The Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club, Books 1-3

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The Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club, Books 1-3 Page 79

by Sarah Castille

  “You know what I’m gonna do with her after I’m done here?” Viper taunted. “I’m gonna take her back to the clubhouse, chain her to my bed, and fuck her till she’s all used up. Then I’ll give her to my boys to play with. There’s nothing they like better than sweet, used civilian pussy.”

  “She’s got a kid. Take me instead.”

  “No!” Evie stared at him in horror. “Don’t. Please. I can take care of myself.”

  “Shut it, girl.” Viper clamped a hand over Evie’s mouth. “You got a name, junior patch?”

  “T-Rex.” The guns wavered in his hands and Evie’s heart sank. He couldn’t pull the trigger, couldn’t cross the line that Zane had clearly managed to cross. And Viper knew it.

  “T-Rex.” Viper chuckled. “I like it, although you don’t look like a T-Rex to me. Well, T-Rex, why the hell would I want a junior patch with more balls than brains?”

  “We got your old lady.”

  “Hmmm. And you think they’ll trade her for you?”

  Oh, God. Viper was actually considering the trade. She clawed at Viper’s hand, trying to get her mouth free to warn T-Rex not to deal with Viper, to run while he still had the chance.

  Please don’t sacrifice yourself for me.

  “What do you think, kitten?” Viper’s breath in her ear sent a chill down her spine. “Can you wait another day for my dick? ’Course by then I’ll have been fucking hard for you for so long, I won’t be able to go slow and gentle. We’ll have to skip the foreplay and get straight to the tears and screaming.”

  Evie shook her head, but Viper caught her earlobe between his teeth and bit, stilling her. “I’ll bet if I took my hand off your mouth,” he murmured against her ear, “you’d beg me to fuck you to save him. But this will be so much more fun. I get a Sinner to play with in my dungeon, and then I get to hunt you down all over again and make a sinner of you, too. Nothing is more exciting than the chase.” He released her and pushed her away so hard, she stumbled toward Connie.

  “Today’s your lucky day, T-Rex. You got a deal.”

  “No. I don’t want this. I don’t agree.” Evie moved to intercept T-Rex, and Viper yanked her back by the hair.

  “Bitches don’t deal. Now shut the fuck up and appreciate what young T-Rex has done for you. Gotta respect a man who will sacrifice his life to save a woman who doesn’t even belong to him.”

  One of the Jacks took T-Rex’s weapons and two more grabbed his arms.

  “T-Rex!” Evie lunged toward forward as they dragged him through the store. “I’ll call Jagger. He’ll get you back. I’ll make him do the trade.”

  “There won’t be any trade.” Viper tucked his weapon into his holster. “I don’t give a damn about the old lady. If the bitch is stupid enough to get herself caught, then I’ve got no place for her in my club. Jagger can do whatever he wants with her.”

  “But … that was the deal.”

  “The deal was him for you,” Viper said. “What I do with him is my business. And the deal was for today. Nothing was agreed about tomorrow when I’m coming for you. He bought you a day, kitten. Better enjoy it.”

  He brushed past her and jerked his chin at the remaining Jacks. “Burn the shop down.”

  “No!” She stared at him aghast. “Please. It’s all I have to make a living.”

  “After tomorrow, you won’t need a job.” Viper licked his lips and the darkness in his eyes made her skin crawl.

  “You’ll be making a living pleasuring me.”


  When repairing a bike, always expect the unexpected. This goes for life, too.


  Zane saw the smoke before he saw the flames, a great pillar of black rising up into the clear blue sky. Already pushing one hundred miles an hour, he accelerated his bike down the highway and prayed they weren’t too late. Jagger matched his speed, and in the distance he could hear the rumble of the Sinner bikes behind them.

  Thank fuck for T-Rex. He had been the first to volunteer when Zane had put out a call for brothers to watch Evie’s house last night, and he must have followed her to the shop. How else would he have been able to send that warning text?

  Viper and 6 Jacks at Big Bill’s. Evie in danger.

