Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series Book 2)

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Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series Book 2) Page 7

by Mary D. Brooks

  “Well, Daphne was a bad girl. Sh-sh-she got cozy with some Greek peasant that her father didn’t like so he shipped her off to Austria. She had the baby — Eva — and I married her.”


  “Why did I marry her? Ah, my friend, that is a very good question...a very good question,” Muller replied. He tried to smile but with half his face scarred, he could only manage a grimace. “I needed a wife. A good German officer needs a wife, with a baby. A family, every good German officer needs a family...” He trailed off, trying to remember what he had been saying. “I can’t have children, Erik.”

  “You can’t have children?”

  “So here is this Greek peasant, with a daughter and here I am. I need a wife and a child...too bad she wasn’t a boy. Ah...yes, then it would have been perfect. Well, she sure acted like a boy!” Muller chuckled at his own crude joke. “She was strange, that one.”

  “She is a beautiful young woman.”

  “Ja, I suppose...but she is a lesbian.”

  Rhimes looked at Muller in stunned silence. Finally, he said, “Surely you jest! My son, Heinrich, courted Eva and he would have told me.”

  “You don’t believe me, eh?”

  “It’s not that I don’t believe you, my friend, it’s just that...”

  “That’s why I sent Reinhardt to kill her. The fool didn’t do his job again...that’s why she had to die.” He shook his head to clear his mind of the wandering thoughts. He sighed. “Do you remember Strauss’ daughter, Greta?”

  “Ja, but what—”

  “Greta and Eva were lovers. Ja! Can you believe that?”

  “Greta? A lesbian?”

  “Ja, she was. A disgusting, deviant les-lesbian.”

  “What happened to Greta?”

  Muller shrugged. “I don’t know, Strauss never told me. Whatever happened to Strauss?”

  “He died at the Russian Front,” Rhimes replied.

  “Ach, ja, that’s where I would have ended up. The Russian Front. ... Reinhardt should have killed her, you know.”

  “Why? Because she was a lesbian?”

  “Of course! That fool Reinhardt brought the whore to her, and they probably had sex in my house sp-spec-special delivery! My house, Erik! Can you believe it?” Muller found a half-full bottle and took several long drinks. “My hous-s-se. They told me she couldn’t have sex anymore but they were wrong.” He hissed. “Did you see Reinhardt?”

  “I don’t know. We were in a slight hurry to get out of there that day.”

  “I ’member Thessaloniki. They had nice ouzo. Wish I had some...”

  “Come on, my friend, I think you need to sleep this off.”

  “My face hurts.” Muller moaned. His head rolled to one side and he promptly fell asleep. Rhimes watched him for a moment and shook his head. Finally, he took the bottle out of the prone man’s limp hand and quietly left the bedroom.

  “I need to get us out of Sydney quickly, or we’ll be arrested,” Rhimes whispered, and closed the bedroom door behind him. Semi-conscious, Muller grunted and rolled over, then fell back asleep.

  Chapter Six

  The sound of a distant train echoed in the darkness as Eva sat outside on the balcony with a lit cigarette in her hand. All the lights inside the apartment were turned off. It was midnight but she could clearly see into the distance thanks to the full moon. Her insomnia wasn’t caused by her nightmares, not this time.

  Tonight was going to be the night. She had closed her eyes and visualized walking into Zoe’s bedroom, standing at the foot of the bed and not hesitating. She would walk to the edge of the bed and get under the covers. She would wrap herself in Zoe’s embrace and nothing but calmness would infiltrate every fiber of her being.

  Eva opened her eyes and blinked. That’s what she was going to do. In the morning she would wake in Zoe’s arms and share the victory with her because Zoe had waited patiently for her to get to this point.

  With a last drag of her cigarette, Eva exhaled and let the smoke rise before she stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray. Eva stood and took a deep breath before she turned and walked back into the apartment.

  She shut the French doors and quietly went to the kitchen. Her mouth was dry and she needed to drink some water. She felt her stomach churn. She was going to do this—she needed to and was ready. Eva brought the glass of water to her lips and took a sip. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself.

