thought they should move in. Silence filled the room for a while. Meredith smiled and scurried from the kitchen. Levi and Beck took seats at the table across from me.

  A long serious discussion ensued, and by the end of the month we were housemates. At no point have we ever engaged in any type of relationship with each other. None of us are interested in men. But all of us enjoy sharing a woman. There’s something powerful about taking a submissive to the stratosphere by overwhelming her with a variety of attention.

  There are some submissive women who crave a twenty-four seven arrangement. It’s tough for any one man to provide that and hold down a job. But if three men share the “work”…

  My thoughts of selling the house flew out the window under this new arrangement. I found I spent less time roaming the too quiet hallways of my mansion. Meredith and Randle once again had a houseful of people to dote on. And Levi and Beck, who already owned Vanguard Media Specialists, now had a silent partner with more financial backing and a place to shoot more intimate scenes.

  Win. Win. Win.

  Abby lets out a soft purr and snuggles in deeper.

  I smile as I imagine all three of us in this bed with her. We’ve always gravitated to my room when we’ve shared a woman, often sleeping in a tight row in this king-sized bed.

  Levi and Beck have king-sized beds in their own rooms, and we’ve been known to play in every room of this house, but mine has tended to get the most use. Perhaps the view of the gardens lures us, or maybe we simply continued to use my room out of habit after they moved in.

  We will share Abby’s time among the three of us. It’s part of what we do. Since we started training women, we’ve always moved them in and then managed to keep our businesses running smoothly while never giving the submissive much free time.

  It’s only three months. We negotiated and decided on that years ago. Long enough to achieve the gratification of knowing we helped another woman find herself. Not long enough to get too comfortable.

  We don’t keep anyone longer, and we don’t fall for them. Until Abby, I’ve never even had a temptation. She burst into our lives like a whirlwind, and I know I’m not the only one of us who is dumbstruck.

  I’m forty-three years old. I have no interest in ever entering a permanent relationship. I enjoy women, especially submissive ones, but I have no desire to marry or enter into a long-term relationship. I’m not cut out for it. Too many cobwebs.

  Beck and Levi are two of the only people alive who know my history. Claudia and Roman, my oldest friends, also know. I hold my past close and don’t talk about it much. But the truth is I was engaged once. I met Theresa when she was in law school. I was two years younger than her, still in undergrad. Barely twenty-one. She swept me off my feet. She was funny and gorgeous and sexy. We were inseparable from the moment we met standing in line in a coffee shop.

  At that age, I had only dabbled in the fetish world. My relationship with Theresa was vanilla. We had great sex though, and we managed to keep it fresh for four years.

  When Theresa’s finances grew tight,
I suggested she move in with me. When her student loans overwhelmed her, I paid them off. I was young, but I had a sizable inheritance already. I would have given Theresa the moon. The day she graduated from law school, I gave her a ring. Two months later, she ran off with her new boss, a young lawyer ten years older than me.

  The scars are deep.

  I don’t date.

  I’ll never marry.

  I won’t be taken advantage of again.

  Chapter 28


  I’m confused when I blink my eyes, waking from a deep sleep. The room is bright, and when I push to sitting and look around, I find myself in a room I’ve never seen.

  The covers fall to my waist, and I realize I’m naked. And then this morning’s activities flood back into my psyche.

  “You slept so hard.” The voice startles me, and I jerk my attention to the right to find Julius rising from an armchair. My heart races. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  I grab the sheet at my waist and pull it up.

  Julius sits on the edge of the bed and gives the sheet a playful tug. “Let it go. Don’t cover yourself.”

  Right. I’m supposed to be submitting. How could I forget? I inhale slowly as I force my fingers to release the cover.

  He sets a hand on my thigh. “Dinner will be ready soon. How about a bath first?”

  He’s asking me. I’m surprised I have a choice. “That would be nice, Sir.”

