Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2)

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Teaching Abby (Surrender Book 2) Page 16

by Becca Jameson

  Abby licks her lips, and her body sways slightly in every direction, but she doesn’t break from her perfect form. She’s on her knees, thighs spread open, hands clasped at her back, spine straight, face lowered, hair in a braid. I can see the outline of her areolas through the thin silk. High and stiff.

  “I guess I can sacrifice a little sleep for the good of the team,” I tease.

  She swallows.

  It’s almost ten. She’s been wearing this barely existent slip since Julius put it on her after their bath. I know it was difficult for her to sit still at dinner, especially with Meredith and Randle coming in and out of the dining room. Besides the lack of clothing, we’d insisted she sit with her bare bottom on the chair and her ankles around the legs.

  Her bare feet are sexy as hell. I don’t know when we might let her wear shoes again. She was smoking hot in her heels every day too, but there’s something about a submissive with bare feet that makes my cock hard. Of course, my cock has been hard from the moment she arrived nine days ago.

  I rise and walk closer, glancing at Beck. He’s leaning back in one of the armchairs, his legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. His brow is furrowed, and he tosses back the rest of his drink. I lift a brow in question.

  We never grow attached to women. Julius because he’s stubborn and has been burned. Beck and I because we haven’t ever found the right woman and we enjoy sharing so much.

  I’m concerned. This woman is under all of our skin. Julius won’t readily admit it, and he’s going to hide his growing attachment deep. But Beck… Beck is brooding. He doesn’t like the fact that I’m going to take Abby to my bed.

  I don’t blame him. If the roles were reversed, and I had decided to take the early morning shoot instead of him, he’d be the one sliding between the sheets with our sweet submissive.

  I hesitate, watching his face. Finally, he lifts his gaze and nods at me, subtle permission to continue. He even forces his brow to unfurrow slightly. I know he’s not angry with me. He’s as shaken as I am about this development and uncertain how to process the new emotions.

  We’re going to need to discuss this tomorrow. I don’t want animosity between us over a woman. Ever. Besides, none of our feelings even matter. This won’t be a battle to any finish line, a fight for her hand or something. She’s twenty-two, and she’s going to law school in three months. She’s made that clear. This is a learning experience for her. We cannot afford to get attached, and we certainly can’t let her presence affect our friendship.

  I switch my attention to Abby and reach out a hand. “Come, sweetness. Let’s get you to bed.”

  She rises on shaky legs and takes my hand. I set my free pointer on her cheek and trail it down her neck and chest and between her tits. When I circle one, not making contact with her nipple, she arches into my touch. My dark skin stands out in sharp contrast to the white of her negligee.

  I finally flick my finger over her nipple, making her gasp and lean closer to me. “She’s insatiable,” I point out to the room.

  “Understatement,” Julius says. “And extremely tight too. Beware. I fingered her in the tub. She came hard and fast. If you don’t want to wake the entire house, you might need to gag her. It’s going to take some time to stretch her out.”

  I lift her face to mine with a finger and smile at her. “I’ll work on it.”

  She shivers as she draws her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Beck groans.

  Abby flinches, her gaze shooting to him. “Sorry, Sir.”

  He sits up straighter, planting his feet on the floor, his gaze coming to mine as he reaches out a hand toward her. “If you don’t mind, Levi, I think this little angel owes me several swats to her bottom before you retire.”

  “Of course.” I step back, urging her forward with a palm on her lower back.

  She stares at Beck for a moment, her face flushing. None of us say a word. She needs to go to him of her own accord this time. We’re patient. When she shuffles forward finally, I let out a breath. Precious.

  She’s shaking all over when she steps up to Beck’s extended hand. He cups her face. “I’m a spanker, Abby. I told you that. There’s nothing sexier than a pink bottom after I’ve swatted it. I like the way it looks and the heat that radiates off a submissive’s skin. I like the way a naughty little girl squirms over my knees while I discipline her. Trust me. You’re going to enjoy it as much as I will.”

  She licks her lips again, swallowing.

