Finding Leigh: Dark Horse Inc. Book 3

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Finding Leigh: Dark Horse Inc. Book 3 Page 14

by Amy J. Hawthorn

  “No. I don’t.” She believed her words, even knew them as fact. He was absolutely one of the good guys. She knew he’d play along and bend over backward to make their girl happy.

  Shit. Their girl.

  She needed to quit thinking that way. Addie would be hers and hers alone. It might not be everything, but it was the next best thing. She couldn’t take that gift for granted.

  She waved her hand to Addie and the bowl, whispering, “Quick. Go ahead and mix it in. We’ll set the bowls on the counter for a taste test. Ask him to pick the frosting we should use on the cake.”

  Addie carefully turned on the hand mixer and mixed the flour in, doubt written clearly in her features. “Is it ready yet?”

  Leigh could tell by the smell of chocolate cake in the air that it was close, but she did her best to keep Addie involved every step of the way. “Check the timer on the oven, hon. What does it say?”

  Addie groaned and then answered. “Five minutes. That’s like forever!”

  Leigh laughed. “No it’s not. It’s five minutes. You can make it that long.”

  Addie turned off the mixer and pouted. “Yeah, but then it has to cool.”

  “That’s right. See? You know what you’re doing.”

  “Well, waiting and licking the beaters are about the only parts I remember. It’s been forever since I’ve had cake. Don’t know if I’ve ever helped with a made-from-scratch cake. I thought they all came in a box.” With a skeptical face, she set her bowl of vanilla flavored icing next to Leigh’s chocolate. Addie hadn’t been able to decide which she wanted, so they made both.

  “Well, I promise you can have a big piece tonight.” She laid two spoons out, one beside each bowl of icing just as Rick walked in.

  “What are you two whispering and laughing about? You’re not causing trouble are you?”

  “Of course not. We’re baking, that’s all. Go ahead, Addie. Ask him.” Leigh’s heart wept when the girl’s eyes went wide with apprehension. Leigh looked to Rick, imploring him to play along.

  Meeting her head on, he paused for a moment before asking Addie, “What do you want to ask me?”

  Addie took a deep breath. She released it right before blurting, “We need you to do a taste test. We don’t know which one we should put on the cake.”

  He pretended to think. “A taste test, huh? I can do that. I mean, who doesn’t like frosting?”

  Leigh gestured to the bowls and spoons she’d set on the marble island.

  Rick picked up the first spoon and looked to Addie. “Which one did you make?”

  Oh hell. If I wasn’t already ruined for other men by this stubborn male…

  Addie swallowed then pointed to the first bowl. “I made the vanilla. She made the chocolate one.”

  “Lucky me. Vanilla is one of my favorites. I always liked chocolate cake iced with vanilla.”

  Addie beamed. “Me too. That’s the way my grandma made it a long time ago.”

  Rick dipped his spoon into the bowl of white icing. Addie froze. Without missing a beat, he put the sample into his mouth and then licked the spoon clean. “That’s damn good icing.”

  Then he picked up the bowl of chocolate and looked at it suspiciously. Then he sniffed it. He set it on the counter and used the second spoon to scoop up a minute sample. Acting as if he were being forced to take medicine he didn’t like, he touched his tongue to the frosting. Looking at Leigh with near comical suspicion, he finally put the entire, tiny bit in his mouth and forced it down with an audible gulp. “The chocolate is pretty good, but the vanilla is clearly the winner.”

  Addie laughed. “You’re not a very good liar. The vanilla is horrible. I’ll be more careful next time.”

  “I like it just fine. I think there’s something fishy in the chocolate.”

  “You’re whacked. The chocolate is amazing.” The timer went off, signaling that the cake was finished. Addie smiled and looked at Leigh. “I’m going to go take my shower while it cools. Don’t frost it without me!” She bolted out of the room.

  Rick opened a drawer and, not finding what he wanted, he looked to Leigh. “Where are the damn spoons?”

  Leigh pulled the cake out of the oven and set it on the counter, shook her head and opened the correct drawer. He pulled out a clean spoon and then dipped it into the chocolate frosting for a huge scoop. He put the entire bite into his mouth, closed his eyes and groaned. “My god. Have you tried this?” He opened his eyes and focused on her.

