Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series Book 2)

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Where Shadows Linger (Intertwined Souls Series Book 2) Page 47

by Mary D. Brooks

  Eva wanted this gut-churning scenario over and done with. She hoped Henry, David, and Friedrich were waiting in the next room as the overturned book had indicated. “What about we go into the bedroom and continue this game?” she whispered seductively, slipping out of Greta’s grasp and taking her hands in hers.

  “You don’t have any squirrels in there, do you?” Greta smiled. Her eagerness to continue their love-play was transparently obvious.

  “Oh, much better than that, my love, much, much better,” Eva said, relaxing back against the door again. Greta took this as a cue to continue her advances and pushed her body against Eva’s. Out of the corner of her eye, Eva saw the bedroom door open slightly, giving her only a sliver of a view of Henry’s serious expression. Her pulse began to race.

  She decided to end this charade and took Greta’s hand on the pretense of kissing it. An instant later, Greta’s arm was yanked behind her back, and their positions were reversed. Greta was now pinned against the front door, Eva’s knee pressing hard into the small of her back. Eva put her weight into restraining her, not really caring much if Greta was hurt. “And now, I have a wonderful surprise for you,” she crooned, raising her voice a bit.

  “Ohhh, Eva, you like it a little rough, eh?” Greta muttered, the side of her face meeting the smooth wood of the door.

  Eva leaned in and whispered into her ear, “After what you put my Zoe through, I could kill you.” She turned her head towards Henry, who had already advanced into the lounge, his gun drawn and a dark scowl on his face. Eva released Greta’s hands and stepped back.

  “She’s all yours,” she spat out, moving out of Henry’s way.

  “Hey!” Greta yelled when Henry took over from Eva. He pulled her other arm behind her back and kicked her legs out from under her, dropping her to the floor.

  For a few seconds, Eva watched the prone woman yell expletives. Friedrich had come out of the bedroom on Henry’s and David’s heels, followed by a number of police agents. Some of the men glanced at her sidelong. She blushed furiously when she realized she was still exposed. She buttoned her shirt and ran her hand across her mouth. She was about to run out of the apartment, but stopped and turned back. She went to the bathroom and let the cold water run before picking up a bar of soap to wash her face and neck. Her cheeks were flaming hot—she imagined that she heard a faint sizzle when she splashed the cool water on her face.

  She held the towel in her hands and patted herself dry. They had done it again. She could not believe that they actually had caught Greta, but at what cost? Zoe had been hurt, and for that, she would never forgive Greta — or herself for agitating Zoe to the point where Zoe had raised her hand against her. Eva brought up her own hand and touched her cheek where she had been slapped. She would make it up to Zoe.

  She sighed as she put the towel back on the metal rack, hanging it neatly. Passing through the commotion in the lounge where expletives from Greta were still ringing out, she left the apartment, closing the door behind her, and nearly ran down the corridor to Elena’s apartment.

  Just as she was about to knock, the door opened and a very concerned Earl stood at the threshold with a cricket bat in his hand. A smile spread across his face. He dropped the bat and yelled at the top of his voice, “Eureka! You little bloody beauty!” He hoisted Eva in a bear hug, took her inside, and twirled her around the room. He gave her a kiss on the cheek when he put her down.

  “You’re crushing me!” Eva cried out, and hit him across his broad shoulders.

  “I am so glad to see you,” Earl shouted. “When that bitch showed up early, I had visions of this whole thing—”

  “Earl, where is Zoe?” Eva interrupted him, her voice strained.

  “Zoe’s in the bathroom and she needs you...” Eva left him and Elena standing there. Her pulse racing, she ran into the bathroom to find Zoe doubled over on the floor, crying.

  “Zoe, love,” Eva whispered as her heart broke into a thousand pieces. She dropped to the floor next to Zoe.

  Zoe looked up at the sound of Eva’s voice. Eva saw tears running down her face and immediately opened her arms in mute invitation. Zoe hiccoughed and fell forward, melting into Eva’s embrace. Eva sat back against the tub and scooped Zoe into her lap. This tender intimacy caused Zoe to weep anew.

