Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 5)

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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 5) Page 8

by Kylie Parker

  “How is my sexy Selena?” Lawrence’s deep voice was almost a whisper.

  “I will be better when this day is over.” She sighed, melting into his voice.

  “Of course, you will. I will have a car pick you up after work, less obtrusive than the limo considering your place of employment. I am going to quietly whisk you away so I can enjoy you myself. I will return you to work in the morning. Tell Beth not to expect you.” Lawrence covered the phone and muttered to someone, something inaudible.

  “Will you have the contract? I want to sign it tonight.” Selena said feeling aroused now at the prospects for the evening.

  “Oh, my naughty girl. Are you eager now?” He almost growled. “Any chance you can leave work early.”

  Selena moaned then said, “No. I just got reassigned to the work for the business editor, and I have a pile of work to get started on.”

  “Good, anticipation will only make touching you more intense, and we are doing it my way.” He said.

  “Yes, Maestro.” She replied, dripping in anticipation.

  She had heard a scuffle and a fluster of voices before he ended the call with a hurried, goodbye. She had enough work to do to keep her busy, so she did not have to make small talk with her coworkers. Being here reminded her of the lie, the fact she didn’t write those articles and did not deserve this promotion. The new work she was assigned was making her head spin, and she wished she had the help of Lawrence’s mystery writer. Nevertheless, she managed to get some good research done before she was interrupted by another intern, Jeb, who always intimidated her with his knowledge and a large vocabulary.

  “After all the time you spent I am surprised there was not more research or insight on the origins of Scriva. Prior to the company inception, I cannot find any information regarding the Lawrence Scriva or how the company began. It is a curious quandary and any assistance you could provide would be appreciated.” He spoke with an air of suspicion.

  “I uh, will check my notes and get back to you.” She replied, nervous about him poking around the story.

  “Much obliged,” he walked away.

  By the time her shift was over, she had gotten back into the swing of things, doing the research finding the story. That was what she knew how to do and was good at. If she was ignoring the Scriva story potential, it was for personal reasons. Plus, soon she would be under contract and not able to speak of it. For some reason, it excited her to be able to sign a contract. It was her way of freeing herself to be able to enjoy this new relationship without conflicting with her job. She read over the contract again focusing on the non-disclosure part, tingling with anticipation over the clause where anything goes sexually. Lawrence could try anything he wanted with her if she didn’t like it, she’d say the word, and he would stop. There was room for her to add stipulations but why would she? She was eager to explore as his submissive. And she wanted as much of it as she could get.

  At precisely 5 pm Selena received a call from reception that her cab had arrived. Her fellow interns buzzed at the expense of a cab, and she insisted her parents were paying for it. Slipping into the backseat of the cab she smiled at the driver looking at her in the rearview mirror. He kept one eye on her while driving and did not respond to her attempts to talk with him. He was definitely not a usual cab driver and looked more like the limo drivers she had seen with Lawrence. They looked like they were bodyguards in disguise, ninjas covering as drivers to protect the rich. Selena smirked at the idea and watched the world go by.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Arriving, Selena was led once again through an endless array of hallways. A door was opened, and she was gestured in by a short woman who had smiled at her once and then kept her head to the floor as they made their way to their destination. The dark room smelled sweet, and a chandelier of candles was lit above a bare table. As her eyes adjusted to the dim room, she saw the set up was similar to the last room she had stayed in but somehow more personal. Someone lived here. Lawrence.

  Her heart quickened as she sensed she was in his living space. A large open spaced living and dining area with small kitchen area and bathroom toward the back. A spiral staircase led to a loft with a bed suspended from the ceiling, and a swing and a strangely shaped bench. It smelled of Lawrence, and she could feel him in the air, but he was not in the room.

  Sitting at the table, bathed in flickering light she caught her breath and moaned with anticipation. From behind her, she heard a door open from a place she had only seen a wall. Lawrence stepped through, dressed formally in his usual tailored suit, white shirt, and red tie. He strode over to her decisively and kissed her hard on the lips, reaching down and pulling her up to him. He was carrying a briefcase, and it swung wildly as he tried to get her closer. Banging it into his shin he pulled away abruptly.

  “Well let’s get this over with so we can enjoy every minute we have together.” Setting the briefcase on the table he popped it open and pulled out a beige envelope. The contract was inside and before he opened it he asked, “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes. In fact, it would be better if we had a witness to see me sign it.” Selena said seriously; she had done some personal research too. “That way there is no issue of coercion as they will see I am of sound mind.”

  Looking at her with surprised approval, Lawrence made a quick call. “I have two witnesses on their way.”

  A knock on the door interrupted the sexual tension, and two professionals walked through the door. Apparently, the legal team worked late around Scriva Industries. Selena signed the contract emphasizing she was doing it of her own free will. Lawrence did the same thing and then walked his lawyers out the door.

  Finally alone, Selena twirled her hair nervously. Lawrence smiled and insisted she strip. She stood completely naked in front of him as he asked her to go shower so he could get ready for the next part.

  “Take your time, but come back in a towel.” He had said.