  Placing the glass in the sink she padded quietly out of the kitchen and towards Zoe’s bedroom. Eva placed her hand on the doorknob and waited for a moment before she turned the knob.

  The room was bathed in soft light from the bedside lamp Zoe used to read by. She frequently fell asleep whilst reading. Zoe was sleeping on her side, away from Eva. Dappled light fell on the empty space next to Zoe where her book lay against the crème colored sheets. Eva was mesmerized by the sight.

  Eva approached the bed tentatively and waited. She tried to calm the tightness in her chest as she took a step forward. Almost instantly she took a step back and then another until she hit the chair. Her leg connected with the chair and it made a scraping noise against the floorboard.

  Eva instantly looked up to see if Zoe had been woken but she didn’t move. She blew out a series of short breaths to steady herself. She was going to do this. Doctor Hannah told her this was going to be hard and then it would be easy until the next step.

  Eva sat down on the edge of the chair and leaned forward. She cradled her head in her hand and contemplated her next move. She was determined to take those short steps to the bed and get under those sheets.

  Eva looked up, swallowed audibly, and stood up. She took two hesitant steps and reached the bed. Just as she was about to touch the sheets, Zoe stirred. Eva hesitated as Zoe turned in her sleep and was lying on her back.

  Eva watched the woman she loved, sleep. Her red hair was splayed across the pillow. Eva smiled and blinked rapidly as she tried not to be overcome with emotion. Not now. She needed to focus.

  Eva’s reached out again towards the sheet and this time she felt the coolness of the material in her hand. Eva let go of the sheet and removed the book from where it lay. She pulled back the covers and ever so gently got into bed.

  A smile spread across Eva’s face at the small triumph. She was on the side of the bed and waited. She closed her eyes and waited for the signs of the approaching pain. She concentrated on her breathing and the way her body was feeling. Other than the anxiety she was feeling, there was no pain.

  Eva’s smile widened as she continued to lay on her side facing Zoe. She closed her eyes and took another deep breath before she inched closer to Zoe. She was inches away from achieving her goal and yet she felt her hands become clammy. Eva wiped them across the sheet and closed the gap.

  She could hear Zoe’s breathing as she rested her head against her shoulder. Tentatively she put her arm around Zoe’s body and snuggled up against her. Eva’s smile widened as she closed her eyes. She sighed contently. Her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.


  Zoe opened her eyes and smiled down at the woman that was resting on her shoulder. Eva’s dark hair hid her face but Zoe was certain, there was a smile on her face. Zoe listened to Eva’s breathing even out before she kissed the top of her wife’s head.

  “I love you,” Zoe whispered as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep holding her partner in her arms.

  Chapter Seven

  Zoe couldn’t stop smiling. Eva was lying in her arms exactly where she had been when she had snuggled up against her during the early hours of the morning. Zoe loved the feeling of having Eva cradled against her.

  She was slightly disappointed when Eva shifted and moved away from her and for a moment looked as if she was disoriented. Eva looked up in astonishment and blinked rapidly.

  “No, it wasn’t a dream,” Zoe said softly as she brushed Eva’s dark hair back. “You are in my bed which is now our bed.”

  “I am. It does
n’t hurt.” Eva said a little hoarsely. “I really did it.I just couldn’t sit still last night.”

  “I heard you pacing and then I heard the French doors open so I thought you decided to smoke outside for a little while.”

  “I kept getting out of bed, going to your door, and then going back to bed,” Eva admitted with a slight shrug.

  “How many times did you do that?”

  “Three times. The fourth time I just sat outside and thought if I collapse I’ll be near you. If I ended up like I was in Egypt then—.”

  Zoe took Eva’s hand and held it against her heart. “We shouldn’t have done that. It was too soon and you were so violently ill. I was so scared for you.”

  “I was embarrassed and sick. That’s not very romantic.”

  “Hannah said it was too soon.”

  Eva hugged Zoe and sighed contentedly when Zoe kissed on her head. “I should have listened.”

  “Well, you are listening to her now, so that's all that matters. I’m so proud of you.”