  Beck angles her to his side and presses her forward with a hand to the small of her back. He spreads his knees so that her tits hang between his thighs, her arms awkwardly dangling at the sides of her head, her hands on his shin.

  Beck takes his time, pushing her slip over her bottom so that we can all see her smooth skin. “Spread your legs, angel.”

  She inches them apart, whimpering.

  He sets a palm on her sexy cheeks and rubs them, molding to the gorgeous skin. It will still be incredibly pink when he finishes.

  When Beck lifts his palm, holding her steady at the small of her back with his other hand, she stiffens. His first swat makes her cry out, her legs shooting out straight.

  She squirms deliciously, making my cock even harder. I want that soft body across my own lap. I’m not a huge disciplinarian, but I sure would like to get her off while holding her struggling body across my thighs. I’m fighting the need to squirm along with her.

  Beck goes easy on her, which doesn’t surprise me. It’s her first spanking, and I know he wants nothing more than to prove to her that it will end in her favor. I’m not wrong. After four swats, he reaches between her legs.

  I know Beck. I don’t need to see his fingers to assume he has dragged them through her folds before thrusting one into her. After Julius’s description of the inside of her pussy, we will all be gentle and go easy on her. For about a day.

  She lifts her head, grabbing on to his leg tighter. “Beck,” she cries out.

  He doesn’t stop, in fact, his hand moves faster, his other hand inching down to secure her against his knees.

  She moans. “Oh, God.”

  “That’s it, angel. Let it go.”

  The rapid jerks of his wrist suggest he’s tormenting her clit.

  “Jesus.” She tries to squirm away and then gasps and holds steady. I swear her entire frame shakes as she comes. It’s the most gorgeous sight.

  Beck holds her little body while she continues to spasm, eventually removing his hand and turning her over so he can hug her against his chest. He coos at her, smoothing loose strands of hair from her face.

  She’s still gasping for breath as he kisses her forehead. “Next time I tell you I’m going to spank you, you won’t be hesitant, will you, angel?” He hugs her tight and then meets her gaze and lifts a brow. “You need to remember to call me Sir too.”

  She flinches. “Sorry, Sir.”

  Beck smiles and then lifts his gaze to me.

  I close the distance and lean down to take her soft body from Beck. Cradling her close to my chest. She’s purring softly and probably doesn’t fully realize we’ve passed her off. So far, every time she’s had an orgasm, she ended up in a slight subspace. I don’t know if it’s because it’s new to her, or if she’s that sensitive to the slight domination.

  I pull her negligee over her bottom, knowing she’d be mortified if she knew I carried her through the house with her heated skin exposed.

  Beck leans back, looking far less frustrated now that he’s had his hands on her and fully enjoyed her response to one of his favorite pastimes.

  Chapter 30


  I’m overly hot, which drags me from sleep. For a moment I’m confused about where I am as I breathe in a masculine scent. My eyes dart open as I realize an arm is draped over me.

  The room is bright, making me squint as I twist my head around, and then I blow out a breath. Memory floods back. It’s Levi. He’s not only awake, but he’s smiling down at me, and his hand
is stroking my belly now that I’m lying on my back. “Good morning, sweetness.”

  I glance around, assuming we’re in his bedroom. I haven’t been in this room before. I can’t remember the details about how I ended up here, and on top of that, I’m flustered. I just spent the night with a man. In his bed. Did we have sex?

  I feel myself flush. If I had sex and don’t remember it…

  Jesus, it’s not like I was drinking. I need to get a grip.

  “Your mind is racing. Slow down.” His hand presses against my sternum. “You were out of it when I brought you to bed. All we did was sleep, Abby.”

  I swallow. “Oh. Okay.”

  “Do you remember Beck spanking you?”

  I flush deeper. “Yes, Sir.” And then he made me come… How humiliating.

  “You have a tendency to slide into subspace when you orgasm. It’s precious, but we’re going to watch you closely.”

  I stare into his dark eyes, so much concern written on his face. “I’m okay, Sir.”