  Julius pulls the covers down farther, exposing all of me. I’m not sure why I’m unsettled. After all, he and two other men have seen me completely naked already. Hell, Julius has had his mouth on my sex.

  Julius takes my hand and helps me to the floor and then leads me to the attached bathroom. I’m a little out of sorts, struggling to remember that he’s not likely to leave me alone or to send me back to my room.

  He’s fully dressed. I’m so very naked. I can’t even hide behind my hair because it’s still pulled back in a braid.

  His bathroom is enormous, and I stand awkwardly behind him as he turns on the water to fill the tub. As it fills, he sits on the edge and rolls up his sleeves, his gaze on me. “Come closer, baby.”

  I shuffle forward until I’m in his space, my hands flexing at my sides. I’ve never felt this exposed. He finishes folding his sleeves up above his elbows and then sets a hand on my hip, urging me a few more inches forward. His fingers caress my skin. When he has me where he wants me, he sets both hands on my waist and smooths them up to cup my breasts.

  I suck in a sharp breath as his thumbs stroke my nipples. “Raise your arms and clasp your hands behind your head.”

  I’m shaking, but I do as he says, mainly because there’s no way to ignore the fact that I’m turned on too.

  He lifts his gaze and studies my face as he continues to mold his palms to my breasts. “Such lovely tits. I can’t wait to put clamps on them.”

  I shudder. The thought of having my nipples pinched by something called a clamp makes me nervous. Everything in this house makes me nervous.

  He pinches my nipples with his fingers and thumbs now and then rolls them. “I’ll start with something light, but these tits were meant to be adorned.”

  A moan escapes my lips when he pulls my nipples away from my body and then releases them.

  “And some suction will train these little buds to stand out swollen and sensitive.”

  I swallow, gripping my threaded fingers with each other.

  Steam is filling the room, and Julius releases me to turn off the water. He sticks one hand in to test it and jerks it back out. “Too hot. We’ll have plenty of time to shave that pussy while it cools off a bit.”

  I take a step back at the second mention of removing my pubic hair. I’m not attached to it by any stretch of the imagination. It’s that I’m mortified to be exposed and even more horrified to think that he intends to lean in close and run a sharp object over my most sensitive skin.

  “Someone’s awake.” The voice from the doorway makes me turn my head to see Beck entering the bathroom. Levi is on his heels.

  Julius reaches around and swats my ass, making me yelp. “Lesson number one. Don’t ever concern yourself with who else is in a room. It’s none of your business. If someone addresses you directly, you may respond, but you don’t have permission to let your curiosity grasp your attention.”

  “Yes, Sir.” My butt stings where he just spanked me. Part of me thinks I should back out of this room, find some clothes, and exit the mansion for good. The other part informs me my sex is wet and my nipples have puckered. The physical correction is arousing. Is it supposed to be?

  A light bulb goes off inside my head as I get my first taste of why Katarina agreed to be restrained and spanked, and why I found it mesmerizing.

  Julius lifts his gaze toward his housemates. “Good. I was just about to shave her. You can help.”

  A flush races up my cheeks. So now not one but three men are going to get intimately acquainted with my sex. Great. I wrap my arms around my middle and squeeze my legs together. I can’t stop myself. Three clothed men are scrutinizing me with narrowed gazes. I can feel their eyes traveling up and down my bare skin.

  I wish I could say I hated it, but that’s not true at all. I’m unnerved. Yes. But I’m aroused as usual.

  Julius grabs me by the waist and lifts me off the ground. I gasp as he sets my butt on the vanity. He sets a finger under my chin and lifts my gaze. “Don’t hide from us. I know it’s hard at first, but you’ll get used to exposing everything. It helps you stay in the submissive frame of mind. We want you to be comfortable in your nudity. You’re a gorgeous woman inside and out. Every inch of you. And we want to see your body as often as possible.”