  When she stepped out of the shower, she wrapped her hair and dried off before wrapping the towel around her. Walking out to meet Lawrence she was breathless in anticipation of his touch. Surprised to see a chef in the room talking to Lawrence, Selena was not hungry at all. She wanted to push the tray of food away and have her Maestro take her right there, regardless of if the chef was watching. But she must play and knew that waiting would make the intensity that much more pleasurable in the end.

  “Lose the towel and lay down on the table. The chef will move you where he wants you. Other than that, be still. Don’t move an inch.” Lawrence looked at her as she hesitated to get naked in front of the stranger. She thought for a minute what would happen if she declined. She would enjoy the punishment much more if they didn’t have an audience. Too intrigued about Lawrence’s plan to say no, Selena simply let the towel fall to the floor, gracefully slid onto the table and reclined.

  Lawrence nodded to the chef who remained silent but wheeled his cart close to the table. He regarded Selena for a few moments, nodding and muttering to himself, almost too quiet to hear. Finally, he began to add ingredients to her body. Since she couldn’t move, she couldn’t see but felt him put something on her fingers, then something else, runny and warm, in the palm of each hand. Moving slowly up her extremities, the chef was turning Selena into a meal. As she began to warm to his touch, Lawrence stepped into view watching with extreme arousal. The chef added something to her stomach and then drizzled up her body to her chest. On her nipples he put berries, surrounded by whipped cream and something else she could not quite see. The cold sweet snack puckered her nipples and built a hum of arousal through her body. Before he left the room, he gently placed one last item, softly, between her legs.

  Thanking the chef, Lawrence closed the door behind him as he left. Then walking back to Selena’s field of view he carried a camera and a distinctly Maestro look on his face.

  “You are a work of art.” He spoke quietly and stood on a chair to snap a few pictures of her. She could see the bulge in his pa
nts and ached to roll over and touch him. “You look delicious. And I haven’t eaten all day.”

  He sat down and pulled his chair up beside her. Nibbling on her fingers and licking the palm of her hand he groaned softly. Then he put a finger in her mouth; the slightly salty, rich buttery taste was like nothing she had ever eaten. Lawrence whispered the word caviar in her ear and then went back to eating. Nibbling and sucking his way up her arm, he left her breasts for dessert and worked his way down her stomach. Moaning she started to wiggle, and he held her down with a growl. Moving between her legs he tasted her, mixed with the feast the chef had prepared. Licking, biting and sucking his moans were drowning out hers as he feasted on her. Pressure and pleasure building, Selena bit her lip to keep still, her body demanding to thrust into him, wanting to be filled completely and building to a climax quickly. Slowly, he made his way back up her stomach, this time, crawling up from between her legs. He had removed his shirt, and she felt his smooth rippled skin on her. Moving the berries from her nipples one at a time, he used his mouth to put them in hers. As he licked off the rest of the whipped cream and compote, she became overwhelmed with desire calling out, begging him to finish with her. He held a hand over her mouth and traced circles around her nipples teasing her into a frenzy. Breathing heavy and kissing her, touching her everywhere, he reluctantly pulled away.

  “Go wash. You are a mess.” He said and turned away.

  Trembling with desire, she rolled to her side to look at him. He hadn’t budged and was forcing control upon himself, fiercely wanting to take her where she was. Sitting up slowly she walked to the bathroom, licking a last remaining drop from her breasts she moaned and reached down to touch herself.

  “No, no, no. Naughty girl. You didn’t ask if you could pleasure yourself.” He was behind her now, and she almost sank to her knees. Forcing herself onwards and delirious with desire she showered herself paying gentle attention to rubbing herself clean.

  “I am just cleaning myself Maestro. Unless you want to do it for me.” She teased as she rubbed herself. He stood watching, saying nothing, shirtless and aroused himself he was still in shock that he had found such a gorgeous, willing partner for his kinky play.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  After joining her in the shower, Lawrence wrapped her in a towel and set her on the counter, slowly drying her hair. They were both breathing heavy and drawing closer to each other. Letting her towel slip she reached out to caress his naked shoulder. Biting his lip, he turned and motioned for her to follow him up the spiral staircase. At the top of the stairs, he put a silk blindfold on her and led her through the room.

  Bending her over he chastised her roughly and she pushed into a soft bench. Holding her legs in place with his body, he leaned over and strapped her arms down in front of her. Stuck on all fours, supported and restrained by a soft leather bench, Selena was blindfolded and exposed. Her skin tingled as she anticipated what Maestro had in mind. Feeling a soft tickle on her ankle, she shuddered as the sensation moved up over her inner thigh, across her cheeks, and down the other side. Moaning she begged him for more. A sharp thwack had sounded before she felt the sting on the back of her legs.

  “You naughty girl always begging for more. I told you we do it my way.” And he hit her again.

  Crying out in arousal Selena bit her lip forcing herself not to beg for more. She wanted it, and she could not control her desire, but she would wait for Maestro to guide her, building up the intensity of passion to a place she could never get to without him. With a low moan, she called to him.

  “Thank you, Maestro.”

