Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4)

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Tempting Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 4) Page 4

by Setta Jay

  She shook off those thoughts as Mia started singing something old and melodic. They always made a pleasant home, no matter where they lived. Zoe danced around and started making cocktails to go with dinner. Isa would come down soon to join them. Would she miss this? She doubted she’d ever have the chance to.

  Chapter 3

  Guardian Manor, Tetartos Realm

  “Damn it, Sirena, don’t make me carry your ass out of here,” Drake snarled at her. His voice nearly echoed off the walls of the infirmary.

  Sirena took a bracing breath and turned from the blood samples she’d been checking for what felt like the hundredth time. Her irritated gaze met the determined emerald green of the damn dragon that wouldn’t leave her be. He had blonde stubble on his cheeks and part of his shoulder-length blonde hair was pulled back in a band at the back of his head. He wasn’t taking much better care of himself than she was, which only fueled her irritation. She was on her last nerve, and she was two seconds from doing him bodily harm, she didn’t care that he was her leader. She’d been working nonstop for weeks. She knew damn well she needed energies, and she planned to get them when she was good and ready; she wasn’t stupid.

  She stood to her full five-foot-nine height, in heels. “Do not snarl at me. I have work to do, and if you try to carry me out of here like a Neanderthal, you know you’ll regret it.” She may appear small and fragile, but it was a deception of her race. Her blonde hair, delicate features and slight frame were camouflage for the power she held.

  He stared down at her from his seven-foot height, and his muscled arms twitched as he braced them on his hips. The fact that he was so much larger didn’t intimidate her in the slightest. His jaw muscles jerked as he challenged her. “Go ahead and hit me with it. I will have you out of here and getting refueled, and I don’t give a damn if you use your ability to try to stop my heart. You know I can counter it if I must.”

  Damn him! “I have to check these, and then I need to check on all the children. They are my responsibility now that we’ve rescued them.” She was furious that he would take her from her work. Yes, she was exhausted and running low on energy, but she had to deal with the children, refugees from a Mageia breeding facility that their dead enemy Cyril had been using. The Mageia were a mortal race of evolved humans with elemental abilities who had, long ago, proven compatible as mates for Immortals. As mates were rare, Cyril had abducted any he could and had been harvesting their eggs. Females were kept and implanted, used only for their wombs. The bastard had deserved a thousand more violent deaths than he’d gotten. His second in command, Kane, had told the Guardians where to find the facility before Elizabeth killed the male and stepped in as leader of his people.

  “Now, Sirena.” Smoke filtered from his lips, and it only frustrated her more. She had a duty to the rescued children and females, but also to Brianne and Vane. She couldn’t just step aside when there were things to do.

  He put his hands on her shoulders and lowered his voice only a degree. “You have to take care of your needs. I’m filtering some of my energy to you, but you need more. I know you’re worried for Brianne and the children. The young are being cared for in the cities. I have had the others looking in on them to make sure they’re fine. You have the healers in the cities helping to assess the alterations Cyril made to the eggs.” He pinned her with a challenging glare. “You will be of no use to Brianne if you are weakened when she and Vane finally wake.”

  She closed her eyes for a split second. Worry for Brianne was what was truly tearing her apart. The fact that she hadn’t found anything to help them was eating at her. How could she hold so much power, yet none of it could combat what was happening? There were only three female Guardians, and they’d become closer than blood through the millennia. They had trials that were unique for them alone. Something the nine males didn’t have to deal with. Determination to save her sister was driving her past the brink, and she knew it.

  “You haven’t left but to check on the young for weeks. I know you haven’t refueled; I can feel it.” He was right. They sustained themselves by feeding off the world’s energies, and she hadn’t been. She rolled her shoulders, wanting to point out that he didn’t appear much better, but that was a ridiculously childish response that just proved how out of sorts she really was.

  Drake nodded, and she saw his muscles relax. He knew he’d won. She would refuel. “That’s it; you go find a male. Get your energy back.” The words spilled from his lips in such an unassuming way, but the ignorance behind them had the effect of dropping an anvil on her chest. They rocked her back on her heels.

