The Alpha King

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The Alpha King Page 7

by Victoria Sue

  “Thank you,” he said quietly. He sat up, relieved to see he was clothed, and in a soft, plain white shirt that was kind on his skin. Taheesha stuck out her hand and touched his face. Kit didn’t recoil. He had been half-expecting the next touch since he had woken up. He smiled and Taheesha stroked her thumb up and down his cheek.

  “Taheesha,” the other girl scolded. “You can’t paw people all the time. The omega might not like it.”

  Taheesha’s face fell but before she could drop her hand, Kit covered it in his own and squeezed. Taheesha’s face broke out in a beautiful smile and Kit knew he was looking at a female version of Luca.

  “I’m allowed to touch my brother,” Taheesha returned defensively. “He’s family.”

  The older girl sighed and put down her dishes, turned to Kit and curtseyed formally. “Omega, my name is Iris Hightower and this is my sister Taheesha. It is very good to meet my brother’s mate.” She put out her hand.

  Kit’s smile widened. He clasped her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of it. “Please excuse me not getting up and greeting you formally, princess.”

  “Oh,” Iris made a surprised sound and Kit would bet anything she hadn’t made the connection between her brother being the Alpha King and her becoming a princess. Her eyes suddenly filled and Kit opened his arms wide. In a second they were hugging each other tight and he had his arms full of both of them.

  “You’re a princess,” Taheesha breathed in awe and looked at her sister.

  Iris grinned and wiped her eyes on her sleeve in a very un-princess-like manner. “So are you, squirt.”

  Taheesha giggled. “That’s Princess Squirt to you.” She collapsed on the bed, laughing.

  Iris smiled and rose. “Omega, you must eat.”

  “Kit, please,” he said and gratefully accepted the cup of steaming soup from Tara.

  “So does this mean we get to live in a palace?” Taheesha asked around mouthfuls of beef—she hadn’t bothered with the soup.

  Iris glanced at Kit and bit her lip. “I don’t know. I guess.” She looked at Tara. “Does Neira even have a palace?”

  Tara nodded, smiling, while she gave out plates and napkins. Kit watched her as she moved methodically. He wasn’t sure what an omega was doing behaving like a servant. Maybe she was friends with Iris?

  Kit absorbed Iris’ question. Iris had worked out instantly that if her brother was Alpha King then that would mean a move to the capital. Taheesha yawned, abandoned her food, and snuggled down next to Kit. Iris looked at her fondly. “She has had quite a few late nights.”

  “As have you, I imagine,” he said.

  Kit gazed at the strain on her elder sister’s face and remembered that the kitchen gossip had told him she was promised to an unpleasant gamma more than thirty years her senior. He assumed Luca had stopped it. He also knew from gossip the little girl snuggled next to him was thirteen but she was so slight he had mistaken her for younger. He felt with his mind and knew Luca was talking to the Alphas. He couldn’t tell what Luca was thinking, it was just more a prickle of awareness. He withdrew quickly, not wanting to interrupt.

  Tara left the room as a guard came in to ask for her wishes on something.

  “I have never seen my brother so happy as when he came in carrying you,” Iris said.

  Kit blinked. “Into the pack house?”

  Iris shook her head. “No, into the clearing. All the Alphas and heirs were assembled, and they watched him carry in something very precious to him. It was deliberate on his part, I think.”

  Kit marveled at her perception, put his dish down, and put his hand to his mouth as he yawned. “Sorry.”

  Iris stood and smiled. “Why don’t you both rest?” She peered at the half-empty bowl. “You haven’t eaten much. Luca won’t like it.”

  Kit yawned again. Taheesha was like a hot water bottle and her soft snuffling noises as she buried into him were making him sleepy. Iris glanced at her. “I should warn you, Taheesha is a comfort omega. She will respond to your emotions, but I suspect she knows you need sleep, and she is projecting that.”

  Kit glanced in surprise at the sleeping girl. “That’s why I’m suddenly so tired when I have slept so much already?”

  “Not just,” Iris said. “It wouldn’t work if you didn’t need it.”

  Kit blinked as tiredness washed over him again. “Will you tell Luca...” Something...but the thought had left his mind before it had the chance to be known.