  Within minutes, Zane had rounded up every brother in the clubhouse and then he hit the road at full throttle. He could only hope T-Rex hadn’t done anything rash. The junior patch had courage beyond his years but often his sense of honor and duty were misguided in the context of the biker world. More than once he’d questioned T-Rex’s decision to follow the outlaw life.

  The world became a blur as he raced toward the burning shop. Was this Viper’s payback for the restaurant, or something else? The Sinners had no ties to Big Bill’s business except through Evie.

  A wave of heat hit him as they pulled into the parking lot. The fire was well and truly out of control, no doubt accelerated by the gasoline in the bikes, and the various paints and lubricants in Evie’s shop. Sirens wailed in the distance, and Zane’s heart thrummed in his chest. Evie’s car was at the far end of the parking lot alongside T-Rex’s bike, safe from the flames. But where were they?

  “Evie!” He parked his bike and ran toward the burning building.

  “T-Rex!” Jagger headed to the back of the garage at a safe distance from the flames.

  Zane took a step forward with every intention of running inside, but the flames surged as he approached and part of the roof caved in, crashing into the building.

  “Evie.” Over and over again, he called her name, until his voice was hoarse and his face singed with soot. Jagger emerged from the opposite side of the building, just as the rest of the Sinners pulled into the parking lot.

  “I didn’t see anyone, and the fire is spreading into the trees,” he said. “Too hot to get in. Maybe she left with Connie.”

  “What about T-Rex?” Zane scrubbed his hands over his face. “He would never go anywhere without his bike.”

  Two fire engines pulled up across the street and Zane ran over to the driver. “You got a spare suit? I worked for the fire department in Sioux Falls. There may be people inside. I’ll go take a look.”

  “No extra suits, and even if we did, we couldn’t let you go in.” The fireman gave him a sympathetic look. “Legal issues, first of all, and it’s too far gone. You wouldn’t make it.”

  “Gimme a fucking suit.” Zane grabbed the firefighter by the throat and pushed him against the engine. “I’m not giving up. I’m gonna go in.”

  Strong hands clamped around his shoulders and Gunner and Cade pulled him away from the firefighter.

  “C’mon man,” Sparky said. “Let him do his job. If he says they wouldn’t have made it …

  “Fuck.” Zane fought their hold. “It’s my choice. I’m willing to take the risk.”

  “But I’m not.” Jagger came up behind him. “I almost lost you once. I’m not losing you again. She was my friend, too, Zane, and T-Rex is our brother, but even I can see there’s no chance.”

  As if on cue, the rest of the roof fell in, the building imploding in a burst of flame. The police arrived and cordoned off the area, forcing the Sinners back and across the street.

  “I’m sorry, man.” The firefighter Zane had assaulted ushered him back from the raging inferno. “There’s nothing we can do.”


  Pain suffused Zane’s body, filling his lungs until he thought he would drown in anguish. Blind with panic, he stumbled across the street, feeling for his bike, his only port in the storm of regret and longing that swept through his soul. He slid onto the seat, clutched the handlebars, doubled over, and let himself go. If he could do it all again, he would tell her what really happened that night he left. He would tell her his feelings had never changed, not even when he’d seen her with Mark. He’d tell her that he’d never had a serious relationship because every woman reminded him of her—every face, every laugh, every smile. And if she was with someone els
e, he would win her back. Or die trying.

  Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe he was giving up too soon. He’d made that mistake back in Stanton. He wouldn’t make it again.

  He shot up in his seat, saw Jagger standing beside him. “I’m here, brother. Whatever you need.”

  Zane drew in a ragged breath, forced himself to get it together. “Gonna drive around town in case we missed something. Maybe they found another way out, or they’re sitting at the restaurant down the road havin’ a coffee.”

  “They think they found a body—”

  Zane cut Jagger off with an abrupt shake of his head. “It wasn’t her. Or T-Rex.”

  “Neither of them are answering their phones, brother. When has T-Rex ever failed to answer a call from the club?”

  Zane’s hands tightened around the handlebars. “What does Viper gain by killing them? He wants Evie. And they’re not gonna kill T-Rex for no reason because they know we’ll retaliate and take one of their own. There’s gotta be another answer.”