  “Not today. I use that recipe all the time. It goes well with almost any cake. Put a thick layer on and I don’t have to worry about leftovers.” The sight of him licking his lips held far more appeal. The faintest hint of his scent teased her. Fighting the urge to slide closer, she discreetly stepped a few inches away.

  “You haven’t tried it?” Looking at her as if she were from another planet, he set his spoon on the counter.

  “I don’t need to. I’ve probably made it fifty times since my grandmother taught me how back in high school. I know it’s good.”

  He dipped his finger into the bowl. When he moved to stand in front of her, a mixture of dread and longing washed through her. “Here. I insist.” He held his frosting coated finger up to her mouth.

  With her backside against the counter, she had nowhere to go. How could he not know that he tempted her with the very things he’d denied her?

  Hoping to satisfy him quickly, get him out of her space before she capitulated and begged him to give in, she took a small taste of the huge dollop. She couldn’t help but savor it. She closed her eyes. The creamy chocolate was always divine. Rich and sinful without going too far. Usually, the taste reminded her of summers spent with her grandmother.

  But Rick, damn the man, eclipsed those memories with his heat, his scent, and the low timbre of his voice that rippled through her, leaving a sensual devastation in its wake. She fought the need to lean into him.

  The pad of a single finger brushed over her cheek. Her eyes popped open in shock even as her sharp tongue failed her. He put his icing dipped finger back into his mouth sucked the last of the icing away.

  He pointed with the finger on the opposite hand, the one he’d caressed her with. “You have something on your cheek.”

  She blinked to break the spell of desire spinning in eyes darker than the chocolate they shared, so close and so very tempting.

  She sputtered. “Powdered sugar or maybe flour. I’m working on teaching her how to be neat in the kitchen, but, ah…we still have a way to go.”

  He raised that finger to his mouth and tasted. Her knees wobbled making her brace her hands on the counter behind her. His voice rumbled low, barely audible. “Sweet. Definitely sugar.”

  “Yeah. There was a minor incident when she set the open bag on the counter.”

  Breathe girl, breathe.

  God, I am such a dork!

  She forced herself to draw in air.

  He tossed his head back and laughed. “Incident or explosion?”

  “Truly?” She bit her bottom lip.

  He didn’t answer. He simply waited, looking anything but worried about the messes they’d made in his formerly immaculate kitchen.

  “Both. It was an incident that caused an explosion of powdered sugar. I’ve already cleaned most of it, but I’ll go over everything again when we’re finished. I know it’s a mess, but I’ll take care of it.”

  He swept the cluttered room with a passing onceover. “It’s not all that bad.” Then a darker, thoughtful expression took hold. “It looks lived in. It’s not a ghost town anymore.”

  Knowing there was a far deeper meaning behind his words, but unsure of the significance, she chose to keep things light. She ignored the heat running through her veins and smiled. “With Addie? No, it’s definitely not a ghost town. For someone who was so stealthy in the woods, she definitely makes plenty of noise now.”

  He smiled and she had to press harder with her palms for support. “Kids are supposed to be messy and noisy.
Let her do both, and don’t worry about the clutter so much.” His voice lowered in both volume and timber as he swept the room with his gaze. “I really don’t mind.”

  Something warm and bright unfolded in her chest. “Rick, you’ve given so much of yourself, the last thing you need is for us to fill your house with utter chaos. I’ll make sure to keep her out of your way. Everything will be clean before I go to bed.”

  “It’s fine.” For a moment, he looked as if he struggled with a great decision. Then his shoulders rose and fell. “I like it. The place doesn’t look so much like a museum. It looks like a family lives here.” Already close, he somehow inched closer without touching her.

  “Rick…” She needed to say something, but as always, this man stole her words.

  She needn’t have bothered with the mere thought of speaking, because he kissed her. His mouth descended on hers and laid claim. And it was sweet and soft. Inviting.