  Eva held onto Zoe, rocking her back and forth. “I’m so sorry, my love,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.” She kissed the top of Zoe’s head and caressed her wet cheek.

  “I-I-I...hurt you,” Zoe stammered.

  “No, you didn’t. You could never hurt me, love.”

  “I did,” Zoe repeated and looked up. She gently placed her hand over the cheek that she had slapped less than an hour before. “I hurt you.”

  Eva closed her eyes and shook her head. “No, you didn’t. I love you so much, Zoe. I want you to listen to me, all right? You didn’t hurt me. I should never have asked you to slap me.” She brushed away Zoe’s tears with the back of her fingers. Lifting Zoe’s face, she leaned down and gently kissed her. The kiss deepened and Zoe put her arms around Eva’s neck.

  “I promised you I would never hurt you, Evy, never,” Zoe murmured. “I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

  “I know, love, I know.” Eva let her own tears fall unhindered while she held Zoe in a fierce embrace. As they sat there on the floor, she whispered to Zoe, reassuring her of her love. “We did it, sweetheart. We did it!”

  “Did she hurt you?” Zoe asked.

  “I let her kiss and grope me, which made me sick.” Eva sighed. “I washed myself before I came here.”

  “Is that why you smell all nice?” Zoe asked. She relaxed in Eva’s embrace, which made Eva relax as well for the first time in what seemed like days.

  “I didn’t want to have even a trace of her scent on me,” Eva said.

  They sat on the floor holding each other until the door opened slightly to reveal the very worried face of Earl, who was sticking his head around the corner. “David says they are ready to leave. Do you want to say anything to the bitch?”

  Eva looked down at Zoe, who nodded. “We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Eva told him.

  “No worries,” Earl replied.


  “Yeah, mate?”

  “Thank you,” Eva said. Zoe looked up as well, giving Earl a tiny smile.

  Earl smiled back. “Anything for you two.”

  The door closed. Eva stroked Zoe’s cheek. “Are you feeling up to it?”

  Zoe resolutely said, “No, but I’m not going to let her think she’s beaten me.”

  “That’s my Zoe,” Eva whispered, giving her a kiss. “Come on, let’s go and stick it up her.” Zoe got off her lap, and Eva rose to her feet. “I love you,” Eva repeated.

  Zoe closed her eyes, put her arms around Eva’s slim waist and began to cry again.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean for you to cry. Come on, love, it’s okay.” Eva held her shivering partner. “I won’t let her hurt you again.”

  Zoe sniffed back tears. “It hurts.”

  “I know, love, but the sooner we do this, the sooner we can put it all behind us, okay?”

  Zoe nodded. Eva opened the bathroom door, and led Zoe out to where Elena and Earl were waiting. Elena stepped forward and embraced both of them.

  “Thank you,” Elena said quietly. “I know it hurt both of you to do this, and I want to thank you for getting her here. I think all those that she helped kill would thank you if they could.”

  Zoe’s tears started anew. Eva brushed away her own tears and held Zoe closer. She led Zoe outside, where policemen were milling in the corridor. She rolled her eyes when she caught sight of Mrs. Jenkins talking to Father Haralambos. She hoped he would handle her. She was in no mood to explain this new situation to her.

  Henry came forward and embraced Eva and then Zoe. He smiled and whispered to Eva, “We’re getting good at catching the assholes.”

  David spotted them immediately, but finished speaking to an officer before wa
lking towards them. “Thank you,” he said earnestly, offering his hand.

  Eva took his hand and shook it. “I don’t mean to be rude, David, but I hope I never see you again,” Eva said as she held Zoe closer to her. “At least, not officially.”

  David nodded. “I want to apologize for my behavior. I, um...I’ve been trying to trace this woman and Mengele since the war ended. I made a promise to a young woman and...”

  “There’s no need to explain. I understand,” Eva said, catching sight of Friedrich leading a disheveled looking Greta towards them.

  “You betrayed me,” Greta said hoarsely. “How could you betray me? You loved me. I know you did!”

  Eva stepped forward and looked at Greta in disgust. “Betraying you was the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” she said and held Zoe’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “You used to be so loyal. I could have given you so much. Why?”