  Her mouth dropped open, and her spine stiffened. Fury from the hurt came off her in waves as she advanced on him. “Please tell me you are not that ignorant, cousin! That after millennia as our leader you are not completely oblivious to how life works for the females of the races, much less the females you lead?” Acid infused her words as he stared at her, his brows furrowed and smoke filtering from his mouth. That he had the nerve to be angry at her words shot hers to another level. “Let me explain, then. Immortal females, even those without true beasts like the Lykos and Dragons, still need a male more powerful to truly gain energy from a sexual release, or sometimes to even get off by a male.” She poked a finger in his chest and felt her face flaming with fury. “Did you truly not understand why Brianne had to go to Vane? The fact that he’s a Demi-God would have made him strong enough for her beast to accept, to truly enjoy.” His ignorance hit her hard. He wasn’t just a leader to her, he was blood; he should have known. Should’ve understood their struggles, their trials. She looked over at Brianne and Vane as they lay in their beds. Brianne’s wild red curls fanned out on the pillow. Her heart hurt, because all the Guardians were her family, not just the two related in blood.

  She gritted her teeth before continuing her tirade. “That means with my parentage and the fact that I’m a Guardian, I do not have an equal that’s not blood related. So never say something so uninformed to me again. And since you obviously missed that bit of knowledge regarding your own warriors, have some damned compassion for Brianne and the reasons that led her to Vane. It may not have been smart to continue their relationship for so long, but she had her reasons.” She glared up at him, shaking her head. “Female Immortals are obviously not weakened without sex like the males. I can’t believe you didn’t know that.” She started to turn when he grabbed her shoulders. She hated the pity in his eyes; that was the last thing she wanted to see. He finally understood the worst of her situation, and she despised herself for spelling it out. He needed to understand for Brianne, not to pity her. She was fine on her own. Her purpose gave her the gratification she needed. Sirena slammed her power into his chest to force him to release her.

  “Cease, Sirena,” he growled, but dropped his hands as his heart surged for a split second. Long enough for her to turn on her heel and leave, feeling slightly gutted and completely exhausted. He was an idiot. Thankfully, not having a male wasn’t detrimental to the female’s health or she, Brianne and Sacha would have weakened from the start. How had Drake been so ignorant of that fact? Probably because she never told him, and since Immortal females didn’t have to have sex to be in optimum condition, the males never noticed. Really, it was only the three Guardian females who truly couldn’t find acceptable males. It made her ache for Brianne that much more. She couldn’t lose her sister. She loved her brothers, but they’d obviously never understood what it was like when the females had accepted their Guardian powers. She hadn’t even known at the time, but honestly she would have done it even if she had known. The work she did meant too much to the races. She raised her chin and fought the rising emotion churning her stomach. Energy was exactly what she needed to get back on track.

  Chapter 4

  Earth Realm

  Conn stood in the backyard of his mate’s new home. The lights inside the two-story Victorian lit her perfectly as he kept to the shadows beneath a big oak tree. He’d buried both hands in his hai
r, elbows up, his shoulders were pulled tight as he tensed, watched her, stalked her. It was late and the clouds cloaking the moon helped further hide his presence. She made dinner, and he frowned, wondering if she was expecting male company. No one arrived, which was fortunate for any male unlucky enough to get near his damned female. She ate a small portion of some kind of pasta and drank red wine at the counter, and damn, how the slide of the fork between her lips set his cock on fire. After she cleaned her dishes, she began systematically unpacking boxes. His brow furrowed, wondering why she’d eaten at all. Keeping up human appearances? Doubtful as she was alone. More likely his mate enjoyed food, and he was more than happy to watch her eat.

  He grinned. He wasn’t one for full meals, but he liked cookies like the ones in the pocket of his flannel. He shook his head. His female was a mystery, beyond being the most gorgeous being he’d ever seen.