  Groaning he put his hands on her, touching her restraints, pulling her hair back and rubbing himself on her body. With a growl he thrust into her; pushing her hard into the bench, moving it forward slightly. Grabbing her hips, he tried to pull her into him. In a flash he pulled out, swearing in frustration. He removed her restraints, flipped her over and set her in front of the swing. Wet and wanting him she stood waiting while he hooked her into the harness. Lifting her off the ground, he swung her caressing her body as it rocked back and forth. Then with a final flurry of desire, he grabbed her, her legs wrapped around his waist and they rocked together locked together in an embrace. Pushing her horizontal he fondled her breasts and then lavished attention on them with his lips and tongue. Stroking his hair and holding him in place she matched his thrusts, clenching hard as finally, orgasmic waves of pleasure rocked her body. Bringing her to him, chest to chest, he bit her neck, clamping down to conceal his own scream of pleasure.

  Breathless and clinging to each other, Lawrence slowly unhooked the attachments and lowered Selena out of the swing. Then he carried her to the bed where she curled up on his chest in silence. She lay there feeling satisfied and at peace, not wanting anything further than to connect with this man in this space. He stroked her body lightly, obviously antsy. Something was on his mind, but Selena didn’t want to ask. Talk complicated things and what they had was so amazing she would do anything to protect it from complication.

  That was what the contract was for her, allowing herself to be in the moment with this man she had a deep attraction for. She could finally play out certain fantasies she had always assumed were inappropriate before she realized she needed to be who she is.

  “At least I know how to get you quiet,” Lawrence said with a laugh.

  Kissing his chest softly she replied, “You know how to get me to do anything Maestro.”

  “Yes because you are mine.” He said. “Unfortunately, I have to share you tomorrow night. You are available to accompany me to the opening of the Scriva Events Center, I hope.”

  “Oh my goodness. The lifestyle team was talking about that today. It is supposed to be the party of the year. They were arguing about who will get the press passes.” Selena spoke quickly, her voice high.

  “Well, you cannot be there for work. You will be there as my date. But I could provide two extra press passes for your lifestyle department if you can leave work an hour early. I need to get you ready.” Lawrence said.

  “Sure. That would be amazing.” Selena said in awe.

  “You’re amazing,” Lawrence spoke as he pulled her closer. “And I really do want to have supper with your family and your roommate, though not at the same time.”

  Selena laughed. “Oh goodness no. That would be terrible. Though I would rather it is with Beth and Ted sooner. I can put my family off for a while. They are a bit harder to handle.”

  “I can handle anything.” Lawrence said. “Though I suppose we do owe it to Beth and Ted considering the show we gave them.”

  Selena could feel him tighten at the memory and replayed it in her own head wondering for the first time how long Ted had been standing there.

  “Let’s do it on Saturday then, Sunday I am booked solid. I will have the caterer come to your apartment that way I can meet them on your turf, but we can also have a spectacular meal.”

  “Anything like the meal we had tonight?” Selena teased.

  “No, we will go with the PG friends and family version.” He growled and held her tight.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Soon after another round of lustful adventures, Lawrence insisted they actually sleep as they both had to be at their brightest and best the following night. Selena reluctantly agreed, and he promptly fell asleep with her tucked under his arm. Shifting into him, she breathed in his strong scent and settled in for the night.

  Waking up with Lawrence at her side, Selena smiled. Though it was short-lived when she realized, she heard a banging on the door and an alarm sounding. Jumping up she wrapped herself up in a robe and silenced the alarm. Lawrence groggily asked her to get the door. A breakfast buffet was brought in, and the hot coffee titillated Selena’s nerve endings, begging her to jump start her morning. She brought Lawrence a plate of his favorite fruit and set it beside him in bed nudging him.

  “It is time to get up, Maestro.” She urged.

  Rolling over he smiled up
at her and forced himself to sit. He took the plate and kissed Selena.

  “There are some clothes in the closest you can wear for work today. I have to leave, but the car is waiting to take you to work and will pick you up promptly at three. The folder on the tray over there has the press tickets I promised. You will arrange it?” Lawrence asked, pulling his suit on his long body.

  “Of course. Have a good day.” Selena said with a smile and blew him a kiss. Lawrence left with a wave and Selena grabbed another bite to eat before taking her coffee to go.

  On her way to work, she insisted the driver drop her off a few blocks away so it would seem like she was taking public transportation. She was not in the mood for questions and with a workplace full of journalists, someone was always clamoring for a story, and she didn’t want to talk about Lawrence. Although she presumed, she would have to. It was an interesting problem as she wanted to say as little as possible and keep him all to herself.

  In complete opposite of what she was hoping for, there was a bustle of excitement when she arrived at the office. The lifestyle department was located right beside the business department, and every staff member was standing in argument, talking on top of each other and taking sides. Whistling loudly through the crowd the senior editor, John, ordered the whole team into an impromptu meeting. The argument about who would attend tonight’s party was apparently an ongoing one as it was bringing in bigger headline acts than they had ever seen in the city before.

  “We must maximize the potential for good story coverage, so we have a lot of pressure for the two people who will get press passes,” John said. “We are hoping to make this the cover article in the next issue, so we have to bring our A-game.”


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