  He smiles. “You are now. Will you be okay after I bring you to orgasm this morning?”

  I wiggle against him. Lord, how often are they planning to drive me crazy like that? I try to scoot out from under him, unnerved by how he affects me. Already I’m horny. Wetness is pooling between my legs at the suggestion that he’s planning to make me come again.

  He’s so damn sexy. I watch as a dimple appears on each cheek, a twinkle in his dark eyes. I jerk my gaze downward to break the spell between us just as his hand slides up to cup my breast. His dark skin mesmerizes me against my lighter breast. I force myself to avoid looking at his cock just yet.

  He plucks my nipple, pinching it and then giving it a gentle tug that makes me arch my back and moan. Just like that my breasts feel heavy and swollen.

  I’m in a trance as he leans over my body and sucks my nipple into his mouth. My hand goes to his head, holding him against me as I moan.

  When he switches to the other nipple, I know I’m a goner. It’s too weird. Surely women don’t get as aroused as I am this easily. Nor do they let three different men drive them to orgasm over and over again all day and all night. I’ve lost my marbles.

  I need to find a brain cell or two, so I push on his shoulders. “Levi… Sir…” My voice has no conviction. Already I’m drowning in lust. How long have I been awake? Two minutes?

  He chuckles as he lifts his face. He rises up a few inches and grabs both my wrists from his shoulders to haul them over my head.

  I inhale sharply. “What are you doing?”

  “Restraining you,” he declares as if it should be obvious. His fine chiseled chest hovers over my face as he reaches for something, and then a moment later a soft material is expertly wrapped around my wrists.

  I whimper. “Sir…”

  He ignores me and continues to bind my wrists, attaching them to the headboard. “There,” he states as he eases back down my body.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for this,” I tell him, tugging on my wrists. I find I’m very much secured. That realization makes my sex clench.

  As he positions his much larger frame between my legs, his belly presses against my wet center, his hands running up and down the sides of my torso. Every time he grazes the edges of my breasts, I grow more aroused. “Sweetness, you’re ready for anything. You just need to relax and enjoy yourself.”

  My nipples stiffen. I can’t think. I shouldn’t be aroused from bondage. It’s irrational. “You tied me to your headboard,” I point out, unnecessarily, tipping my head back as if I might be able to get loose if I could just see what he’s done.

  “Yep. And judging from your squirming and these hot swollen tits, you like it. Don’t forget to address me respectfully.”

  I nod, but I’m unnerved. I shouldn’t like this. Except you did last night too, I remind myself as thoughts of them shaving me while I was forced open flood my memory. This seems different. Levi is the only one in the room. It’s not my leg this time, it’s my hands. Both of them. I’m helpless. And horny because of it.

  He strokes my breasts, holding me captive with his torso against mine. “Abby, the goal for the summer is going to be to find out what makes you tick. We’re going to try everything and note which things get you off and which things make you cringe. Some of our trials might even switch over time to the green-light column as you get more comfortable with your body.”

  I purse my lips.

  He taps my nipples. “Every cell in your body is telling me you love being restrained, so we’re going to go with that. If for any reason, this morning or ever, you find you can’t obey a command, call out your safeword and I’ll stop. All of us will. Immediately.”

  I nod again slowly. I have a safeword. That’s right. I can use it. No way is Levi going to hurt me here. It wouldn’t seem that is ever the goal of any of them. Their goal is pleasure, and I’d be lying if I insisted I wasn’t aroused from the restraint.

  “What’s your safeword, sweetness?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Good.” Suddenly, he pushes off me and climbs off the bed.

  I’m shocked as I watch him move about the room. He’s perfectly comfortable in his naked skin. The huge erection between his legs rivals Julius’s from yesterday.

  I squeeze my knees together, drawing them up instinctively while I follow Levi with my gaze.

  He opens a drawer on his bedside table, rummages around, and then sets something on the bed. I can’t quite see it. The pile of sheets and comforter are blocking my view.