  “I'm lucky you found her, Zo.” Eva looked up at her. “I didn't think she could do anything but you had faith she could. I don't know how, but you did. I just wish this head of mine would just hurry up.”

  “Slowly slowly,” Zoe said with a smile. “A cuddle up at night is pretty good,” she added and waggled her eyebrows.

  “Making love to you would be even better than a cuddle.”

  “What did Hannah say last night?”

  “Did you hear the telephone?”

  “No, but I thought you might want to call her and tell you were going to try to get into bed with me again.”

  “You’re right, I called her. She said that it was good news that I felt I was strong enough but I shouldn’t rush things. It won’t do any good if I rush and then find I’m not ready.”

  “I agree with her. You are getting there but not quite ready. Let’s cuddle up and know for sure you won’t hurt when we do make love.”

  “When not if?”

  Zoe gazed down at Eva for a moment and smiled. “When, not if. Look how far you’ve come since Egypt. It will happen sooner than you think. I’m not Doctor Hannah but I can see you lying next to me, you’re not in pain and you’re enjoying yourself.”


  “Well, let’s wait a little bit longer for the next step. I’m not going anywhere and trust me I can wait. I thoroughly enjoyed your warm body against mine. You smell nice.” Zoe giggled. She cupped Eva’s face and kissed her. “We will take things slowly.”

  “I don’t want to take things slowly. I’ve been fantasizing about this moment since Larissa.”

  “Yes and every time you did, you got violently ill. It’s a very unusual thing to hear from me but let’s take things very slowly.”

  Eva looked up at the ceiling. “I’m tired of feeling like this, Zo.”

  “I know but you are worth waiting for and it will be great. I don’t want you to be sick. I can wait. Let’s cuddle for now, alright?”

  Eva pouted as she stretched out her long legs and rested her head on Zoe’s chest. “All right,” Eva responded quietly and after a long moment they both fell silent.

  “I love sleeping next to you,” Eva said breaking the silence and took Zoe’s hand and kissed it.

  Zoe’s smile widened and she nodded vigorously. “You smell so nice. You’re much cuter than my novel.”

  Eva rolled to her side and retrieved the book from where she put it on the floor. It was a Greek romance novel with a demure looking woman on the cover and two handsome men on either side of her. Eva looked back in surprise. “You’re reading a romance novel?”

  “Petros is in love with Angela but she doesn’t know it and it’s all very tragic,” Zoe related as she plucked the book from Eva’s hand. “Angela is blind and she’s being promised to Dimitri who doesn’t love her but wants to get her money.”

  Eva fell back against the pillows and threw her arm over her eyes. “Oh god, Zo, that is hurting my head.”

  Zoe giggled and snuggled up to Eva. She gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Well I like romance novels and..um..”

  Eva slowly turned her head and regarded Zoe for a moment. “Um?”

  “It keeps my mind occupied from other things.”

  “Other things?”

  “You. I want to come to your bed and cuddle with you on most nights but know it’s not the right time so I read romance novels.”

  “Is that why you have so many of them?”

  “No, I like reading romance novels,” Zoe giggled. “It’s fun.”

  “Are you going to be reading your romance novels when I finally get my head in order?”

  Zoe gazed down at Eva as a wide smile creased her face. She looked down at the book in her hand and flung it across the room where it landed with a thud. Eva lifted her head and noticed where the book landed. They looked at each other and laughed.


  Eva scowled at herself in the mirror. The white uniform they had given her fit well enough, but that wasn’t the problem. It reminded her too much of a nurse’s uniform. The white cap added to the illusion. She held the cap in her hand and sighed.

  Zoe was leaning against the doorjamb watching her.

  Eva turned away from the mirror and focused on Zoe. “I know you want to say something.”

  Zoe smiled. “You look gorgeous,” she said.

  Eva returned the smile but shook her head. “I look like a nurse.”

  “Have I told you I really like nurses?” Zoe said. Pushing away from the doorjamb, she came over to where Eva was standing. “You do look beautiful. I like white on you.” She put her arms around Eva and looked up at her.