  “Don’t worry.” Iris clasped his hand. “Luca is the best brother anyone could ever have, but I have the feeling Taheesha and I just lucked out and got a second one. Go to sleep,” she urged, motherly, and Kit was happy to oblige.

  The next time he woke he could feel the wave of distress slam into him. He sat up, startled. He knew it was Luca. Taheesha had disappeared and he was alone. He got up feeling much stronger, even though he was flushed again. He hurried to the bathroom. After emptying his bladder and brushing his teeth, he walked back into the room and eyed a beautiful, cream silk shirt and fawn breeches laid over a chair. He picked at the long sleep shirt. He couldn’t go outside in it, and he mustn’t embarrass Luca. They must be for him. He quickly got dressed. Luca wasn’t in any danger or whatever his clothes, he would have gone outside immediately, but he could tell the council meeting wasn’t going very well.

  The Alpha King just needed his omega.

  Kit smiled at the gamma who stood silently as he walked out of his room, and immediately fell into step behind him. Kit glanced at the huge werewolf looming over him a couple of times. He didn’t like it as he was used to being so invisible amongst them, but he assumed it was Luca’s orders.

  He walked to the outside door and took in the scene quickly. Alpha Jace was begging for Luca to spare his son. Kit understood, but he especially understood what an impossible position Luca was in. He had shown clemency yesterday when Gareth had tried to kill him. Any further demonstration and he would risk looking weak in front of the other Alphas—not something that could happen when he needed their support—and he could not hope to rule the kingdom if his own house wasn’t in order.

  He glanced at the others present, saw that Luca had seated Asher and the other humans that had helped rescue him. Asher stood and crossed the clearing to stand beside him immediately. The gamma took no notice of Asher. He would have dismissed the human as inconsequential, but a human could easily kill another human and the gamma obviously hadn’t thought of that. Kit looked back at Luca and saw that Iris sat in between Luca and an older man——and that Sam sat on his other side. Tara was also present on the other side of Sam. It was a wonder some of the older Alphas hadn’t died of apoplexy. Humans, females and betas all sat eating with the Alphas. Kit approved.

  Then, just before he stepped nearer Luca, a chill ran through him. Someone—someone here—was a threat, and not just to him. They wanted to harm Luca.


  Luca wanted to hold his head in his hands and close his eyes against the pain in his head. He wouldn’t, of course. No sign of weakness amongst the squabbling Alphas. He could understand Alpha Jace but he just didn’t know what to do. The arguments for death or banishment were valid. The guards stood holding a shackled Gareth. He had him brought forward to hear his punishment.

  “And who are you to decide you are Alpha King anyway?” Alpha Malachi blustered. “I haven’t seen a pure omega. All I’ve seen is a human slave, and pity doesn’t make him an omega.”

  Luca realized the last few words were said in the midst of total silence from the others. Up to a few minutes ago they had all been trying to talk over themselves. He just had a second to wonder what had managed to shut them all up, and then he smelled it. He inhaled Kit’s sweet scent. He didn’t even have to turn around.

  Your head hurts.

  I need you to kiss it better.

  Luca’s lips parted slightly as he got an image of exactly what Kit was going to kiss better.

  “Your Highness,” Kit murmure
d and clasped the outstretched hand Luca offered him. Luca was surprised at how warm Kit’s hand was.

  Alpha Malachi started blustering and Luca very gently turned Kit around and tilted Kit’s head so his tattoo was visible. No one said a word.

  Luca looked at Alpha Malachi. “Do you still doubt?” Malachi blanched but sat down very quickly. Alpha Jace remained standing.

  I have an idea.

  Luca risked a quick rub to his head. Well thank God, because I’m all out of them.

  What if you strip Gareth of his Alpha-heir status?

  Luca stared incredulously at Kit. What an incredibly clever idea, and it fit with the idea he had for his own territory. New rules. He drew Kit closer and turned to Jace. “My omega has just cautioned me to have mercy.”

