It's Always The Pretty Ones

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It's Always The Pretty Ones Page 4

by Howard, Vonda

  He tried to make sense of what just happened as he walked to the lounge. He finally just attributed it to hormones or something.

  “What’s up, dad!” Said Romeo’s voice from behind him.

  “Hey man. I didn’t think you would come.” Anton said as he gave Romeo dap.

  “Why would you think that?’

  Anton took a sip of his soda. “Well, maybe the fact that you called me an idiot for even giving her the time of day?”

  “You still my boy, regardless of how dumb I think you are.” Romeo laughed as he patted Anton on the shoulder.

  “Gee, thanks.” Anton smiled.

  “So, when can I see the little one?”

  Anton sat down in one of the chairs. “In a little while, she’s feeding her right now.”

  “Oh, ok. You alright? I thought you were bursting at the seams?”

  “Yeah man, I’m alright. She just flipped out on me for a minute. It kinda pissed me off.”

  “Aww man. Get used to it. After they have babies it’s like something in their brains shakes loose with all that pushing. She’ll probably be trying to snuggle up to you later apologizing.”

  Anton took the last sip of his soda. “I know. I know. It just agitated me.”

  “What did she get upset about?”

  “She said I was flirting with the lactation nurse!”

  Romeo laughed. “Were you?”


  “I’m just asking!” Romeo laughed. “Was she cute?”

  “I suppose. She was kinda cute.”

  “Well, can I flirt with her?” Romeo smiled.

  Anton just rolled his eyes in his head as he stood up and threw the soda can in the trash. “Come on, she may be done by now.” He signaled for Romeo to follow him.

  “So what time was the bugger born?” Romeo asked .

  “Not as late as we expected, actually. We all got here around 8 a.m. and Angel was here by noon. Jamelah left not too long after the baby was born to get to her conference.”

  “Wait, Jamelah’s here?” Romeo said with an “oh shit!” look on his face.

  “Yeah, she got in town this morning actually.”

  “Man, well as long as she’s here, I won’t be around.” Romeo said shaking his head.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Man, you know your sister doesn’t give me anything but hell when she’s around. She’s the ultimate ball buster.”

  Anton laughed. “You know she just be joking with you. I honestly think she likes you.”

  “Man, are you crazy? That woman hates me!” Romeo laughed. “Besides, she’s more like an annoying little sister to me.”

  “Good because I’d kill you if you messed with my sister. You know what, I’m glad you’re here, anyway. I wouldn’t want you to miss this.” Anton pulled a small blue Tiffany’s box out of his pocket.

  “What the hell is that for?” Romeo asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “It’s a ring! What else would it be?”

  “Oh man! Say it ain’t so! Don’t do it man!” Romeo held his head down.

  “Why shouldn’t I? I love her, we live together and we have a baby together. This is all that’s missing. Besides, maybe it will put her mind at ease that she is the only girl for me.”

  Romeo just shook his head. “If this is what you want, man, I’m right here behind you.”

  Anton hugged him. “Thank you. You know I can’t do this without my number 1!”

  “Congratulations. You know I’ll always be here for you!” Romeo smiled.

  Anton smiled and took a deep breath as they turned into the Dazzy’s room. “Is it all clear?” He asked as he peeked through the closed curtain.

  “Yep, we are all full.” Dazzy said with a smile.

  “I have a visitor!” Anton said as Romeo entered behind him.

  “Oh, hey Romeo.” Dazzy smiled.

  “Was’sup! I just came to see the new edition!” He walked over to where Angel was sleeping in the baby bed. “Dawg, she is beautiful. It’s a good thing she has her uncle Romeo here to watch out for her and keep the dogs off her.”

  Dazzy laughed. “Oh, you mean like you?”

  Romeo laughed. I’m not a dog. I’m a connoisseur, if you will.”

  “Oh, my fault.” Dazzy laughed. “You know, Romeo, I’m kind of surprised that you are being so nice to me. I know you initially had a bit of a problem with me because you thought Angel wasn’t Anton’s.”

  “Well, I just decided that if Anton truly believes you and wants to be with you, then I won’t block him.”

  Anton smiled as he sat down on the bed and held Dazzy’s hand. “Dazzy, over past months, I have gotten closer to you than I have any girl, and can truly say that I love you.”

  “I love you too. About all that with the nurse…”

  “No, don’t worry about it. I know you’re just tired and you didn’t mean it.”

  “I didn’t.” She agreed.

  “I know.” He smiled. “I just wanted to ask you if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Her mouth fell open when he opened the small blue box and showed her the 3 karat, princess cut diamond ring inside. “Oh my God, it’s beautiful!”

  Anton smiled. “Is that a ‘yes’?”

  Her eye welled up and overflowed with tears. “Yes!”

  Anton smiled as he placed the ring on her finger and kissed her.

  “Now, that’s just nice. Black love is so beautiful.” Romeo said as he picked up Angel from the bed.

  Jamelah walked in on the celebrating. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh hey, sis?” Dazzy said with a confident smile.

  “Sis? What are you talking about? You are not and will never be any sister of mine.”