  “You’re a hypocrite. How could you help those who wanted to kill your own kind?”

  “My kind? What? It wasn’t like that, Eva; you have to believe me.”

  Eva leaned closer. It was hard to believe that she had once loved Greta with all her heart. “How many died because of you? How many innocent men, women, and children died? How many people died for loving someone of their own gender, which Hitler didn’t approve of?”

  “But Eva...”

  “No, Greta.” Eva steeled her voice, determined not to break down. “You nearly sentenced me to death with the research you helped with.”

  “Good God, I was just doing my job! I was following orders. I didn’t know—”

  “Everyone was following orders,” Eva said bitterly. “They killed innocent people and were following orders. Where was your heart? What happened to your soul? You condemned innocent people to their deaths,” she said viciously and stepped forward. Her pent up anger and humiliation at her torture, and the torture suffered by millions of others, was firmly directed at Greta. “You condemned me, and all I ever did was love you.” She looked into Greta’s eyes and leaned closer. “You betrayed me.” She took a step back and took Zoe’s hand.

  “Eva, darling, I didn’t know...” Greta stopped and looked at Eva, and then her gaze traveled to Zoe, who was smirking at her. “It’s her fault,” Greta angrily said. “That peasant. It’s her fault—she’s poisoned your heart.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “Not only are you a Nazi whore, you are deluded!” She put her arm around Eva’s waist and squeezed. “I didn’t poison her heart. She gave it to me willingly.”

  Greta snorted.

  “Zoe is the best thing to happen to me. She is my life, and all I will ever need,” Eva said. “You never owned my heart. Not really. I deceived myself then, when I was too naïve to know better. Zoe owns my heart and always will.”

  “You are the deluded one, darling. This peasant has—”

  Zoe’s anger finally got the better of her. She let go of Eva and swung with all her might. Her fist connected with Greta’s nose, sending her reeling back into Friedrich’s arms. Eva winced in reflex on seeing Greta’s broken nose and the blood that gushed through her hands as she tried to stop the tide. Her mouth trembled, but she lifted her head, a proud expression on her face.

  “A peasant that packs a wallop,” Friedrich said, leading Greta off before Zoe took another shot at her. He seemed tempted to get in a lick of his own, but Eva watched him control himself with an effort. He did sigh at the bloodstains that marred his once pristine white shirt.

  Zoe turned to a mildly amused Eva. “Ow,” she cried, holding onto her injured hand.

  Eva took it and kissed the sore knuckles. “Come on, love. I think we’ve had enough excitement for the day,” she said. Eva was about to lead Zoe back to their apartment when she spotted Father Haralambos coming towards them. “Father.”

  He hugged them. “Are you all right?”

  “A little fragile at the moment,” Eva said quietly. “But we’re going to be all right.”

  “I’m proud of both of you.” Father Haralambos gave Eva a kiss, and then did the same with Zoe, who hugged him back. “Go. I’ll deal with everything out here.”

  “Thank you, Father,” Eva said. She led Zoe inside and firmly closed the door to their apartment.

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  Eva and Zoe were alone, standing in the middle of the lounge holding each other, not saying anything, for there were no words that could convey what they were feeling. Eva tried to say what was in her heart—she wanted to tell Zoe how much she meant to her, but the words were inadequate to express her deep feelings. She had to try and convey her thoughts to the woman she loved.

  “Zoe...I...” Eva paused once again. “I love you so much.”

  Zoe glanced up and cupped Eva’s cheek in her palm — the same cheek she had struck earlier. She left her hand there for a long moment. Eva kissed her palm. She held it for a while, then led Zoe to the sofa, where they both fell onto the cushions, the adrenaline having finally worn off, leaving them tired and shaky.

  “We need a quieter life,” Eva quipped. They smiled. “You were really great back there.”

  “That stupid bitch just thought she could come back and win you like you were some trophy or something.” Zoe scowled fiercely.

  “Well, she was wrong,” Eva replied and kissed Zoe’s hand.

  “What’s going to happen to her?” Zoe asked. She put her head on Eva’s chest and sighed contentedly.