  Malachi and one or two of the others scoffed. Luca didn’t respond. It certainly wouldn’t hurt for Kit to have the credit here, although something told him to keep their telepathy secret for the moment. “Alpha Jace, your eldest son Gareth is hereby stripped of his Alpha-heir status and the title is immediately passed to your younger son, Gabriel. It is my wish, however, that Gabriel will be one of my closest advisors, so I will grant him whatever assistance he needs to free himself for that task. The marriage contract, obviously, is still in place for the Alpha-heir. It is merely the Alpha-heir that has changed.”

  Gabriel and Gareth both gasped, but while Gareth’s face turned to anger, Gabriel’s softened into pure joy. Luca had not only given a new and what a lot of wolves may deem to be a harsher punishment, but he had ensured the mating of Gabriel and Danni. It was a master stroke. Gabriel might not thank him for the Alpha-role but as it meant he was mating the love of his life he would have to suffer it.

  “You can’t do that!” Gareth struggled ineffectually against the guards. Luca just lifted a bored eyebrow. Gareth sneered. “He’s a slut. I bet he doesn’t even have any papers.”

  Luca had leaped in one go before he even registered the anger that shook his body. Gareth was on his back and Luca crouched over him. The knee to his chest effectively pinned him down, but it was Luca holding the knife to his throat that made everyone freeze. “You dare to insult my mate?” He would kill him. Strip the skin from his bones, and leave him as carrion for the huge death birds to claim.

  “Luca?” Luca smelled Kit’s scent weaving around him, but he still didn’t let go.

  Luca, let him go. His fingers gripped the handle tighter. He desperately wanted to plunge it into the sniveling waste of space underneath him. The red haze of his vision paled slightly.

  Please, Luca. I need you. Come back to me.

  Luca took a breath and the tightness in his skin eased.

  Look at me. See how much you are loved.

  Kit’s words finally penetrated Luca’s mind and calm washed over him. “You really are as stupid as you look,” he spat at Gareth, then stood.

  Gareth gasped a choking breath out as he too was suddenly able to fill his lungs. He gestured to the guards to take Gareth out of his sight. He blew a breath out and glanced around him. Everyone was silent. He swallowed, registering the fear in some faces. What the hell was the matter with him? He’d never had such a temper before.

  I think it’s sexy.

  Luca chuckled and people seemed to relax visibly because he did.

  Although he’s right. I don’t have any papers.

  Luca knew Kit meant the license associated with his birth. Luca had half-expected Kit to be an illegal child. It was another archaic system that needed to change. “My omega’s right to life is literally written on his skin,” Luca gestured to Kit’s neck and looked around at the werewolves there. “I am also instituting a further change,” Luca said in the silence. “The Alphas who wish to may want to delegate some of their new duties to their omega mates. I believe there are a lot of things Danni may be able to help you with,” he added directly to Gabriel.

  Gabriel dropped immediately to his knees and crossed his arm to his chest in the old sign of respect and allegiance. “All that I have and all that I am.”

  Luca stepped away from the table and crossed to where Gabriel knelt. He was right in omitting his house from the oath because his father was still the Alpha, and it was not his yet to promise. Luca extended his arm to raise Gabriel up and they clasped forearms. He glanced at Jace. “I will release Gareth into your custody. For a period of one year he is limited to your pack house only.”

  Alpha Jace bowed. He had his son, alive. He couldn’t complain, and to be honest Luca had seen the glint in his eyes when he had named Gabriel as his successor. He didn’t think he was too upset.

  “Now,” Luca looked up. “I have both my new pack and my old one to manage. I cannot do that and undertake my new duties without the two packs suffering. I am hereby amalgamating them and designating a new Alpha.”

  Malachi spluttered again. “But, you have no brothers of your line. There are no Alphas. It must be the elders that govern.”

  Luca lifted an eyebrow and stared at the man. He knew Alpha Malachi was one of the Alphas that liked control, the same as Jameson, and the same as Hendrick. He didn’t think it was an accident that had caused all their Alpha-heirs to be born when the Alphas were already in their fifties. Wolves lived for up to three hundred years. He also knew full well Malachi was using the opportunity to get his hands on the old Hendrick lands. As a senior Alpha he would be expecting to be one of the ruling elders.

  “You are wrong,” Luca said bluntly. “There is indeed an Alpha of my family’s line available. I hereby designate my sister Iris to be Alpha-heir of the new amalgamated pack.”