  It wasn’t just the intoxicating scent of her coming through the open windows mixing with the smell of paint and wood polish. No, his female was tripping a whole lot of other buttons. He’d stayed downwind so she wouldn’t detect him until he was ready, but he was getting the sweet scent of her in the air, and his fucking cock was close to ripping through his jeans. He fought his beast’s snapping and snarling, wanting him to go to her, claim her.

  He took his time watching her. This was a moment he planned to savor. This was his first view of his beautiful mate, the female who would be his for eternity, and he wanted to take it all in.

  She was better than even his imagination had come up with. Bright golden eyes with a hint of something else, and dark midnight hair with sun-kissed skin. He tracked her movements and catalogued every inch he could see without stripping her bare, which he was itching to do.

  Her legs were long, and damn, how he wanted them wrapped around his waist as he fucked her raw. Her tits were an added bonus. Every curve made his cock pulse, but her ass, high and tight under those snug grey pants, was taking his dick to painful levels. She wore a fitted red tee shirt, and he saw her peaked nipples, no bra would bar her skin from his hands and mouth. He’d be able to slide the cotton up and pop the soft mounds free without any added barrier against him. He couldn’t fucking wait. The seduction might kill him, but the anticipation of luring his mate was a temptation he couldn’t resist. He planned to torment them both before she begged him to take her. He ran a hand over his face.

  It was going to be torture until he could get inside her, but fucking incredible. His jaw clenched as he wondered just how many males she’d tempted with that mouthwatering ass, maybe even allowed to touch and taste her. He felt a snarl rise up. His beast was right at the surface, and thoughts of her with other males set them both off. He had to stop thinking about that. He couldn’t go there.

  This was the biggest fucking moment of his life, and he wouldn’t fucking ruin it with what was in the past. He just wanted to truly enjoy this first look, because the minute he was enclosed in that house with her fucking edible scent, he’d lose his mind.

  Both Jax and Bastian appeared next to him as he watched her. Bastian was the quietest of the brothers. He stood calmly, with only a hint of a smile glittering in his near obsidian eyes. His long black hair was pulled back, and he wore the black cargo and tee combination that he favored. Conn’s own wardrobe was just as limited, consisting of tees and flannels, which he wore with the sleeves rolled up, showing only a portion of the ink he sported. He liked comfort. Bastian nodded, and Conn raised a brow at his brothers. Jax was already looking inside the home at Conn’s mate.

  Wow, nice ass. Good job, man, Jax said through the Guardian mental link they all shared. The asshole had infused the words with enough heated appreciation to earn an irritated glare and a smack of Conn’s telekinetic power to his shoulder. Jax’s body knocked back before grinning. No remorse. Conn shook his head.

  She’s alone? Bastian asked. Her hearing would be sensitive. The mental link was their safest form of communication. They’d known he would find her tonight, had known he would be watchful for any others that could be with her. Where there was one, there could easily be many. He knew nothing about her. She was shrouded in mystery. His cock pulsed again as her scent continued to torture him.

  Appears that way, he said in answer to Bastian’s question.

  He took a breath of the cool night air as he continued tracking her every move. A predator watching his prey, assessing her and loving every minute of it. His muscles twitched with just how hard it was to stay away. He scented the coming rain and didn’t care. A good soaking might cool some of his wild need. He’d seen what his brothers had gone through, known in theory the severity of the reactions he’d feel getting this close, but nothing was the same as experiencing it firsthand. He was mesmerized by the female he could see moving around inside the house.

  We’ll wait here. Watch for others, Bastian said. Once you get in there, her scent will be a distraction.

  I’ll call if I need you, he said, but neither of them moved, set on watching his back. His lips curved before he set about ignoring them.

  Her long, inky hair was up in a ponytail, waves of it licked between her shoulder blades. He wanted to know what those strands felt like when he wrapped them around his fingers. She organized her things in the living room. The furniture looked new. Everything appeared new. Had she moved in a hurry? There was much he needed to know about his female, and he fully intended on learning everything soon enough. He would enjoy every second of coaxing her answers, learning her body and what made her whimper for him.

  Within moments of his brothers’ arrival, the boxes were broken down, windows were shut, and she was finally making her way upstairs.

