Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book)

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Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book) Page 17

by Davis, Alexa

  “I wanted to.” Alex shrugged as if it was nothing. “And, it’s all worth it to see Delaney enjoying the magic of the theme park.”

  I breathed in deeply, loving the magic of the atmosphere, too. There was just something about it that made me feel like anything was possible. Everyone was happy; I couldn’t see anyone who didn’t have the brightest smile on their face – this was turning out to be the best vacation ever. Not that I’d doubted it would be.

  “I’m sorry we aren’t going somewhere that’s more interesting for you, I know this is a very child-friendly day.” I gave Alex a surprised look. Did he not realize that the way to get into my heart was to make things lovely for Delaney? This was the perfect day for me. “But I would like to take you out to dinner tonight if you’d like? I thought we could go when Delaney’s in the kid’s club.”

  My heart skipped a beat – that sounded suspiciously like a date. I wanted to ask him if that was the case, but I couldn’t. Not without sounding silly. I guessed that was something I’d have to figure out along the way.

  “That sounds nice, thanks.”

  “We can either have dinner in the restaurant, or I can get them to bring it up to the room.” His words sounded innocent enough, but I got the impression that there was something there. It seemed like he was giving me a choice as to what we did next, where this thing took us.

  Oh, my God, I thought excitedly. He must like me. He wouldn’t lead me on, I’m sure of it.

  “Erm, yeah.” My cheeks heated up; I couldn’t believe how bold I was being. “I think we should have it in the room. Then we can talk and won’t be...” I gulped. Was I genuinely about to say this? “Disturbed.”

  “Of course.” I didn’t need to look at him fully to see the smile spreading across his cheeks. “I’ll give the resort a call and put in our order.”

  My body filled with a thrilling, tantalizing anticipation. We were heading straight into something new and incredibly exciting. This could not be defined as a one-night stand anymore. We would be having sex for the second time; we would be staying in the same room, it would be something... Wouldn’t it?

  It didn’t seem possible that someone so wonderful to be interested in a woman like me: a single mom who didn’t look anything like the women who surrounded him on a daily basis. But there was no denying the chemistry. It might have been inexplicable, but it was there alright, staring me in the face.

  “Right, I’ll follow Delaney over to the next ride. I’ll see you over there in a moment.”

  Alex tugged his cell phone out his pocket and gave me a wicked grin. I lost myself in his eyes for a moment, enjoying the cheekiness that he shone my way.

  God, he’s incredible. I like him too much.

  Once Alex had gone, I grabbed my own cell phone. I needed the solid advice that only my best friend could give me.

  “Hello? Elle, are you okay? Aren’t you away?”

  “Terran,” I gushed desperately. “I need your help. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Oh my God.” She paid more attention to that. “Are you in trouble?”

  “No, it isn’t anything like that.” I glanced at me to check that Alex wasn’t listening before I started talking about him. “It’s Alex. I think you’re right. I think he likes me.”

  “Of course, he does.” I could almost hear her rolling her eyes. “I told you that. He wouldn’t have invited you and Delaney away if he didn’t. Where are you, by the way? It sounds really noisy.”

  “Disneyland.” I wanted to groan at how obvious it all felt. It seemed that Alex had liked me all the time. Maybe if I hadn’t been so keen to run away after the last time we had sex, things could have been looking up the whole time. “He’s taken us to Disneyland.”

  “Oh my God, I bet Delaney’s having the best time.”

  I looked to the ride where she was sitting with her hands in the air, screaming so loudly with happiness that her lungs were in danger. “Yep, she sure is.”

  “She already likes him, doesn’t she? She’ll love him now.”

  “Yeah,” I mused. “It’s good for her. She hasn’t ever had a positive male role model in her life before.” Maybe it was crazy to think so long term, but I had to. With Delaney in the picture, I couldn’t mess around. “What do you think? Do you think he’s worthy?”

  “Of course, I do, he’s awesome! Oh, Elle, I haven’t heard you be so serious about someone. This is amazing news.”