  “Come on Angel, let’s move over here. Some stuff is about to break off.” Romeo said as he walked over and sat in a chair on the other side of the room.

  “On the contrary.” Dazzy held up her hand showing Jamelah the ring on her finger.

  “What the hell?” Jamelah looked at Anton like he was insane.

  “Jamelah, I expect you to be behind me on this.’ Anton warned. “I am a grown man and this is my decision.”

  “Can I see you outside for a second?” Jamelah asked through clinched a smile with clinched teeth.

  “I’ll be right back.” Anton kissed Dazzy and followed Jamelah into the hallway.

  “Are you crazy?” She asked.

  “Jamelah, I don’t have to answer to you. I love Dazzy and we are going to get married, whether you like it or not.”

  “I can’t believe this.”

  Anton was angered by her disapproval. “Why is it so hard for you to accept that I’m happy?”

  “Because I know she’s a liar and hopefully the test results will prove that too.”

  “What test results?” Anton was confused.

  Jamelah hesitated slightly. “The DNA results.”

  “What DNA results?”

  Jamelah took a step backwards. “The one I had run on you and Angel.”

  Anton could barely hold back his rage. “You went and ran a DNA test without my permission?”

  “I was doing it to help you see that she is a lying little bitch!”

  Anton couldn’t even get his words out he was so angry that she had went behind his back this way. “How in the hell did you even get the samples? When did you even have time to do this? I could kill you right now!”

  “I took your empty soda can and Angel’s pacifier. Anton, I know you’re angry. Just try to understand.” She reached out to grab his hand but he pulled it away.

  “Understand? I’ll tell you what I understand. I understand that you crossed way over the line!”

  “I will do whatever it takes to protect you! Anton, you are a good guy and you tend to always try to give people chance after chance. She doesn’t deserve that.”

  Anton was livid. “Who the hell are you to decide that?”

  “I’m your sister!”

bsp; “Just barely. I tell you what. I think it is better for you to check into a hotel.” He turned to head back into the room.

  “What? So, now I can’t stay with you?” Jamelah’s eyes began to well up.

  “You crossed the line Jamelah. Don’t make me choose between my daughter, and yes she is my daughter no matter what your little test says…and you. It will be a losing fight for you.”

  “Anton.” Tears ran down her face as he walked away from her and back into the room.

  “Is everything okay?” Dazzy asked holding Angel. “I hope there’s no trouble between the two of you.”

  Anton smiled. “Everything is just fine.”

  Dazzy smiled victoriously as he hugged her.

  Chapter 6

  Anton was glad to get back to work after being home for two weeks with Dazzy and Angel. He loved being with them, but he was also happy to get away from poopy diapers for a while. Besides, Dazzy was a little hard to be around at times. He was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and attribute her behavior to hormones, but that was starting to get harder and harder to do. They spend a lot of his time at home arguing. Dazzy wanted to get married almost immediately. It struck him as a little odd, but he just went along with it.

  “Hey welcome back buddy! Romeo said as he came in behind him.

  “Hey what’s up, man? Glad to be back.” Anton said in an unexcited tone.

  “Damn, why the long face?”

  “Man, I have had the worst week ever. Dazzy and I argued over just about anything and I haven’t talked to Jamelah since she left the hospital.”

  “I’m sure Jamelah is fine. You know how stubborn she is. She’s call you as soon she’s finished pouting.”

  Anton sat down behind his desk. “I know. I just wonder if I was too hard on her.”

  “Personally, I think you both are right. She was wrong for doing shit behind your back, but you also need to get that test, man.”

  “Hold on.” Anton said as he reached for his ringing phone. “Dynex Security Consulting, Anton Jennings speaking, how can I help you?”

  “So, you just left without saying goodbye to me?” Dazzy’s angry voice came through the phone.

  “Dazzy, I don’t have time for this.”

  “What do you mean, ‘You don’t have time for this?’”

  “Just what I said, Dazzy, I’m at work.”

  “I don’t give a fuck where you are! You will listen to me, Anton!”

  “No, I won’t as long as you are acting like this. What is wrong with you lately?”

  “You are what’s wrong with me!”

  “Okay, well get off the phone then.” He hung up.

  “Oh shit, dog! You weren’t playing?” Romeo chuckled.

  Anton shook his head as his phone rang again. “Man, I don’t know what to say! She has been like this since we got back home. I can’t do anything right.”

  “See, that’s why I enjoy the single life man. I’ll catch you later.” He stood up and left.

  Anton held his head in his hands as his phone continued to ring. “This can’t be happening.” He murmured. “Dazzy, what is your problem?” He said exasperated.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I have just been really tired lately. Forgive me?”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever. I’ll call you later.”

  “You forgive me?”

  “Yes, Dazzy. Can I go? I have work to get to.”

  “Okay.” She said sounding like nothing had even happened. “I’ll talk to you later. I love you.”

  “Yeah, I love you too.” He hung up and sighed loudly.

  Romeo sat down at his desk and took a deep breath before he picked up his phone receiver. He had no idea why he was feeling this way. He usually had nerves of steel when it came to women, so why in the hell was he feeling this way when it came to Krystal? He just could not stop thinking about her. Unlike other women he had dealt with, he wanted to know more about her and actually spend time with her. He tapped his pen on his desk as he waited for her to pick up.