  “If she is found guilty, a death sentence or life in prison,” Eva replied. She looked at Zoe’s head thoughtfully. She had said some hurtful things in the office. “Zoe, um...what I said in the office...”

  “I know you didn’t mean it.” Zoe looked up into Eva’s face.

  “God, I love you,” Eva whispered. She scooped Zoe into her arms. “The only good thing to come from this war has been you.”

  Zoe stroked Eva’s face, using the tip of her finger to trace the pronounced dimple in Eva’s chin. “I would go through everything again if it meant I would fall in love with you.” She put her arms around Eva’s neck and laid her head on her shoulder. She suddenly froze, and so did Eva, wondering what was wrong.

  “What’s that?” Zoe asked, pressing against a mildly painful spot on Eva’s neck.

  Eva felt around the bruise and sighed. “Greta got quite...amorous...in the car while we were driven here.”

  Zoe twisted around to get a better look at the mark and gently pushed Eva backwards. “Oh, that bitch,” she muttered. “Do you think we can stop with the Nazis making our life hell for a change?”

  Despite the seriousness of the question, Eva found it funny and started to laugh. She was quickly joined by Zoe, and they collapsed in a heap on the cushions, curled up together, relief making them giddy.


  Eva stared up into the ceiling. In her arms was Zoe, and that’s all she cared about. She looked down and found a tiny smile on Zoe’s face. Zoe murmured something that Eva could not make out and burrowed deeper in her embrace.

  Eva closed her eyes, wanting to catch up on the sleep she had lost the previous night. She was too restless to sleep, her mind too active.

  “You’re thinking too loud again,” Zoe murmured.

  “Sorry, did my loud thinking wake you?”

  “No, but I’m glad I woke up. I had this most wonderful dream.”

  “What were you dreaming about? Us on a deserted island, no Nazis, no excitement?”


  “No? Couldn’t have been that nice a dream then. I know that’s my dream,” Eva teased.


  “Oh, yes.” Eva grinned. “What were you dreaming about?”

  “Hmm, I was driving this huge American tank. You know how big they are. I couldn’t see over the top, but I was driving it. Greta was standing on the road waving that blasted Nazi brooch of hers. I got so mad I ran her over a couple of times just to make sure, but the funniest thing was that I could hear Hymn of Freedom playi

  “Hey, musical dreams; that’s different and patriotic.” Eva chuckled. “I bet that stupid pin survived.”

  “Nah, I made sure it got pummeled,” Zoe replied, her head resting on Eva’s chest. “I wish life was like a good dream.”

  “It is,” Eva replied. “Sometimes, it’s even better.”

  “Aww, that’s so romantic.” Zoe grinned.

  “I’m just a romantic kind of gal,” she replied, getting a giggle from Zoe. “I’ve been thinking of taking a few days off work. Would you like to go to the mountains?”

  “Hmm, sounds good,” Zoe said sleepily and patted Eva’s belly. “But right now, you have to sleep. You’ve been awake for too long.”

  “Yes, Mutti,” Eva teased and closed her eyes. She was certain that sleep would not come, but having Zoe in her arms was all she wanted.


  Earl wiped his hands on a towel and draped it over his shoulder. He closed the doors to the balcony and shut off the lights before retiring to Henry’s bedroom. He turned to switch off the light of the lounge when the bedroom door opened and Zoe came out, her footsteps quiet.

  “Hey, Wiggy,” Zoe greeted him. “Come here, big guy, I want to give you a hug.” She put her arms around his waist and hugged him. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? Oh yeah. How’s Eva?”

  “Tired. She didn’t sleep at all yesterday.”

  “I have something to tell the both of you when she gets up,” Earl said cryptically.

  “What is it?”

  “Can’t tell you without Eva.” Earl shook his head.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Quite sure,” he said. “Now why are you up?”

  “Do you remember you were telling me about that jeweler friend of yours?”

  “Yeah, Bobby. He does some nice pieces.”

  “Do you think he can do something for me?”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  Zoe smiled. She took off her ring and handed it to Earl. “I want one like this for Eva.”

  Earl twirled the ring in his hand. “Exactly like it?”


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