  “I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much, but we’re having a dinner tonight, just him and me. Delaney will be at a kid’s club, so it’ll give us a short time alone.”

  “Jump. His. Bones,” Terran warned me with a teasing in her voice. “Seriously, stop messing about. This is the best man you’ve met in a long time. I don’t think there are any as good as him around. He treats you well. Your daughter loves him. I don’t know what’s holding you back.”

  “I am,” I admitted. “I’m nervous about jumping into something new – and that’s without the fact that he’s my boss.”

  “He isn’t worried about that, so you shouldn’t be, either.”

  “Yeah. You’re right about that one.”

  “Get out of your own way and have some fun.”

  Once I hung up the phone, I planned to ponder on those words from Terran. She was right about a lot of things, but I still needed to be careful. The last thing I wanted to do was act on something that didn’t feel right in my gut...

  But then a hand snaked into mine, and I turned to see Alex looking down at me as if I was the best thing alive. There was no doubting where tonight was headed now – we were already acting like a couple before we’d even hit the bedroom.

  This was good...really good. I much preferred to know what was going to happen, rather than worrying about it all day long. Now I couldn’t wait for tonight.

  “Dinner is sorted,” he told me in a quiet, seductive tone of voice. “Tonight should be...great.”

  “Yep,” I replied with only a small shake in my voice. “Great. Just great. I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine



  Shockingly, the day at Disneyland didn’t tire Delaney out at all. She bounded into the kid’s club with just as much energy as she had the moment she woke up in the morning. There was something incredible about being only six years old. The amount of energy that coursed through a child’s body was utterly amazing.

  “Bye then!” Elle called out behind her, but Delaney already wasn’t listening. One of the staff members had pulled her into a game and from the looks of it, she was about to make some brand new friends. “Well, she seems happy.”

  “Sure does.” It warmed my heart to see that lovely girl. It felt good to have had such a wonderful day. “I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. How she still has the energy!”

  “I know, right.” Elle looked at me out the corner of her eye. “At least we’re back now. We can rest for a while.”

  We both knew what rest really meant, but neither of us was going to say it aloud. Without actually speaking it, Elle and I had been building up a sexual wall around us all day long. I couldn’t wait to smash it down and to finally be with her again.

  “Yes, rest,” I smirked. “Well, dinner should already be up in the room, I asked them to lay it out for our arrival, so shall we go?”

  She gave one last lingering look towards Delaney, but her daughter didn’t even know she was still there. We had a good couple of hours where she would be amused and very happy. The staff all had my number; we could be back if need be. None of the other parents remained anyway; it was one of the more attractive features about my resorts for parents – a little bit of guilt-free alone time.

  As we walked towards the elevator, I balled my fists up by my side, so I didn’t reach out to grab Elle’s hand again. We’d been holding hands on and off throughout the day, but here at the resort, I knew it would mean something different. I didn’t want to push her into something she w
asn’t quite ready for just yet.

  We stood side by side in the red, velvet-lined elevator and watched the doors slowly close us in. My heart pounded as a thrilling idea popped into my brain. Now, we were absolutely alone for the first time all day long, and I wanted to take advantage of that.

  “So what’s for-” Elle started to ask, but I didn’t allow her to get her whole question out. Instead, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into my body with my hand on the small of her back.

  Her eyes widened in shock, but I didn’t give her too much time to think about it before I crashed my lips into hers and claimed her mouth with mine. I kissed her with all the passion I felt coursing through my body every time I was anywhere near her. I snaked my tongue into her mouth and wrapped my free hand around her neck.

  You’re mine; I thought possessively as we kissed. You’re mine, and I want you to know it.

  “Wow,” Elle said breathlessly as she pulled back a little bit. “That was... something else.”