  “Hello?” Krystal answered.

  “Hey Krystal. This is Romeo.”

  “Hey Romeo, how are you?”

  “I’m fine. How about you let me take you out for dinner?”

  “Romeo, how many times have we been through this?”

  “No, wait, before you shoot me down again, I’m not trying to get in your pants. I just want to go out and have a nice time. No strings attached.”

  “Yeah, right.” Krystal chuckled.

  “I’m dead serious! Are you willing to give me the chance to be a gentleman?”

  The phone was silent for a minute. “Okay. I’ll give it a try.”

  “Great. I can pick you up at 7.” Romeo smiled.

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Romeo hung up barely able to contain his smile.

  Anton walked to his car after a very long work day, reluctant to go home. He just knew the moment he walked through the door Dazzy was going to be in his face about something.

  “Anton!” A female voice yelled out from behind him.

  He turned to see it was Jamelah. He was still furious with her for going behind his back, but glad to see her anyway.

  “Hey Jamelah.”

  “I’m glad I caught you.” She said panting from running.

  “Well, here I am.” He said sarcastically.

  “Look, I’m on my way to the airport, but I had to stop by and tell you that I’m sorry for going behind your back like that.”

  “It’s okay. I know you had good intentions. I would say don’t do anything like this again, but I know that would be a waste of breath.” He laughed as he hugged her.

  “Well, I have to get out of here so I don’t miss my flight.” She went in her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to him.”

  “What’s this?” He asked.

  “It’s the results.”

  “Jamelah.” Anton said with irritation.

  “I haven’t looked at them because I felt so bad about how things went, but I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away.”

  Anton just stuffed the paper into his pocket.

  “It’s totally up to you if you look at. I’m out of it.” She stood up on her tiptoes and gave him a hug and a kiss. “I have to get out of here. I’ll call you when I get home?”

  “Here, I’ll give you a ride. Which airport are you at?” He reached down and grabbed her bag.

  “No, no. I have a ride already.” She smiled.

  “You don’t have to pay for a cab. I’ll take you. Let’s go.”

  He grabbed her bag, but was stopped.

  “I have a ride already, Anton.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “With who?”

  “Before you get all ‘big brother-ish’, his name is Charlie. I met him at the conference, and he is a very nice guy.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that! Where is he?”

  She grabbed his arm before he could get away from her. “Oh no you don’t! I told him to meet me here so we could go to the airport together. You are not going to scare this one off!”

  “I’m not going to scare him off; I just want to find out what he’s about.”

  “No you don’t. Besides, I already did.” She smiled devilishly.

  “You did what?”

  “Oh calm down. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.” She laughed.

  “I know you can. I just don’t want to see my little sister get hurt.” He gave her a hug.

  “Well, I’m not that same little girl you used to protect on the playground anymore. You have to trust me.”

  “I know, I know.”

  “Well, big bro, I really have to go. I’ll call you once I get home, okay?” She gave him another kiss.

  “Okay. Tell this guy Charlie, that I work in security so I can find his ass.”

  Jamelah laughed. “Okay.”

  Anton smiled and shook his head as he sat in his car. As he started the car, he remembered that he had the results in hi
s pocket. Part of him wanted to rip it up, but the other part of him wanted to see the results. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the folded sheet of paper, took a deep breath and slowly opened it. He saw a lot of numbers and medical speech, but his eyes zoned in on what he was looking for.

  “Percentage of paternity 99.9%.”

  He felt as if his heart was going to explode. Angel was truly his and he had hard proof. Suddenly, he didn’t care what kind of hell Dazzy had to dish out. He just wanted to go home and kiss his baby.

  Chapter 7

  Romeo adjusted his tie and rang the doorbell of the quaint little bungalow that Krystal inherited from her grandparents. She told him that she was so blessed to have gotten it because it allowed her to work part time and focus on her real love, acting. She had done a few walk-on parts and commercials, but she wanted the whole enchilada. She wanted the fame and recognition. She had invited Romeo to a few of her shows at the local theater, but he was always too “preoccupied” to show up.

  “Coming!” She shouted from behind the door.

  “Okay!” He smiled as he turned and walked to the end of the porch and waved at the neighbors passing by.

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Krystal said from behind him.

  He turned around and was floored by how great she looked. The simple black strapless dress hugged her curves just right.

  “Wow.” He said with a huge smile.

  “I clean up pretty well, don’t I?”

  “You can say that again!” He said as he handed her the rose he had hiding behind his back.

  “Aww, how sweet!” She took the rose and sniffed it. “You’re off to a good start.”

  “Well, I’m glad you think so.” He smiled. “Ready to go?”

  “Sure.” She walked off the porch and towards Romeo’s car. “You never told me where we’re going.”

  He chuckled as he opened the car door for her. “You’ll see when we get there.”

  They talked and laughed the entire ride. They talked about their families and most of all the things they wanted out of their lives. The more Romeo heard about Krystal, the more he felt for her.

  Krystal raised an eyebrow when they pulled up to a tall black building that had no windows – just a door.


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