  What the fuck are you waiting for? Fetch, Lassie, Jax said.

  Conn flipped him off and took a deep breath of night air before moving.

  Chapter 5

  Dacia’s Home, Earth Realm

  Dacia was being watched. She felt an itch at the nape of her neck the entire time she went about setting up her living room. She’d been waiting until dark to set the protection spells that would guard against intrusion, but feeling those eyes, she hadn’t done it.

  The scents of wood polish and new paint were interfering with her senses. It was a little better after airing the place, but she still hadn’t detected anything from outside. She slipped on some dark running shoes and a black tee shirt. She wasn’t one for waiting around, and the red shirt was too bright for what she planned. If there was a human prowler out there, she would make sure to put a stop to his nocturnal activities. He wouldn’t find his evening quite so enjoyable. Preying on single females was not acceptable, and she could surely find a creative, non-traceable way to make it stop, once she saw what she was dealing with.

  She flicked off the light and waited. Dacia took a few moments to tighten her ponytail and quickly peek out the window but saw nothing out of the ordinary. She glided silently toward her bedroom door, thinking she could really use a run when she was done. She loved to run in the rain, and the air changing around her made her skin pull tight with the need to let her beast free. A run was exactly what she needed.

  She hadn’t heard a sound, but the scent filtering through the room made her falter mid-step. She inhaled deeply as her breasts peaked and her skin pulled tight. Need trailed down her body. The scent was incredible, like some intense narcotic coming to lull her into erotic fantasies. Her pussy grew slick and hot. She heard her beast whimpering and felt the intense compulsion to rub that scent all over her body. That shocked her into stillness. She leaned forward, inhaling more of the earthy aphrodisiac. What the hell was it?

  Dark, dangerous and utterly beautiful was the only way to describe the male standing inside the doorway to her bedroom. In her home. Panic warred with her beast’s desire for the male. His dark hair was a little long, and there were black piercings in one eyebrow that framed glowing amber gold eyes. Mesmerizing. His jaw and every inch of his face was masculine chiseled perfection, including his firm lips. Power f
ell off him in waves as she stood caught inside it all. He wore a dark tee shirt under a green and black flannel, unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up to show strong forearms covered in ink.

  Fear that something was severely wrong with her instincts snapped her back. He wasn’t human, that much was certain by all that power rolling over her skin.

  She sent a telepathic call to her sisters and threw her power as her beast snarled and snapped, fighting her. He was dangerous whether her wolf believed it or not. A point proven when her telekinetic blast had little effect on his easily six-and-a-half-foot muscled frame. Her sisters were in her head, wanting answers, but she had nothing to give. His heavy lidded eyes flared to another intense level of arousal when her power hit him; it should have knocked him out of the room. Instead he seemed unfazed by it. His nostrils flared, and he smiled seductively at her.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, princess.” His voice was deep with traces of a throaty growl that only made things worse.

  “I’m not your princess. Who are you?” she snapped, even though the way he said the ridiculous endearment made her blood pulse and her beast roll. Her traitorous animal liked it.

  “What does your beast think?” he asked instead of answering her. He knew her animal was compromised.

  Her pussy ached, and she couldn’t help inhaling all the earthy decadence, which only seemed to be getting stronger, hotter. Self-preservation kicked in, and she threw more power, this time with all her strength, but he absorbed it. Her eyes widened at his smile.

  “Fuck, you’re incredible.” He groaned.

  Her wolf mewled for her to go to him, but she knew that wasn’t logical, wasn’t right. Panic was mixing with the uncontrollable lust for the gorgeous male. He’d look dangerous even if she couldn’t feel all the raw power emanating from him, licking at her every nerve ending. She felt wild, charged as she tracked his graceful moves. His muscles were tense as he tilted his head and scented the air like the pure male predator he was. She told herself she studied him to find a weakness, but there was nothing vulnerable about him. What did he want? Not to kill her, no, the scent of his arousal made it clear he wanted her naked not dead. But why her, how had he even found her, and what had he done to make her beast lose control?


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