  I couldn’t control myself any longer. She was just too irresistible. I pressed my body so hard into Elle’s that she slammed back against the elevator wall. We kissed so hard and fast my body went wild. I grew so turned on that I got to the point where I could barely hold back. Judging by the groans that flew out of Elle’s mouth as I pressed my throbbing cock against her, she felt the same.

  This is my resort; it’s my hotel. If I want to have sex in the elevator, then I will...

  I jumped as the doors flew open and turned my head to one side. I didn’t let go of Elle until an older couple coughed awkwardly and moved into the elevator to join us in what now felt like a very crowded space. Awkwardly, I pushed myself away from Elle and returned next to her so that we were standing side by side once more.

  The couple turned away from us, facing the doors, but still, I had to do my best to cover up the massive erection that wanted desperately to burst free. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ruined things with Elle. Things had been going well all day long and now...

  “Oh my God!” All of a sudden, Elle burst into loud, hysterical giggles. The old couple turned to face us again with a disapproving glare, which made me laugh, too. All of a sudden, we were a couple of chuckling teenagers who couldn’t stop the hysteria. We’d been sent to the principal’s office to get in trouble, and now we couldn’t stop laughing about it.

  Is this what it’s supposed to be like? I asked myself as I bent double. As we laughed like it was the funniest thing in the whole damn world, I realized that was what was so different about Elle and me. We were more than just people who had feelings for one another – we had a great friendship bond, too. That was the sort of thing love was built on.

  By the time we left the constraints of the elevator and got into the bedroom, the sexual atmosphere had gone, but it didn’t actually matter. My stomach growled noisily, anyway. After the long day that we’d had, I was starving, and I felt certain that Elle was, too.

  “Ooh, the food looks great.” She rubbed her hands together happily. “Let’s eat.”

  We sat down and stuffed the luxurious food which cost a fortune and had been meticulously cooked to perfection into our mouths like it was a fast food meal. We didn’t eat while at Disneyland, we were just so busy. Even when Delaney had lunch with the princesses, we didn’t think about it.

  “I’ll save some for Delaney,” I told Elle thoughtfully. “In case she’s starving when she leaves the kid’s club.”

  “That’s so sweet.” Elle clutched her hand to her chest. “You’re really so good to her. Delaney is lucky that we met you.” She paused for a moment before adding, “ I am lucky that we met you.”

  “That isn’t one-sided,” I insisted. “I’m lucky, too. And, my mom. She loves you. She loves Delaney.”

  “She does, doesn’t she? Your mom is great with my daughter. They love each other.”

  I wasn’t sure if Elle could feel it, but to me, it felt like the conversation was linked to something much bigger. I felt like we were talking about things that could be linked to an actual future between Elle and me. Our lives could fit together very nicely if we wanted them to.

  “So, erm. How long do you think we’ll be here?” Elle asked anxiously. “I don’t mind. O bviously I’m having the best time. I guess I’m just worried about Ryan...”

  Of course. Much as it felt like we were far away from everything here, we both knew that we weren’t. The fact that Elle had a potentially messy court case looming would always make an appearance. “Ryan will get in touch with either you or me if something happens, and if that happens, we can leave right away.” I didn’t want to go yet, I wasn’t ready, and I didn’t think Elle or Delaney was, either. “But why don’t we say Friday for now? That doesn’t have to be set in stone, just as an idea?”

  Her face broke out into a smile. “Delaney will be glad to hear that. I don’t think she wants to go home ever.”

  Me neither.

  As Elle leaned over her plate and some of her dark, curly hair fell past her cheeks, all I wanted to do was brush it back. Any excuse to touch her. She felt my eyes firmly fixed on her and stared up at me with a smile. Those eyes, those lips, that face... God, everything about her was wonderful. I couldn’t stop myself from glancing over to the bed and wanting to drag her over there.

  “Ooh, look.” Elle’s face lit up. “Chocolate cake. God, I’m so damn hungry, I could eat everything.”

  “I can get them to bring up more food if you like? Anything you need.”