  She’d never in a million years have pegged Rick as capable of sweet, tender kisses, but the man delivered in spades. His lips merged with hers and he murmured unintelligible words into her. She felt, rather than heard their meaning as tremors of need rushed through her.

  A need she couldn’t fill.

  She drew on every ounce of willpower she had and pulled her mouth from his. Weakened, she couldn’t hold onto her composure any longer and the words tumbled out. “Please don’t tease me with what I can’t have. You have to know what I want. I... I heard you talking to Trent. I know what you said. I just can’t.”

  He looked deep into her, but didn’t appear to process her words. He stared and her mouth and dipped his head to hers. And damn it all to hell, she couldn’t tell him no.

  She let him and this time he was anything but soft. He crushed his mouth to hers in a fiery storm, claiming her with a ruthlessness that would shame a Viking conqueror. Clutching his shoulders, she gave up the fight, letting him in.

  Leigh’s graceful fingers curled into his shirt and, despite her words, giving him an unconscious greenlight. She opened, letting him in and he couldn’t resist the temptation of her sweet surrender. She whimpered, a soft, muted sound that went straight to his groin.

  Desire flared and whipped through him, awakening his desire.

  He cupped her jaw in his palms and swept his thumbs over the curve of her cheeks. The silken heat of her lips beneath his, the hint of frosting on her tongue, and the warmth of her skin under his palms ignited needs he’d given his all to put to bed. Never in his life had he experienced anything more divine.

  Fuck, I’m an idiot and an asshole.

  How could he live the rest of his life without accepting a gift so precious?

  One of the hands gripping his shirt flattened, putting pressure above his heart. He didn’t care. He slid one hand along the angle of her jaw and cupped her nape. Tilting her head, he adjusted his mouth, seeking even more.

  She gave as good as she got.

  So lost in the moment and the sweetness of her gift, he failed to notice the light pressure of a second palm flattening next to the first, against his chest.

  Leigh pulled back, breaking free of their kiss. Her lips were swollen and sexy, her breathing heavy, but it was the devastation in her eyes that broke him. Eyes damp like dew kissed grass in the springtime hit him like a freight train.

  Her words gutted him.

  “No. I’m sorry. I can’t do this. It’s all or nothing, Rick. I don’t have it in me to play around. I wish I could, but I won’t survive a fling.”

  “Leigh, baby. I—”

  “No. I need to keep what pride I have left. If anything, you of all people should be able to understand that much. Just leave me be. I’ll do my best to keep Addie quiet and out of your way so you can work. Just do what you do best and keep us safe. Find Marcus, so we can get back to our lives. Addie deserves a good one. I’ll do my absolute best to give that to her. Just leave me be.” Each word slashed at something deep inside him.

  It was the same something that held his emotions and needs in check. She’d just wrecked the barrier he’d erected to keep everything inside.

  She turned her head to the side, breaking their eye contact and loosening his hold on her nape. “Let me go, please. I’m going to check on Addie before cleaning up our mess.”

  He stepped back, giving her some space, but wasn’t ready to give in and simply walk away. He couldn’t. Something important just happened and he needed a moment to process the enormity of her words and their impact.


  Bare feet smacked across the kitchen floor in a rapid-fire dance. “Hey, guys. Is the cake cool?” Addie bounded up to them, smiling brightly, seemingly oblivious to the tension. There was something in her eyes that made him think otherwise.

  Having lost the moment, and still unsure of how to remedy the colossal mess he’d made, he stepped back.

  Leigh immediately sidled away and walked across the kitchen to check the cake’s temperature. The moment her back turned to him, Addie glared as if he was the biggest jerk in the world.

  Maybe he had been.

  Leigh faced Addie. “It needs just a little longer. I don’t want your icing to melt.”

  Addie shook her head. “No way. We’re not putting my icing on there. I want the chocolate frosting.”

  Leigh looked as if she’d like nothing more than to escape. “Well, I’ll just go get ready for bed myself. I’ll frost it after.”