  Next, he pads across the room, and I lift my head to watch him, shocked and a bit stressed when he returns with a camera.

  I draw my knees up tighter as he sets up his video equipment on a tripod at the end of the bed. He says nothing as he adjusts it. When he lifts his head to look at me, he smiles. “Perfect.”

  I’m pretty sure I disagree. Are they going to film my every move? It’s disconcerting. If this ever got out…

  Levi comes to my side and holds up a black piece of material.

  A blindfold. Shit. “Sir, I don’t think…”

  He shakes his head. “Good. I don’t want you to think or worry or anything else. I want you to feel. I’m going to blindfold you so that your face won’t show in the video.” He lifts a brow.

  I glance at the camera.

  “It’s up to you,” he states. “You can blur out your face later when you do the edits, or I can slide this over your eyes to keep your identity from the camera.”

  I glance at the thick blindfold, making a decision. “You don’t play fair, Sir.”

  “Nope. I play to win. I want some amazing video of your pussy this morning. After I get it, I’ll let you take a shower. Maybe I’ll even be generous and let you bathe alone. Depends on how cooperative you are between now and then.”

  My heart is pounding. I should tell him to release me. I should argue. I do neither, because deep inside, once again, I recognize that I want this. I want Levi to force me to come. I want it more than anything in the world. “I’ll be good, Sir,” I tell him.

  He groans, and his erection bobs against his belly. When he leans over me, he kisses me first, deeply, with more passion than I’ve ever felt from him. He cares. He likes me. This isn’t just a game for him. It’s not a game for any of them. Do they know it?

  When he pulls back, he slips the blindfold around my head and secures it, leaving me in the dark. It’s wide, covering my forehead and down around my nose. I’ve never been blindfolded before, nor have I been so restrained, of course. I’m immediately nervous. “Sir…”

  “Right here, sweetness. I’ll be right here the entire time. Just starting the video.”

  I hear a slight click, or maybe I imagine it, but either way I know he’s filming me now, and I squeeze my knees tighter.

  “Open your legs, Abby.”

  I draw in a breath. This is going to be harder than I thought. That camera is going to film my vagina straight on.

  “I want to se
e your sweet pussy in the camera screen. You can either voluntarily show me, or I can pull your legs apart and attach your ankle and your knee to a pulley system that will leave you with no mobility at all.”

  My lips part. Should I argue? Probably not. I’m shaking as I drop my feet to the bed and then inch them apart.

  “Wider, sweetness. Let your knees fall open as far as you can.”

  I draw in a deep breath, trying hard not to think about my exposed sex. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Maybe I can pretend there’s no camera. Only Levi. Watching me. I part my thighs, and a shudder wracks my body as the cool air of the room reminds me how wet I am down there.

  “That’s it. So sexy. Your pussy is pink and swollen and wet.”

  Something touches my folds. It’s not Levi. It’s cold.

  “Stay very still for me, sweetness. Let me make you feel good.”

  The object is dragged through my folds and circles my clit. Maybe it’s a dildo. I can’t focus anymore now that it’s touching me so intimately. I tip my head back, ensuring my face won’t be on the video.

  “It must be driving you crazy that we haven’t fucked this sweet pussy yet,” he states, making me arch further. How do all three of them manage to drive me to distraction with such naughty words? “Today we will. I promise. I’m going to get you stretched out a bit this morning, and then we’ll let you have a break. Soon, this tight pussy is going to be filled with cock.”

  I moan. I want that so badly. I’ve never wanted anything more.

  The object between my legs is warmer now. Maybe it’s metal. Aluminum? It must also be on a long pole of some sort because Levi’s voice isn’t close enough for him to be hovering between my legs. Plus, he’s made it clear he wants a close-up video of my sex. If he got between me and the camera, his video would be obstructed.

  “So wet… Sweetness, I’m going to enjoy eating that pussy until I’ve wrung out several orgasms. Later.” He prods at my entrance and eases the object inside. Slowly. Gently. “So tight. I can feel the resistance. This is a very small dildo, Abby. Is it too tight?”


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