  “Mmm, maybe,” she commented thickly through the food in her mouth. “I don’t know if my eyes are bigger than my belly at the moment. I don’t want to end up too stuffed.”

  “Fair enough.” I leaned across the table and poured us both another glass of wine. “We’ve still got a while until the kid’s club ends.” I just wanted her to know that, just in case. “What did you want to do? We could go for a walk or...hang out here?”

  She raised her eyebrows and smirked as she got my point. We both knew what we wanted; it was so damn obvious in the elevator. I just wanted to hear her say it. For some reason, I desperately wanted to hear it. There was something about those incredible words coming from her mouth.

  “I think we should stay here. Drink some more wine.” She lifted her glass and clinked it against mine. “Maybe put on some music...”

  I stood up as if I was about to make my way across the room to the CD player, but I took a quick detour to find her instead. I didn’t care about wine or music. I just wanted to grab hold of her body and to feel every damn inch of it. My cock twitched in my pants as I thought about burying myself in her over and over again.

  God damn it, I will need all night to do all the things that I want to her!

  Unfortunately, we didn’t have all night. We only had an hour or so before we needed to go and pick up Delaney, which would have to do. Hopefully, we would have plenty more time in the future to give me all the time that I needed. Elle gave me an insatiable appetitive that I couldn’t see coming to an end anytime soon.

  I cupped her chin in one of my hands and waited while she placed her glass gently back on the table. There was a sweet smile curling up on the corner of her lips which somehow lit up not just her whole face, but the entire room.

  “You have no idea how pretty you are,” I murmured as I drank in all of her face. “You’re the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever seen.”

  “That can’t be possible.” She shook her head quickly. “I don’t think I can believe that. You must be surrounded by gorgeous women all the time.”

  I shrugged. Maybe I was, but I barely noticed. All I could see was her. Her personality shone through, making her better than anyone else. She was the brightest star in the sky, and all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her.

  “I only want to be with you,” I admitted. “I don’t see anyone else.”

  Then I kissed her, gently. I wanted to show Elle that it wasn’t just lust s
he made me feel – I truly cared about her, too. I hoped that I could convey that with my mouth alone because I wasn’t great with words. I much preferred to show rather than tell. The only problem with that it I couldn’t ever guarantee the message got across.

  This time, I really needed it to.

  Chapter Thirty



  As Alex kissed me, he scooped his hands under my butt and lifted me from my seat. A squeal flew out of my mouth as the excitement got the better of me. The anticipation that had been racing through my body all day long exploded in my veins and sent butterflies flapping all the way violently through me.

  When Alex tossed me back onto the bed, the summer dress that I wore to Disneyland rose up, exposing the navy blue cotton panties I had on underneath. Maybe they weren’t exactly the sexiest thing I’d ever worn, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t thinking about being sexy when I put them on; I wore them for comfort. They would be off any minute now anyway, with the way that things were headed.

  Alex didn’t pause for breath; we were both aware of how limited our time was together, and we both needed a release quickly. After a whole damn day of building up to it so much that it almost culminated in the elevator, we dove right in.

  Just as I’d suspected, my panties flew off my body rapidly, leaving me cold and exposed for only a second. Within moments, Alex had buried his face into my flesh, and his tongue flickered over me in a rapid pattern. He nibbled and licked my clit; he plunged his tongue right into me, he ran kisses all over the highly sensitive areas at the top of my thighs... I could barely keep track of where his mouth was. And, it felt wonderful...

  “Oh fuck.” My hands ran through his hair. I wasn’t even sure how hard I was grabbing him. All I knew was that if I let go, I would fly, higher than air. “Oh, Alex.”

  It didn’t seem to be enough for Alex – he wanted more of me. I was forced to grab hold of the sheets instead as he slid off the end of the bed until his knees hit the floor with a thump. Then he grabbed onto my thighs and yanked me down until my legs hung off the end. My feet slammed against the floor, my butt hung in the air, my hair sprayed out around me... I was an utter mess.


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