  Addie practically jumped in front of her, blocking her escape route. “I know! Can we watch a movie? Please? Noah hooked up the new TV last night and showed me how to work everything. You don’t have to do anything but sit and rest. I’ll take care of it all.” Then the devious little mastermind pulled out the big guns, her stunning, pale blue eyes. She used them mercilessly as she stood before Leigh and craned her neck, like a baby bird. “Please? There are so many movies I missed out on.” Rick nearly laughed at her performance. It was just a millimeter shy of being comically over the top.

  But it worked. Leigh was sunk.

  She put her hands on her hips and pretended to think hard. “Okay. I guess one won’t hurt. What do you want to watch?”


  Leigh smiled and shook her head. “There’s no way we can watch them all. Rick might choke when he sees how many you ordered.”

  At the mention of his name, Addie turned her back to Leigh and focused on him. “You too? You work all the time and never hang out. You should watch with us.” Only, instead of pleading innocence, he received a glare that defied him to go against her wishes, contrasting with the cheer in her voice.

  She knew. The little stinker must have been eavesdropping. Hell, as focused on each other as he and Leigh had been, an elephant could have run through the room and neither one of them would have noticed.

  Only Leigh had ever done that do him. And he knew, in his deepest core, only she had the power to hold him in a thrall so powerful an earthquake wouldn’t register.

  An idea formed.

  “Sure, I’ll watch a movie. What’s your choice?”

  She paused in thought for a moment then jumped as if an idea occurred. “I’ll go pick one and start it. Don’t be late!” Her bare feet smacked over the floor as she ran out as fast as she’d come.

  Leigh turned on the faucet to start cleaning. She stared after Addie, dread written all over her pretty face. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?”

  “What did you two order? It can’t be that bad. It’s only eight. It’s not too late to start a movie.”

  “I wasn’t kidding when I said we got a little carried away. She was so excited to see all the options, I couldn’t help but let her have a little fun.” Leigh looked to the door and the hall leading to the family room. The dread on her face made him think she faced the gallows. “In addition to a bunch of random comedies, she ordered multiple fantasy saga boxed sets, with bonus scenes. How much do you want to bet, she’s going to have me up all night?”

  He sm
iled and followed after their girl.

  Their girl.

  Chapter 14

  Rick caught a glimpse of movement in the doorway and looked up from the monitors on his desk to see Addie standing there, her hair still messy from sleep. She covered her yawn and then waved a greeting. “Hey.”

  “Hey there. Good morning.”

  She stepped a couple of feet into his office. “Leigh’s still sleeping. Did you carry her to bed, too?”

  “I did. She was really tired, so I didn’t want to wake her. How did you sleep?” He’d put her to bed in her own room. She’d been sleeping there and, as far as he knew, hadn’t had any more trouble after the first two nights she’d spent with Leigh. The third night, they’d both slept with their doors open which gave them a view straight into the others’ room.

  “Okay. Don’t really remember anything. Can I have cake for breakfast?”

  “Why don’t we have something a little bit healthier? I need a coffee refill, anyway.”

  “Would one of those bagels be healthy?” She asked this as if she already knew, or at least suspected the answer, but thought any play that might gain her a piece of Leigh’s chocolate cake for breakfast was worth a try.

  “Well, it’s definitely healthier than cake, but I’m not sure it’s truly good for you. Let’s go see what we can come up with.” He pushed his chair back from his desk.

  “No. You keep working. I can refill your coffee and toast the bagels. You gotta catch the bad guy.” Before he could stand, she vanished.

  What is she up to?

  Hell, he probably owed the kid a huge slice of cake for the magic she’d worked the night before. Not all of his furniture had been delivered yet, so a single couch was the only piece of furniture practical for them to watch movies on. Somehow, the child, who was no bigger than a minute, managed to take up half of the couch. She’d left him and Leigh with far less than their fair share.

  He couldn’t complain. Leigh had taken the middle, leaving him the outer portion. He had to hand it to Leigh, she’d done well. Stiff as board, she stayed awake for the entirety of the first movie, but shortly after the second one began, she’d started drifting off and her posture relaxed. Addie had fallen asleep with her head on Leigh’s shoulder, so she’d been trapped. By the movie’s middle, Leigh was out cold and with nowhere to go, she’d ended up leaning against his chest. He’d shifted, taking the weight of them both.


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