  I purse my lips and nod. I don’t lack self-esteem. I consider myself to be attractive. It’s just extremely awkward to be naked in front of three men who are not, all of whom have made my body hum while I have not seen more than a forearm so far.

  Beck and Levi step close, on either side of Julius. Levi sets a camera on the counter next to me, making me stiffen. God. They’re going to film shaving me? Can I do this?

  They each set a hand on a thigh and grab an ankle. Seconds later, my feet are planted wide on the vanity, my knees high in the air and pressed open. I unfold my arms quickly and set them behind me to keep from falling backward. I’m off balance.

  I’m also breathing heavily. The lights are so bright in here, and Julius is pulling me closer to the edge of the vanity. “Hold her steady,” he tells the other two as he opens a drawer below my open sex and pulls out several items.

  The shaving cream is a welcome sight. At least it will cover me for a minute. He’s opening a new razor though, and the thought of having that scraping against my sensitive skin is horrifying.

  I’m shivering. It’s not cold in the room with the steam coming off the tub, but I’m nervous. And embarrassed. Why didn’t I do this myself when I thought about it?

  Beck reaches across my body to set a hand on my opposite leg. I’m confused for a moment as Levi steps back a few inches and removes his belt.

  My mouth falls open. I can’t think. My brain runs away with the thought of being spanked with the leather belt. I’m not ready for that, nor do I understand why they would punish me so severely already. Or ever.

  I can feel my heart pounding in my ears as I whimper.

  Beck gives my knees a squeeze. “Relax, Abby. No one’s going to strike you.”

  I lift my gaze to his as Levi tucks the belt under my knee. When I jerk my attention to what he’s doing, I find him wrapping the ends around the sink faucet. He then buckles it tight, pulling my leg even farther.

  It all clicks into place when he picks up the camera. He needed his hands free. Beck is back on his side, both hands pressing my thigh wide.

  I’m so damn exposed, and I shudder when Levi clearly starts the camera, his angle on my mound. They filmed me in this position earlier. I shouldn’t be as unnerved this time. But I am. This ti
me they’re going to film my denuding.

  Julius squirts shaving cream in his hand and then spreads it all over my mound. It’s cold enough to make me jump.

  “Relax, angel,” Beck murmurs. “It’s just hair. We’ll shave you often while you’re here to keep your skin smooth and bare. It heightens your sensitivity and prevents you from hiding your sweet pussy from our view. If you hate it, you can grow it back when you leave Seattle.”

  I lower my gaze. The thought of leaving when we’ve just begun makes my chest tighten. What if I like being exposed to them? What if I like submitting to them? What if I decide I like being filmed? So far the answer to all of those questions is I do. I wouldn’t have consented if I hadn’t felt drawn to play in this world.

  It’s so erotic knowing there’s a camera on me. On my sex. Capturing my spread legs. When the shaving cream is gone, there will be nothing left to the imagination.

  Julius pulls my skin tight with a hand on my belly, and then he slowly, meticulously swipes the razor over my labia.

  I grit my teeth and hold my breath as he does this several times. He works lower too, making my face heat. He’s shaving around my butt hole. I squeeze my eyes closed and purse my lips again, trying not to focus on the camera.

  I’m bombarded with sensations. Too much stimuli at once. Three men watching me, being naked, having my sex bared, and that camera…

  “Take a breath, sweetness,” Levi says.

  I peek at him without lifting my gaze. He hasn’t moved a muscle, the camera steadily trained on my swollen labia and shaving cream-covered mound.

  Julius eases the razor up my thick patch of hair. He leans over to the sink, turns it on at a minimal flow, and rinses the razor. After dragging it across me two more times, he rinses again. This happens over and over until there’s no way anything is left.

  My eyes are squeezed shut again, but I know I’m fully exposed because I can feel the air against my sensitive skin. Finally, Julius sets the razor down. I hear it clank in the sink. He turns the water pressure up and a few moments later, a warm, wet cloth lands on my sex.


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