  “I’m not wearing anything underneath this tunic.” Eva jiggled her shoulders a little.

  “Hmm, that’s not a bad thing,” Zoe said, putting her hands on Eva’s backside. “Not a bad thing at all.”

  Eva smiled. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “Drat,” Zoe said. “What did you mean?”

  “I can’t wear anything to hide...” Eva stopped for a moment and glared at herself in the mirror. “To hide the scars on my back,” she concluded.

  “They won’t show,” Zoe said. She took Eva’s hands and led her to the bed, where they both sat down. Eva looked down at the cap in her hand and sighed once more.

  “It’s a light fabric, Zoe,” she said.

  “I know, but you told me it gets awfully hot in the factory, so wearing something underneath is going to make you uncomfortable. You know how much you hate the heat,” Zoe replied.

  “I know.” Eva got up and put on her cap while looking into the mirror to adjust it properly.

  “Have I told you that I love nurses?” Zoe giggled, getting up and resting her head against Eva’s back.

  “You do?” Eva asked.

  “Yes and in particular if they are very tall, have dark hair and blue eyes,” Zoe said.

  Eva turned around and looked down at Zoe. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Make me feel special?”

  “It’s not that hard.” Zoe tweaked Eva’s dimpled chin. “You are special.”

  Eva was heartened by the love she saw reflected in Zoe’s eyes. She leaned down and kissed her quickly. After they parted, Zoe said, “And if you don’t get going, I’m going to be tempted to take you back to bed so we can cuddle again.”

  Eva grinned. “I hate being a grown-up.”

  “Oh, I’m loving it,” Zoe said as Eva gave her another quick kiss before going to the lounge to collect her bag.

  Chapter Eight

  “Muller! I thought krauts moved quicker than that!”

  Eva looked up in the direction of the voice and grimaced. The booming voice of a short, dark-haired man who was standing on the steps leading up to a small office reverberated around the factory floor. Jack “Bean” Stalk was the one-armed, short-tempered, and irritatingly rude shortbread section supervisor, the master of his little doma

  Added to his insolence were his racist taunts. From the moment he had met her, he called her “kraut” and took great delight in finding her the most menial jobs to do. Eva learned quickly not to annoy him, but somehow it appeared Stalk had been annoyed with her since she had first walked in the door. She wondered if he had been born angry.

  Not satisfied with yelling at her loudly enough for the whole floor to hear, Stalk stormed down the steps to Eva’s position at the conveyor belt. He angrily took the packets off the belt, showing her how he wanted it done.

  “That’s how you do it. Do — you — understand?” he said slowly and loud. “Or do I need to learn kraut to get through to you?” The furrow between his eyes got deeper. “Didn’t I tell you to move those packets quickly?” he yelled.

  “Ease up, Bean.” Earl came round the corner and put his arm around the supervisor’s shoulders. Stalk shrugged him off.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere else?” Stalk asked.

  Earl grinned and took a deep breath. “No. I’m on a smoke break,” he said, and showed his unlit cigarette.

  “Well, go and have your bloody smoke so I can have a word with Muller here.” Stalk turned his back on Earl, and then spun around when Earl didn’t move. “Are you still here?”

  “Yep.” Earl winked at Eva, who stood uncomfortably with her back to the machine. “I came to get Muzza.”


  “Miss Muller,” Earl corrected himself.

  “Well, she can’t have a smoke...”

  “Yes, she can. She’s been working without a break since she came in.”

  “She had a tea break—”

  “No, she didn’t.” Earl cut him off. “She was with Mrs. Higgins.”

  Stalk let out a frustrated groan. “Ten minutes,” he growled.

  “Actually, Mrs. Dunning wants her in the Flossy Flute Fingers section.” Earl chuckled. “I just love that name,” he said, and put the cigarette in his mouth.

  “Fine! Get your bloody arse out of here and take the kraut with you!” Stalk stormed off, muttering loudly to himself.

  “Wanker.” Earl gave Stalk a single-finger salute. “Absolute bloody wanker.”


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