  The place was in uproar. At least five Alphas and three betas stood to their feet and started shouting each other down. Luca’s guards stepped closer nervously and Sam stood up.

  “Silence!” Luca raised his hand and the ground rumbled until everyone fell silent. “Iris is young and inexperienced so I am appointing Tomas who served both myself and my father as his beta-commander for many years as her chief advisor. But know this...” The silence was heavy, oppressive. “Iris speaks for me. Her words are my words. The archaic succession of eldest son is going to stop.”

  “You can’t do that.” Malachi stepped forward angrily.

  “She’s a female,” snapped Jameson in disgust.

  Luca flicked his fingers and Malachi fell immediately to his knees. Luca wasn’t certain which one of them was more surprised. It had been a dismissive gesture, and not one that he thought wielded any power. That he could actually force someone to do that was...

  You have many new powers, Sire.

  Luca glanced at Kit and the temper that was threatening to boil over again dissipated quickly. He wasn’t sure he should have that sort of power, and it made him feel uncomfortable. Kit came and stood by his side and retook his hand. Luca relaxed instantly and fixed a stare on the belligerent Alphas. “If any of you have difficulty agreeing to or simply obeying my wishes, then I will expect that Alpha to resign the position immediately, and I will appoint someone more suitable.” They all sat down quickly. Three looked shocked but Jameson and Malachi still glowered, even if Malachi was still on his knees.

  “Are there any other legitimate questions or concerns?” Luca asked. None of the Alphas said a word. Luca heaved a sigh. “Now, you should all be aware of my other plans,” he said firmly. “At the end of the month I intend to set out for Neira.” He gazed at all the shocked, silent faces, and knew they all understood.

  In a little under three weeks he was marching to claim his crown.

  Chapter Seven

  Kit nibbled on the cheese and fruit that graced the table and listened to the conversation quietly. He wanted to get Luca inside as he knew Luca’s headache was getting unmanageable, but his Alpha King was proving stubborn. He had tried to will Luca’s pain away but it hadn’t worked. Not that he understood how their gifts worked exactly. He wasn’t completely sure he wasn’t just channeling Luca’s own gift. He had never been able to heal himself certainly. He a
lso felt very strange himself. His skin was on fire and his insides seemed to smolder and prickle with a strange heat.

  Iris had been stunned at Luca’s announcement, but was currently showing a maturity beyond her seventeen years, and Kit liked Tomas very much. The man was thoughtful, offered sound advice where needed, and a lot of the other Alphas listened to him as they spoke about marching to Neira.

  Neira. There had been lots of gossip in the various kitchens he had been enslaved to. Ridiculous stories of palaces built with Tallium. His only recurring dream had been the image of Luca wearing a crown but he had never seen them side by side and he tried not to think about that.

  “Sire?” Gabriel prompted. “I have some information on Alpha Kings I would like to share with you if you have the time.”

  Luca grimaced and Kit knew Luca needed an excuse. “Sire?” Kit interrupted as he saw Luca’s head droop in his hands. Luca turned in concern and raked his big gray eyes over Kit’s face.

  “You need to rest,” Luca pronounced and Kit simply nodded, grateful that he had been provided with a reason to get Luca inside that didn’t involve Luca looking weak in front of the Alphas. Luca stood up. “Gentleman. I would be pleased to continue our discussions tomorrow.” The Alphas and heirs all took their leave.

  Luca turned to Sam. “I need accommodation and uniforms for our new guards. We will talk later, also.” Sam looked speculatively at Asher and Asher returned a defiant look. Kit nearly laughed, and he saw the brief flash of amusement on Sam’s face. Kit let himself be steered into the pack house and headed upstairs, veering off to the left towards the room they had slept in earlier. “I need to look around and meet the servants,” Luca murmured reluctantly.

  You need to lie down and let me take care of you. Kit didn’t voice the words in case anyone was listening, and he wasn’t sure how respectful they were.

  Luca merely nodded and put his hand to the back of his neck.

  How often do you get these headaches?

  Too often this week. Luca admitted and closed the door behind him as they walked into their suite. I have lost my temper so much in the last few days. I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.


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