  “Never thought of you as an optimistic man.” Jagger flicked the kickstand on his bike. “But I’ll follow you to hell and back. Just like you did for me.”

  “I’m a desperate man,” he said.

  “Well then let’s ride, desperado, and find your girl.”

  * * *

  Evie slumped against the passenger door of Connie’s vehicle, physically and emotionally drained. How did Zane do this for a living? One week of bikers and her life had been turned upside down. In the last hour, she’d been threatened with sexual assault and physical violence, witnessed the murder of the man who had been like a father to her, owned and lost a business, and poor T-Rex … She groaned and scrubbed her hand over her face.

  “They’ll kill him, Connie. And all because of me.”

  Connie reached over and squeezed her hand. “You can’t think like that. Jagger will find a way to get him back. You heard what T-Rex said. The Sinners have Viper’s old lady. It’s all about posturing. They’ll do the trade—”

  “He doesn’t want her.”

  “I’m sure he was just saying that to make himself seem tough.” Connie took a sharp right and Evie fell against the window, hitting her shoulder so hard she winced. Viper hadn’t even flinched when she stabbed him. He wasn’t human. Or maybe he’d been stabbed so many times he didn’t feel it anymore.

  “Of course he wants her,” Connie continued. “Look what he’s gone through because he wants you, and you’re not even in his club. She’s his old lady.”

  “He won’t want me now that I stabbed him,” she said, following Connie’s line of thought. “That was probably a deal killer.” And a T-Rex killer. “Oh, God.” Her stomach twisted in a knot so fierce she doubled over. “I’m not worth it, Connie. I’m not worth his life.”

  “Don’t talk like that.” Connie’s voice rose in pitch. “You are worth it. And Ty needs his mother. Viper was right about one thing. You have to respect the sacrifice T-Rex made. You need to take Ty and get out of town before the day is up. Look after your son and let the Sinners look after their brother.”

  “I need to call Jagger and tell him what happened.” She fished around for her purse and froze. “My purse … It was in the shop. And my phone was in it.”

  “Then it’s gone.” Connie dug her phone from her pocket. “I have Tank’s number in there. You can give him a call and he can give a message to Jagger … and Zane.” Her voice softened. “I think he’ll want to know you’re okay.” She pulled up at a red light and handed Evie her phone. “His name is under “T” for Tank, although his real name is James. He likes Tank, though. Says it fits him better.”

  “Why do you have Tank’s number?”

  “He’s hot. He’s cute. He’s a biker. And he spent last night in my bed.” She bit back a grin.

  “You and Tank? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Connie shrugged. “You were a little preoccupied running away from the man you’ve been lusting after for the last nine years, while being chased by the biggest baddest biker in town.”

  “Not anymore.” Evie called Tank and he promised to get a message to Jagger and Zane to call as soon as they could.

  “I think you’re right. I need to get out of town,” Evie said. “Ty’s at home. His best friend’s older sister, Moira, is babysitting today. We’ll have to pack, pick up some supplies, rent a car…”

  “I don’t think you should be making any public appearances.” Connie hit the gas and accelerated through the intersection. “If you haven’t already noticed, Vipe’s not one of the good guys. He’ll probably show up and say that in his world, one day means one hour.” Her chin wavered and Evie mentally chastised herself for forgetting how Connie often hid behind false bravado. No doubt she was shaken, too.

  “You don’t need to be involved. This is about me and Viper and the Sinners. Turn the car around and I’ll call a cab to take me home.”

  “If I didn’t have to have two hands on the wheel, I’d give you a slap.” Connie lifted one hand and gave Evie a soft thud above the ear. “Oh look. I can drive with one hand and slap you around with the other. I’m your friend. That means when the chips are down, I don’t run away. Plus, my life was gettin’ kinda dull and I was hoping something like this might happen: murder, arson, assault, my best friend being fought over by two outlaw bikers, me meeting the biker of my dreams, Bill getting…” She choked on her words, wiped a tear from her cheek.


  “Shush.” She drew in a ragged breath, forced a smile. “I’m thinking about what to wear when Tank takes me for a ride through the mountains. Do you think they make red leather biker trousers?”


  “I’ll get my grandma to whip me up a pair. She’ll be overjoyed to see me since I haven’t visited her in six months. By the way, did I mention I’m taking you and Ty to stay with my grandma in Joliet? You’ll love her, but she’s got a sewing addiction. So bring an extra suitcase ’cause you won’t need to buy clothes for you or Ty for the next few years.”

  * * *

  Evie hit the ground running when they arrived at her house. She paid Moira and sent her home, then tugged the suitcases out from under the bed and threw in her clothes and supplies. Connie raced to Ty’s room and filled a bag with toys and clothes.

  “What’s going on?” Ty stood in the doorway, his forehead creased in confusion.

  “We’re going on a little holiday.” Evie tore a dress off its hanger. “Connie has invited us to spend some time with her grandmother in Joliet. She says there are lots of kids there to play with.”

  “What about your work?”

  Evie paused, not wanting to lie, but not wanting to worry him either. “I’m taking some time off.”

  Before he could answer, the front door banged open. “Evie. Thank fuck.” Jagger stalked across the room and pulled her into a warm hug. “When I got Tank’s message … Christ. We thought you’d been bur—”

  “I’m okay,” she said quickly, mindful of Ty in the hallway behind her.

  “Jacks are on the move.” Jagger heaved in a breath. “Shooter spotted three of them heading this way.”

  “No.” Evie took a step back. “Viper said I had a day. He was going to…” She stumbled over her words. “Take me, and then T-Rex offered himself in my place. He thought Viper would trade to get his old lady back.”

  “Well from the looks of it, he’s coming for you now,” Jagger said. “Zane stopped at the clubhouse to pick up a cage. He’ll be here any minute to take you and Ty to our safe house. I’ll make sure Connie gets home. Shooter and Tank are gonna try to intercept them and Cade is coming with some brothers.”

  She stuffed clothes in her suitcase, glanced down the hall to make sure Ty was out of earshot. “I don’t want this, Jagger.” Her voice wavered. “I don’t want to be part of this world. And I don’t understand why Viper is doing this. I ended it with him last night. Doesn’t he realize if he wants me, hurting me and my friends and forcing me to go w
ith him is entirely the wrong thing to do?”

  “You’re thinking about him like he’s a normal man, a civilian.” Jagger pulled the curtains on her windows. “He might want you, but it’s in his nature to be cruel and violent. He might have been able to hide it, even enjoy playing the game, but there was only one way the game was going to end, and it was with you in his bed even if he had to hurt you to get you there. He’s a man who takes what he wants, and from the moment you caught his interest, he was never going to leave you alone.”

  “Everything was fine until you and Zane showed up at the shop. Before that, he was a different man.” She zipped the case closed and grabbed her coat.

  Jagger gave her a tight smile. “When we showed up, we just added politics to the mix. He wants you even more now because a Sinner wants you. And I wouldn’t put it past him to use you as a pawn in the bigger game. The Sinners and the Jacks have been warring over dominance in the state for years. He might not want to use you, but he will. He might not want to hurt you or break you, but he won’t be able to stop himself. He is who he is, Evie. He loved his daughter, Arianne, but he was prepared to kill her when he found out she was with me.”

  “You think he would kill me?” She stared at him aghast.

  “I think he would break you,” Jagger said. “And if he does, death would be a mercy.”


  Just getting your repair started can be the hardest part of the whole job.


  “Evie!” Zane bolted from the Sinner SUV and crossed the lawn to Evie. Ripping the suitcase from her hand, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. Relief flooded him, becoming a shuddery ache as she melted into his body. She was okay. His Evie was alive. Even when he’d received the text from Tank, he hadn’t believed it. He had to see her for himself. Hold her. Assure himself it wasn’t all a dream.

  “Zane, I can’t breathe.” She pushed gently at his shoulders and he loosened his hold, but he couldn’t let her go.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m okay.”


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